20. & 21. Promotion


16. & 17. Promotion


Sales Promotion

Public Relations

Personal Selling


New/Non-traditional Promotion

• Product placement

• Branded media

• Guerilla marketing



Setting objectives (Ads classified by purpose)

– Informative advertising

• E.g., Pioneer ads

– Persuasive advertising

• E.g., Comparative product/brand ads, institutional ads (esp. advocacy ads)

– Reminder advertising

• Esp. for mature products

Setting budget

– Affordable, % of sales, competitive parity, & objective & task methods

• Determining sponsorship (Ads classified by who pays)

• National advertising

• Local advertising

• Cooperative advertising

– AKA cross-promotion

– Relationship marketing practices (e.g., co-branding)


Advertising (Cont.)

• Technology-driven developments

– Interactive advertising

• Customer involvement in info. acquisition

– Non-traditional media for advertising

• Social networking websites

• Mobile media

• Videogames

• Podcasts

– Effectiveness assessment

• Impressions, click-through, conversion rate


Advertising (Cont.)

• Developing strategy

– Create the advertising message

• Plan a message strategy

– Develop creative concept

– Select specific appeals

• Select message execution style

– Select the advertising media

• Decide on reach, frequency, & impact

• Choose among media types (Table 16.1, p. 539)

• Select specific media vehicles

• Decide on media timing/scheduling

– Evaluate advertising

• Communication & sales effects

• Pre-testing & post-testing


Sales Promotion

• Objectives

– Customer relationship building

• Tools

– Consumer promotion tools

• Coupons

• Cash refunds

• Price packs

• Premiums

• Advertising specialties

• Patronage awards

• POP promotions

• Contests, sweepstakes, games

– Trade (channel) promotion tools

• Allowances & discounts

– Business promotion tools

• Conventions/trade shows • Sales contests


Sales Promotion (Cont.)

• Developing the sales promotion program

– Size of incentive

– Conditions for participation

– How to promote & distribute program

– Length of promotion

– Evaluation of program


Public Relations

• Marketing & nonmarketing public relations

• Major functions performed by PR

– Press relations/agency – Lobbying

– Product publicity – Investor relations

– Public affairs

• PR tools

– News

– Speeches

– Development

– Written materials

– Audiovisuals

– Special events – Corp. identity materials

– Public service activities


Personal Selling

• Steps in the personal selling process

– Prospecting & Qualifying

– Pre-approach\pre-call planning

• Call objectives

– Approach

– Presentation

• Demonstration

– Handling objections

– Close

– Follow-up


Managing the Sales Force

• The sales plan: set objectives, design sales force strategy & structure, create account mgmt. policies

– Dividing sales force responsibilities

• Territorial sales force structure

• Product sales force structure

• Customer sales force structure

• Complex sales force structure

– Determining sales force size

• Workload approach

– Outside sales force/inside sales force

– Team selling: major account management

– Account mgmt. policies specify:

• Whom to contact, selling/service activities, how to perform


Managing the Sales Force (Cont.)

• Recruiting & selecting sales people

Training sales people

– Average training period usually 4 months

– Goals

• Compensating sales people

– Salary, commission/bonus, expense allowance, fringe benefits

• Supervising sales people

– Annual call schedule

– Time-and-duty analysis

– Sales force automation systems


Managing the Sales Force (Cont.)

• Supervising sales people (cont,)

– Motivating sales people

• Organizational climate

• Positive incentives

• Sales quotas

• Evaluating sales people

– Sales report

• Call report

• Expense report

– Qualitative evaluation

– Formal evaluation

