Ch121a Atomic Level Simulations of Materials and Molecules Room BI 115 Lecture: Monday, Friday 2-3pm Lab Session: Wednesday 2:30-3:30pm Extra help: Monday 3-3:30pm and Wednesday 22:30pm Lecture 3, April 8, 2013 FF1: valence, QEq, vdw William A. Goddard III, Charles and Mary Ferkel Professor of Chemistry, Materials Science, and Applied Physics, California Institute of Technology Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 1 Ch121a Atomic Level Simulations of Materials and Molecules Room BI 115 Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 2-3pm Lecture 3, April 8, 2013 FF1: valence, QEq, vdw William A. Goddard III, Charles and Mary Ferkel Professor of Chemistry, Materials Science, and Applied Physics, California Institute of Technology TA’s Caitlin Scott and Andrea Kirkpatrick Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 2 Homework and Research Project First 5 weeks: The homework each week uses generally available computer software implementing the basic methods on applications aimed at exposing the students to understanding how to use atomistic simulations to solve problems. Each calculation requires making decisions on the specific approaches and parameters relevant and how to analyze the results. Midterm: each student submits proposal for a project using the methods of Ch121a to solve a research problem that can be completed in the final 5 weeks. The homework for the last 5 weeks is to turn in a one page report on progress with the project The final is a research report describing the calculations and conclusions Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 3 The full Quantum Mechanics Hamiltonian: Htotal(1..Nel,1..Mnuc) M 2 M N 2 2 2 H k 2M k i 2mi k nuclei l k N Z k Zl e2 Rkl i j i e 2 M,N Z k e 2 rij rkj kj electronnucleuselectronnucleus nucleus electron Born-Oppenheimer approximation, fix nuclei (Rk=1..M), solve for Ψel(1..N) Hel(1..Nel) Ψel(1..Nel) = Eel Ψel(1..Nel) Zk 1 2 1 Hel(1..Nel) = rij i 2 kj rkj i j i Ψel(1..Nel) and Eel(1..Mnuc) are functions of the nuclear coordinates. electrons Next solve the nuclear QM problem Hnuc(1..Mnuc) Ψnuc(1..Mnuc) = Enuc Ψnuc(1..Mnuc) Z k ZZlkeZ2 l e 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 e2 e2 +E ) Hnuc(1..MnucH ) =H el (1..M nuc 2 M 2 m R r k i k i i mi kl Rkl k 2kM k i 2 kl k l k i j i j i ij rij kj FF is analytic fit to this (1..MIII,nuc © copyright 2012 WilliamE A.PE Goddard all )rights reserved Ch120a-Goddard-L03 4 The Bending potential surface for CH2 C H 1B 1 H 1D g 1A 1 9.3 kcal/mol 3B 1 3S g linear Note that E(p) E(p) Symmetric about p180° Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 5 Force Field 2 2 2 2 EPEH(1..M ) = E (1..M ) nuc el nuc k 2M k i 2mi k l k Z k Zl e2 Rkl i j i Z k e2 e2 rij kj rkj The Force Field (FF) is an analytic fit to such expressions but formulated to be transferable so can use the same parameters for various molecules and solids General form: E Evalence Enonbond (Euser Econstra E valence E bond E angle E torsion E inversion EEbacross-terms E bb' E aa' Involves covalent bonds and the coupling between them (2-body, 3body, 4-body, cross terms) E nonbond = Evdw + Eelectrostatic Involves action at a distance, long range interactions Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 6 Bond Stretch Terms: Harmonic oscillator form Taylor series expansion about the equilibrium, Re, d = R-Re E(d)=E(Re)+(dE/dR)e[d]+½(d2E/dR2)e[d]2+(1/6)(d3E/dR3)e[d]3 + O(d4) ignore ignore zero E(R) = (ke/2)(R-Re ) 2, Kb Simple Harmonic ignore Re = 0.9 – 2.2 Å Ke = 700 (Kcal/mol)/Å 2 Units: multiply by 143.88 to convert mdynes/ Å to (Kcal/mol)/Å 2 R QM eigenstates, En = n + ½ , where n=0,1,2,… Re Ground state wavefunction (Gaussian) 0(d) (mw/pЋ) exp[- (mw/2Ћ)d2] Some force fields, CHARRM, Amber use k=2Ke to avoid multiplying by 2 Ch120a-Goddard-L03 Problem: cannot break the bond, E ∞ © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 7 Bond Stretch Terms: Morse oscillator form R Want the E to go to a constant as break bond, popular form is Morse function Evdw (Rij) = De[X2-2X] where X = exp[-a(R-Re)] = exp[-(g/2)(R/Re -1)] Note that E(Re) = 0, the usual convention for bond terms De is the bond energy in kcal/mol 0.04 Re is the equilibrium bond distance 0.03 a is the Morse scaling parameter 0.02 calculate from Ke and De 0.01 a= sqrt(ke/2De), where ke = d2E/dR2 at R=Re (the force constant) Re 0 -0.01 E=0 De -0.02 -0.03 Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all 2 3 rights reserved 4 5 8 6 Morse Potential – get analytic solution for quantum vibrational levels EMorse(Rij) = De[X2-2X] where X = exp[-a(R-Re)] = exp[-(g/2)(R/Re -1)] a = sqrt(ke/2De), where ke = d2E/dR2 at R=Re (the force constant) Ev = hv0(n + 1/2 ) – [hv0(n + ½)]2/4De n0 = (a/2p)sqrt(2De/m) De D0 Level separations decrease linearly with level En+1 – En = hv0 – (n+1)(hv0)2/2De Write Ch120a-Goddard-L03 En/hc = we(n + ½ ) - xewe(n + ½ )2 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 9 Angle Bend Terms: cosine harmonic Expand E() as Fourier series. J Note only cos(n) since must be symmetric about =0 and p I K E() = C0 + C1 cos() + C2 cos(2) + C3 cos(3) + …. E() ~ ½ Ch [cos - cos e]2 E=0 at = e Using cos(2) = 2 cos2 - 1 E’() = dE()/d = - Ch [cos - cos e] sin = 0 at = e E”() = d2E()/d2 = - Ch [cos - cos e] cos + Ch (sin )2 k = E”(e) = Ch (sin e)2 Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 10 The Bending potential surface for CH2 C H 1B 1 H 1D g 1A 1 9.3 kcal/mol 3B 1 3S g linear Note that E(p) E(p) Symmetric about p180° Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 11 Barriers for angle term The energy is a maximum at = p. Thus energy barrier to “linearize” the molecule becomes 1 cos(o ) 2 2 E barrier 1/2C1 cos(o ) 1/2K ( ) sin( o ) By symmetry the angular energy satisfies E(p ) E(p ) E( ) E( ) This is always satisfied for the cosine expansion but A second more popular form is the Harmonic theta expansion E() = ½ K [ - e]2 However except for linear molecules this does NOT satisfy the symmetry relations, leading to undefined energies and forces for = 180° and 0°. This is used by CHARMM, Amber, .. 12 Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved Angle Bend Terms for linear molecule, If e = 180° then we write E() = K [1 + cos()] since for = 180 – d this becomes E(d) = K [1 + (-1 + ½ d2) ~ 1/2 K K d2 J I Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 13 Simple Periodic Angle Bend Terms For an Octahedral complex The angle function should have the form E() = C [1 - cos4] which has minima for = 0, 90, 180, and 270° With a barrier of C for = 45, 135, 225, and 315° Here the force constant is K = 16C = CP2 where P=4 is the periodicity, so we can write C=K/P2 Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 14 Simple Periodic Angle Bend Terms For an Octahedral complex The angle function should have the form E() = C [1 - cos4] which has minima for = 0, 90, 180, and 270° With a barrier of C for = 45, 135, 225, and 315° Here the force constant is K = 16C = CP2 where P=4 is the periodicity, so we can write C=K/P2 However if we wanted the minima to be at = 45, 135, 225, and 315° with maxima at = 0, 90, 180, and 270° then we want to use E() = ½ C [1 + cos4] Thus the general form is E() = (K/P2)[1 – (-1)Bcos4] Where B=1 for the case with a minimum at 0° and B=-1 for a maximum at 0° 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 15 Dihedral barriers 7.6 kcal/mol Cis barrier HOOH Part of such barriers can be explained as due to φe ~ 111° vdw and electrostatic interactions between the H’s. 1.19 kcal/mol But part of it arises from Trans barrier covalent terms (the pp lone pairs on each S or O) This part has the form HSSH: φe ~ 92° E(φ) = ½ B [1+cos(2φ)] 5.02 kcal/mol trans barrier Which is E=0 for φ=90,270° and 7.54 kcal/mol cis barrier 16 E=B φ=0,180° Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, allfor rights reserved dihedral or torsion terms J Given any two bonds IJ and KL attached to a common bond JK, the dihedral angle φ is the angle of the JKL plane from the IJK plane, with cis being 0 E(φ) = C0 + C1 cos(φ) + C2 cos(2 φ) + C3 cos(3 φ) + ….which we write as p φ L K I L I J K E( ) 1/2[kn (1 d cos(n )] n1 Where each kn is in kcal/mol, n = 1, is the periodicity of the potential and d=+1 the cis conformation is a minimum d=-1 the cis conformation is thea maximum Input data is kn and dn for each n. Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 17 Consider the central CC bond in Butane There are nine possible dihedrals: 4 HCCH, 2 HCCC, 2 CCCH, and 1 CCCC. I Each of these 9 could be written as E(φ) = ½ B [1 + cos(3 φ)], For which E=0 for φ = 60, 180 and 300° and E=B the rotation barrier for φ = 0, 120 and 240°. Ch120a-Goddard-L03 L J © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved K 18 Consider the central CC bond in Butane There are nine possible dihedrals: 4 HCCH, L 2 HCCC, 2 CCCH, and 1 CCCC. I Each of these 9 could be written as J K E(φ) = ½ B [1 – cos(3 φ)], For which E=0 for φ = 60, 180 and 300° and E=B the rotation barrier for φ = 0, 120 and 240°. For ethane get 9 HCCH terms. The total barrier in ethane is 3 kcal/mol but standard vdw and charges of +0.15 on each H will account for ~1 kcal/mol. Thus only need explicit dihedral barrier of 2 kcal/mol. Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 19 Consider the central CC bond in Butane There are nine possible dihedrals: 4 HCCH, L 2 HCCC, 2 CCCH, and 1 CCCC. I Each of these 9 could be written as J K E(φ) = ½ B [1 + cos(3 φ)], For which E=0 for φ = 60, 180 and 300° and E=B the rotation barrier for φ = 0, 120 and 240°. For ethane get 9 HCCH terms. The total barrier in ethane is 3kcal/mol but standard vdw and charges of +0.15 on each H will account for ~1 kcal/mol. Thus only need explicit dihedral barrier of 2 kcal/mol. Can do two ways. Incremental: treat each HCCH as having a barrier of 2/9 and add the terms from each of the 9 to get a total of 2 (Amber, CHARRM) Or use a barrier of 2 kcal/mol for each of the 9, but normalize by the total number of 9 to get a net of 2 (Dreiding) Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 20 Twisting potential surface for ethene The ground state (N) of ethene prefers φ=0º to obtain the highest overlap of the pp orbitals on each C The rotational barrier is 65 kcal/mol. We write this as E(φ) = ½ B [1-cos2 φ)]. Since there are 4 HCCH terms, we calculate each using the full B=65, but divide by 4. T The triplet excited state (T) prefers φ =90º to obtain the lowest overlap. N φ = -90° Ch120a-Goddard-L03 φ = 0° φ = 90° © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 21 Inversions When an atom I has exactly 3 distinct bonds IJ, IK, and IL, it is often necessary to include an exlicit term in the force field to adjust the energy for “planarizing” the center atom I. E( ) 1/2C(cos(w ) cos(w o )) L 2 Where the force constant in kcal/mol is J Kw C sin 2 w o I K L J w I K Ch120a-Goddard-L03 Umbrella inversion: ω is the angle between The IL axis and the JIK plane © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 22 AMBER Improper Torsion JILK Amber describes inversion using an improper torsion. E( ) 1/2K cos[n( o )] n=2 for planar angles (0=180°) and n=3 for the tetrahedral Angles (0 =120°). J L I Improper Torsion: is the angle between the JIL plane and the KIL plane K Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 23 CHARMM Improper Torsion IJKL In the CHARMM force field, inversion is defined as if it were a torsion. E( ) 1/2K [ o ] 2 For a tetrahedral carbon atom with equal bonds this angles is φ=35.264°. Improper Torsion: φ is the angle between the IJK plane and the L LJK plane J K Ch120a-Goddard-L03 I © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 24 Summary: Valence Force Field Terms example Description Typical Expressions Kb (R Ro )2 E ( R) 2 Bond Stretch Harmonic Stretch Angle bend Harmonic-cosine E [k / 2 sin( 0 )][cos( ) cos( 0 )]2 Torsion dihedral Inversion E(φ) = ½ B [1 – cos(3 φ)], Umbrella inversion Ch120a-Goddard-L03 Ew [1/ 2kw / sin(w0 )][cos(w ) cos(w0 )]2 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 25 Coulomb (Electrostatic) Interactions Most force fields use fixed partial charges on each nucleus, leading to electrostatic or Coulomb interactions between each pair of charged particles. The electrostatic energy between point charges Qi and Qk is described by Coulomb's Law as EQ(Rik) = C0 Qi Qk /(e Rik) where Qi and Qk are atomic partial charges in electron units TA check C0 converts units: numbers if E is in eV and R in A, then C0 = 14.403 If E is in kcal/mol and R in A, then C0 = 332.0637 e = 1 in a vacuum (dielectric constant) Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 26 How estimate charges? Even for a material as ionic as NaCl diatomic, the dipole moment a net charge of +0.8 e on the Na and -0.8 e on the Cl not the idealized charges of +1 and -1 We need a method to estimate such charges in order to calculate properties of materials. A side note about units. In QM calculations the unit of charge is the magnitude of the charge on an electron and the unit of length is the bohr (a0) Thus QM calculations of dipole moment are in units of ea0 which we refer to as au. However the international standard for quoting dipole moment is the Debye = 10-10 esu A Where m(D) = 2.5418 m(au) Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 27 QEq Electrostatics energy •Self-consistent Charge Equilibration (QEq) •Describe charges as distributed (Gaussian) •Thus charges on adjacent atoms shielded (interactions constant as R0) and include interactions over ALL atoms, even if bonded (no exclusions) •Allow charge transfer (QEq method) atomic interactions I 1 2 E ({qi })J ij (qi ,q j ,rij ) i qi J i qi 2 i j i Jij ( ) E int rij , Qik , Q lj Erf ij kl ij kl rij rij Keeping: q Q i i Qik Qkl Hardness (IP-EA) 1/rij Electronegativity (IP+EA)/2 rij r i0 + r j0 Three universal parameters for each element: io , J io , Ric , Ris & qic 1991: used experimental IP, EA, Ri; Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved ReaxFF get all parameters from fitting QM 28 Charge dependence of the energy (eV) of an atom E=12.967 Harmonic fit The 2nd order expansion in Q is ok E=0 E=-3.615 Cl+ Q=+1 Cl Q=0 Ch120a-Goddard-L03 ClQ=-1 = 8.291 Get minimum at Q=-0.887 Emin = -3.676 = 9.352 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 29 QEq: the optimum charges lead to Equilibration that is, equal chemical potential Expand the energy of an atom in a power series of the net charge on the atom, E(Q) Including terms through 2nd order leads to Charge Equilibration for Molecular Dynamics Simulations; A. K. Rappé and W. A. Goddard III; J. Phys. Chem. 95, 3358 (1991) (2) Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved (3) 30 QEq parameters Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 31 Interpretation of J, the hardness Define an atomic radius as RA0 Re(A2) Bond distance of homonuclear H 0.84 0.74 diatomic C 1.42 1.23 N 1.22 1.10 O 1.08 1.21 Si 2.20 2.35 S 1.60 1.63 Li 3.01 3.08 Thus J is related to the coulomb energy of a charge the size of the 32 Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved atom The total energy of a molecular complex Consider now a distribution of charges over the atoms of a complex: QA, QB, etc Letting JAB(R) = the Coulomb potential of unit charges on the atoms, we can write Taking the derivative with respect to charge leads to the chemical potential, which is a function of the charges or The definition of equilibrium is for all chemical potentials to be equal. This leads to © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved Ch120a-Goddard-L03 33 The QEq equations Adding to the N-1 conditions The condition that the total charged is fixed (say at 0) leads to the condition Leads to a set of N linear equations for the N variables QA. AQ=X, where the NxN matrix A and the N dimensional vector A are known. This is solved for the N unknowns, Q. We place some conditions on this. The harmonic fit of charge to the energy of an atom is assumed to be valid only for filling the valence shell. Thus we restrict Q(Cl) to lie between +7 and -1 and Q(C) to be between +4 and -4 Similarly Q(H) is between +1 and -1 Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 34 The QEq Coulomb potential law We need now to choose a form for JAB(R) A plausible form is JAB(R) = 14.4/R, which is valid when the charge distributions for atom A and B do not overlap Clearly this form as the problem that JAB(R) ∞ as R 0 In fact the overlap of the orbitals leads to shielding shielded unshielded The plot shows the shielding for C atoms using various Slater orbitals And l = 0.5 Ch120a-Goddard-L03 Using RC=0.759a0 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 35 QEq results for alkali halides Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 36 QEq for Ala-His-Ala Amber charges in parentheses Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 37 QEq for deoxy adenosine Amber charges in parentheses Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 38 QEq for polymers Nylon 66 PEEK Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 39 Polarizable QEq Allow each atom to have two charges: A fixed core charge (+4 for Si) with a Gaussian shape A variable shell charge with a Gaussian shape but subject to displacement and charge transfer Electrostatic interactions between all charges, including the core and shell on same atom Allow Shell to move with respect to core, to describe atomic polarizability Self-consistent charge equilibration (QEq) c 2 ic 3 2 c c (r ) ( p ) Qi exp( i | r ri | ) s 2 is 3 2 s s s i (r ) ( p ) Qi exp( i | r ri | ) c i Four universal parameters for each element: Get from QM io , J io , Ric , Ris & qic Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 40 Noble gas dimers s Ar2 Re De All nonbonded atoms and molecules exhibit a very repulsive interaction at short distances due to overlap of electron pairs (Pauli Repulsion) and a weak attractive interaction scaling like 1/R6 at long R (London Dispersion. Together these are called van der Waals (vdW) interactions Most popular form: Lennard-Jones 12-6 E=A/R12 –B/R6 = De[12 – 26] where = R/Re Note that E is a min at Re, note the 2 A 2nd form for LJ 12-6 is 4 De[t12 – t6] where tR/s Note that E=0 at R = s, note the 1 Here s = Re(1/2)1/6 =0.89 Re Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 41 van der Waals interaction What do vdW interactions account for? Short range: Pauli Repulsion of overlapping electron pairs Pauli repulsion: Erep e CRij (where C 0) i j Born repulsion: or Erep 1 (where N 9) N i j Rij Long range attraction London dispersion due to Instantaneous fluctuations in the QM charges Edisp ( i j C6,ij 6 ij R C8,ij 8 ij R C10,ij 10 ij R ...) Dipole-dipole Dipole-quadrupoleQuadruole-quadrupole We usually neglect higher order (>R6) terms. Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 42 Popular vdW Nonbond Terms: LJ12-6 Lennard-Jones 12-6 E(R)=A/R12 – B/R6 NonBond =Dvdw{1/12 – 2/6} where = R/Rvdw R Here Dvdw=well depth, nd Rvdw = Equilibrium distance for vdw dimer Alternative form E(R) = 4Dvdw{[svdw/R)12]- [svdw/R)6]} Where s = point at which E=0 (inner wall, s ~ 0.89 Rvdw) Dimensionless force constant k = {[d2E/d2]=1}/Dvdw = 72 The choice of 1/R6 is due to London Dispersion (vdw Attraction) However there is no special reason for the 1/R12 short range form (other that it saved computation time for 1950’s computers) LJ 9-6 would lead to a© more accurate wall. Ch120a-Goddard-L03 copyright 2012 William A. inner Goddard III, all rights reserved 43 Popular vdW Nonbond Terms- Exponential-6 NonBond Buckingham or exponential-6 E(R)= A e-CR - B/R6 which we write as R where R0 = Equilibrium bond distance; = R/R0 is the scaled distance Do=well depth z = dimensionless parameter related to force constant at R0 We define a dimensionless force constant as k = {(d2E/d2)=1}/D0 k = 72 for LJ12-6 z = 12 leads to –D0/6 at long R, just as for LJ12-6 z = 13.772 leads to k = 72 just as for LJ12-6 A problem with exp-6 is that E- ∞ as R 0. To avoid this BioGraf, LinGraf, CeriusII calculate the inner maximum and reflect E about this point for smaller R so that E and E’ are continuous. When z>10 this point is well up the inner wall and not important 44 Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved Converting between X-6 and LJ12-6 Usual convention: use the same R0 and D0 and set z = 12. I recall that this leads to small systematic errors. Second choice: require that the long range form of exp-6 be the same as for LJ12-6 (ie -2D0/6) and require that the inner crossing point be the same. This leads to This was published in the Dreiding paper but I do not know if it has ever been used Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 45 Popular vdW Nonbond Terms: Morse NonBond E(R) = D0 {exp[-b(R-R0)] - 2 exp[(-(b/2)(R-R0)]} At R=R0, E(R0) = -D0 At R=∞, E(R0) = 0 D0 is the bond energy in Kcal/mol R0 is the equilibrium bond distance b is the Morse scaling parameter I prefer to write this as E(R) = D0 [X2 - 2X] where X = exp[(a/2)(1-)] At R=R0, = 1 X = 1 E(R0) = -D0 At R=∞, X = 0 E(R0) = 0 k = {(d2E/d2)=1}/D0 = a2/2 Thus a = 12 k = 72 just as for LJ12-6 R 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 -0.01 D0 R0 -0.02 -0.03 2 3 4 5 Few theorists believe that Morse makes sense for vdw parameters since it does not behave as 1/R6 as R∞ However, the vdw curve matches 1/R6 only for R>6A, and for our Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 46 vdW combination rules Generally the vdw parameters are provided for HH, CC, NN etc (diagonal cases) and the off-diagonal terms are obtain using combination rules D0IJ = Sqrt(D0II D0JJ) R0IJ = Sqrt(R0II R0JJ) zIJ = (zIJ + zIJ)/2 Sometimes an arithmetic combination rule is used for vdw radii R0IJ = (R0II + R0JJ)/2 but this complicates vdw calculations (the amber paper claims to do this but the code uses geometric combinations of the radii) Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 47 1-2 and 1-3 Nonbond exclusions For valence force fields, it is assumed that the bond and angle quantities include already the Pauli Repulsion and electrostatic contributions so that we do not want to include them again in the nonbond list. Thus normally we exclude from the vdw and coulomb sums the contributions from bonds (1-2) and next nearest neighbor (1-3) interactions Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 48 1-4 Nonbond exclusions There is disagreement about 1-4 interactions. In fact the origin of the rotational barrier in ethane is probably all due to Pauli repulsion orthogonality effects. Thus a proper description of the vdW interactions between 1-4 atoms should account for the barrier. In fact it accounts only for 1/3 of the barrier. I believe that this is because the CH bond pairs are centered at the bond midpoint not on the H atoms as assumed in the vdw. Thus using atom centered vdw accounts for only part of the barrier necessitating an explicit dihedral term. Thus I believe that the1-4 vdw and electrostatic terms should be included. However some FF, such as Amber, CHARRM reduce the 1-4 interactions by a factor of 2. I do not know of a justification for this. Ch120a-Goddard-L03 © copyright 2012 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 49