Chapter 9 Hydrologic Hazards at the Earth’s Surface The Hydrologic Cycle Oceans and Salt Lakes 97.41% Ice and Snow 1.984% Reservoirs Ground Water 0.592% Lakes and rivers, 0.0071% (Soils, wetlands, and biota, 0.0059%) Atmospheric water, 0.001% 100 liters (26 gallons) 2.59 liters (0.7 gallon) Freshwater 2.59% Total water 100% 0.003 liter (1/2 teaspoon) Readily available freshwater 0.003% A closer look at river systems Systems vary with respect to: 1. size – width, depth and length 2. path – straight, curvy… 3. shape of channel – smooth, rough 4. velocity of flow – faster/slower 5. volume of flow – DISCHARGE (m3/sec) 6. steepness (gradient) – longitudinal profile See any “interdependence?” Drainage Basins The fundamental geographic unit or tract of land that contributes water to a stream or stream system Drainage basins are separated by divides Discharge The amount of water flowing in a stream channel Factors combine to produce discharge: – – – – – Runoff/drainage area Subsurface flow Rainfall/snowfall Urbanization Vegetation A river’s total load is known as its CAPACITY. it is directly related to the river’s DISCHARGE. The largest particle a river can carry is the river’s COMPETENCE which is directly related to the river’s VELOCITY Bed load: contains largest and heaviest sediment. moved by high energy water. is bouncing and scraping along bottom. Suspended load: moved by water, but is suspended in the channel. Dissolved load: composed of ions, in solution Type of load shown? Erosion Erosive power is a function of flow velocity - the greater the velocity, the greater the erosion Discharge Channel shape Gradient Base Level The lowest level to which a stream or stream system can erode Sea level Temporary base levels, such as lakes, dams, and waterfalls Graded Stream Stream that has reached a balance of erosion, transportation capacity, and the amount of material supplied to the river Common stream channel patterns Braided Meandering Braided: typically have a significant sediment load. Have lots of energy, competence and capacity. Steep gradient, much wider than they are deep. Have many bar deposits Meandering: can carry a lot of sediment, but it is typically smaller (low competence, high capacity). Gradient is gentle, have deep and shallow areas. Notice point bars. Alluvium Sediment deposited by a stream, either inside or outside the channel Alluvial Fan Buildup of alluvial sediment at the foot of a mountain stream in an arid or semiarid region Note sharp change in gradient! Delta Deltas are formed where a sedimentladen stream flows into standing water Fig. 9-13a, p. 256 Fig. 9-13b, p. 256 Fig. 9-14, p. 256 Meanders, Oxbow Lakes, and Cutoffs Flowing water will assume a series of S-shaped curves known as meanders The river may cut off the neck of a tight meander loop and form an oxbow lake Floodplain Low area adjacent to a stream that is subject to periodic flooding and sedimentation The area covered by water during flood stage Floods Highland floods come on suddenly and move rapidly through narrow valleys Lowland floods inundate broad adjacent floodplains and may take weeks to complete the flood cycle Fig. 9-15, p. 257 Hydrograph A graph that plots measured water level (stage) or discharge over a period of time Fig. 9-19, p. 259 Recurrence Interval The average length of time (T) between flood events of a given magnitude T = (n+1)/M, where N is the number of years of record and M is the rank of the flood magnitude Flood Probability The chance that a flood of a particular magnitude will occur in a given year based on historical flood data for a particular location Flood Mitigation Dams Retaining basins Artificial levees Elevating structures Flood Insurance? Flood Mitigation Do we really need to stop them? What are the benefits of floods? Urban Development Urbanization causes floods to peak sooner during a storm, results in greater peak runoff and total runoff, and increases the probability of flooding