TEACHING PACKAGE Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Gijs Smeman
Astrid Rietsema
Table of contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 4
Criteria .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Teacher introduction .................................................................................................................................... 4
Our choices ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Target group.............................................................................................................................................. 5
Goals for learning ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Materials needed ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Lesson 1 Pre-Reading .................................................................................................................................... 6
Part 1 Introduction of Diary of a Wimpy Kid............................................................................................. 6
Part 2 Diaries ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Part 3 Start Reading .................................................................................................................................. 6
Lesson 2 While reading ................................................................................................................................. 7
Part 1 Evaluation ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Part 2 Two Facts and a Phony ................................................................................................................... 7
Part 3 Reading and Homework ................................................................................................................. 7
Lesson 3 While Reading ................................................................................................................................ 8
Part 1 Evaluation ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Part 2 Characteristics ................................................................................................................................ 8
Part 3 Reading and Homework ................................................................................................................. 8
Lesson 4 Post-Reading .................................................................................................................................. 9
Part 1 Evaluation ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Part 2 A Good Friend................................................................................................................................. 9
Part 3 Presentation ................................................................................................................................... 9
Appendix 1 Pictures .................................................................................................................................... 10
Picture 1 Livingstone travel diary............................................................................................................ 10
Picture 2 Anne Frank ............................................................................................................................... 10
Picture 3 classic diary .............................................................................................................................. 11
Picture 4 film script ................................................................................................................................. 11
Picture 5 most recent diaries are Social Media ...................................................................................... 12
Workplanner ............................................................................................................................................... 13
Worksheet 1 What is the book about? ....................................................................................................... 14
Homework sheet 1 September/October .................................................................................................... 15
Worksheet 2 Two Facts and a Phony .......................................................................................................... 17
Homework sheet 2 November/December ................................................................................................. 18
Worksheet 3.1 Characteristics .................................................................................................................... 20
Worksheet 3.2 Characteristics .................................................................................................................... 21
Worksheet 3.3 Characteristics .................................................................................................................... 22
Worksheet 3.4 Characteristics .................................................................................................................... 23
Worksheet 3.5 Characteristics .................................................................................................................... 24
Worksheet 3.6 Characteristics .................................................................................................................... 25
Worksheet 3.7 Characteristics .................................................................................................................... 26
Appendix Adjectives.................................................................................................................................... 27
Homework sheet 3 January - June .............................................................................................................. 28
Worksheet 4 A Good Friend........................................................................................................................ 30
Answer sheets ............................................................................................................................................. 31
Answers Homework sheet 1 ................................................................................................................... 31
Answers Homework sheet 2 ................................................................................................................... 32
Answers Homework sheet 3 ................................................................................................................... 33
The assignment was to design an teaching package with attractive, easily copy-able worksheets to go
with assigned novel to promote, guide and facilitate the reading process as a class reader. It had to
include warm up, pre-reading activities, while-reading activities aimed at understanding and readerresponse, and post-reading activities aimed at imaginative and critical reflection. Film version (if
existing) must be integrated in activities. There had to be accompanying teacher notes with modelresponses.
Teacher introduction
This booklet consists of a series of lessons. In this teaching package you will find pre-reading, whilereading and after reading activities surrounding the book: Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney. Here you
will find a proposed way of teaching four lessons surrounding the book. Materials can be found after the
short explanation per lesson.
Our choices
The Diary of a Wimpy Kid is an original Young Adult novel that can be appropriate for children from
VMBO2 and up. The book is a diary, so lots of short entries/stories that do not necessary have a link to
each other. There are lots of pictures to guide readers, the characters are not hard to understand and
the experiences of the main characters are easy to identify with for students at this level. Mind you,
there are a lot of difficult words and so structure and guidance is important to make sure students
succeed. This book could be (one of ) the first original novels that students read together so the
worksheets and assignment are there to help them.
There is a work planner to be handed out at the start to make the path of reading more predictable.
The students read the book at home and get an homework sheet that consists of comprehension
questions and one assignment. We choose to include comprehension questions to help students in the
understanding of the book and to help the teacher to see the students that have difficulties with the
The lessons while-reading all start with a short recap of what students have read to make sure every
student understands what he/she is reading. We take a look at a few of the questions the students did
at home and look at the assignment they had to prepare, all this leads to the assignment that is done in
class. Those are included in this package as Worksheets.
The reading of the books starts in class but the rest of the book is read at home. If students have a hard
time with this, it could be an option to end every lesson with silent reading or with the audiobook so
students get started in class on the next part of the book. If the parts that need to be read at once are to
large it is of course possible to make smaller portions. It is up to the teacher to decide if his/her students
need more time and/or guidance.
The comprehension questions that are done at home can be answered in Dutch. However the students
need to produce English words/sentences when doing the assignments in class. These assignments ask
for more production in English.
All our choices are meant to make an interesting and fun lesson series. We tried to make it do-able for
younger students, because they can identify best with the characters in the book.
All used sources are mentioned in the document. The images of the characters of the book are all from
http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/diary-of-a-wimpy-kid/images and
Target group
As motivated in Our choices, the book is suitable for students from VMBO 2 and up.
Goals for learning
Improve general reading skills
Extend vocabulary
Improve speaking and writing skills
Materials needed
Books Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Smart board or beamer
Flip-over sheets
Our teaching package
Lesson 1 Pre-Reading
Part 1 Introduction of Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Introduce the book. Ask pupils what they think the book is about. Let them look at the cover, the title,
the pictures, the back of the book.
Pupils work in pairs, so they can share their thoughts, and write down their ideas on Worksheet 1.
Afterwards discuss the answers in class, first picking two or three pairs. Show the clip as an end to the
discussion. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZVEIgPeDCE
Remember to discuss: What is Wimpy?
Part 2 Diaries
Introduce the theme: Diaries to the class.
Class discussion:
What kind of famous diaries do you know? (use Appendix 1 Pictures to illustrate)
Non-fiction – fiction?
Why do people write in diaries?
Why are diaries important?
What can we learn from it?
Why do writers use this form to write a book?
Part 3 Start Reading
Start Excerpt Audio book http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlL0v2RxNDY Page 1 – 17
Let students follow in their own books. After the reading hand out the Work planner.
Explain homework and hand out Homework sheet 1 September/October.
Homework: read September and October (pp. 17 – 75) and answer questions and the assignment Two
Facts and A Phony (on Homework sheet 1 September/October).
Lesson 2 While reading
Part 1 Evaluation
Start the lesson with this clip Cheese touch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73DxZPhVOYc to get
them enthusiastic. Look at Homework sheet 1 September/October, question 3 together.
Evaluate the reading at home by asking pupils:
- Did the book meet the expectations you had after looking at the cover?
- What did you think of the first part? Did you like it? And why?
- Was it difficult to read? Difficult words/subjects?
- Did you have any problems with Homework sheet 1 September/October?
Part 2 Two Facts and a Phony
Look at the two facts and a phony on Homework sheet 1 September/October. Let students share about
which one they think is the phony.
Divide the class into groups and let them work on Assignment Two Facts and a Phony (Worksheet 2).
Every group present their Two Facts and a Phony to the rest of the class. The other groups try to pick the
Part 3 Reading and Homework
If there is time left and if it is necessary for the group it is possible to end the lesson with reading: in
class, silent reading or with guidance of the audiobook. So continue from page 76.
Explain homework and hand out Homework sheet 2.
Homework: Read November and December and answer the questions and prepare character map
(Homework sheet 2)
Lesson 3 While Reading
Part 1 Evaluation
Start the lesson clip about Patty Farnell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8nmnwD_Guk to get them
Evaluate the reading at home by asking pupils:
- What did you think of the second part? Did you like it? And why?
- Was it difficult to read? Difficult words/subjects?
- Did you have any problems with Homework sheet 2?
Look at questions, especially the map that the students drew.
Part 2 Characteristics
Now that pupils know all the characters in the book, they are asked to give a description of them. Pupils
are split up in groups of 3 or 4 students, each group describing one character, using Worksheet 3.1
Characteristics – Worksheet 3.7 Characteristics. One of each group then reads out their worksheet to
the rest of the class. They can use the adjective list (Appendix Adjectives) if they find it hard to describe
the characters.
Part 3 Reading and Homework
If there is time left and if it is necessary for the group it is possible to end the lesson with reading: in
class, silent reading or with guidance of the audiobook.
Homework: finish the book and do Homework sheet 3.
Lesson 4 Post-Reading
Part 1 Evaluation
Start the lesson with this clip popularity rank http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2O9J4x79Wg to get
them enthusiastic.
Evaluate the reading at home by asking pupils:
- What did you think of the final part? Did you like it? And why?
- Was it difficult to read? Difficult words/subjects?
- Did you have any problems with?
Part 2 A Good Friend
Divide the class in groups of 3 or 4 and let them first look at the Agree/disagree question on Homework
sheet 3. The pupils look at differences and discuss it within their group.
The pupils stay in the same groups and get an extra assignment (Worksheet 4). They have to come up
with the definition/characteristics/ elements of a Good Friend.
The pupils can use the characteristics from Worksheet 2. Use words, sentences, parts of sentences,
images and drawing. Worksheet 4 can be used to make a first draft.
All groups get a large sheet (flip-over) and markers to make their final version.
Part 3 Presentation
All groups present their sheet in front of the class: What makes a good friend?
Appendix 1 Pictures
Picture 1 Livingstone travel diary
Picture 2 Anne Frank
Picture 3 classic diary
Picture 4 film script
Picture 5 most recent diaries are Social Media
Name pupil: ____________________________________
Lesson 1
What you need to do
Active participation in class
Worksheet 1 What is the book
Lesson 2
Homework sheet 1
Active participation in class
Worksheet 2 Two Facts and a
Lesson 3
Homework sheet 2
Active participation in class
Worksheet 3 Characteristics
Lesson 4
Homework sheet 3
Active participation in class
Worksheet 4 A Good Friend
Worksheet 1 What is the book about?
What do you think the book is about? (look at the cover and
the title)
Why do you think so?
Does the cover interest you? Why (not)?
Do you think a cover is important for a book? Why (not)?
Homework sheet 1 September/October
In class we’ve read the first pages together. At home you will read up to page 75.
After reading you answer the following questions. (you may answer in Dutch)
1. Whose idea was it to write the journal? Why does he call it a “journal”, not a
2. Why does Greg believe middle school is the “dumbest idea ever invented”?
3. What did Greg do to protect himself from the Cheese Touch?
4. Greg said, “I’m sure Dad thinks I’ve got a screw loose or something”. Why did
he say that?
5. Why was Greg happy that he was put in the “gifted group?
6. Rowley, Greg’s best friend, made Greg angry the first day of school. What did
he do? Do you think that’s such a bad thing? (Explain your answer)
Comprehension questions based on www.scribd.com/doc/26101891/Diary-of-a-Wimpy-Kid-Book-1-ReadCom
7. Greg took Rowley “under his wing”. What does that mean and why did he do
8. Match the character from the story with the appropriate adjective.
A. Greg
1. Strict
B. Rowley
2. Spoiled
C. Greg’ mom
3. Bully
D. Greg’s dad
4. Nasty
E. Rodrick
5. Odd
F. Manny
6. Fun-loving
G. Fregley
7. Foolish
9. What student government office does Greg run for in school?
10. Why do you think Greg wanted to be in student government?
Assignment Two Facts and a Phony
Two of the statements below about the first 75 pages of the book are true. One
is false. Based on what you know about the first 75 pages of the book, can you
guess which one is the phony statement?
Which one is the phony?
1. Marty Porter handed out lollipops to buy himself votes for the student
government elections.
2. They could see grown-ups decided Halloween was over because they started
coming to the door in their pyjamas and gave them the evil eye.
3. Greg’s little brother Manny is calling him “Bubby” and he likes that very
Why is this one the phony? You may try in English or answer in Dutch.
Comprehension questions based on www.scribd.com/doc/26101891/Diary-of-a-Wimpy-Kid-Book-1-ReadCom
Worksheet 2 Two Facts and a Phony
Now create your own “two facts and a phony” statements.
Use the first 75 pages of the book. You have 15 minutes to create
the statements with your group.
You may try in English or answer in Dutch.
Three Statements: two facts and a phony:
Share your work with the class and find out if your classmates
can find your phony!
Homework sheet 2 November/December
Read up to page 135 and answer the following questions. (you may answer the
questions in Dutch)
1. Why did he rent a couple of wrestling video games?
2. What did Greg decide was the best way to get out of having to wrestle Fregley
every day?
3. Greg thought he had the Geography quiz “in the bag”, why?
4. Why does Greg feel like he needs to pay back Patty Ferrell? What did she do?
5. Why did Greg want to try out to be the witch in the school play?
6. Why did Greg think that a lot of other guys signed up to play a tree in the play?
7. How did everyone find out about Greg’s nickname?
8. Why did Greg have to go to the emergency room not long after Christmas day
when he was seven years old What did he mean when he said “Rodrick never let
me hear the end of that.”
9. Overall, on a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate Greg’s Christmas? 1=it was
awful; 10=it was an excellent Christmas. Explain your answer.
10. Why did Greg have to go to bed early on New Year’s Eve?
voeg zelf de andere karakters uit het boek toe en geef aan op welke manier hij/zij te
maken heeft met het karakter.
Comprehension questions based on www.scribd.com/doc/26101891/Diary-of-a-Wimpy-Kid-Book-1-ReadCom
Worksheet 3.1 Characteristics
How would you describe the character, what kind of person is he? What are his thoughts, his
beliefs, his wishes/hopes, his interests? Add a key quotation by this character from the book, if
you can find one. (In English)
Worksheet 3.2 Characteristics
How would you describe the character, what kind of person is he? What are his thoughts, his
beliefs, his wishes/hopes, his interests? Add a key quotation by this character from the book, if
you can find one. (In English)
Worksheet 3.3 Characteristics
How would you describe the character, what kind of person is he? What are his thoughts, his
beliefs, his wishes/hopes, his interests? Add a key quotation by this character from the book, if
you can find one. (In English)
Worksheet 3.4 Characteristics
How would you describe the character, what kind of person is he? What are his thoughts, his
beliefs, his wishes/hopes, his interests? Add a key quotation by this character from the book, if
you can find one. (In English)
Worksheet 3.5 Characteristics
How would you describe the character, what kind of person is he? What are his thoughts, his
beliefs, his wishes/hopes, his interests? Add a key quotation by this character from the book, if
you can find one. (In English)
Worksheet 3.6 Characteristics
How would you describe the character, what kind of person is he? What are his thoughts, his
beliefs, his wishes/hopes, his interests? Add a key quotation by this character from the book, if
you can find one. (In English)
Worksheet 3.7 Characteristics
How would you describe the character, what kind of person is he? What are his thoughts, his
beliefs, his wishes/hopes, his interests? Add a key quotation by this character from the book, if
you can find one. (In English)
Appendix Adjectives
Pupils can use this list with adjectives when they work on Worksheet 3. You can use a dictionary if you don’t understand
the words.
Homework sheet 3 January - June
At home you have to finish the book and answer the following questions. (you may
answer the question in Duth)
1. Why was Greg “ticked off” about the girls feeding Rowley?
2. What made Greg freak out a little while walking the kindergartners home?
3. Tell me three reasons why Greg thinks Safety Patrol would be good for him?
4. What kept Rowley and Greg from getting into a big fight?
5. For what kind of job did Greg and Rowley decided to team up?
6. Why was Rowley getting so much attention at school?
7. What did Greg tell all the kids about the cheese when they saw it was gone?
8. What idea did Greg have to make the school year special? (He talked about it
on Monday)
9. How did Greg get out of having to eat the cheese?
10. Do you think Greg is a good friend to Rowley? Why?
Comprehension questions based on www.scribd.com/doc/26101891/Diary-of-a-Wimpy-Kid-Book-1-ReadCom
Assignment: Agree/Disagree
Look at the statements and decide if you Agree or Disagree and explain
Agree Disagree Explain
In our school
there is no
Bullying is a
problem at Greg’s
It is ok to pick on
your little
brother, when
your older
brother picked on
At our school
bullying is
If your best friend
steals one of your
ideas for a school
project and
becomes popular
because of it, it is
ok to never talk
to your friend
Questions based on www.scribd.com/doc/26101891/Diary-of-a-Wimpy-Kid-Book-1-ReadCom
Worksheet 4 A Good Friend
What makes a good friend?
You have to define as a group what does somebody need to do/be to be a
good friend. You may draw, write, use pictures etc. At the end of the
lesson you need to explain to the class what you made.
This worksheet is only to make a first draft. The final version needs to be
made on the large sheet.
Answer sheets
Answers Homework sheet 1
1. Whose idea was it to write the journal? Why does he call it a “journal”, not a “diary”?
Zijn moeder
Als iemand het ziet dat hij een dagboek heeft dan kan hij/zij verkeerde ideeen krijgen, dat hij
een sissy (watje) is.
2. Why does Greg believe middle school is the “dumbest idea ever invented”?
Omdat kinderen die nog niet in puberteit zitten/nog geen groeispurt hebben gehad op
dezelfde school/in dezelfde klas zitten als kinderen die al wel in puberteit zitten (gorilla’s met
3. What did Greg do to protect himself from the Cheese Touch?
Je moet je vingers kruisen en dus heeft hij zijn vingers gekruist aan elkaar geplakt/getapet.
4. Greg said, “I’m sure Dad thinks I’ve got a screw loose or something”. Why did he say that?
Hij denkt dat zijn vader denkt dat hij in de war is, want hij was midden in de nacht opgestaan,
omdat hij dacht dat ie de hele zomervakantie had geslapen.
5. Why was Greg happy that he was put in the “gifted group?
Uiteindelijk is hij blij, omdat de kinderen in de Easy groep wel heel ‘simpel’ lijken.
6. Rowley, Greg’s best friend, made Greg angry the first day of school. What did he do? Do you
think that’s such a bad thing? (Explain your answer)
Hij vroeg hardop (terwijl anderen het konden horen) of Greg wilde komen spelen, terwijl Greg
al 1000 keer had gezegd dat hij moest vragen of Greg ‘would like to hang out’.
7. Greg took Rowley “under his wing”. What does that mean and why did he do it
Hij nam hem onder z’n hoede omdat hij medelijden met hem had en omdat hij alle grappen
die Rodrick bij hem uithaalde dan op Rowley kon uitproberen.
8. Match the character from the story with the appropriate adjective.
Own opinion students, discussed in extra assignment
9. What student government office does Greg run for in school?
Hij wil penningmeester worden
10. Why do you think Greg wanted to be in student government?
Hij denkt dat het hem helpt om populair te worden, hij denkt dat dit allerlei mogelijkheden
biedt omdat hij vooral meisjes zaken kan bieden..
Answers Homework sheet 2
Read up to page 135 and answer the following questions.
1. Why did he rent a couple of wrestling video games?
Alle jongens gaan bij de gymles een aantal lessen worstelen. Deze mededeling zorgt dat de
jongens ook in de pauze alvast aan het worstelen slaan. Greg wil niet in een pretzel gevouwen
worden en kijkt naar de video’s om er meer over de weten te komen.
2. What did Greg decide was the best way to get out of having to wrestle Fregley every day?
Hij moet zwaarder worden om zo naar een gewichtsklasse hoger te kunnen. Dit gaat hij doen
door meer spieren te kweken.
3. Greg thought he had the Geography quiz “in the bag”, why?
Het is een toets over de hoofdsteden van de US en Greg zit achterin de klas, waar een kaart
hangt van de US met de hoofdsteden in grote rode letters.
4. Why does Greg feel like he needs to pay back Patty Ferrell? What did she do?
Zij vertelt de leraar dat hij de kaart moet bedekken voordat de klas met toets kan beginnen.
5. Why did Greg want to try out to be the witch in the school play?
De heks doet in het toneelstuk allemaal gemene dingen tegen Dorothy, deze rol wordt
gespeeld door Patty.
6. Why did Greg think that a lot of other guys signed up to play a tree in the play>?
De bomen mogen Dorothy met appels bekogelen, dus Greg denkt dat alle jongens die zich
aanmelden voor die rol, blijkbaar nog een appeltje te schillen hebben met Dorothy.
7. How did everyone find out about Greg’s nickname?
Zijn kleine broertje, Manny zit in het publiek bij het toneelstuk en hij roept hem bij zijn
bijnaam: Bubby
8. Why did Greg have to go to the emergency room not long after Christmas day when he was
seven years old What did he mean when he said “Rodrick never let me hear the end of that.”
Toen hij 7 jaar was, heeft hij een Barbie gekregen met Kerstmis. Alhoewel hij niet wil toegeven
tegen anderen, heeft hij ermee gespeeld en twee weken later zat het roze schoentje van
Barbie in zijn neus. Rodrick blijft hem er natuurlijk aan herinneren.
9. Overall, on a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate Greg’s Christmas? 1=it was awful; 10=it was
an excellent Christmas. Explain your answer.
Pupil’s own answers.
10. Why did Greg have to go to bed early on New Year’s Eve?
Hij was zijn broertje aan het pesten. Hij deed net of hij hem dwong een spin op te eten (het
was een balletje draad) maar Manny slikt het (per ongeluk) door. Manny vertelt het aan hun
Answers Homework sheet 3
At home you have to finish the book and answer the following questions.
1. Why was Greg “ticked off” about the girls feeding Rowley?
Greg wil stoer doen en zegt dat hij er voor heeft gezorgd. De meisje vinden hem maar gemeen.
Greg is boos, want Rowley heeft zijn linkerhand gebroken en Rowley is rechtshandig. Dus hij
heeft helemaal geen hulp nodig bij het eten.
2. What made Greg freak out a little while walking the kindergartners home?
1 van de kinderen begon vreemd te ruiken en hij vindt het prima om kinderen naar huis te
brengen, maar niet om luiers te verwisselen.
3. Tell me three reasons why Greg thinks Safety Patrol would be good for him?
Als extra bescherming tegen pesterijen van anderen
Het geeft hem autoriteit
Hij mist hierdoor een deel van de wiskunde les
Warme chocolade melk
4. What kept Rowley and Greg from getting into a big fight?
Ze worden bekogeld door kinderen uit een andere straat
5. For what kind of job did Greg and Rowley decided to team up?
Voor het maken van de strip in de schoolkrant.
6. Why was Rowley getting so much attention at school?
Hij wordt de schoolcartoonist met de strip waarvoor hij samen met Greg het idee heeft
7. What did Greg tell all the kids about the cheese when they saw it was gone?
Dat hij het heeft weggehaald.
8. What idea did Greg have to make the school year special? (HE talked about it on Monday)
Hij wil graag door zijn klasgenoten worden gekozen tot klasse-clown.
9. How did Greg get out of having to eat the cheese?
Hij zegt allergisch te zijn voor melkprodukten.
10. Do you think Greg is a good friend to Rowley? Why?
Own opinion