3-29-2006ProvostPresentation - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Office of the Provost
FY’07 Performance Plan
Presented to the Faculty Senate
G. P. Peterson
March 29,2006
Office of the Provost
Performance Plan
Academic Portfolios
Enabling Functions
Graduate Education
Undergraduate Education
Institute Diversity
Enrollment Management
Information Technology
Humanities & Social Sciences
Lally School of Management &Technology
Rensselaer at Hartford
March 29,2006
Office of the Provost
Performance Plan
Leadership Searches
Vice Provost for Entrepreneurship
Robert Chernow, Educational Services
for Entrepreneurship
Started January 1, 2005
Dean of Engineering
Alan Cramb, Carnegie Mellon University
Started July 1, 2005
Dean of the Lally School
David Gautschi, Deloitte & Touche
Started August 1, 2005
Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education
Mike Hanna – Professor of Biology
Department Chairs
Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear
Engineering – Tim Wei
Biomedical Engineering – Natacha Depaola
March 29,2006
Vice President for Enrollment Management
Eddie Ade Knowles, Chair – Witt-Keiffer
Search Committee established
Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Education
Om Nalamasu, Chair
Dean of Science
Prabhat Hajela, Chair – Isaacson Miller
In process
Associate Dean of Graduate Education
Lester Gerhardt, Chair
Department Chairs
Office of the Provost
Performance Plan
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Civil Engineering
Decision Sciences and Engineering Systems
Expand the Research Enterprise
Enhance Education
Achieve Diversity
Redesign and Reinvigorate Enabling Activities
March 29,2006
Office of the Provost
Performance Plan
Expand the Research Enterprise
Constellation Searches
Goal Description
– To recruit and hire outstanding faculty (groups) into the
constellations, to strengthen the research enterprise in
Biotechnology and Information Technology
Current Status
– Five of the 24 Constellation positions have been filled
– Constellations search process and reformulated
Performance Metrics
– Complete the Biocatalysis and Metabolic Engineering and
Bioinformatics Constellations and at least two others in FY ‘06
to provide leadership in these critical areas
Actions (w/VP for Research and VP Human Resources)
– Provide greater leadership in the Constellation search process
• Streamlined the process
• Fully engage the Dean of Engineering and Dean of
Science in the search process
March 29,2006
Office of the Provost
Performance Plan
Expand the Research Enterprise
Faculty Development
Goal Description
– To attract, develop and retain the highest quality faculty possible
Current Status
– Hired 133 new faculty (73 new positions) since Fall ‘00
– Will start Fall ‘06 with 13% more T/TT faculty than Fall '00
– Converted twelve Clinical faculty positions to TT positions since Fall ‘00
– With VP of Human Resources assisted 71 faculty in retirement transition
– Reduced Student/Faculty ratio from 17-1 in Fall ‘00 to 14-1in Fall ‘06
– 32 NSF Early Career Award recipients since FY ‘00
Performance Metrics
– Number and quality of faculty
– Research productivity
– Number of faculty receiving NSF Career and other national awards
Actions (w/VP for Research)
– Complete the hiring of 18 positions in the FY ’07 budget
– Retain funds for “opportunity” hires with focus on quality and diversity
– Increase the number, quality and role of “Research Professors”
March 29,2006
Office of the Provost
Performance Plan
Expand the Research Enterprise
Intellectual Program for the CBIS
Goal Description
In conjunction with the VP of Research, continue to expand and
enhance the intellectual programs in Biotechnology
Current Status
Hired 9 faculty into new positions in Biology
2 additional searches currently underway
Performance Metrics
– Clarity of mission for the Biotechnology effort
– Strength of the research program in Biotechnology
Actions (w/VP for Research & Director of CBTIS)
– Develop the intellectual core that will frame Rensselaer’s
efforts in Biotechnology
– Obtain NYS approval for new Ph.D.
program in Biochem & Biophysics
– Recruit faculty to expand and
enhance the intellectual programs
March 29,2006
Office of the Provost
Performance Plan
Outcomes to Date – Expand Research Enterprise
Five Constellation positions filled, Future Chips Constellation completed
Have hired 133 new faculty (73 new positions) since Fall ‘00
Will start the Fall of 2006 with 13% more T/TT faculty than in the Fall of
2000 (not including the constellations)
Converted twelve Clinical faculty positions to tenure-track positions since
Fall ‘00
Reduced Student/Faculty ratio from 17-1 in the Fall of 2006 to 14-1in the
Fall of 2006
32 NSF Early Career Award recipients since Fall ‘00
With VP of Human Resources assisted 71 faculty in retirement transition
Conducted P&T, research and student mentoring workshops to elevate
Initiated and completed the initial phases of the Faculty Compensation
Hired 9 faculty into new positions in Biology (2 additional searches
currently underway)
Research Revitalization Program resulted in six faculty successfully reestablishing research programs, three in Biotechnology
March 29,2006
Office of the Provost
Performance Plan
Enhance Education
The Undergraduate Plan is a set of initiatives that renew our commitment in
the Rensselaer Plan to “…an undergraduate experience that surpasses
all others…”
The Undergraduate Plan will focus on
UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH - An educational experience enriched by
research and independent inquiry
INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCES - A breadth of study that prepares students to
be good global citizens within the rapidly expanding global workplace
learning experiences that foster close mentoring
relationships between faculty and students,
developed around topics Reflecting institutional
strengths and goals
UNDER-GIRDING INITIATIVES - enhancing academic
programs and offerings, academic support services,
and world-class instructional facilities
March 29,2006
Office of the Provost
Performance Plan
Enhance Education
Undergraduate Advising
Goal Description
– To significantly strengthen undergraduate advising in order to provide
a more meaningful and effective educational experience
Current Status
– Established multiple new programs for students and faculty to interact
– Incorporated “Advising” into formal Faculty Evaluation Process
– Hired Associate Dean for Advising, Assessment and Special Programs
Performance Metrics
– UCLA Student Satisfaction Survey
– Effectiveness of advising programs and offices
– Develop role and function of this office
– Develop additional programs to bring
students and faculty together in informal
March 29,2006
Office of the Provost
Performance Plan
Enhance Education
Improve Graduate Student Quality
Goal Description
– To increase the number and quality of graduate students, in order to
support externally funded research programs and quality of scholarly
Current Status
Number PhD enrollment increased from 740 in Fall ‘02 to 855 in Fall ‘05
Number of externally supported RA’s increased from 218 in Fall ‘02 to
360 in Fall ’05
Number of PhD’s awarded increased from 105 in 02-02 to 133 in 04-05
Successfully implemented HASS Fellowship Program
Performance Metrics
– Number and quality of graduate students supported on external funds
– Number of PhD’s graduated each year
Actions (w/VP for Research and VP for Finance)
– Transfer principal responsibility for recruiting of graduate students to the
Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Education
– Eliminate 3rd year 50-50 cost sharing of TAs
March 29,2006
Office of the Provost
Performance Plan
Enhance Education
Infuse Entrepreneurship Across the Curriculum
Goal Description
– To incorporate entrepreneurship as an integral component of the
undergraduate experience by providing students and faculty with
experience, awareness, exposure, knowledge and sense of
importance of entrepreneurship
Current Status
– Vice Provost for Entrepreneurship in place
– Director for the Severino Center for Technological Entrepreneurship in
– Offices established and missions in development
Performance Metrics
– Ranking and visibility of the program
– Understanding of entrepreneurship among students and faculty
– Number of students involved in entrepreneurial activities
– Establish an institute-wide “Entrepreneurship”
advisory committee
– Define programs and responsibilities
March 29,2006
Office of the Provost
Performance Plan
Enhance Education
Expand Summer Programs
Goal Description
Coordinate the expansion of the summer program offerings for the
academic portfolios
Current Status
– Doubled number of Summer Offerings
– Office established and mission
Performance Metrics
– Number of courses
– Robustness of summer experience
– Expand Traditional Course
– Expand non-traditional course
offerings (short courses,
workshops, pipeline programs,
March 29,2006
Office of the Provost
Performance Plan
Enhance Education
Rensselaer at Hartford
Goal Description
In conjunction with VP and Dean at Hartford, to strengthen and
improve the quality of the academic programs at Hartford
Current Status
Critical review of faculty completed
Enhanced interface between the Troy Deans and VP and Dean of
Performance Metrics
Quality of academic programs and students
Enrollments in targeted signature programs
Level of interaction between faculty on the two campuses
Efficiency of interaction between EWP functions in Troy and Hartford
Actions w/VP & Dean at Hartford
Monitor effectiveness of curricular changes
Support development of Cohort Programs
March 29,2006
Office of the Provost
Performance Plan
Outcomes to Date – Enhance Education
New Associate Dean for Advising, Assessment and Special Programs in
Conducted new programs for students and faculty to interact (Meet Your
Advisor Day, Take Your Advisees to Lunch Program)
Incorporated “Advising” into formal Faculty Evaluation Process
Continuing to increase the breadth of academic offerings
Completed review of two graduate programs in FY ‘05
Yearly review program for all PhD Students implemented
PhD enrollment increased from 740 in Fall ‘02 to 855 in Fall ‘05
Number of externally supported RA’s increased from 218 in Fall ‘02 to 360
in Fall ‘05
Number of PhD’s awarded increased from 105 in02-03 to 133 in 04-05
Successfully implemented HASS Fellowship Program
Completed development of Core Curriculum Outcomes Statement for
adoption by various schools
Filled Vice Provost for Entrepreneurship Education
Initiated Entrepreneurship Education activities into First Year Experience,
and several first year courses
Core Biology course w/lab fully implemented in Fall ‘06
Expanded Summer offerings from 40 to 90
March 29,2006
Office of the Provost
Performance Plan
Achieve Faculty Diversity
Funds for Under Represented Minority Recruitment
Goal Description
Current Status
Number of women increased from 50 to 72
Number of under represented minorities increased from 12 to 25
Performance Metrics
To encourage the identification, recruitment and hiring of under represented
women and minority faculty candidates with a goal of one-half of all new hires
being diverse hires
Number of women and minority faculty interviewed, hired and retained
Quality of the work environment and sense of community within the University
Provide additional funds to support women and under represented minority
hires into tenure and tenure-track faculty positions
Continue, expand and monitor existing
programs within the Office of the Provost
Develop methodologies to increase the
number of new women and minority
faculty interviewed, hired and retained
March 29,2006
Office of the Provost
Performance Plan
Outcomes - Institute Diversity
Increased faculty diversity - Since Fall ‘00
Number of women increased from 50 to 72
Number of under represented minorities increased from 12 to 25
Conducted diversity awareness training
Diversity and Sexual Harassment Awareness workshops completed by every new
graduate student
Diversity workshops for new faculty held in March and June
Diversity Training for Schools of Science and Engineering Leadership teams
Working to attracted support for diversity initiatives
Submitted Proposal - Alliance for Graduate Education for the Professoriate
($625k/yr - 5yrs from NSF)
Diversity programs supported
Walter Lincoln Hawkins Research Conf.
Safe Zone Program w/VP Student Life
Family Technology Awareness Day
Garnet Baltimore Lecture Series
March 29,2006
Office of the Provost
Performance Plan
Redesign and Reinvigorate Enabling Activities
Enhance Enrollment Management
Goal Description
Current Status
Extensive use of “Search” processes
Utilize a “Transaction Based Response” approach
Expand outreach from rising Seniors to Frosh, Sophs, and Jrs to build awareness
Improved use of Technology
Performance Metrics
To significantly enhance the size, quality and diversity of the applicant pool to attract the very
best and brightest students from around the world
Intellectual, geographic, gender and ethnic diversity of the student body
Quality of the student body
Increases in inquiries, applications and enrollment
Coordinate reorganization and restructuring of admissions process and procedures
Expand existing academic and programmatic offerings
Ensure that the diversity of the current and new programmatic offerings are accurately and
effectively marketed
Enhance transfer student function
Examining graduate student recruiting methodology
Conduct overall review of travel/visitation schedule of EM staff
Office of the Provost
March 29,2006
Performance Plan
Redesign and Reinvigorate Enabling Activities
Undergraduate Applications to Date
Total Count as of 3/27 6851 (‘05 Total 5574) = 23% inc.
Total (3/28) Total (3/27) % Increase
Total Apps. Keyed 5544
March 29,2006
Office of the Provost
Performance Plan
Redesign and Reinvigorate Enabling Activities
Undergraduate Applications to Date (by School)
March 29,2006
Total (3/28) Total (3/27)
Office of the Provost
Performance Plan
% Increase
Redesign and Reinvigorate Enabling Activities
Four major changes in Enrollment Management
Use of “Search” Processes
Transaction Based Response Processes
Expand outreach form Srs to Frosh, Sophs, and Jrs
Improved use of Technology
Some application forms are now “populated” with all of the
information we have
Moving towards the use of “Portals” so that students have an
electronic location at Rensselaer
Information on some applications automatically downloaded
into banner
March 29,2006
Office of the Provost
Performance Plan
Outcomes - Enabling Activities
Completed Middle States Self-study; Visit scheduled for April 2-5, 2006
Incorporated AAU Metrics into Academic Performance Plans
Completed initial AAU benchmarking
New Undergraduate Program in Game Studies under development
Applied for and received approval for three new MEng. Degree
programs at Hartford
Two new PhD programs approved, two more in development
Completed two Academic Program Diversity Reviews
Developed and implemented guidelines for Faculty of IT Appointments
Developed process for reporting of Consulting and Outside
Employment (with HR)
Working with Finance and HR to centralize oversight of academic
financial managers
Dramatic improvements in the student recruitment process and results
March 29,2006
Office of the Provost
Performance Plan
Opportunities for Continued Growth
Will continue faculty hiring and anticipate filling 18
positions in FY ‘07
Have redirected funds within the Office of the Provost
to provide enhanced support for Enrollment
Management and additional support for diversity and
opportunity hires
Increase focus on Constellation hires – 19 available
Continue development and focus on expanding the
undergraduate applicant pool and strengthening
graduate student recruiting
Collaborate with VP of Research to better optimize
use of cost sharing funds
Expand Entrepreneurship programs seeking external
support where ever possible
March 29,2006
Office of the Provost
Performance Plan
Risks and Challenges
Increasing the size of the undergraduate inquiry
and applicant pool
Attracting the required number of high quality
graduate students required to support the
expanding research programs
Attracting high quality individuals into the
Increasing enrollments – Rensselaer at Hartford
Continued development of academic leadership
March 29,2006
Office of the Provost
Performance Plan
Current Initiatives
Middle States Accreditation
Academic Program Diversity
Expand Summer School Opportunities
Review and benchmark of Faculty Teaching Loads
Formalize Department Chair Review processes (PMT’s)
Restructure Constellation Search Committee
Conduct interim review of all Tenure-track faculty
Explore AAU Membership
Conduct and analyze “Academic Integrity Survey”
Review and address problems associated with timeliness of Report
Submission on Federal Grants
Develop and begin implementation of the “Undergraduate Plan”
Library Sustainability Committee
Electronic Dissertation
March 29,2006
Office of the Provost
Performance Plan
Why not change the world?
March 29,2006
Office of the Provost
Performance Plan