IndAS Presented by CA Kusai Goawala For WICASA jointly with Pune Branch of WIRC 14h February 2016 CA KUSAI GOAWALA Why Convergence to IFRS ? • Globalization of Indian Economy • Common Accounting Language • IFRS widely accepted world over CA KUSAI GOAWALA More than 100 countries, including the members of the European Union and much of Asia, have already adopted and implemented IFRS. Israel is adopting IFRS this year, with Chile and South Korea set for 2009, Brazil for 2010, and Canada for 2011. CA KUSAI GOAWALA • Entire Europe converged to IFRS • US already permits IFRS to Non US holdco having operations in US • Road map of US to converge to IFRS over a period • IFRS vs US GAAP Principle based vs Rule based CA KUSAI GOAWALA • 12 new Standards compared to Indian GAAP • Several AS are replicated from IFRS • All standards is made applicable at one time rather than phase wise • In order to be IFRS compliant country it is not required to make SME comply. • Two options – Primary and Alternative CA KUSAI GOAWALA Indian Convergence Road Map : • IFRS modified to suit Indian conditions • 39 IndAS notified • Retrospective implications will impact 31.3.2015 accounts • Once an entity applies IndAS, it shall continue forever even if criteria subsequently not met. • Indian Holding Co – Foreign Subsidiary/JV/Associates • Foreign Holdco – Indian Subsidiary/JV/Associates CA KUSAI GOAWALA ROAD MAP APPLICABILITY OF Ind AS FINANCIAL YEAR 201516 • Not Mandatory (Voluntary) FINANCIAL YEAR 2016-17 FINANCIAL YEAR 2017-18 • Listed /Process of Listing and Net Worth 500Cr or more • Unlisted Companies having NW 500 Cr or more • Holding, Subsidiary, JV and Associates of above. • All Listed /Process of Listing Companies • Unlisted Companies having NW 250 Cr or more • Holding ,Subsidiary, JV and Associates of above. Note : Listed on SME Stock Exchange not covered Note : Listed on SME Stock Exchange not covered No will be taken as on 31.3.2014 or as per The net worth for the purpose of the above previous Balance Sheet if covered subsequently. CA KUSAI GOAWALA • I CA KUSAI GOAWALA Actuarial gains/losses • IFRS had two options recognize all actuarial gains/losses • do not recognize/amortize – corridor approach IndAS does not give two options CA KUSAI GOAWALA Comparisons Sr. No. IFRS IAS 19 IndAS 19 (The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates) AS 11 (The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates) 1 Actuarial Valuation to be done at regular intervals Actuarial Valuation to be done Permitted to obtain Actuarial at regular intervals Valuation once in three years 2 Actuarial Gains/losses to be amortised as per Corridor Approach Actuarial Gain/Losses to be written off immediately to OCI Actuarial Gains/losses to be written off immediately to Profit and Loss 3 Discount rate – High quality Corporate Bonds Discount Rate – Market yields in Government Bonds Discount Rate – Market yields in Government Bonds CA KUSAI GOAWALA CA KUSAI GOAWALA IndAS 21 : The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates • • • Foreign Currency v/s Functional Currency (FC) v/s Presentation Currency (PC) Definition :Presentation currency is the currency in which the financial statements are presented Functional currency is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates Foreign currency is a currency other than the functional currency of the entity. • Determination of Functional Currency – Primary Economic • Exceptions – Environment • IAS 39 – Derivatives / hedge • IAS 7 – Cash Flow transactions for Foreign Operations CA KUSAI GOAWALA • How to identify Functional Currency : • Sales/Purchases - influenced by Country, Competitive forces, Determine Sales Prices • Labour/Material • Funds and Financing • Currency in which funds from operations are retained • Integral or Non Integral Operations • Cash flows from Foreign Operations impacts entity’s cash flow • Cash flows of FO are self sufficient – does not require entity to fund. CA KUSAI GOAWALA • In case of change in functional currency, apply translation procedures applicable to the new functional currency prospectively from the date of the change. • If FC is a currency of Hyperinflationary economy, first apply IAS 29 (restate Financial Statement) and cannot avoid by changing FC. • If PC = FC : • Initial Recognition • All transactions to be translated as per spot rate on date of transaction. • Average rate can be used provided it is does not fluctuate significantly CA KUSAI GOAWALA Subsequent Recognition : • All monetary items to be translated at closing rate • Non Monetary items are to be translated as per the date of acquisition. If revalued than the date of revaluation. • Impairment of assets in FC may not be as per Foreign Currency or vise versa. CA KUSAI GOAWALA Comparisons Sr. No. Point for Consideration IAS 21 (The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates) AS 11 (The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates) 1 Approach Based on functional currency approach Based on the integral and nonintegral foreign approach 2 Exchange Differences Arising on net investment in a foreign operation : Separate FS – P&L a/c CFS – OCI Arising on net investment in a foreign operation : Separate FS and CFS – Foreign Currency Translation Reserve (FCTR) 3 Functional/Rep Presentation Currency – orting/Presentati currency in which FS are presented on Currency Functional Currency – currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates Reporting Currency – currency in which FS are presented No such concept as Functional Currency 4 Translation of financial statement Depends on classification of operations as integral and nonintegral. At the closing rate at the date of financial statement CA KUSAI GOAWALA CA KUSAI GOAWALA IndAS 10 : Events after the Reporting Period • Adjusting and Non adjusting Events • Condition existed prior to the end of the Accounting Period • Condition arose after the reporting period • Going Concern is an adjusting event • Authorisation for Issue – Date • Non Adjusting Event – disclose in notes • Dividend declared in AGM – non adjusting event under IndAS. CA KUSAI GOAWALA Comparisons Sr. No. 1 Point for Consideration Proposed Dividends IAS 10 (Events after the reporting period) Non-adjusting event AS 4 (Contingencies and Events occurring after BS Date) Adjusting event CA KUSAI GOAWALA CA KUSAI GOAWALA IndAS 8 : Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors • Changes in Policies • Changes in Estimates • Errors • Accounting Policies : Relevant Reliable Consistent – Framework • • • • Changes in Accounting Estimates vs Policies Conservative approach is not fair Accounting Estimate – Current year change Accounting Policies – Prospective subject to exceptions (like voluntary application) • No prior year adjustment in P&L CA KUSAI GOAWALA • Everything Ordinary – Nothing extra-ordinary • Restate to earliest period reported • Materiality – subjective not objective : Influences • Changes in Depreciation Method – Change of Estimate – Prospective Problem Areas • What happens if a prior expenses is restated to earlier years and dividend declared now exceeds the amount of profit available ?? • decisions • Audit Report – books of accounts and profit and loss account matching ?? CA KUSAI GOAWALA ► Prior Period Adjustments ► In accounts for YE 2010, following income/expenses relating to YE 2009 were observed : Interest Income 100 Advertisement Expenses -200 Net Prior Period (Expenses) -100 CA KUSAI GOAWALA Under Indian GAAP YE 2010 Sales Under IFRS YE 2009 YE 2010 YE 2009 1000 800 1000 800 200 100 200 200 1200 900 1200 1000 Cost and other expenses 700 600 700 600 Advertisement Expenses 200 100 200 300 900 700 900 900 Net Profit before Tax 300 200 300 100 Tax 100 60 100 60 Net Profit after tax 200 140 200 40 140 200 40 Interest Income Prior Period Adjustments Net Profit -100 100 CA KUSAI GOAWALA Under Indian GAAP YE 2010 Sales Under IFRS YE 2009 YE 2010 YE 2009 1000 800 1000 800 200 100 200 200 1200 900 1200 1000 Cost and other expenses 700 600 700 600 Advertisement Expenses 200 100 200 300 900 700 900 900 Net Profit before Tax 300 200 300 100 Tax 100 60 100 60 Net Profit after tax 200 140 200 40 140 200 40 Interest Income Prior Period Adjustments Net Profit -100 100 CA KUSAI GOAWALA Comparisons Sr. Point for No. Consideration IAS 8 (Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors) AS 5 (Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior Period Items and Changes in Accounting Policies) Prospectively/Retrospecti vely application - AS is silent ; hence option to entity 1 Changes in Accounting Policies Retrospective application by adjusting opening reserves for the earliest period presented and the other comparative amounts for each period presented 2 Errors Retrospectively Restated Separately disclosed CA KUSAI GOAWALA CA KUSAI GOAWALA Key Definition – What is Business Combination ? Business Combinations: The bringing together of separate entities or businesses into one reporting entity. Nearly all business combinations entail in an acquirer obtaining control of one or more acquirees. Example : 1. One or more corporations become subsidiaries. 2. One company transfers its net assets to another. 3. Each company transfers its net assets to a newly formed company. CA KUSAI GOAWALA Scope Exclusion: Example: Mr. X (100 %) Mr. Y (100 %) A Ltd. B Ltd. (50%). (50%). C Ltd. Whether BC ? CA KUSAI GOAWALA Scope Exclusion: Example: Mr. X (100 %) Mr. Y (100 %) Acting in concert by agreement A Ltd. B Ltd. (75%). (25%). C Ltd. Whether BC ? CA KUSAI GOAWALA Key Requirements – Step Acquisition : • Increases in ownership interest Apply : • IndAS 28 • IndAS 109/39 • IndAS 107 Initial Investment Business Combination-FIRS 3: : • Fair Value existing holding • Fair Value acquired net assets • Calculate Goodwill Control Obtained Equity Transaction : • No Adjustment to Goodwill • No P&L Gain/ Loss Buy further Minorities Obtaining control is a significant economic event that triggers remeasurement CA KUSAI GOAWALA Key Requirements – First Time Adopter : • A first time adopter may elect not to apply IndAS 103 retrospectively to past business combinations. • If a first time adopter restates any business combination to comply with IndAS 103 • It shall restate all later business combinations CA KUSAI GOAWALA IndAS 103 : Business Combinations a) Even Intangibles not recognized earlier can be now recognized – for instance internally generated brands. b) Exceptions to recognition and measurement principles – Deferred Tax – Potential tax effects of temporary differences/Employee Benefits – as per relevant IndAS c) Bargain purchases - Negative Goodwill – OCI reassess all identified assets and liabilities CA KUSAI GOAWALA Comparisons IndAS–103 – BC Sr. No. Point for Consideration AS 14 –Accounting for Amalgamation 1. Recording of Assets, Liabilities & Reserves Only Purchase Method ; Acquirer to be identified Common Control mergers allowed under Pooling of Interest Method Under Purchase method : fair value or at book values Under Pooling of Interest Method : Carrying amounts 2. Goodwill Amortisation in subsequent period Not to amortise but to test for impairment on year to year basis Under Purchase method – amortise not exceeding 5 years No specific provision for Goodwill on acquisition of subsidiary. 3. Contingent consideration Consideration may include contingent consideration. Changes to contingent consideration resulting from events after the end of the reporting period recognised in profit & loss. No specific guidance CA KUSAI GOAWALA CA KUSAI GOAWALA IFRS 1 : First Time adoption of IFRS • • • • • • Retrospective Applications Restate previous comparable period Opening IndAS Statement of Financial Position Say first time adoption in 2017-18 : Full IndAS compliance for year ended 31.3.2017 and 2016. Only Statement of Financial Position (B/s) to be restated as of 31.3.2015. • Transitional provisions in each IndAS does not apply to first time adoption • It applies to changes in policies due to introduction of new standard CA KUSAI GOAWALA Apply IndAS in • Its First IndAS FS • Interim Financial report- Part of period covered by its 1st IndAS FS Opening IndAS Balance Sheet • Prepare IndAS BS 1st day E.g. 1st FS is for 31.03.2017 Op.Bal. for 31.03.2015 • Apply latest version of IndAS. • Can apply ‘not yet mandatory’ IndAS – Provided the same allows early application. CA KUSAI GOAWALA • • • • • IndAS First Balance Sheet Shall include – Three BS – Two P&L – Two CF – Two statements of changes in equity Recognise Assets & Liabilities which is required under IndAS Derecognise Assets & Liabilities if IndAS does not permit Reclassify Assets & liabilities as per IndAS Measure Assets & Liabilities as per IndAS Explanation of transition to IndAS • Reconciliation of previous GAAP & IndAS – Equity CA KUSAI GOAWALA Exceptions • • • • • • • Para 14-17 Para 14 – Estimates . No change as given in previous GAAP Para 15 – Information received after date of transition. Non adjusting events. (Prospective not retrospective) Para 16 – Previous GAAP estimates not required. – No need to make retrospective Para 17 – Comparative figures – The above apply Appendix C and D Previous GAAP carrying amounts can be considered as deemed cost CA KUSAI GOAWALA • Appendix C 1. Business Combinations i) May not consider BC before date of transition. ii) However, if apply to one than apply to all subsequent BC. iii) Carrying amount of Goodwill on transition date will be continued subject to impairment test and reclassification. CA KUSAI GOAWALA CA KUSAI GOAWALA •Tax Rate – Substantially Enacted •No discounting – Absolute Figures] •Tax Losses – Recognition of DTA- Virtual Certainty vs Probable •Offset rules •Business •ESOP Combinations related tax assets/liabilities •Non Current Asset/Liability •CFS – eliminated profit on intra group transaction – temporary difference. •Tax Holiday ??– India specific – may get customized. CA KUSAI GOAWALA •Case Study – Elimination of Intragroup Profits H an entity taxed at 30% - S subsidiary at 34% •S Sells inventory – cost Rs.100000/- to H for Rs.120000/- •Eliminate •DTA unrealised profit of Rs.20000 of 6000 = 30% of 20000/-. CA KUSAI GOAWALA Comparisons Sr. No. Point for Consideration IndAS 12 (Income taxes) AS 22 (Accounting for taxes on income) 1 Deferred Income Taxes Temporary differences Timing differences 2 Recognition of DTA and DTL Recognized for all Temporary differences except which arise from Initial recognition of goodwill or which is not at a BC Recognized for all Timing differences 3 Recognition of DTA Recognized to the extent it is probable that future taxable profits will be available. Recognized only when virtual certainty is present support by convincing evidence. 4 Investments in subsidiaries, branches & associates and interest in JV DTL for all taxable Temporary differences are recognized. Except •Investor can control reversals. • Temporary differences will not reverse. Not recognized. 5 Deferred Tax on Unrealised intragroup profits Recognized at Buyer’s rate Not recognized . 6 Classification Always classified as Non-Current DTA after Investments and DTL after Unsecured Loans (ASI 7) CA KUSAI GOAWALA CA KUSAI GOAWALA • Interest cost to be worked on effective interest method. Does not include imputed cost of owners equity • What is a Qualifying Asset Takes substantial time (more than 12 months – rebuttable) for completion. • How to compute borrowing cost for capitalisation • First specific borrowing for QA • If general purpose borrowing used, apply weighted average rate. • Cannot capitalise – Biological Assets at FV, Repetitive inventory items CA KUSAI GOAWALA CA KUSAI GOAWALA IAS 24 : Related Party Disclosures • Related Parties Definition : • Category 1 • Holding – Subsidiaries • Joint Ventures • Associates • Category 2 • Key Management Personnel of Entity or parent • Close Relatives of KMP • Entities which are controlled/jointly controlled/ having significant influence of KMP/Relatives • Employees Retirement Benefit Plans CA KUSAI GOAWALA • KMP who has authority and responsibility for planning/directing • Common director need not mean Related Party • Common KMP – Yes • KMP in one and director in another – ability to exercise significant influence • Relatives – Spouse/Domestic Partner, Children of both, Dependants of self/partner. • Names to be given in cases where absolute control exists even if no transactions. - Parent/Subsdiary only CA KUSAI GOAWALA • All kinds of transactions to be reported : • • • • • • • • • Sales Purchase Services received/rendered Loans received/given Guarantees given/received Dues from/to KMP Compensation Any other transactions Lease, Transfer of R & D, transfer under license agreements, Management contracts. CA KUSAI GOAWALA Case Study Related party relationship are wider under IndAS24 as against AS18 If Entity P has control over A and has significant influence over B. Under AS18 A and B are not related However they are related party under IndAS24 Comparisons Sr. Point for No. Consideration IAS 24 (Related Party Disclosures) AS 18 (Related Party Disclosures) 1 Related Parties Includes post employment Post employment benefit benefit plans of the plans not included reporting entity or its related party 2 Definition of relative Uses the term “a close member of that person’s family” . Uses the term “relatives of an individual” 3 Compensation to KMP Disclosed as aggregate and separately for (a) short term employee benefits (b) post employment benefits (c) other long term benefits (d) termination benefits and (e) share based payments Disclosed as aggregate of all items of compensation CA KUSAI GOAWALA CA KUSAI GOAWALA IndAS 108 – Operating Segments • Identification of Operating Segment (OS) • As per internal reporting norms to CEO • Qualitative thresholds To provide • Quantitative thresholds • 10% of revenue / profits / assets • If OS does not cover 75% then add other segments also CA KUSAI GOAWALA Information to be disclosed • Measurement • Reconciliations • Restatement • Product & services • Geographical Segments • Major Customers >10% CA KUSAI GOAWALA Comparisons Sr. Point for No. Consideratio n InAS 8 (Operating Segments) AS 17 (Segment Reporting) 1 Identificatio Based on financial n of information on how to segments allocate resources and in assessing performance 2 sets of segments i.e. business and geographical using risks and rewards approach 2 Measureme nt Segment Revenue/Expense/Result/ Asset/Liability not defined Segment Revenue/Expense/Result/ Asset/Liability have been defined 3 Disclosures Revenue from a customer No such requirement if exceeds 10% of total segment revenue CA KUSAI GOAWALA CA KUSAI GOAWALA IndAS 16 : Property Plant and Equipments • Definition of Asset – Only Tangible Items are covered • Recognition of an item of PPE Measurement of an item of PPE : Cost model or Revaluation model If Revaluation model – Assess at regular intervals • Accounting for changes in decommissioning and restoration costs • First Time application – Deem Cost • CA KUSAI GOAWALA • Revaluation of an item of PPE : Upward = Revaluation Surplus a/c – OCI • and Downward = P&L a/c • Depreciation method : SLM or WDV • Change in method of Depreciation : Change in accounting policy – Prospective effect Derecognition • Gain/loss on derecognition Component Accounting To depreciate significant components separately if Useful life differs Replacement of Components • The new part shall be capitalized if it fulfills the recognition criteria and the replaced part shall be derecognised • Replaced part to be derecognized CA KUSAI GOAWALA Comparisons Sr. No. Point for Consideration IAS 16 (Property, Plant & Equipment) AS 6 & 10 (Depreciation Accounting & Accounting for Fixed Assets) 1 Measurement Models Cost or Revaluation model Only Cost model allowed ; revaluation permitted subject to conditions 2 Change in method of depreciation Change in Accounting Estimate, prospectively Change in Accounting Policy, retrospectively 3 Deferred Receipt on Disposal Deferred Consideration – Effective Interest Not required 4 Replacement Costs The new part shall be capitalized if it fulfills the recognition criteria and the replaced part shall be derecognized The new part shall be capitalized if it fulfills the recognition criteria ; otherwise expensed out 5 Cost of major inspection Capitalised Expensed out 6 Frequency of Revaluation If Revaluation model is adopted, at the end of every reporting period Not prescribed 7 Revaluation Both Upward and Downward Revaluation allowed subject to carrying amount of asset not exceed its fair value. Only Upward No concept of fair value while revaluation 8 Frequency of estimation of Residual Value To review at least at each reporting period Not prescribed 9 Scope All fixed assets covered, except property under as investment property (included in IAS 40). All fixed assets covered 10 Depreciation Fixed Assets are REQUIRED to be componentized and depreciated separately. Fixed Assets are NOT REQUIRED to be componentized and depreciated separately. Sch II effective from 1.4.2015 CA KUSAI GOAWALA CA KUSAI GOAWALA • In AS – top down or bottoms up test. • Treatment of Impairment Loss : • CA-RA = P&L • If CA is revalued – first reduce Revaluation reserve to that extent and balance to P&L • If RA is negative = provide a liability • Reversals of Impairment • No reversals for impairment loss on goodwill – earlier version allowed. • Corporate Assets • If possible to allocate to a unit – allocate • If not possible go to CGU – allocate • If not possible exclude Corporate Assets CA KUSAI GOAWALA • Impairment Loss in case of CGU with Goodwill • First impact Goodwill then balance distribute to assets in CGU on pro-rata • The value cannot reduce below zero • Reversals • Tested on an annual basis or earlier when there is an impairment indication. • If external/internal sources favorable, check for reversals. • Reversals to be given effect only if there is a change in estimates since last impairment loss. • Change due to reduction in period of cash flow cannot reverse impairment. • Cannot exceed Carrying Amount if Impairment loss was not recognized • Impairment reversals (other than on Goodwill) to be taken to P&L except in case of revaluation impact. CA KUSAI GOAWALA Sr. No. Point for Consideration AS 28 (Impairment of Assets) IndAS 36 (Impairment of Assets) 1 Goodwill Tested for impairment by Allocated to the lowest level allocating its carrying at which goodwill is internally amount to CGU. monitored by management. 2 impairment test On indication Tested on an annual basis or for Goodwill Also AS-26 requires earlier when there is an and Intangibles intangibles that are not impairment indication. available for use and that are amortized over a period exceeding 10 years to be assessed for impairment every F.Y and even if there is no indication of impairment. 3 Reversal of Favorable external events Reversal is prohibited (even in impairment loss have occurred. subsequent interim periods). for goodwill CA KUSAI GOAWALA CA KUSAI GOAWALA • Provision to be made for warranties, returns, money back offers, claims etc. • High level of estimates required. • Not necessary to know the identity of the payee. • Provision to be made on the present value of the liability to be incurred. • Contingent Liability to be given in notes. If chances of such liability is remote – no need to disclose in notes. • Joint and Several Liabilities – Contingent Liabilities – share of other joint parties. • Contingent Assets : Do not recognize unless realization virtually certain Disclose in Notes CA KUSAI GOAWALA Key differences Constructive Obligations vs Legal Obligations Discounting of provision Restructuring provision – constructive vs legal obligation Onerous contracts – IndAS – discounting and impairment Contingent Assets - Disclosure • Measurement : • Best estimate • Provisions are before taxes • Risks and uncertainties – not required to create excessive provision out of abundant precaution. • Future events : • Amount to be provided – technological changes / legislation may not be passed (eg environmental requirements) • End use as per provision made : adjust such provision only. • Future operating losses no need to provide. • Onerous contracts : Unavoidable cost exceeds benefits – to provide. • Reimbursements – recognize as a separate asset : virtual certain – to receive – not to exceed the provision CA KUSAI GOAWALA Comparisons Sr. No. Point for Consideration IAS 37 (Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets) AS 29 (Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets) 1 Recognition of Provisions Constructive obligation considered only if arising from customary practice In case of Legal or Constructive obligation 2 Discounting of Provisions If more than 12 months, then PV Not permitted 3 Recognition of Contingent Assets Disclosed in FS if an inflow of economic benefits is probable Not disclosed in FS but disclosed in BOD report CA KUSAI GOAWALA CA KUSAI GOAWALA •What is indication of hyperinflation : • When cumulating price index over three years nears 100%. • People prefer dealing in stable currencies • People invest in Non monetary assets/other stable currencies • Sales/Purchase credits built in inflationary cost • Interest/Wages linked to price index. CA KUSAI GOAWALA • • • • Non monetary assets/liabilities, income and expenditure are indexed from the date of transaction to reporting date (Measuring Unit Current) Monetary items are already at MUC and hence not required to be indexed. Restate FS of current as well as previous year. Recognize Gain or loss in P&L CA KUSAI GOAWALA • Money loses purchasing power and hence comparing the transactions on absolute terms is not meaningful. • How to index : • Equity – Capital movements to be indexed • Retained earnings will automatically get adjusted due to changes in P&L • Revaluation Reserve – Eliminate • Monetary Assets/Liabilities – Assets/liabilities at carrying amount • Non Monetary Assets/Liabilities – Indexed by Measuring Unit Current vs index on the date of transaction. • Assets/Liabilities under a contract where it provides linked to index – as per agreement. CA KUSAI GOAWALA • • In case of exact date of acquisition of FA not available – first date of restatement. In case of price index not available for a period – use movements in stable currency as guiding factor. CA KUSAI GOAWALA CA KUSAI GOAWALA • Development involves • Application of research • Alternative already selected • Making prototype • Ends on commencement of commercial production/use • If research and development phase cannot be distinguished – Consider as Research phase. • Expenditure once written off cannot be subsequently capitalized. • When recognition criteria is met at a later stage – capitalize from that date. • Intangibles acquired under Business Combination • Recognize even if internally generated by acquiree • Assess recognize criteria • To recognize separately from Goodwill • Initial recognition always at cost CA KUSAI GOAWALA Cost includes • cost of acquisition • direct cost incurred for making it capable for operating as intended • deferred price consideration – imputed interest to be segregated • Borrowing cost as per IAS 23 • Cannot include : Marketing, administration, abnormal wastages etc • Grant : Assets allotted without considering – Airport landing rights, license to operate radio stations etc. – Take Fair Value on both sides – Asset and Government Grant CA KUSAI GOAWALA • Cost model – Cost less amortization less impairment • Revaluation to be done regularly. • Active market : taxi licences, fishing licences, production quotas • No active market – brands, patents or trademark – since assets are unique • If active market cease – it indicates - check for impairment. • Effect of revaluation : •When revalued asset is disposed off, revaluation surplus transferred to retained earnings directly without routing through P&L. • Test for impairment CA KUSAI GOAWALA • Intangibles • Having finite lives • Having Infinite lives (no foreseeable limit to generate cash inflows) • For assets having finite lives – Apply IndAS 36 • For assets having infinite lives – Check annually and on indication of impairment. • Indefinite does not mean infinite. Estimate on prudent basis. • Amortization : -- For Finite lives : • On straight line over the period of useful life. • No amortization for intangibles having infinite lives • Goodwill/brand once impaired – cannot reverse. CA KUSAI GOAWALA • Intangibles purchased on deferred payment terms – imputed interest to be segregated •Expenditure on advertisement and publicity expenses – Fee paid to an actor in a promotional film is charged to PL when he shoots the film. The charge is not delayed till release of the film. •In case of toll roads, revenue model of amortisation not permitted. CA KUSAI GOAWALA Comparisons Sr. Point for No. Consideratio n IndAS 38 (Intangible Assets) AS 26 (Intangible Assets) 1 Measurement Either at Cost or Revalued Amt Only at Cost 2 Useful life Either finite or infinite Cannot be infinite (rebuttable presumption max 10 years) 3 Goodwill Not amortised but subject to Arising on amalgamation in annual impairment test the nature of purchase : amortized over 5 years Arising on acquisition : not amortised but tested for impairment CA KUSAI GOAWALA CA KUSAI GOAWALA Investment Property • Properties that are held : • for renting/already rented • for capital appreciation • vacant – future use not decided • Not held for administrative purposes or for sale in ordinary course of business •Investment properties during construction period is to be dealt with as PPE. •Property let out to Group Companies – Standalone vs CFS CA KUSAI GOAWALA •Services rendered in relation to property – dominant or ancillary – PPE or IP Hotel or Rented Property • Part PPE / IP : Segregate relevant portions. Possible to sell independently. • If not possible – If OOP very negligible compared to total, then treat as IP. • Conditions for recognition : • If Future Economic benefits will flow to entity • Cost can be measured reliably CA KUSAI GOAWALA • • Measurement after recognition Only one method available: • Cost model (Fair Value model option in IFRS) • CA KUSAI GOAWALA Disposals and Retirements : • When sold or permanently withdrawn from use : no future benefit available • When replacement of one part – apply method used in PPE. •On sale – Consideration – Carrying amount = P&L • If consideration deferred – compute imputed interest revenue. CA KUSAI GOAWALA Investment Property Basis Of Comparison IndAS 40 Investment Property AS 13 Accounting for Investments Definition of investment property Land or building held to earn rentals or for capital appreciations or both. Does not apply to owner occupied property or property held for sale or that is leased to another entity under financial lease. An investment in land or buildings that are not intended to be occupied substantially for use by, or in the operations of the investing enterprise. Measurement of investment property Permits only cost model. Classified as long term investments and measured at cost less impairment. CA KUSAI GOAWALA CA KUSAI GOAWALA •Biological assets – livestock, crops, plantations. •Bearer Plants – living plant – expected to bear produce for more than one period. •Except – plant grown as lumber • Agricultural Produce – harvested produce • Process – Agricultural transformation/Deterioration/ Procreation. • Recognised only if : • Control over assets. • Cash flow can be estimated – economic benefits. • Cost or FV can be reliably determined. CA KUSAI GOAWALA • Initial Recognition at Fair Value as per present location and condition minus point of sale costs. • Changes in value – P&L. • If FV cannot be ascertained – cost minus depreciation minus impairment as per PPE. • If harvested – the crop is to be considered as Inventories. • Once taken at FV cannot change back to Cost method. • Gain or loss from initial recognition – take to P&L • If land and standing crops are combined - deduct land value to determine value for crops. • In case of Government Grant – When FV used – take it to P&L when becomes receivable. • If contingent on fulfilling conditions – recognize only when conditions met. CA KUSAI GOAWALA • Fair Value to be determined for Biological assets as well as Agricultural Produce. • Do not consider forward sale price to determine FV as the same is not indicative of the current FV • Group similar assets according to significant attributes etc • Gains or losses on initial recognition to P&L • Subsequent measurement changes – recognise to PL CA KUSAI GOAWALA Biological Assets Agricultural Produce Products as a result of processing harvesting Sheep Wool Yarn Carpet Dairy Cattle Milk Cheese Cotton Plants Cotton Thread clothing Sugarcane Harvested cane Sugar Tea Bushes Picked leaves Tea Fruit Trees Picked Fruit Processed fruit CA KUSAI GOAWALA CA KUSAI GOAWALA Comparisons Sr. Point for No. Consideration 1 Deferred Settlement Terms IAS 2 (Inventories) AS 2 (Valuation of Inventories) Purchase price under Cost is the purchase price normal credit terms (–) amt paid for deferred settlement = interest expense (imputed interest) CA KUSAI GOAWALA CA KUSAI GOAWALA Forgivable loans considered as grant Government loans at below market interest to be accounted as per IFRS 109 (initial carrying amount – amount as determined under IFRS 109) Grants relating to assets to be accounted as deferred Income Non monetary grant at fair value – vs nominal value Refund of Grant – prohibition to be classified as Extraordinary Item CA KUSAI GOAWALA Comparisons Sr. No. Point for Consideration IAS 20 (Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance) AS 12 (Accounting for Government Grants) 1 Recognition Only Income approach Capital or Income approach 2 Trf to Shareholder’s Funds Nil In the nature of Promoter’s contribution 3 Repayment Cumulative additional depreciation Immediately recognized as an expense ; prohibited to classify as an extra-ordinary item Recognized over the remaining useful life of the asset ; classified as an extraordinary item CA KUSAI GOAWALA CA KUSAI GOAWALA IndAS 27 - Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements • • • • CFS is the primary FS. Single Economic Entity. Separate Financial Statement only if statute requires For an entity having no subsidiary/JV/Associate – SFS is the FS • Control for the purpose of determining subsidiary status: a. Power over the investee b. Exposure or rights to variable returns due to involvement c. Ability to use the power to affect the investors return. • Subsidiary may be company or non-corporate • Potential voting rights (PVR) – to consider for determining control CA KUSAI GOAWALA • PVR to be considered in totality for determining Control. • However PVR not considered for computing profits/losses • Minority Interest – Non Controlling Interests • Consolidation is compulsory • Exceptions: All of the following conditions satisfied. 1. 2. 3. 4. Parent has a parent who has agreed Not listed not a potential - listing Intermediate or ultimate Parent - prepares CFS. • No exemption • • A subsidiary under severe long-term restriction for transfer of funds. All subsidiaries to be included except those acquired and held for sale. CA KUSAI GOAWALA Group A Standalone Holdco Sales 0 PAT 0 Equity Capital Reserves 3000 0 3000 Investments 3000 Operating Assets 3000 Group A Standalone Holdco SPV1 SPV2 SPV3 Sales 0 1000 1000 1000 PAT 0 200 200 200 3000 1000 1000 1000 0 200 200 200 3000 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 Equity Capital Reserves Investments 3000 Operating Assets 3000 Standalone Co A Co B Sales 0 2500 PAT 0 500 3000 3000 0 500 3000 3500 3000 0 0 3500 3000 3500 Equity Capital Reserves Investments Operating Assets CFS A Sales PAT Equity Reserves Operating Assets B 3000 2500 600 500 3000 3000 600 500 3600 3500 3600 3500 3600 3500 • • • • Acquisition Cost: Add : Cost of acquisition of share. Add : All other cost associated with acquisition is cost of acquisition. Deduct : Dividends received in respect of income prior to acquisition – reduce cost • • • • Consolidation is compulsory till Subsidiary ceases to be subsidiary. Eliminate intra group transactions/unrealized profits Deferred tax implication on such eliminations Intra group Losses may indicate impairment – test for impairment • Three months gap allowed between reporting dates of Parent & Subsidiaries F.S. • Minority Interest disclose under Equity. • • • Recognition of Goodwill in CFS (100% / Parent Co. Share) Uniform Accounting Policies to be followed. Line by line consolidation. CA KUSAI GOAWALA • Step disposal: • Substance of chain transactions is to lose control – take total transactions as one. • Accounting for disposal – results in – • No loss of control : Account for changes in Equity – owner with owner Loss of control • Derecognise asset/liabilities from the date control is lost • Derecognise non controlling interest • Recognise consideration • Retained investment at FV • Recognise any profit/loss in P&L • Transfer incomes held under OCI to P&L • Transfer Revaluation Reserve directly to Retained Earnings • In case of retained investment without control – Apply IAS 39 • FV on date of loss of control is FV on initial recognition • In Separate FS : Account either at cost or as per IAS 39 CA KUSAI GOAWALA Comparisons Sr. No. Point for Consideration IAS 27 Consolidated & Separate FS AS-21 Consolidated FS 1 Consolidation Mandatory Mandatory to Listed/in the process of listing 2 Control Power to govern the Financial & Operating Policies of an entity 1.If voting power more than 50% 2. Able to remove major Board of Directors 3 If Dual Control Company which has control will consolidate Both entities will consolidate 4 Potetial Voting Rights (PVR) – control Only currently exercisable PVR considered for assessing control Not considered in assessing control 5 Partial Disposal - Control retained Accounted as equity basis No Specific Guidance - Loss of Control Remeasure of residual holding to fair value. Difference between carrying value & fair value is recognise in Profit & Loss Account No Specific Guidance 6 Accounting in Separate FS Cost less impairment Loss or IAS 39 – AFS Cost less impairment loss. 7 Minority Interest Under Equity Between own fund & Loan fund 8 Goodwill Either for 100% or parents holding. Only in relation to parents share 9 Special purpose entity If control exist then consolidate Not prescribed CA KUSAI GOAWALA CA KUSAI GOAWALA IndAS 17 : Leases •Operating vs Finance Lease •Substance over Form •Cost allocation •Inception and Commencement of Lease •Minimum Lease Amount •Gross Investment at absolute amount •Net Investment in Lease – PV •Contingent Rent CA KUSAI GOAWALA •IRR •Land Building Separate •Finance Lease – Initial Recognition : FV or PV of minimum lease payments •Disclose Assets = Liability – Direct cost incurred •Subsequent measurement – apportion finance cost and repayments •Brokerage – expense in P&L for lessor and capitalize for lessee •Operating Leases – Income and Expense over straight line method •Brokerage over lease term •Depreciation to be provided CA KUSAI GOAWALA •Impairment •Sales and Lease Back transaction •Whether finance or operating lease •If Finance Lease : •Profit on sale deferred and amortised over lease period •If Operating Lease Sales at Fair Value – recognize profit •Sales below fair value – profit/loss recognized – if compensated by rentals – amortise •Sales above fair value – excess - amortise over lease period CA KUSAI GOAWALA Comparisons Sr. No. Point for Consideration IndAS 17 (Leases) AS 19 (Leases) 1 Interest in leasehold land Recognized as Operating Lease unless recognized as Investment Property Classified as Fixed Assets 2 Initial direct costs by lessor under finance lease Included in finance lease receivable and reduce the income recognized over the lease term Recognized immediately in P&L a/c or allocated against the finance income over the lease term 3 Initial direct costs by lessor under operating lease Either deferred and allocated to income over the lease term in the proportion as rent income or recognized as an expense in the period in which they are incurred CA KUSAI GOAWALA CA KUSAI GOAWALA Differences between IndAS and existing Indian Accounting Standards The Standard replaces the following Standards : AS 9 Revenue Recognition IAS18 AS 7 Construction Contracts IAS 11 Includes : Revenue from Contracts with Customers --for sale of goods --for sale of services --for other income --for construction Scopes out : lease contracts insurance contracts financial instruments etc CA KUSAI GOAWALA Recognition • • • Recognize revenue once the performance obligations are fulfilled. Recognize revenue when the control of the promised asset is transferred by the entity. The standard provides indicators of transfer of control. Satisfaction of performance obligations over a period of time. CA KUSAI GOAWALA Combination of Contracts Guidance for evaluation of performance obligations Allocation of the transaction price to separate obligations Revenue recognised : -- as “ Control “ of the goods and services underlying the performance obligation is transferred to the customer Need to determine --Whether control is transferred over time, if not, at a point of time CA KUSAI GOAWALA If performance obligation satisfied over time, revenue is recognised by measuring progress towards complete satisfaction ( by using either output or input methods ) --and only if it can reasonably measure its progress, else, revenue should be recognised, only to the extent of contract costs incurred of which recovery is probable Application guidance for transactions, such as --Sale with a right to return --Warranties etc. CA KUSAI GOAWALA Recognition : --a financial asset (right to cash/other financial asset) --an intangible asset (right to receive cash from public on use --both. Contract Cost – Incremental cost for obtaining the Contract Cost is an asset to be amortised when transfer to the customer takes place. Impairment loss to be provided if consideration receivable is less than the carrying amount. Presentation – Contract Asset/Contract Liability CA KUSAI GOAWALA STEPS TO ACCOUNT FOR REVENUE (STEP 1) Identify the contract(s) with a customer. Contract modification. (STEP 2) Identify the separate performance obligations in the contract Non – refundable upfront fees (and some related costs) (STEP 3) Determine the transaction price Variable consideration Volume discounts – first specific and then proportionately Rebate and coupons Time value of money Prompt payment discounts Non cash considerations Consideration payable to a customer CA KUSAI GOAWALA (STEP 4) Allocate the transaction price to the separate performance obligations. Allocation based on standalone selling prices. Allocation of a discount Allocation of variable consideration Changes in transaction prices CA KUSAI GOAWALA (STEP 5) Recognize Revenue when (or as) the entity satisfies a performance obligations Performance obligations completed at a point in time Customer acceptance Bill and hold arrangements Performance obligations satisfied over time Simultaneous receipt and consumption of the benefits of the entity’s performance Customer controls the asset as it is created or enhanced Alternative use to the entity CA KUSAI GOAWALA • In cases where performance obligations are fulfilled over a period of time, revenue can be recognized if:• Customer avails the benefit soon as company renders services (for e.g. cleaning services) • Additional work-in-process where the asset is controlled by customer or • Entity has a legal right to recover payment against part of the work done and the work so done is of no use to the company. Apply these methods only when control is transferred to customer. Any change in progress is treated as change in accounting estimate. CA KUSAI GOAWALA • Stage of completion can be determine as under a) Output Method : By survey of work performed By milestones achieved Units of production/deliveries b) Input Method Cost to cost method : The % completion would be estimated by comparing total cost incurred to date with total cost expected for the entire contract. However this is not acceptable method as wastages can creep in Labour Hours, Machine Hours etc Completion of Physical proportion of the contract work. • Uncertainty in collection amounts to expenses to be written of as an expense and not deductible from revenue. • Contract Losses to be recognized immediately. CA KUSAI GOAWALA • • • • • Measurement Initial measurement Subsequent measurement Multiple performance obligations- transaction price Transaction price • • • • • • Variable consideration Factoring difficulties in estimating variable consideration Financing component Non-cash consideration Consideration payable to customer At the time of recognition of revenue there is a presumption that contracts won't be cancelled. CA KUSAI GOAWALA • Variable consideration •(discounts, refunds, price concessions. Rebates, credits, performance bonus, incentives, contingent upon some event) • • • • Customer is expecting a price concession from the company based on the past practices, policies, etc. and it is expected that the price to customer shall be less than the price stated in the contract. The company has an intention to provide price concessions to customer whichever method is applied, it should be applied consistently. Refund liabilities or contract liabilities expected to be paid should be updated at each period end. The standard contains separate guidance on sale with a right-to-return basis. CA KUSAI GOAWALA • • Financing component Interest expense/ income • • Non-cash consideration • • Deferred Consideration At fair value Consideration payable to consumer Coupons etc • Case Study : • Company sells oats breakfast to a convenience stores. It pays for (a) Slotting fee for placement of its products • (b) Advertisement fee for billboard Item (a) Should be deducted from Transaction Price as no separate service rendered Item (b) should be considered as advertisement expense • CA KUSAI GOAWALA Other principles • The standard also defines specific guidance on following:• Sale with a right to return • • • • • • Warranties • • • • • • Customer dissatisfaction Expectation about refund liability Exchanges will not be considered as returns Recognise the amount expected to be retained and not return Assurance that the product will perform Above assurance with service to be provided Provide warranty cost IndAS37 Warranties purchased separately – separate service A law that requires to entity to pay compensation for damages does not give rise to performance obligation. CA KUSAI GOAWALA Case Study • Company sells 100 jeans at Rs.1000 – with 30 day return period. • Cost of jean Rs.600 • Estimated Expected returns 25% • Sales 75 x 1000 = 75000 • Cost 75 x 600 = 45000 • Create Asset 25 x 600 = 15000 • Create liability 25 x 1000 = 25000 • CA KUSAI GOAWALA Principle vs Agent • •Agent will only recognise fee or commission when control of goods transferred •Principle will recognise only when agent has performed Customer options for additional goods or services Sales incentives, customer awards, points, contract renewal options, discount on further goods or services. Estimate the discount and benefit and deduct from Transaction price CA KUSAI GOAWALA Non refundable upfront fees • •Joining fees of health clubs, activation fee in telecom, set up fee in service industry, initiation fee in supply contracts •Principle will recognise when the performance obligation has been met •Case Study – Coaching classes collect 25% upfront fee – no upfront recognition Licensing Software, motion pictures, franchisee fees, patents, TM. Distinct or combined with goods/services License forms part of tangible goods Granting license to access contents – online Entity’s promise for use of license - License to use IP at point of time - License to use IP at a period of time CA KUSAI GOAWALA Repurchase Agreements • •Obligation to repurchase (forward) •Right to repurchase (Call option) •For both the above options •Do not recognise sale •Account as Finance Lease •Financing Arrangement •If option lapses, recognise revenue – derecognise liability •Obligation to repurchase at the request of the customer (Put Option) •If PP (Put Price) < SP – account for lease as per IndAS17 •However, if customer does not have any incentive since PP < Market Price •Account as normal sale minus provision for right of return •If PP (Put Price) >= SP – account as financing transaction •However, if customer does not have any incentive since PP < Market Price •Account as normal sale minus provision for right of return If option lapses, recognise revenue – derecognise liability CA KUSAI GOAWALA Consignment Arrangements • •Donot recognise unless controlled by third parties •Indication of consignment nature •Product controlled by entity until delivered to customer or specific period expires •Dealer is able to return the goods •No obligation to pay for the products although he may give a deposit Bill and Hold Transfers effective control although no physical delivery Indicators Goods should be identifiable Ready for despatch the reason must be substantive – customer requests entity should not have the ability to use the goods Recognise the sales except for pending performance for any custodial services CA KUSAI GOAWALA • Customer Acceptances •To objectively determine •Customer’s acceptance is a formality. Acceptance is based on specifications supplied. If supplied as per specifications, recognise. •Pending performance – installations etc •Cannot determine transfer of control – do not recognise •Trial period – lapses – recognise CA KUSAI GOAWALA • Real Estate Sales in India and IndAS115 •Under Indian GAAP – Guidance Note – AS7 •Transfer of significant risk and reward, revenue can be determined •Conditions of threshold limits are met •Conditions under AS 9 and AS7 are met •Recognise on percentage completion basis •IndAS115 requires compliance of the following conditions : •Customer simultaneously receives and consumes benefit •Developers performance enhances the value of the asset controlled by customer •No alternative use to the developer •Enforceable right to recover payment for performance completed upto date •Compliance with last two is possible. However, first two is difficult. •Terms of contract to be seen •What happens in case of 10% on booking and 90% on possession CA KUSAI GOAWALA Disclosures • • • • • • • • • The standard prescribes various disclosures as under :Qualitative and Quantitative aspects about the contract Disaggregation of revenue Contract Balances Performance obligations Transaction price allocation Significant judgments applied Timing of satisfaction of performance obligation Determination of transaction price and amount allocated to performance obligation CA KUSAI GOAWALA CA KUSAI GOAWALA Appetizers : The Accounting Standards are constituted to bring out real profit or loss of an entity The financial engineering in various products are exposed and impact on profit and loss is correctly reflected Financial Instruments are complex in nature due to its creation out of fertile minds of financial wizards They are common in nature and found everywhere. Derivative is one of the most complicated aspect of this Standard CA KUSAI GOAWALA Appetizers : One may find such derivatives in many contracts. For example : Sale proceeds determined based on lease rentals Lease rentals linked to sales of tenants Technical consultancy – kicker incentive by way of stock option Variable Interest rates in bank loans Convertible Preference Shares CA KUSAI GOAWALA Appetizers : IFRS is replaced IAS 39 with a new simplified standard IFRS 9. CA KUSAI GOAWALA Presentation IndAS 32 Substance over Form Redeemable Preference Shares Compulsorily Convertible Debentures CA KUSAI GOAWALA Standards under discussion : CA KUSAI GOAWALA Standards under discussion : Description Under Indian GAAP Under IFRS Financial Instruments – AS30 Recognition and Measurement IFRS 9 Financial Instruments – Presentation AS31 IAS 32 Financial Instruments – Disclosures AS32 IFRS 7 CA KUSAI GOAWALA Basic Principles underlying these Standards (a) Fair Value Concept (b) Present Value method (c) Effective Interest Method (d) IRR and Amortised Value (e) Substance over form - Presentation (f) Off Balance Sheet Items will be recognised CA KUSAI GOAWALA What is a Financial Instrument (FI) ?? CA KUSAI GOAWALA Financial Instrument (FI) Any contract : That creates a Financial Asset (FA) for one entity And Creates Either a Financial Liability (FL) or Equity (E) for other entity CA KUSAI GOAWALA Example Financial Instrument (FI) Entity A Entity B Loan Given ( FA ) Loan Taken ( FL ) Debtor ( FA ) Creditor ( FL ) Shares of B ( FA ) Equities Debentures ( FA ) Debentures ( FL ) CA KUSAI GOAWALA What is a Financial Asset (FA) ?? CA KUSAI GOAWALA Financial Asset (FA) Any asset that is: (a) Cash (b) Equity of another entity (c) Right to receive cash or any other FA (d) Right to exchange FA or FL (e) Derivative CA KUSAI GOAWALA What is a Financial Liability (FL) ?? CA KUSAI GOAWALA Financial Liability (FL) Any liability that is: (a) Contract to deliver cash or any FA of the entity (b) Exchange FA or FL with another entity (c) Contract to settle by issuing own variable numbers of equity (for e.g. Conversion of a liability to Equity) CA KUSAI GOAWALA Classification of FA and FL CA KUSAI GOAWALA Classification based on business model Characteristics of cash flow from contract Types FA that are subsequently measured at : 1. Amortised Cost (Earlier HTM and LR) 2. Fair Value through OCI (earlier AFS) 3. Fair Value through PL (Earlier FVPL) Classification can change if the business model changes Entity cannot reclassify its liabilities CA KUSAI GOAWALA Classification of FA and FL (a) (b) (c) Fair Value through OCI At amortised cost Fair Value through Profit and Loss (FVPL) CA KUSAI GOAWALA At amortised cost CA KUSAI GOAWALA At Amortised Cost Includes debt / assets acquired by entity to hold till maturity Having business model to collect cashflows CA KUSAI GOAWALA Fair Value through OCI CA KUSAI GOAWALA Fair Value through OCI (a) (b) (c) Debt Instruments Business Model to collect cash flows and sale Equity Instruments not held for trading – can opt for irrevocable election CA KUSAI GOAWALA Fair Value through Profit or Loss (FVPL) CA KUSAI GOAWALA Fair Value through Profit or Loss (FVPL) (a) (b) (c) FA or FL acquired and held for trading (purchasing and selling in near term) Derivatives other than - hedge and Financial Guarantee contract This is a Residue Section (All Derivatives will be classified under this category only) CA KUSAI GOAWALA Treatment in accounts for each of the above classification CA KUSAI GOAWALA Treatment in accounts for each of the above classification Initial Recognition FVPL AC FVOCI Fair Value Fair Value Fair Value ++ Unquoted shares Cost ++ Short term receivables Subsequent ++ Unquoted shares Fair Value Amortised Cost Fair Value Cost CA KUSAI GOAWALA Treatment in accounts for each of the above classification FVPL Difference P&L Test for impairment No AC P&L as interest FVOCI Revaluati on Reserve Under Equity Yes No Impairment Loss NA P&L NA Transaction Cost P&L FA Reserve Reclassification Yes Yes Yes CA KUSAI GOAWALA General Reclassification of liabilities not permitted Reclassification of assets permitted (a) (b) (a) (b) (c) (d) a) FVOCI to FVTPL = recognise gain/loss in PL FVTPL to FVOCI = FV will be new amortised cost AC to FVOCI = recognise gain/loss in OCI FVOCI to AC = whatever was in OCI adjust against FV Modification in Cash flows – revised value and carrying amount – difference in Profit and Loss CA KUSAI GOAWALA How to calculate Fair Value : CA KUSAI GOAWALA How to calculate Fair Value : (a) (b) (c) Active Market – quoted price Arm’s length price Non active market – Valuation Techniques – i) Discounted Cash Flow Method ii) Similar transactions of similar products iii) Options Model pricing CA KUSAI GOAWALA How to calculate Fair Value : Options model pricing : Binomial Method Black Scholes Model Greeks Model (Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega) Cost to carry model CA KUSAI GOAWALA How to calculate Fair Value : Fair value of a loan given can be calculated by applying market rate of interest and discounting the cash flows from the same to the present value. This will determine the effective interest loaded in FA. CA KUSAI GOAWALA How to calculate amortised cost CA KUSAI GOAWALA How to calculate amortised cost The stream of cash flows including interest and other receivables or transaction cost payables from the FA/FL to be calculated in such a way that the net present value of the cash flows reduces to zero. The effective interest worked out as above will be carried to profit and loss and the actual interest received/paid will be considered as cash inflow/outflow for the said FA/FL CA KUSAI GOAWALA What is a Derivative CA KUSAI GOAWALA What is a Derivative 1) 2) 3) A Financial instrument that meets all the following criteria : The fair value of the entire instrument changes with the changes in the value of that underlying asset Net investment is zero or negligible compared to the total value Settled in future CA KUSAI GOAWALA Derivatives No Smoke Derivatives without Fire underlying CA KUSAI GOAWALA Derivatives Loan sanctioned @ 12% fixed rate –not yet availed Market rate goes up to 12.5% Embedded Derivative 0.5% CA KUSAI GOAWALA Derivatives Derivative Underlying Mentioned Amount Settlement Amount Stock Option Market Price of Shares Number of Shares (MP at settlement – stock price) * No. of Shares Currency forward Currency Rate Number of Currency Units (Spot rate at settlement – forward rate ) * no. of currency units CA KUSAI GOAWALA Derivatives Derivative Underlying Mentioned Amount Settlement Amount Interest Rate Swap Interest Rate Index ( e.g. Receive 5% fixed and pay LIBOR) No forward Amt. Amount in Currency (Interest rate index- fixed rate )*amount in currency CA KUSAI GOAWALA Embedded Derivative CA KUSAI GOAWALA Embedded Derivatives v/s Compound Instruments To explain in simple terms : any variable component of a contract which can impact the cash flows. For Holder Embedded Derivatives For Issuer Compound Instrument Deliberate Financial Engineering and intentional shifting of certain risks between parties Causes modification to a contract’s cash flow, based on changes in a specified variable. CA KUSAI GOAWALA X Ltd. Invest in following two products of A Ltd. Product 1 Product 2 Type 10% Convertible Debentures 10% Convertible Debentures Numbers Debentures 50000 @ ` 10/- 50000 @ ` 10/- Conversion 1 equity share for each debentures Such numbers of equity shares work out based on price on date of conversion Amount Invested Conversion Period ` 5,00,000/- 2 Yrs ` 5,00,000/- 2 Yrs CA KUSAI GOAWALA Product 1 Product 2 MV of shares on date of conversion ` 50/- ` 50/- No. of shares to be allotted 50000 10000 Value of Product Value changes ` 25,00,000/- ` 5,00,000/- (50000*50) (10000*50) Yes No Hence Classified as For Issuer Equity (CI) Liabilities For Holder Embedded derivatives Loan CA KUSAI GOAWALA Embedded Derivative : (a) (b) Host agreement – could be financial as well non financial instrument. Derivative component If Host agreement is financial instrument – do not split CA KUSAI GOAWALA Embedded Derivative : (a) (b) (c) (d) If the entire FI is covered under FVPL, then it need not be separated irrespective whether CR or NCR. If Derivative component is closely related – no need to separate – account with the host component If Derivative is NCR, then account the same separately at FV. If Value of a Derivative cannot be computed, directly apply FV of total contract – FV of host contract CA KUSAI GOAWALA Embedded Derivative Loan – fixed rate contracts with an option to borrow, to repay the loan any time it chooses Embedded Derivatives Embedded Derivative can be in Debtor /Equity Investments / lease / Normal Sale / Purchase / Service Agreements / Loan Agreements CA KUSAI GOAWALA Compound Instrument – from the perspective of Issuer CA KUSAI GOAWALA Compound Instrument – from the perspective of Issuer First identify whether : Liability Compound CA KUSAI GOAWALA Pure Liability : CA KUSAI GOAWALA Pure Liability : Settlement by paying cash or issuing another FA Examples : o Loans o Compulsorily redeemable Debentures o Compulsorily redeemable Preference Shares o Option to the issuer to issue variable number of its shares CA KUSAI GOAWALA Compound (Liability + Equity) CA KUSAI GOAWALA Compound (Liability + Equity) The instrument provides for conversion option with fixed number of its shares for a fixed amount. Examples : o Convertible Debentures/Preference Shares with fixed number of shares CA KUSAI GOAWALA Treatment in the books CA KUSAI GOAWALA Treatment in the books of Issuer : (a) (b) Split Equity and Liability by first working out PV of the cash flows discounted on market rate of Interest applicable to similar instruments without conversion options. The remaining portion to be classified as equity CA KUSAI GOAWALA Treatment in the books of Holder : (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) If the entire instrument is classified as FVPL, then do not split If not, then check whether the embedded derivative is closely related to the host or not If risks of derivative closely related to the risks associated with host, do not split. Recognise the same together wherever the host is classified If not closely related, then split by working out FV of derivative and classify the derivative component as FVPL and the remaining host wherever the same would have been classified If fair value cannot be worked out classify the entire contract as FVPL. (This is to prevent some companies to avoid classifying the Derivative at Fair Value for its negative impact in P&L) CA KUSAI GOAWALA Treatment of Financial Guarantee. (a) (b) To recognize to the extent there is a probable outflow of resources. For example Bills Discounted to be continued as debtors as well as liability to the discounter as the continued involvement is of the entity. CA KUSAI GOAWALA Derecognition : CA KUSAI GOAWALA Derecognition : If future cash flow ceases to exists If all substantial risks and rewards transferred If although substantial risks and reward not transferred but control transferred In case where the term of loan is changed substantially which changes the FV of the loan by 10% - derecognize the old loan and recognize the loan with revised term as new loan. CA KUSAI GOAWALA Impairment CA KUSAI GOAWALA Impairment of Financial Assets Assess at each balance sheet date for any objective evidence that a FA or group of FA is impaired and determine the amount Method for working impairment amount follow AS-28 Impairment of Assets Compare credit risk Recognise loss allowance for expected credit losses CA KUSAI GOAWALA Impairment of Financial Assets The objective evidence that FA is impaired includes but not restricted to following loss events. a) Significant financial difficulties of the issuer or obligor b) A breach of contract, such as default or delinquency in interest or principal payments c) It becoming probable that the borrower will enter bankruptcy or other financial reorganization Collateral security will not affect the impairment of FA CA KUSAI GOAWALA Hedge Accounting CA KUSAI GOAWALA Hedge Accounting Three types of Hedges : (a) Fair Value Hedge (FVH) (b) Cash Flow Hedge (CFH) (c) Net investment in Non integrated foreign investment Foreign currency hedge can either be FVH or CFH CA KUSAI GOAWALA Fair Value Hedge (a) (b) Recognised Asset or Liability for its changes in fair value Unrecognised Firm Commitment CA KUSAI GOAWALA Cash Flow Hedge Highly probable forecast transaction CA KUSAI GOAWALA Hedge Firm Commitment Non Cancelable PO Forecast Transaction Cancelable PO but transaction Possible CA KUSAI GOAWALA How does FV Hedge works Contract 1 : $ 100000 :- payable on 30/06/2011 (With Supplier ) Contract 2 : Forward rate $100000 @ `45: - buy on 30/06/2011.(with Bank) On Settlement- 30/06/2011-spot rate ` 48 100000 * 48 4800000 Net Bank ` 3 - 300000 4500000 CA KUSAI GOAWALA When to recognize Hedge in Financial Accounts CA KUSAI GOAWALA When to recognize Hedge in Financial Accounts (a) (b) A written agreement with third party Hedge is effective If the above conditions are met The hedge is accounted at initial recognition at fair value – which will be zero. CA KUSAI GOAWALA On subsequent reporting dates before settlement CA KUSAI GOAWALA On subsequent reporting dates before settlement : (a) (b) Fair Value – the difference to the derivative asset and credit to firm commitment Cash Flow Hedge – to Hedge reserve account in equity and on settlement transfer to the respective account. CA KUSAI GOAWALA Disclosures CA KUSAI GOAWALA Disclosures : General Principles for disclosure : An entity should disclose information that enables users of its financial statements to evaluate the significance of financial instruments for its financial position and performance. Specific principles : (a) Accounting policy for recognition of FA and FL (b) Classifications - basis (c) Valuation techniques used and assumptions made (d) Reclassification (e) Derecognition CA KUSAI GOAWALA Disclosures : (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) Collateral Allowances account for credit losses (RDD) Defaults and breaches Financial assets that are either past due or impaired Risk assessment strategy and policy Credit Risk for debtors and receivables Liquidity risk for liabilities CA KUSAI GOAWALA Disclosures : (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) Market risk Hedging policy and coverage Impact of open exposures to variable risks. Sensitivity analysis (impact on P&L if interest rate to go up by 0.5% basis on variable interest loan) Quantitative and Qualitative Risk assessment CA KUSAI GOAWALA Stringent Disclosures (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Note on Interest income Note on Financial Instruments – Recognition and Measurement Change in method due to implementation of Accounting Standard. Credit Risk management of receivables Risk on fluctuation of Interest Rates for variable interest loans CA KUSAI GOAWALA Miscellaneous Regular way Purchase or Sale of financial assets Treasury Shares Offsetting FA and FL CA KUSAI GOAWALA Posers : CA KUSAI GOAWALA Posers : (a) (b) (c) Interest free loans given to Subsidiaries/JV/Associates whether covered under IndAS 109 or their respective standards. Bills discounting – to continue to show the same as liability and not contingent liability ICD where terms of repayment is not specified. CA KUSAI GOAWALA Any Doubts CA KUSAI GOAWALA CA Kusai Goawala 9823140520