Accountsville Interactive Technical Note CF2-111-I-M Accountsville is an interactive technical note that allows students to p put into p practice the theory y of IAS 36: Impairment of Assets. Students must complete a series of tasks in the fictitious village of Accountsville, for the local food producer Martha’s Food Stores. The scenarios in Accountsville are focused on the following assets: • Investment Property • Land • Machinery &Equip. • Goodwill • Intangible assets 1 Accountsville Interactive Technical Note CF2-111-I-M Before entering g the town of Accountsville,, students must consider a g group p of assets and decide whether or not they should be tested for impairment. This section also describes the characteristics of the company, Martha’s Food Stores, and gives detailed information of each of the assets. 2 Accountsville Interactive Technical Note CF2-111-I-M After reading a short technical summary and completing the initial exercise, students enter the town of Accountsville. Here they are presented with a series of buildings that they will need to visit to complete the different tasks. The first of the five scenarios is a walk-through example which guides the students through the different tasks. 3 Accountsville Interactive Technical Note CF2-111-I-M Once inside O i id th the diff differentt scenarios, there are a series of small exercises to help students discover the carrying amount and th recoverable the bl value. l Having discovered the carrying amount and recoverable value, the student must visit the Tax and Legal Authority and complete the T-accounts for the impairment. 4