P3 Properties, Particles, Patterns LeaPS Summer Workshop July 2011 Rowan Co Middle School 8th grade Activities Elizabeth Roland and Diane Johnson 1 Topics to be covered: Atomic Structure Matter is made of atoms Atoms composed of small parts Measurable properties o Mass o Electrical charge Protons, neutrons, electrons and their location Electronic force holds atoms together o Attraction, nucleus and electrons Size o Too small to be seen with microscope Basic structure o Nucleus o Electron cloud Scale Periodic Table Classify substances by how they react in different situations Periodic law Organized by increasing number of protons, then repeating patterns of physical (e.g. density, boiling point, and solubility) and chemical (flammability and reactivity) Groups of elements with similar properties o Metals, highly reactive, less reactive, o Non-metals – highly and less reactive o Non-reactive Element o Single type of atom o Atoms of an element are alike but different from atoms of another element o Do not break down during chemical reactions Biogeochemical Physical and chemical changes Conservation of matter and energy Movement of elements between organisms physical environment to/in the Earth’s systems (repeated over long period of time) Factors that influence movement of elements among solid earth, oceans, atmospheres and organisms Describe interactions that cause the movement 2 Earth is a system containing a fixed amount of each element which can exist in several reservoirs Conservation of Matter/Energy Idea of atoms explains conservation of matter Atoms present today have always existed Investigate the seemingly indestructible nature of atoms and concept of conservation of matter Total amount of matter remain constant even though form and location change Energy can be transferred in many ways but neither created nor destroyed Infer where energy goes Explain law of conservation of energy Connect energy transformation to life Modeling Analyze and interpret models and representations of: o basic atomic structure o elements – single type of atoms Because not directly observable: o physical and conceptual models to enhance understanding o purpose determines type of model to use 3 Relevant Kentucky Program of Studies and Core Content Statements for Eighth Grade Understandings SC-8-STM-U-1 Students will understand that all matter is made of tiny moving particles called atoms, which are far too small to see directly through a microscope. The atoms of any element are alike but are different from atoms of other elements. Skills, Concepts SC-8-STM-S-1 Students will classify substances by how they react in given situations CCA SC-08-1.1.1 Students will: interpret models/representations of elements; classify elements based upon patterns in their physical (e.g., density, boiling point, solubility) and chemical (e.g., flammability, reactivity) properties. Models enhance understanding that an element is composed of a single type of atom. Organization/interpretation of data illustrates that when elements are listed according to the number of protons, repeating patterns of physical (e.g., density, boiling point, solubility) and chemical properties (e.g., flammability, reactivity), can be used to identify families of elements with similar properties. SC-08-1.1.2 Students will understand that matter is made of minute particles called atoms, and atoms are composed of even smaller components. The components of an atom have measurable properties such as mass and electrical charge. Each atom has a positively charged nucleus surrounded by negatively charged electrons. The electric force between the nucleus and the electrons holds the atom together. SC-8-STM-U-2 Students will understand that because atomic structure is not directly observable, models (physical and conceptual) are used to facilitate understanding. What kind of model to use and how complex it should be depends on its purpose. SC-8-STM-S-2 Students will analyze models/representations of elements and basic atomic structure SC-8-STM-U-3 Students will understand that elements do not break down during chemical reactions (e.g., heating, exposure to electric currents, reaction with acids). SC-8-STM-S-3 Students will describe and illustrate the movement of elements between organisms and their physical environment and within the Earth system SC-08-1.1.3 Students will understand that the atom’s nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons that are much more massive than electrons. SC-8-STM-U-4 Students will understand that the idea of atoms explains the conservation of matter: If the number of atoms stays the same no matter how they are rearranged, then their total mass stays the same. The atoms that are present today are the same atoms that have always existed. SC-8-STM-S-4 Students will analyze factors that may influence the movement of elements among the solid Earth, oceans, atmosphere and organisms SC-08-1.1.4 Students will describe interactions which cause the movement of each element among the solid Earth, oceans, atmosphere and organisms (biogeochemical cycles) SC-8-STM-U-5 Students will understand that there are groups of elements that have similar properties, including highly reactive metals, less-reactive metals, highly reactive nonmetals (such as chlorine, fluorine and oxygen) and some almost completely non-reactive gases (such as helium and neon). Some elements don’t fit into any of the categories; among them are carbon and hydrogen, essential elements of living matter. SC-8-STM-S-5 Students will investigate the relationship between the seemingly indestructible nature of the atom and the concept of conservation of matter 4 Earth is a system containing essentially a fixed amount of each stable chemical atom or element that can exist in several different reservoirs. The interactions within the earth system cause the movement of each element among reservoirs in the solid Earth, oceans, atmosphere and organisms as part of biogeochemical cycles. SC-8-STM-U-6 Students will understand that over a long time, matter is transferred from one organism to another repeatedly and between organisms and their physical environment. As in all material systems, the total amount of matter remains constant, even though its form and location change. SC-8-ET-U-1 Students will understand that energy can be transferred in many ways, but it can neither be created nor destroyed. SC-8-ET-S-1 Students will explain the law of conservation of energy and infer where energy goes in a number of real-life energy transformations SC-08-4.6.2 Students will: describe or explain energy transfer and energy conservation; evaluate alternative solutions to energy problems. Energy can be transferred in many ways, but it can neither be created nor destroyed. SC-8-ET-S-2 Students will identify the energy transformations that occur in the ‘production’, transmission and use of energy by people in everyday life (e.g., electric power, automotive fuels, food) 5 Learning Targets Atomic Structure I can identify the parts of an atom which made up its structure. (nucleus, electron cloud, neutron, electron, proton) I can distinguish the parts of an atom based upon mass and charge. (proton, electron, neutron) I can demonstrate, in words and pictures, how the size of an atom compares to a visible object. I know what holds an atom together. Periodic Table I can define an element. (single type of atom) I can classify atoms into element categories. I can classify substances using reactivities into like groups (families). I can describe patterns from periods and families from the periodic table. I can predict missing elements based upon existing pattern. I can identify chemical trends using atomic numbers and data in tables/graphs (flammability, and reactivity). I can identify physical trends using atomic numbers and data in tables/graphs (density, boiling point, and solubility). I can identify groups of elements with similar properties (metals, nonmetals and non-reactive). I can use reactivities to classify substances into like reactivity groups. I can rank order reactivity based upon data patterns. Biogeochemical I can compare the elements essential for life to those found in the Earth’s crust, oceans, and atmosphere. I can make inferences about the source of these elements. I can identify processes that produce and consume organic forms of carbon molecules and CO2 molecules. I can explain how a plant uses CO2. I can explain a plant’s role in carbon cycling. I can describe how matter and energy are transformed in a food chain and ecosystems. I can describe how matter and energy are transformed during decomposition. I can describe interactions between the bio- and atmosphere in terms of carbon cycling. I can describe how different types of plants store Carbon. 6 I can explain how land use decisions can cause imbalance in the amount of Carbon released or stored. I can describe how different types of soils store Carbon. I can explain how different variables affect decomposition by soil organisms. Conservation of Matter I can modify the definition of matter (to include the concepts of atom and element). I can explain the relationship between atoms and the conservation of matter. I can use the existence of atoms to demonstrate the conservation of matter. I can interpret evidence which supports the conservation of matter. Modeling I can explain how models are predictive. I can use a model to explain the effect of increasing and decreasing scale (in 2-D and 3-D). I can explain how models are different from reality. I can distinguish between different forms of models. I can analyze multiple, basic atomic structure models for advantages and limitations. I can identify the form of model to use. I can explain that the type of model you use is based upon the model’s purpose. 7 Models, Atoms and Atomic Structure 1. An Introduction to Models and Modeling Models and Modeling is the topic for this series of experiences and it will be cycled back to multiple times in the unit. Development of a fundamental comprehension of models and modeling is needed as students are beginning to learn about various atomic models, molecular models, and reaction mechanisms. In this first sequence of experiences, students will practice development and refinement of a model. Model refinement requires using evidence and asking new questions of a situation. Learning Targets: I can explain how models are predictive. Focus Question: What is a scientific model? Key Vocabulary: Modeling, Model Sequence of Experiences (1)Is it a model? And discussion 15 min (2)Water expander demonstration and discussion 10 min (3)Development of water expander original models in small groups 20 min 10 min (4)Sharing of Models to Class with Discussion (5)Testing Box Again 5 min (6)Revision of Model 10 min (7)Discussion and Introduction of the Black “X” Box 10 min 8 1. Opening Act Materials Needed: Copy for each student of the probe: Is It a Model? From Uncovering Student Ideas in Science Volume 4 Water Expander Box: Wooden box large enough to hold a 1 gallon bucket (type used to wash car with) or a cardboard box A plastic 1 gallon bucket Plastic tubing Two funnels (1 enters directly into the bucket from the top, the other comes out the side and is attached to the plastic tubing) Water Foam Sealant or Silicon Large chart paper to draw ideas or a roll of paper on a stand Paper towels 2, 500mL beakers 1 extra bucket (for water catching) Crayons Black cardboard with large question mark (1) ‘Is It a Model?’ Probe Explain to the students the format of the probe. The students need to mark with an “X” what is a model and leave the space blank if they do not think it is a model. At the bottom, students need to explain their reasoning in relationship to what they have marked. When students have completed the model probe, ask them to find a partner. Discuss with partner what each student has selected and the reason for selection. Ask students to come to an agreement about their selected items and a reason. Teachers should ask students to share their reasoning and tally how many students selected each item. Keep this information for discussion later in the unit for potential refinement. Have students to staple their probe into their science notebook for safekeeping and to refer to later. Spend time developing a whole class definition for the term model. Take no more than 10 minutes. (2) Water expander demonstration and discussion Teacher should direct student’s attention to a box in the room. Ask students to make some observations about the box. Record these observations on the board (sometimes it helps to have a student volunteer to write observations on the board for you while you direct traffic). Next, ask students to make predictions about what the box does. Finally, ask students to suggest a test for the box. (To prompt the direction of the conversation, I often have a 500ml beaker of water 9 already out near the box). Take the suggestion to pour water into the box and ask for predictions. Prepare the test with two volunteers for the water test. (Make sure you have extra beakers or buckets to catch all the water). Have one student pour in the water and the other student hold a like-sized beaker at the other end. As water begins to pour out and starts to over flow the beaker, pass them another beaker, and then a bucket. Ask students to share their observations of the demonstration. (3) Development of Water Expander Original Models In groups, students will draw what they think is inside the box which allows for more water to come out of the box then poured into the box. Student groups will have one large piece of paper and a box of crayons. Allow time for students to discuss and draw. Encourage students to label the parts of the model and then describe how it works at the bottom of the drawing. Forewarn students they will share their models with the class. (4) Sharing Water Expander Models with Class Allow each group to stand in one section of the room in a circle (if possible). Each group will hold up their model and explain. Give time for groups to comment on other’s models. Then return to tables. Ask each group what they predict would happen to their model if another 500mL of water was added. (5) Testing of the box Ask for a volunteer to pour an additional 500ml of water into the box. (6) Revision of Models Explain that based upon the results of the test, students should revise their proposed model. Allow time for students to work on revisions (a second drawing on the back with their reasons for revision). As a teacher, you may elect to have students share their revisions to the model and reasons for revision to the whole class or to simply turn this in to you. (7) Discussion and introduction of the black “X” Ask students: Is the water expander a model and why? No, because it is the real thing. Ask students: Are your drawings a model and why? Yes, because it is a representation of what is inside the water expander. Ask students: How do your drawings relate to your definition of a model? Answers will vary. Ask students: Do we need to adjust our definition of a model? How would you like to adjust our definition? Answers will vary. Ask students: What is the purpose of a model? Share ideas or predictions about something. How do scientists use models? To clarify thinking and 10 to communicate with one another (there are other reasons, but these are the two main ideas we need). Ask students: Why did you refine your model? Answers will vary Ask students: Should a model have the power to predict? Yes, otherwise the model needs to be refined. Now hold up the black 2-D box with a question mark (you may wish to attach it to the wall for the rest of the atomic structure portion of the unit). Ask students what do they think the black question mark box represents? Then explain that we will be exploring atoms and atoms internal structure. As an exit slip for the day, you may ask the students to write down all that they know about atoms and what they would like to know about atoms. 11 2. Observe It with What? Today students will practice making observations using their five sense and two tools: a magnet and balance. We are still working within models but including classification and making inferences. This will lead into how the internal atomic structure was determined by making observations from many experiments which led to inferences about internal structure. Students will continue to make observations, but they will discuss how their observations and classification schemes in relationship to how they are limited by the containers. Then students will discuss how this may have influenced experiments and the development of a model for the internal structure of an atom. Learning Target: I can explain how models are predictive. Focus Question: How do scientists study what they cannot see? Key Vocabulary: Inference, Infer Sequence of Experiences (1) Students will make observations of objects that are not hidden 10 min (2) Classification based upon properties (open sort) and whole class discussion 10 min (3) Students will make observations of objects that are ‘hidden’ 10 min (4) Classification based on properties, and whole class discussion 15 min Materials: Magnets (1 per group) Balances 12 Sets of Objects for group observations in brown lunch bags: sugar in clear plastic vial, cotton ball, large wooden block, oatmeal, washer, rice (in clear plastic vial), rock Create a set of observation containers: About 40 small boxes, or film canisters (or any plastic opaque container), taped shut to avoid peaking during the day Tape With nail polish, silver sharpie or other instrument to label each container with a number Use the following table to fill the canisters with materials. Container Items Added Number 1 A handful of oatmeal or half filled with oatmeal 2 A marble 3 Two pennies (or washer) 4 A marble and a penny (or washer) 5 One penny (or washer) and a layer of oatmeal 6 Water (if in film canister) 7 Water and one marble (if in film canister) 8 Half rice and half oatmeal 9 All rice 10 Small magnet 11 Three or Four Paper Clips 12 Small magnet with oatmeal 13 Three or Four Rocks 14 Wood Chips 15 Cotton Balls 16 Oatmeal in the bottom with cotton balls on top 17 Plastic beads 18 Sunflower seeds 19 All Sand 20 Sand and a penny (or washer) (1) Students will make observations of objects that are not hidden Teachers should have bags of materials for each group. Explain that the students are to make careful observations of each item in the bag. Give them a time limit. If you have the ability, project a timer. (2) Classification based upon properties (open sort) and whole class discussion When time is up, ask groups to classify all the items using one property. Have each group move the items into a set. Next, have students in groups, switch to another group and predict what is the classification scheme used. Write down their prediction and then pass it to the group that created the scheme. If they are correct, the group needs to return to their desks. When 13 all groups have returned to their desks, create a t-chart on the board. (Have one member of each group place all items in a bag and return to a specified location in the room.) Record on the left the rule used to sort and on the right side the specific property used to classify the objects. For example: if the rule was it is white, the property used would be color. (3) Students will make observations of objects that are ‘hidden’ For this activity, the teacher needs to have at least two sets of 20 containers. Explain that students need to make observations in their groups of all 20 containers. Ask students questions such as what can you do to make an observation? If they do not suggest mass, reword the question to include what types of tools could one use to make observations. Have magnets out. Allow time for observations (you may need to prompt groups to use balances and to return containers they have completed observing). (4) Classification based on properties, and whole class discussion When all groups have completed their observations, explain that they need to sort their containers into 2 groups using an observed property. Explain that they will use numbers instead of the containers because there are only two full sets in the room. When all groups have completed this task, ask each group to share what property/rule they have used to sort the containers. Create a new t-chart with rules and properties. Ask students to record the tchart in their science notebook. Have students write down what differences they see in the types of properties used to classify in part 1 compared to part 2. Have them provide reasons for the difference. Questions to consider from the data: How does the bag/box/film canister change the types of observations made? How does the information available change from task to task? Does this influence the data and in what way or ways do/does it influence the data? Can you always see everything? What are some things you cannot see but know they exist? If you cannot see it does it still exist? What can you do to “prove” to someone that an object is in an unopened and unopenable box? Notebook: Have students reflect upon the first two model activities in their notebook. Use the following frame for responses: In the first activity with models we __________________________________________. In the second activity with models we __________________________________________. The similarity(ies) between the two activities were _____________________________. The difference (s) between the two activities were ______________________________. Both activities are about models because ___________________________________. 14 Finally, have students review their ‘Is It a Model?’ probe, which they stapled into their science notebook to make adjustments as needed. 15 Atoms and Structure Models, Atoms and Atomic Structure 2. Size and Scale Activity Part 1 Learning Target: I can use a model to explain the effect of increasing and decreasing scale (in 2-D and 3-D). Focus Question: What is the effect of scale on 2-D materials? What is the effect of scale on 3-D materials? Key Vocabulary: Scale, Powers of Ten Sequence of Experiences 2 min (1) How Small is Small? How Large is Large? (2) 2-D scaling and discussion 20 min (3) 3-D scaling and discussion 20 min (4) Graphing and approaching zero not reaching zero, whole class 8 min Materials: Graphical Analysis or Excel Graphing paper-the green with the little tiny squares Clay Rulers (available for students to use) Balances (available for students to use) (1) How Small is Small? How Large is Large? What is the smallest thing you can see? Answers will vary. What is the smallest thing you can and have seen with a microscope? Answer will vary 16 (2) 2-D scaling and discussion In this activity students should work in small groups. Each group member will be responsible for writing out an explanation for how to scale the paper either up or down ‘one step or two steps.’ Start with a metric ruler that has centimeters marked. Explain that for small objects such as shoe length, diameter of a softball, or depth of a juice glass can be easily measured using centimeters. But what about measuring something a little smaller? For example, what would you use to measure the length of an eyelash, or the thickness of a bee’s wing? You would want a finer measurement. That would be a millimeter and it is one power of ten smaller then a centimeter. Or that means it takes 10mm to equal 1cm. If you look very carefully at a metric ruler, how many lines do you see between the 1cm and the 2cm line? Nine lines. The ruler is in a straight line and it is only measuring 1-D. If you use the ruler to measure in two directions, you are measuring in 2-d (for example on graph paper, the horizontal and vertical lines). Today, your groups are going to start with an 8 ½” by 11” sheet of paper. Your group needs to determine how to model increasing the paper by one power of ten, and by two powers of ten. Then you need to develop a procedure to model decreasing it by 1 power of ten and then by 2 powers of ten. Each group member is responsible for writing the description for one of the four conditions. Also, provide illustrations for increasing and decreasing. Start the discussion by asking one group to describe how they increased their paper by 1 power of ten. When you increased the paper by 1 power of 10, what happened to the amount of surface area? Answers will vary. But in general, each piece of paper will need nine more pieces of paper. Could you contain that many papers in the classroom? yes What about when you increased it by 2 powers of 10? You would do the same thing, but each of the 10 papers will need 9 additional papers. So that would be 100 papers. What happened to the size and could it be contained in the classroom? It could not be laid out flat, but if stacked it would fit. Where could you have all the papers spread out for two powers of 10? The gym, outside, the hallway, etc. Ask for a student to describe how they scaled the paper down one power of ten. Ask if anyone has anything they would like to add or modify to the response? They would make nine even cuts in the horizontal direction and nine even cuts in the vertical direction. Ask students: Do you think is it possible to have powers of ten using volume? Why or why not? Answers will vary. 17 (3) 3-D scaling and discussion Now in the same groups, give each group a baggie containing a lump of clay (about ¼ of a stick). Explain that each group will again assign members to develop a plan to scale it up 1 power of ten and then scale it down 1 and 2 powers of ten. This time they will need to explain how to scale up and scale down, as well as demonstrate scaling up and down. Questions to ask: Have one group demonstrate and explain how they scaled up the lump of clay. They will have a cube with 9 cubes added to the original in three directions (vertical, horizontal and upward) Ask: did any group do something different? Ask groups that did something different to explain and demonstrate. Does it appear that all groups used the same amount of clay to scale up? How can we determine if everyone used approximately the same amount? Yes, by mass. Ask one group to explain how they scaled the clay down one power of ten. (They divided the clay into 10 even parts in three directions resulting in a very small piece of clay). Ask if all groups used the same procedure. If any group mentions a different procedure have them share and demonstrate. Ask one group to explain how they scaled the clay down two powers of ten. Ask if all groups used the same procedure. If any group did not, ask them to share their procedure and example with the class. What is similar between scaling up and scaling down by powers of 10? It is always using a set of 10 per base unit. What is different? With scaling up, you are making it bigger by adding 9 more in all dimensions. With scaling down, you are removing 9 in all dimensions. What is similar between the paper scaling and the clay scaling? Using the same procedure What is different between the paper scaling and the clay scaling? One only had two directions to be concerned about and the other has three. Are you creating a model? How or how are you not creating a model? (4) Graphing and approaching zero not reaching zero Using a projector and computer, open up excel (if you have graphical analysis, it will work much better). One thing that is very difficult for students to comprehend is the idea that we do not reach zero, but keep approaching zero. So you are going to enter the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 for the x-axis and 1000, 100, 10, and 1 for the y-axis. Ask students to describe the shape of the line once you have it graphed. Now add the number 5 for the x-axis and 0.1 for the y-axis. Ask the students to describe how the graph has changed. Now you will want to change the scale of the y-axis. Change it to go from 10 to 0 on the y-axis. Ask students to describe how the graph has changed. Add 6 for the x-axis and 0.01 for the y-axis. Ask the students how the graph has changed. Now change the y-axis scale to 1 to 0. Ask the students how the graph has changed. Now tell then you want them to predict what will happen if you add 7 for the x-axis, and 0.001. Have some students volunteer to share 18 responses. Now add these two numbers to your graph. Now ask them what will happen if I changed the y-axis to go from 0.1 to 0? What you want them to tell you is that each time, while it looks like the graph is going to zero, upon closer examination, it is getting nearer to zero, but there is always space between the line of the graph and the zero mark. Science Notebook: In reference to the graphing activity, have students use the following frame: I noticed that as _____________________________________________, the _______________________________________. I believe this happens because ________________________________. 19 1. Atomic Target Practice In this series of activities and discussions, students are learning about the two regions of an atom: nucleus and electron cloud. In the following lesson students will learn about the three subatomic particles and be introduced to their properties: charge, relative mass, and location. Learning Target: I can identify the parts of an atom which made up its structure. (nucleus, electron cloud, neutron, electron, proton) Focus Question: What is the overall structure of an atom? Key Vocabulary: Electron cloud, nucleus Sequence of Experiences (1) Model to Size to Atom Discussion 10 min (2) Atomic Target Practice Activity 20 min (3) Discussion of Atomic Target 10 min (4) What’s Around the Nucleus? 10 min Materials: 28 centimeters long strip of paper for each student 1 pair of scissors for each student Flinn Atomic Target Practice Kit (A hint for constructing the cardboard: I used the glue provided, but it did not work well. The wooden blocks fell off after one group shot marbles at it. The second time I used wood glue and mine have stayed together for two years.) Copies of Student Handouts Painters Tape (it releases better than any other tape) White paper 2 magnets (1) Model to Size to Atom Discussion The Phantom’s Portrait Parlor Paper Cutting Activity from The Atoms Family-The Mummy’s Tomb – Paper Cutting http://www.miamisci.org/af/sln/phantom/papercutting.html 20 The Phantom wants to create life sized models of atoms, and he wants your help! Help the Phantom investigate the world of the very small by cutting a 28 centimeter strip of paper in half as many times as you can. If you can cut the strip of paper in half 31 times you will end up with a piece of paper the size of an atom. Take your strip of paper and cut it into equal halves. Cut one of the remaining pieces of paper into equal halves. Continue to cut the strip into equal halves as many times as you can. Make all cuts parallel to the first one. When the width gets longer than the length, you may cut off the excess, but that does not count as a cut. How far did you get? Here are some comparisons to think about! Cut 14.0 cm 5.5" 1 Cut 7.0 cm 2.75" 2 Child's hand, pockets Fingers, ears, toes 21 Cut 3 Cut 4 Cut 6 Cut 8 Cut 10 Cut 12 Cut 14 Cut 18 Cut 19 Cut 24 Cut 31 3.5 cm 1.38" Watch, mushroom, eye 1.75 cm .69" Keyboard keys, rings, insects .44 cm .17" Poppy seeds 1 mm .04" .25 mm .01" .06 mm .002" .015 mm .006" 1 micron .0004" Thread. Congratulations if your still in! Still cutting? Most have quit by now Microscopic range, human hair Width of paper, microchip components Water purification openings, bacteria .5 micron .000018" Visible light waves .015 micron .0001 micron Electron microscope range, membranes .0000006" .0000000045" The size of an Atom! Is there anything smaller? Yes, the size of an atom nucleus would take about 41 cuts! Scientists use advanced technology to explore the world of electrons and quarks that are at least 9,000 times smaller than a nucleus. We cannot see anything smaller than an atom with our eyes, even with the electron microscope. Physicists study much smaller things without seeing them directly. Is there an end to the quest for the smallest and most basic elements in our world? The search began with the Greeks and continues as scientists search for the Building Blocks of the universe. These things are far beyond the range of sensory perception but not beyond the range of human understanding. 22 (2) Atomic Target Practice Activity For this activity, the teacher needs to have previously constructed the mystery cardboard. It is important to give each of the boards a letter to keep straight what boards have been tested by a group of students. You will also need to demonstrate to the students how to set-up the white paper on top of the cardboard. Go over with the students how to shoot the marbles and to record the path. Divide students into groups. Groups of three work best for this, but you may need to have larger groups. Explain that students are not allowed to lift the cardboard up. If they have a lost marble, then contact you for retrieval. I generally have a ruler to help with marble retrieval. Establish your behavior expectations before allowing students to start testing. Students should test at least three “boards,” you may want to keep them moving two to the left or two to the right each time. By moving two, that reduces the copying of data. Student Handout 23 Atomic Target Practice The following activity is adapted from Flinn Scientific Atomic Target Practice Catalog number ap6496 Name _________________________________ Date ______________ Materials: Masking tape 2 pieces of white paper per station Pencil Marbles Unknown stations Procedure 1. Do not lift any of the cardboard stations. 2. Tape two pieces of white paper together forming a square. 3. In the center of the cardboard, tape down the white square (the taped side should be facing down). Record the letter of the station on the white paper. 4. Roll the marble with a moderate amount of force under one side of the unknown. Observe where the marble comes out and trace the approximate path of the marble on the white paper. For example, if the marble rolls straight through, draw a straight line from one end of the sheet to the other. Note: Do not press too hard on the paper and cardboard when drawing the lines. 5. Working from all four sides of the cardboard, continue to role the marble under the board, making observation and tracing the rebound path for each marble roll. Roll the marble at least 20 times from EACH side of the box. Vary the angles at which the marble is rolled. 6. After sketching the apparent path of the marble from all sides and angles, the general size and shape of the unknown target should emerge “in the negative” from the area where there are no lines (where the marble does not pass). 7. Form a working hypothesis concerning the structure of the unknown target. Based on this hypothesis, repeat as many “targeted” marble rolls as necessary to either confirm or revise the structure. 8. Show your final results to your teacher. 9. When given the ok, go to another station. 24 Results: 1. In the boxes below, draw the predicted shape and include the letter of the station. 2. How can the pathway into and out of the cardboard help you with determining the shape underneath? 3. Many experiments in science ask for just three trials. Would three trials per cardboard be sufficient evidence to determine the shape of the object? Why or why not? 4. Provide an example of an object that may have been described using indirect evidence. 5. How confident are you of your predicted shapes? Explain your reason for your indicated confidence level. 6. Is your predicted shape a model? Why or why not? 25 (3) Discussion of Atomic Target How many of you are fairly confident you have predicted the correct shape? What would make you more confident? Many objects cannot be observed directly by scientists. They must collect indirect evidence in the form of observations. The atom is very small and its interior currently cannot be observed directly. When the basic structure and parts of the atom were discovered, scientists could not even see the exterior of an atom. So they were “shooting” in the dark. The experiment that discovered the division of the atom into two main parts was known as the Rutherford’s Gold Foil Experiment. Show video here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8RuO2ekNGw How was your experiment similar to Rutherford’s? What part of the experiment does the marble represent? The alpha particles What part of the experiment does the cardboard represent? The gold foil What does the object under the cardboard represent? The nucleus What does your hand represent? The detector How was the experiment modeling the Rutherford Gold Foil Experiment? What does it mean to be modeling? Modeling refers to the action, or the activity of modeling. The final product is the model. (4) What’s Around the Nucleus Teacher holds up two magnets. As the magnets get closer together, it becomes harder and harder (requires more force) to bring them closer. What is responsible for the magnets the increasing force needed? Magnetic repulsion Can you see it? No How do you know it is there? By the observed behavior of the magnets With atoms, we know it has a nucleus, but it is very hard to get a particle near the nucleus. So this suggests something is ‘there’ but we cannot ‘see it,’ but we infer it is there based upon the observed behaviors. The region around the nucleus is called the electron cloud. 26 2. Protons, Neutrons and Electrons Learning Targets: I can identify the parts of an atom which made up its structure. (nucleus, electron cloud, neutron, electron, proton) I can distinguish the parts of an atom based upon mass and charge. (proton, electron, neutron) I can demonstrate, in words and pictures, how the size of an atom compares to a visible object. I can explain how models are different from reality. I can distinguish between different forms of models. I know what holds an atom together. Focus Questions: What are the subatomic particles and where are they located? What are the relative charges and masses of the subatomic particles? How does the structure of the solar system compare to the structure of an atom? Key Vocabulary: Proton, neutron, electron, relative mass, relative charge Sequence of Experiences (1) Introduction of the characters, individual, whole class 10 min (2) Where Do These Shocking Characters Reside?, whole class 10 min (3) If You Build…. It Will Matter, individual or paired 25 min (4) Wrapped Up with a Bow?, whole class discussion 27 25min (5) Solar System Vs Atom Event, whole class demonstration and discussion 25 min (6) We’re Stuck Like Glue, whole class demonstration and discussion 10 min Materials: Solar System Activity: 15, 4” by 4” cardboard pieces 1 box of Pins with colored round balls Very long measuring tape, at least 100m 3 meter sticks Optional: If solar system model activity is conducted outside for space, you will want rocks to secure the cardboard pieces. Computer with projection Find URL and enter it here for Cathode Ray Experiment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XU8nMKkzbT8&feature=related Computer lab for students (working in pairs is acceptable but individual would be good) Atom Builder Website: http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/build-anatom#software-requirements Student Handouts for Atom Builder (1) Introduction of the Characters What did we learn about the structure of the atom so far? It has a nucleus and an electron cloud. What evidence did we gather to establish this division? The paper cutting experiment established how small the atom is and the atomic target practice for the central location of the nucleus. A demonstration using magnets established the existence of the electron cloud. We watched a video about Rutherford’s Gold Foil Experiment In our next series of investigations, we will look at some characteristics of the subatomic particles: proton, neutron, and electron. Pre-assessment entrance slip: Place the following in order of size (not mass) from smallest to largest: atom, cell, electron, electron cloud, neutron, nucleus, proton Explain your reasoning below. Correct Order: electron, proton and neutron, nucleus, electron cloud, atom, cell 28 (Optional: I collect the entrance slips with names on them to return to students at the end of the lesson series to make corrections. You may not wish to do this with your students.) (2) Where Do These Shocking Characters Reside? For this activity, you will show a short clip of a cathode ray tube. Have the students observe and take notes about their observations in their notebooks. The video is about 2 minutes long. Questions for students to answer: How does the ray inside the tube respond to the magnet the first time? It moved away from the magnet. (or up) When the magnet is reversed, how does the ray respond? It moved toward the magnet (or down). What do you know about the charges when objects are attracted to one another? That they have opposite charge direction What do you know about the charges when objects are repelled from one another? That they have similar charge direction What does the behavior of the cathode ray tube suggest about the ray? The ray has a charge and it is composed of particles. Do you know what the particles could be from the evidence presented so far? NO! Why or why not? (3) If You Build…. It Will Matter Students will need access to a computer to do this activity. Ideally it would be one student per computer, but this is rare. Two students per computer would be acceptable. Each student needs to record the information on a page. If they do not, then they will not have the information to refer to later. Give them the data sheet, but not the question sheet. Provide question sheet as students complete, but this should not be finished by all students before starting discussion. Take students to the computer lab. Demonstrate how to get to the activity and how to move the items around. Point out where they should look. I would do a first example with the class and then give them time to create an additional 17. When all students have completed collecting data, it would a good time to return to class. The students may not be finished with answering the questions, but I have found it best to move my students back to the room as soon as all legitimate computer use has completed. Student Handout Follows 29 Name _____________________________________ Period ________________ Date__________ The Atom Builder Directions: Go to http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/build-an-atom#software-requirements Click on the build an atom picture or the green RUN NOW box (this is version 2.0). By moving red protons, grey neutrons, and blue electrons into the Bohr model of the atom, fill-in the table below. From the data collected, answer the questions below the table. In the protons, neutrons and electrons boxes indicate how many and where they are found on the model. For mass number, write down the number indicated in the middle box to the right of the model. If it provides a name is an element, record the name under ‘what did you make?’. In the final column, indicate if it is charged or not charged. If it is charged, indicate if it is a positive or a negative charge. Trial Protons Neutrons Electrons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 30 Mass Number What did you make? Is it charged or neutral? (indicate charge as + or -) 1. Where do the protons go as you add them to your model? 2. What is the name of this region? 3. Where do the neutrons go as you add them to your model? 4. What is the name of this region? 5. Where do the electrons go as you add them to your model? What is the name of this region? 6. When your “atom” has a positive charge, what do you notice about the ratios between protons and electrons? 7. What does this suggest about the charge of a proton? 8. When your “atom” has a negative charge, what do you notice about the ratios between protons and electrons? 9. What does this suggest about the charge of an electron? 10. Looking at your data, what do you think is the charge of a neutron? 11. Using your mass data, which particle or particles contribute the most to the overall mass of an atom? 12. What does this tell you about the mass found in the center of an atom compared to the mass found in the outer region? 13. Which of the three particles have nearly equal masses? 31 (4) Wrapped Up with a Bow? Review the three subatomic particles and the two major divisions of the atom with a series of questions and supporting evidence. What are the two sections of the atom? Nucleus and electron cloud What did we do to discover the ‘shape of a nucleus?’ the atom builder game or we shot marbles under cardboard over and over again. We traced the path into and out of the cardboard and made educated guesses after several trials about the shape. Where is the nucleus located? In the center How do you know that? From the atom builder game What subatomic particles are found in the nucleus? Proton and the neutron How do you know that? When we moved a proton or a neutron into the “atom template” they always moved to the center. What is the charge of a proton? Positive How do you know that? Whenever we added a proton to an atom, the charge became positive or became more positive What is the charge of a neutron? It does not have a charge. How do you know that? When neutrons were added to the atom builder game, they never changed the charge. If it was positive, it stayed the same positive value. If it was negative, it stayed the same negative value. If it was neutral, it stayed neutral. What could you add to the atom to make the positive charge to become neutral? An electron What is the implied charge of an electron? It is negative How do you know? Playing the atom builder game. Where does the electron go in an atom? The outside region or electron cloud Question if they give the first answer: What is the name of this outside region? The electron cloud Question if they give the second answer: Where is the electron cloud? The region surrounding the nucleus on the outside. How do you know that? By playing the atom builder game, the electrons always when to the outside rings So we have three subatomic particles in the atom: add them to the black box with the ‘?’ Then add plus sign and negative sign to the proton and electron. Now, we have learned about another property of protons, electrons and neutrons from playing the game. It has to do with relative mass. Which of the three subatomic particles has the smallest mass? The electron How do you know? When an electron was added in the atom builder game, the total mass did not change or it changed very little. Did the mass change when you added a proton? Yes Did the mass change when you added a neutron? Yes 32 It the mass change more with a proton or a neutron? It was about the same or it was the same change for each. So an electron is much smaller than a proton and a neutron, but a proton and a neutron have about the same mass according to the atom builder game. Have students create in their notebooks a summary of the findings. A table with columns: subatomic particle, location, charge, relative size, relative mass, and then a description of nucleus and electron cloud with drawing would be good. Particle Location Charge Relative Size Relative Mass Now ask students, what do you think is the general charge of the nucleus? Positive Why? Because the protons have a positive charge and are found in the nucleus. Neutrons do not have a charge so the only charge in the nucleus is due to the protons. (Make students state the neutrons because some students get this confused. Possible neutron misconceptions are: it has a negative change because it starts with an n, and it has both a positive and a negative because it is just a proton and electron stuck together) What do you think is the general charge of the electron cloud? Negative Why? Because electrons have a negative charge and are found in the electron cloud. Have students add this information to their notebook entries about the electron cloud and the nucleus. Suggested Frame I know the charge of the nucleus is ___________________, because _______________________. I know the charge of the electron cloud is ______________, because ______________________. (6) Solar System Versus Atom Event 1. You will need at least 14 volunteers. Explain to the class that you need several ‘helpers.’ Each helper will either be a planet or a layer of electrons. 33 2. Give each volunteer a piece of cardboard, a pin, and a planet name or electron level paper. If going outside, give each volunteer a rock to use as a paper weight. 3. Have the entire class go out to the long hallway or to the outside side walk. Bring with you 3 meter sticks and 100 meter measuring tape. Also, you should bring with you two pieces of cardboard and the box of pins. 4. Instruct students to stand against the wall or along the edge of the sidewalk. Hold up one pin (using one that has a yellow top would be perfect). Explain that as a group we are going to set-up our solar system based upon the sun’s diameter being represented by the yellow pin. 5. Next, ask all the students that are carrying planets to estimate where they think their planet is located relative to the sun. Emphasize that they do not need to stay in order from the sun at the time. 6. When all planets and Pluto have been placed. Ask the class to look and then explain you will now provide the correct measurements. 7. Ask, ‘What is the name of the first planet from the sun?’ Direct the student in charge of Mercury to step forward and hand them one meter stick. 8. Give measurement for Mercury 12.5 cm 9. Repeat with Venus (23.3 cm) 10. Repeat with Earth (32.2 cm) 11. Repeat with Mars (49.2 cm) 12. Repeat with Jupiter (168 cm) 13. Repeat with Saturn (308 cm) 14. Repeat with Uranus (619 cm) 15. Repeat with Neptune (970 cm) 16. Is this a model? Yes. How do you know? Well the planets are much larger. 17. Is this model scaled up or scaled down? It is scaled down. How do you know? The planet earth is what we are standing on, but now in a scaled down model we are looking at the entire planet Earth. What does that mean for the distances between the planets here, in our model, compared to the actual solar system? The distance is much greater. 18. Ask the students what is found between the planets. Answers: comets, asteroids, dust, empty space, meteoroids, dwarf planets, satellites, moons, etc. 19. Now, we are going to use another pin (hold up) and this pin represents the nucleus of an atom. Place the pin in cardboard on the ground in line with the sun. 20. Now, three students have been give “electron levels” these are the 1s, 2s, and 3s. Ask the class to estimate where they think the 1s would be. Have the student in charge of the 1s place it on the ground. Repeat with the 2s and 3s. 34 21. Now that the three electron levels are placed on the ground. Announce that you are going to give the actual measurements if the pin represents the nucleus. 22. Have the student in charge of the 1s pick it up. The 1s electrons are located 4.4 m. 23. Next, have the 2s student pick up the cardboard and announce, the 2s electrons are 8.8 m. 24. Repeat with the 3s. The 3s electrons are 17m. Watch until the student stops. 25. Repeat with the 4s. The 4s electrons are 25m. 26. Repeat with the 5s. The 5s electrons are 70m. 27. Repeat with the 6s. The 6s electrons are 144m. 28. Now ask the class, what do you notice about the two models? (Ideal answer: all of the solar system is found inside the first electron levels) 29. Ask the students what is found between the electron levels? (Wait for a moment; someone may suggest the correct answer of empty space). If no responses after waiting, ask the students what is found most often between the planets? (Empty space) 30. Ask students to pick-up their planets and electron levels and return to the classroom to continue the discussion. 31. In the classroom, collect all the pins, cardboard and papers (really count the pins!!!). Now review what was observed in the hallway or outside on the sidewalk. Next, ask students: “By percentage which has more empty space: our solar system or an atom?” The atom. And how do you know? When the atom was scaled up and the solar system was scaled down so they were using the same scale, the atom was bigger. 32. Direct students to write down what they observed in the demonstration and to write down the conclusions in science notebooks. 33. Now one question that we had not answered is: which is larger, the electron cloud or the nucleus? The electron cloud is larger. How do we know this? From the model of the atom compared to the solar system. 34. Thinking about the mass of an atom, where is the majority of the mass found? In the nucleus. So what does that suggest about the density of the nucleus? It is very dense. How does the density of the nucleus compare to the density of the electron cloud? The nucleus is significantly more dense because it has a limited amount of space for a large amount of mass while the electron cloud has every little mass in a large space. How do we know this? From the atom builder game and from the solar system/atom model activity. 35 Suggested Notebook Frame One similarity between to the two models was _____________________________ but a difference was ________________________________. I now know _________________ because ______________________. Solar System object Miles from Sun Centimeters, if Sun diameter = 3 mm Sun Diameter = 864,100 mi - Mercury 36,000,000 12.5cm Venus 67,100,000 23.3cm Earth 92,900,000 32.2cm Mars 141,700,000 49.2cm Jupiter 483,400,000 168cm Saturn Uranus 886,100,000 1,782,700,000 308cm 619cm Neptune 2,793,100,000 970cm Atomic Object Nucleus n=1 electron n=2 electron n=3 electron n=4 electron n=5 electron n=6 electron, aka valence electrons fm* from nucleus (gold atom) Diameter = 30 fm Meters if Au nucleus = 3 mm 43,750 4.4m 87,500 8.8m 175,000 17m 350,000 35m 700,000 70m 1,400,000 144m *1 fm = 10-15 meter 36 - Tags for Identifying Planets and Electron Levels 1s Mercury Venus 2s Earth 3s Mars 4s Jupiter 5s Saturn 6s Uranus Sun Neptune Nucleus The solar system activity has been adapted from an activity developed by Martin Brock, Chemistry Professor at Eastern Kentucky University. 37 (7) We’re Stuck Like Glue? Review the parts of the atom to start the lesson. You may have an entrance slip: draw and label the parts of an atom. Collect the entrance slip and ask students the following question: What do you think keeps the nucleus and the electron cloud together? It is the like charges which are attracted to each other. (electrostatic forces) How is this like magnets? 38 3. Model Refining Learning Targets: I can analyze multiple, basic atomic structure models for advantages and limitations. I can identify the form of model to use. Focus Questions: What are the advantages and limitations of atom models? How do you determine which atom model to use? Key Vocabulary: Model Sequence of Experiences (1) Advances of Models 25 min (2) Which One? 25 min Materials: Copy of entrance slip (if not done in science notebook) Computer, projector One of the model organization schemas Access to the videos (will need to download from sharepoint) What do we know about the atom so far? How can we organize the internal structure of the atom? How is this model an improvement from the previous model? How does this model incorporate what we have learned so far? (1) Advances of Models Comparing the attraction of the nucleus to the electron cloud with magnets is a type of model. We have been working on developing a model of the atom based upon a series of activities. What we have at this point is three models. Two models are of the internal structure: Rutherford, and Bohr model. Video of Rutherford Model (about 1:30 minutes) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSEOOMs5VNU Video of Bohr Model (about 40 seconds): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCCz20JOXXk&NR=1 The third is the atom as a particle model. Pass out model summary pages to students. 39 The following is just an example. You should modify to meet your needs. Plus you can make it pretty. Model: Description: Drawing Example: What it can do/show: What it cannot do/show: List any similarities to other models: 40 Model Matrix Model Description Drawing Example What it can do/show 41 What it cannot do/show List similarities to other models Model Particle Rutherford Bohr Description Drawing Example What it can do/show What it cannot do/show Spherical shape, only shows the outside It can show the relationships between particles, such as increasing temperature leads to particles that are farther apart. It can demonstrate molecule ratios. Phase changes It cannot show any of the interior structure of the atom. Spherical, is 3-D, but drawn flat. It has protons in the center with electrons outside it at equal distance. It can show some of the interior structure (protons and neutrons) It does not show the amount of empty space in an atom, it does not include neutrons, no electron shells. Nucleus is not dense, has space in it. Spherical, but drawn flat. It is 2-D With Bohr it has protons and electrons with two sections (electron cloud and nucleus) It has protons, neutrons and electrons. Neutrons and protons are packed in the center. Electrons are on concentric rings around the nucleus with space between rings, all space is the same distance. It can show interior structure of the atom include rings of electrons that are not equal distance. It does not show all the empty space, it is not to scale. Stationary. Spherical, is 3-d but drawn flat. With Rutherford, it has protons and electrons and two sections the electron cloud and nucleus) 42 List similarities to other models (2) Which One? Why do you think we have multiple models? Students will provide various reasons. When any student suggests ‘for different situations,’ that is the answer you want. 43 4. Matter and Atoms are Conserved Learning Targets: I can modify the definition of matter (to include the concepts of atom and element). I can explain the relationship between atoms and the conservation of matter. I can use the existence of atoms to demonstrate the conservation of matter. I can interpret evidence which supports the conservation of matter. Focus Question: What is some evidence which supports the conservation of matter? Key Vocabulary: Matter, Conservation Sequence of Experiences (1) Atoms Matter… 10 min (2) So Atoms Count 10 min (3) Discussion of Atoms and the Conservation of Matter 10 min Materials: Vinegar Baking Soda 20oz bottle Tissues Scale (prefer digital with no decimal places) Formative assessment What is Matter? Sheets to pass around Formative assessment probe, ‘Is it Matter?’, circle sheet for all students (1) Atoms Matter… Students will have some concept of what is matter prior to the 8th grade as this term has been used since the 5th grade, but it has been continuously edited. To discover what the students already know or at least think they know about matter, start with a formative assessment strategy known as Chain Notes (from Science Formative Assessment: 75 Practical Strategies for Linking Assessment, Instruction and Learning, pp. 44 62-65). For this to work, and to limit time, you will want to have two chain notes, one for each half of the class. At the top of the paper is ‘What is Matter?’ and after this students will add sentences about what they know about matter. Students may add new ideas or elaborate upon others, but they should not repeat. When all the students have had a chance to write something on the paper, you need to collect the papers. Quickly scan and share a few at random. You may now us a survey method for the statements you read. Thumbs up or down for agreeing or disagreeing or they may have agree/disagree cards to hold up. For very large classes, you may wish to break it into group circles of 6-7 students. (2) So Atoms Count So matter is anything that takes up space and has mass. From our earlier activities, do you think matter is composed of atoms? If so, what evidence do you have to make this claim? (many might suggest the solar system activity, but they also have the atom builder game in which the mass of the atom changed when protons and neutrons were added). Now have students do the following probe. At the end, ask some students to share their reasoning. You are looking for it has mass AND it is composed of atoms. All but light, and sound should be circled. Light and sound are forms of energy which is not composed of atoms, and does not have mass. Is It Matter? Probe Circle all the items below that you believe are matter. Hair Light Aluminum Foil Air Clouds Sound Water Bone Tree Branch Mirror Explain why you believe these items are composed of matter. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 45 Is It Matter? Probe Circle all the items below that you believe are matter. Hair Light Aluminum Foil Air Clouds Sound Water Bone Tree Branch Mirror Explain why you believe these items are composed of matter. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Suggestion: have students paste this into their notebook. The correct answer is to circle all but light and sound. Many may select light because of the dual nature of light or that they have heard the phrase is behaves like a wave and a particle. Anything that is composed of atoms is matter. Anything that only uses matter to pass (i.e. a wave) is a form of energy. (3) Discussion of Atoms and the Conservation of Matter All matter is composed of atoms. What happens to the atoms in water when the water evaporates? They move apart and move faster. Do you think the mass of an atom changes? No Why or why not? Because the mass of an atom is primarily due to the protons and neutrons. Protons and neutrons are not lost during a phase changed. What about with a chemical change? No, again protons and neutrons are not destroyed. So let us test. We have some vinegar and some baking soda. Pour vinegar into the bottom of the bottle and then add baking soda to the bottle by placing it inside tissue paper. Tightly seal bottle. Carefully obtain the mass of the bottle without mixing on the scale. Now shake it! Ask students to make observations. Now obtain the mass on the scale. (It should be the same). Now comment about how the sides of the bottle are not as flexible as they were at the start. Now return to the original question, do you think the mass of an atom changes when it becomes a gas? No While the reaction was a chemical reaction, the mass stays the same. So the atoms must retain their property ‘mass’ during changes. For mass to change, it must escape the system or it must enter the system. 46 Have students record the results of the test in their notebooks. It may be a good idea to have students record their predictions and then the results in the notebooks. Students must elaborate to the reason the mass stays the same EVEN when a gas is produced. Suggested Science Notebook Frame I observed ______________________________. This/these observations suggest ______________________________________. 47 5. Scaling Up, Part 2 with Elements Learning Targets: I can distinguish between different forms of models. I can define an element. (single type of atom) I can classify atoms into element categories. Focus Questions: What is an element? How do atoms and elements compare? Key Vocabulary: Element 5 min (1) Scaling up, just a bit 10 min (2) PowerPoint Power of 10 (3) Ummm……element 5 min (4) Sorting A’s and E’s 15 min 5 min (5) Discussion Materials: Computer Projector File on Powers of 10 Cardstock Copies of the blank powers of 10 Baggies with items from the powers of 10 handout for students to organize Sets of A and E Cards for each group of students (1) Scaling up just a bit At this point, we have focused upon the very small piece of matter known as the atom. All of the matter around us is made of atoms. I am about to show you a presentation starting with the size of an atom (the outside) to the Earth from space. Using the scale template and the baggie of items, place these items on the line which you think best represents the size or ‘scale’ of the object. (Pause) I want you to write down in your science notebook, your estimated diameter for one atom of Xenon. (Xe) Pictures are found below: 48 Length of a Marathon Length of School Bus Virus Gravel Pollen Clay Particles Sand Particles Rain Drop Xenon Atoms 49 Water Molecule Cells (cancer) Mosquito Comparing Powers of Ten (Measures in Meters) 10-9 10-8 10-7 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102 103 104 105 Can you think of any items that are larger than 105? Can you think of any items that are smaller than 10-9? 10-10 Atomic Scopic Microscopic Macroscopic 50 Land scopic (2) PowerPoint Powers of 10 in reverse Start the PowerPoint presentation. Take time to point out the scale and the image. The first image is from IBM. Using nanotechnology and Atomic Force Microscopy, they moved 32 Xenon atoms into the letters IBM. Continue with the slides until you are outside the Earth. Now return to your original set of items. Rearrange the order based upon the information from the video. Record in your science notebook the final arrangement of your items. (3) Umm….. element The study of chemistry has already involved learning a lot of new words which we have added to our word wall. Today, we are going to add yet another word: element. Have you heard of this word before? If so can your share with us where you have heard the term? How was the term used? (heating element, and the car model element are the expected answers at this point) An element is a specific type of atom. In the atom builder game, you may have noticed that the symbol or element name changed only when you changed the number of protons. An element is therefore defined by the number of protons. Please write down in your science notebook, how an element is defined. (4) Sorting A’s and E’s Explain to students they will use the cards to sort them into like element groups using the criteria for an element. When students have completed this activity, they will record the groups in their science notebooks. Then they need to provide a reason for the cards that are found in a like group. Pass out a set of cards to each group of students. Circulate around the room to keep students on task and to answer questions. (5) Discussion What determines if an atom is a specific element? The number of protons. What is a difference between an atom and an element? Atom can have any number of protons, but an element has a specific number to identify it. What is a similarity between an atom and an element? They both have the same parts: nucleus, electron cloud, protons, neutrons, electrons. 51 What information would you need to determine if your atom card was the element carbon? The number of protons the atom has and the number of protons required for the element to be carbon. Suggested Science Notebook Frame An element is like an atom because __________________________. An element is unlike an atom because _______________________. 52 Atom Cards for Sorting: Print on Cardstock for Longevity Electrons: 8 Protons: 8 Neutrons: Mass: 21 Electrons: 11 Protons: 11 Neutrons: 10 Mass: 21 Electrons: 6 Protons: 6 Neutrons: 6 Mass: 12 Electrons: 8 Protons: 8 Neutrons: 11 Mass: 19 Electrons: 11 Protons: 11 Neutrons: 12 Mass: 23 Electrons: 5 Protons: 5 Neutrons: 11 Mass: 16 Electrons: 7 Protons: 7 Neutrons: 8 Mass: 15 Electrons: 4 Protons: 4 Neutrons: 6 Mass: 10 Electrons: 9 Protons: 9 Neutrons: 10 Mass: 19 Electrons: 9 Protons: 9 Neutrons: 6 Mass: 15 Electrons: 6 Protons: 6 Neutrons: 8 Mass: 14 Electrons: 8 Protons: 8 Neutrons: 9 Mass: 17 Electrons: 5 Protons: 5 Neutrons: 5 Mass: 10 Electrons: 3 Protons: 3 Neutrons: 3 Mass: 6 Electrons: 4 Protons: 4 Neutrons: 7 Mass: 11 Electrons: 7 Protons: 7 Neutrons: 9 Mass: 16 Electrons: 6 Protons: 6 Neutrons: 7 Mass: 13 Electrons: 4 Protons: 4 Neutrons: 5 Mass: 9 Electrons: 10 Protons: 10 Neutrons: 10 Mass: 20 Electrons: 5 Protons: 5 Neutrons: 6 Mass: 11 Electrons: 3 Protons: 3 Neutrons: 6 Mass: 9 53 6. Mendeleyev for a Day (or days) Learning Targets: I can classify substances using reactivities into like groups (families). I can describe patterns from periods and families from the periodic table. I can predict missing elements based upon existing pattern. I can identify chemical trends using atomic numbers and data in tables/graphs (flammability, and reactivity). I can identify physical trends using atomic numbers and data in tables/graphs (density, boiling point, and solubility). Focus Question: What is meant by periodic? Key Vocabulary: Trend, Atomic Number, Periodic Sequence of Experiences 1. Card Sort 1 2. Discussion of Card Sort 1 3. Card Sort 2 15 min 5-10 min 25 min, first day 20 min, second day 4. 20 min Discussion Materials: Sets of cards Envelopes Separated Undiscovered Element Cards Scissors 1. Card sort part one Distribute cards to groups and explain that these cards need to be sorted into like groups. For membership in the group, a ‘rule’ must be created. For example, I could create a rule that to be in the group every member must be green. For the cards that do not fit, a new rule must be created for them. You may have as many groups as you like, but for each group, you must have a 54 rule. In your science notebook, record the rules for each group and the ‘members’ found in each group. 2. Discussion of part one Have students put all cards in envelopes and collect envelopes (so that they do not play with cards during discussion). Have each group share the ‘rules’ they have created. The point of doing this is to establish that not all groups created the same rules, but some did. When scientists begin to develop classification schemes, some groups use the same classification rules and others use different rules. How do classification schemes become established, especially when there are multiple suggestions? Pause for students to provide ideas. The method which the rules and classifications provide the greatest predictive power and require the fewest ‘exceptions’ generally becomes the scientifically accepted method. (my aside, oh if only this applied to spelling) 3. Card sort part two For card sort two, your group is going to work together to try to fit a puzzle. Your cards are going to form seven groups. All seven groups have a rule. Give student groups time to establish seven groups with a rule for each. Pause and ask for groups to share ideas about rules they have used. Now ask students to look carefully at the cards, what properties have been used and what properties have not been used which are found on the cards? Could you use some of the additional properties? Now, for the extra challenge, your group needs to create seven groups with the group members ranked. Put your top member at the top of the group column and the last member at the bottom. Pause for groups to work. Ask groups how did they determine rank? Now explain that we are going to try to bring the groups together so that the groups increase left to right and top to bottom. Also, each group must still have a rule for membership. It is acceptable to change rules and to move cards around. You may even have up to four ‘holes.’ Holes may be filled with ‘undiscovered element cards.’ These cards may be obtained from the front of the room (or where you wish to have them). Pause and allow for work. If you notice too much frustration, provide hints such as did you use all the properties on the cards? Can rules have exceptions? (This is for the mass issue) Are you thinking about the Compounds with ‘H’ category? 55 4. Discussion Now that we have rules for each of our seven categories, can someone share one from the first column? Second? Third? Forth? Fifth? Sixth? Seventh? What is the general rule for mass going left to right? Increasing Going from the top to the bottom? Increasing What mass would you predict for the missing element 1? Explain how you have determined your predicted mass? Missing element 2? Explain how you have determined your predicted mass? Missing element 3? Explain how you have determined your predicted mass? Do you think missing element one will reaction with H? What about missing element 3, will it react with H? The following data is just like the data the Mendeleyev used when he designed the periodic table. Pass out periodic tables. Ask students to review the masses? What is the general rule left to right and up and down? What do you think periodic means? How does this relate to the table? Provide evidence from the table. The general rules are known as trends. Remember the term element? What characteristic is used to distinguish elements? number of protons Looking at the periodic table, I can easily determine the number of protons for every element. Do you have any idea how I can do that? Pause I am looking at the individual boxes and the whole numbers found within them. (Quick math review: What is a whole number?) The whole number of oxygen is eight, so it has eight protons. The whole number is called the atomic number. Take time for students to write down the terms: trend and atomic number with descriptive criteria in their science notebooks. Practice: how many protons does Na (Sodium) have? 11 How do you know? That is the whole number in the box with the symbol Na for sodium. How many protons does Zn have and how do you know? 30 because that is the whole number in the box with the symbol Zn for Zinc. 56 Pass out very short proton quizzes (there are three below): How many protons does P (phosphorous) have? Explain how you know. What does the term atomic number refer to? How many protons does Br (Bromine) have? Explain how you know. What does the term atomic number refer to? How many protons does Se (Selenium) have? Explain how you know. Cards for Mendeleyev for a day part two 57 Barney B Blank Element Mass: 40 Physical State: monatomic gas Melting Point: -190°C Compounds with H: none known Compounds with Cl: none known Cassie Donatello C D Element Mass: 32 Physical State: yellow solid Melting Point: -113°C Compounds with H: CH2 Compounds with Cl: CCl2, C2Cl2 Element Mass: 12 Physical State: soft black solid Melting Point: 3550°C Compounds with H: DH4 Compounds of Cl: DCl4 Frantic Gopher F G Element Mass: 9 Physical State: steel gray solid Melting Point: 1280°C Compounds with H: FH2 Compounds of Cl: FCl2 Element Mass: 19 Physical St.: pale yellow diatomic gas Melting Point: -220°C Compounds with H: GH Compounds with Cl: GCl 58 Isis I Undiscovered Element Element Mass: 35 Physical St.: green-yellow diatomic gas Melting Point: -101°C Compounds with H: IH Compounds with Cl: ICl Jinx Kermit J K Element Mass: 24 Physical St.: silvery white metallic solid Melting Point: 640°C Compounds with H: JH2 Compounds with Cl: JCl2 Element Mass: 28 Physical State: lustrous gray solid Melting Point: 1410°C Compounds with H: KH4 Compounds of Cl: KCl4 59 Penelope P Undiscovered Element Element Mass: 31 Physical State: solid Melting Point: 280°C Compounds with H: PH3 Compounds with Cl: PCl3, PCl5 Quirky Ralphie Q R Element Mass: 23 Physical State: soft silvery metallic solid Melting Point: 98°C Compounds with H: RH Compounds with Cl: RCl Element Mass: 79 Physical State: solid Melting Point: 221°C Compounds with H: QH2 Compounds with Cl: QCl2 Timmy T Undiscovered Element Element Mass: 39 Physical St.: soft silvery metal Melting Point: 64°C Compounds with H: TH Compounds with Cl: TCl 60 Utopia U Undiscovered Element Element Mass: 20 Physical St.: monatomic gas Melting Point: -249°C Compounds with H: none known Compounds with Cl: none known Willie Xenia W X Element Mass: 7 Physical St.: soft silvery metallic solid Melting Point: 181°C Compounds with H: WH Compounds with Cl: WCl Element Mass: 80 Physical State: red-brown liquid Melting Point: -7°C Compounds with H: XH Compounds with Cl: XCl Yo-Yo Zeus Y Z Element Mass: 16 Physical State: diatomic gas Melting Point: -218°C Compounds with H: YH2, Y2H2 Compounds with Cl: YCl2 Element Mass: 75 Physical State: gray solid Melting Point: 817°C Compounds with H: ZH3 Compounds of Cl: ZCl3 61 7. Sorting by Property/Reactivity Learning Targets: I can identify groups of elements with similar properties (metals, nonmetals and non-reactive) I can use reactivities to classify substances into like reactivity groups. I can rank order reactivity based upon data patterns. Focus Question: What trends can we identify using reactivities and the periodic table? Key Vocabulary: Family, Period Sequence of Experiences (1) Metal or Not with discussion 15 min (2) Reaction Tests 20 min (3) Reflection and Discussion 20 min (4) Trend Detectives 45 min Materials: Metal/non-metal cards Well plates Metal samples (Ca, Zn: Mg, Ca: Mg, Al) 1M HCL Plastic Pipets Goggles Water Cardstock Copies of MSDS sheets Ca, Zn, Mg, Al, and HCl (1M concentration) Forceps/Tweezers Copies of the Periodic Tables for melting point, boiling point, and density (about 6 of each so that each group of 2-3 has one) A copy of a Periodic Table in Spanish is also available (1) Metal or Not Teacher note: Many individuals tend to think of metals as only the transition elements. They do not classify calcium, or magnesium as metals. 62 In this activity, students will confront their misconception of metals versus non-metals. Ask students, list three examples of a metal. Pause. Describe two properties that a metal has. Pause. Describe a test you would conduct to determine if an unknown was a metal. Have students share examples of metals. Record the student responses on the board. If students give answers unrelated to chemistry, record the response but explain why these are inappropriate. If it gets out of hand, state this earlier. Lets us look at the periodic table, where are the metal elements identified? On the left side The location of metals and non-metals on the periodic table is another trend. Metals are located to the left of the stair-step line (it is under boron, between Aluminum and Silicon, between Germanium and Arsenic, between Antimony (Sb) and Tellurium and between Polonium and Astatine). The periodic table also has clear rows and columns. The columns are often called families and the rows, periods. Direct students to record these descriptors of the terms family and period in their science notebook. They will need these to complete their laboratory experience. Ask students: Are Fluorine (F) and Chlorine (Cl) in the same family or period? How do you know? Family, they are in the same column. Ask students: Are Tin (Sn) and Silicon (Si) in the same family or period? How do you know? Family, they are in the same column. Ask students: Are Potassium (K) and Scandium (Sc) in the same family or period? How do you know? Period, because they are in the same row. Ask students: Are Lithium (Li) and Magnesium (Mg) in the same family or period? How do you know? They are not in the same family or period because they are not in the same row or column. (2) Reaction Tests For this test, students must be reviewed about safety procedures before beginning. You may wish to have a short safety/procedure quiz after reviewing the procedure with the students. Make sure you have the MSDS sheets available in the unlikely event of a student accident. Students must wear goggles (over eyes, not their neck or hair) and wash hands at the end of the laboratory clean-up. 63 Students will need to use forceps to remove a calcium sample and place in two wells. Using forceps, one Mg sample into two other wells. Next, one Al sample into a well and one Zn sample into a well. Return to their lab stations. At the lab station should be one pipet of 1M HCl and one pipet of water. You can use two separate beakers to hold the two pipets so that they do not accidently mix. At the end of the lab, students should be directed to bring HCl beaker with pipet to the teacher for refilling. Each group will need a small square of sandpaper. Using forceps, students will gently rub the metal samples over the sandpaper. This is done to remove oxide coatings which act as protective coatings to the element. Students will first mix Ca with water and Mg with water. The Ca will react right away and vigorously. The Mg may react but at a much reduced rate (if it can be observed). Students should record what happens and which one is the most vigorous reaction. They should add only 5-10 drops of water per sample. For the next row, students will add 5-10 drops of HCl to each of the four metal samples. Again, they must record what happens and rank the vigor of the reaction with HCl. Well plate matrix Ca + water Ca + HCl Mg + water Mg + HCl Al + HCl Zn +HCl Students will have remaining metal samples which will need to be disposed. Ca, Mg, and Zn can be reacted with left over HCl and then rinsed down the drain. The Al can be rinsed with water to remove the HCl and then thrown in the trash. Student Handout Below 64 Materials: Forceps Ca (calcium), Mg (magnesium), Zn (Zinc), Al (Aluminum), HCl (Hydrochloric acid, in pipet), and water (in pipet) Well plate Piece of sandpaper Directions: 1. In top row of well plate, using your forceps, place one sample of Ca in the first well and one sample of Mg in a second well. 2. In the second row of the well plate, using your forceps, place one sample of Ca in first well, one sample of Mg in second well, one sample of Al in third well, and one sample of Zn in the forth well. Return to your lab bench. 3. To remind yourself what element is in which well, place a Ca label above the wells for it as well as a Mg, Al and Zn. (See Figure 1) 4. To the left of the top well plate, put the label water and for the row below, add the compound HCl. (See Figure 1) Ca Mg Al Zn Water HCl Figure 1 5. Using your forceps, remove the Ca sample and rub it against the sandpaper. You may see some pieces come off. This is good. Return it to the well plate. 6. Now to just the Ca, add 5-10 drops of water. Record in your science notebook what happens. 7. Using your forceps, remove the Mg sample and rub it against the sandpaper. You should see small scratches on the Mg. Return it to the well and add 5-10 drops of water. Wait 2 minutes and then record anything that happens. Record even if it stays the same. 8. Using your forceps, remove the second sample of Ca and rub it against the sandpaper. Return it to the original well and add 5 drops of HCl. Record in your notebook what you observe. Be very detailed. 9. Using your forceps, remove the second sample of Mg and rub it against the sandpaper. You should see tiny scratch marks. Return it to the well and add 5 drops of HCl. Record what you see. 10. Using your forceps, remove the Al sample. Rub it against the sandpaper. If you see many scratch marks, you are ready to return it to the well. Add 5 drops of HCl. Record in your notebook anything you see. 65 11. Using your forceps, remove the Zn sample and rub it against the sandpaper. When you see scratches on the sample, you have done enough. Return sample to the well and add 5 drops of HCl. Record anything that happens. 12. After 5 minutes, compare all of the wells in the HCl line. Compare amount of element that remains in well, amount of bubbles in well, amount of bubbling still occurring. Record all of your comparisons in your notebook. 13. Clean up your station. All of the liquids in the wells may be flushed down the sink. Make sure that the sink is left running for a minute or two after you have emptied your well plate. Any remaining metal samples should be returned to the waste beakers for that metal. Ca in the Ca waste container, Mg, Zn, and Al. Your teacher will complete the disposal process later. Questions: Your group needs to obtain a copy of the periodic table. 1. Which of the four elements are in the same families? Identify them. 2. Which of the four elements are in the same groups/period? Identify them. 3. How would you compare the reactivity of Ca to Mg? In your response refer to both the water reaction and the HCl reaction. 4. How would you compare the reactivity of Ca to Al? 5. How would you compare the reactivity of Mg to Zn? 6. Classify each element as either: metal, nonmetal or metalloid. 7. Can you create a rule about reactivity for families using your data? 8. Can you create a rule about reactivity for groups/periods using your data? 66 (3) Discussion Ask student groups to share their observations for each of the reactions. Record this data in a table (may be electronic or on whiteboard). Refer students to the periodic table and ask them how they could use the data to create a rule for elements found in the same period. Record the rule decided upon by the class. Repeat this for elements that are found in the same group/family. What do these rules imply about the periodic table? That it is predictive. These rules are more period trends. Direct students to record the new periodic trends in their science notebooks. Two suggested Science Notebook Frames In a family, I have observed ___________________. My evidence for this is _________________. In a period, I have observed ___________________. My evidence for this is _________________________________. Trend How it changes in a family How it changes in a period Any exceptions Mass Option for early finishers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rJmILZ8Psc&feature=related Video is 8 minutes long and shows physical and chemical properties of various elements. This video is a good sponge for early finishing students but is not essential. You can also play this video at anytime during the periodic table portion when student groups finish early. The video is not intended for students to watch for content; it is simply to keep students occupied. The images in the video are nice and they include reactivities. It also is a review about chemical and physical properties. (4) Trend Detectives Start with a review of what is a trend. Return to the trends in reactivity from the reaction tests and also to the metal, metalloid, and non-metal (i.e. some trends refer to general sides of the periodic table and not just periods and columns). For this activity, students will be in groups of 2-3 students. Each group will be given a periodic table with one specific property on it. Student groups will review the property information and determine if they think it is a period, 67 column, or sides of the periodic table trend. It will also be acceptable to answer that it does not appear to be a trend. State to students: each group has a periodic table of the elements which includes just one property: boiling point, melting point, density. The first thing I wish for you to do is to fold the periodic table so that the 10 short rows (a region known as the transition metals) are out and the first 2 rows are next to the last six rows. This is the region to concentrate upon. Your task is to review the organized data and determine if you see a pattern. When you do note a pattern, you should record this in your science notebook. Remember to describe clearly what the trend is. Remember to look by metal vs. nonmetal, period, and column (family). Give students some time to review the data. Circulate and prompt student thinking. For example, for density suggest focusing upon metal versus nonmetal. Another example for melting point and boiling point: “Could a trend be more like an arch?” When most students have something written in their science notebook, it is time for students to share their identified trends along with reasons. Have each group come forward to present their findings. If you have a document camera, it would be easier to discuss trends by having the periodic table displayed. When groups disagree but have the same property, direct all the students to the periodic table and review it. Then discuss the evidence provided by both groups. Sometimes it maybe that one group found part of the trend while another group found another part and the trends need to be combined. Possible trends: Density The metals to the right have higher densities then those to the left. Density tends to increase down a column. Melting Point Metals tend to have higher melting points that non-metals. Across a period, the melting points increase and then begin to decrease. All but one negative value is found on the right-hand side of the periodic table. In columns 1, 2 and 3 the melting points decrease as you go from the top to the bottom. Boiling Point In columns 1, 2, 3, and 4 the boiling point decreases as you go from the top to the bottom. 68 Metals tend to have higher boiling points than non-metals. Boiling points from left to right start to increase and then in the middle decrease again. Some questions to ask after some general trends are determined. What does it mean for the state of matter if it is boiling? Is it both a liquid and a gas because both states of matter may exist at that temperature. If the temperature continues to rise, all of it will be a gas. Based upon the melting points and boiling points for non-metals, what state of matter do you think the majority would be if they were in this class room? (gas) In your science notebook, respond to the following questions: What does it mean to be a general trend? How can the periodic table be useful for a chemist? Below you will find the three periodic tables for activity section 4 69 Periodic Table of the Elements Density 1A 8A http://chemistry.about.com 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B ┌───── 8B ─────┐ 1B 2B *** Elements > 104 exist only for very short half-lifes and the data is unknown.*** Lanthanides Actinides 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu 6.15 6.77 6.77 7.01 7.26 7.52 5.24 7.90 8.23 8.55 8.80 9.07 9.32 6.90 9.84 103 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr 10.0 11.7 15.4 19.1 20.2 19.7 13.6 13.5 14.8 unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown 70 Periodic Table of the Elements Melting Point 1A 8A http://chemistry.about.com 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B ┌───── 8B ─────┐ 1B 2B *** Elements > 104 exist only for very short half-lifes and the data is unknown.*** Lanthanides Actinides 57 58 La Ce 920 799 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho 931 1016 1042 1072 822 1313 1356 1412 1472 68 69 70 71 Er Tm Yb Lu 1529 1545 824 1663 103 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr 1050 1750 1572 1135 664 640 1176 1345 996 900 860 1527 827 unknown unknown 71 Periodic Table of the Elements Boiling Point 1A 8A http://chemistry.about.com 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B ┌───── 8B ─────┐ 1B 2B *** Elements > 104 exist only for very short half-lifes and the data is unknown.*** Lanthanides Actinides 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu 3464 3443 3520 3074 3000 1794 1596 3273 3230 2567 2700 2868 1950 1196 3402 103 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr 3198 4788 unknown 4131 unknown 3228 2011 unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown 72 Tabla Periódica de los Elementos 1A A Lantánido Actínido Alcalino 8A http://chemistry.about.com 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu 138.905 47 140.116 144.242 [145] 150.36 151.964 157.25 158.925 35 162.500 164.930 32 167.259 168.934 21 173.054 174.966 8 Lantano Cerio Neodimi o Prometio Samario Europio Gadolini o Terbio Disprosi o Holmio Erbio Tulio Iterbio Lutecio 103 89 90 Ac Th [227] 232.038 06 Actinio Torio Alcalinotérreo 140.907 65 Praseodi mio 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr 238.028 91 [237] [244] [243] [247] [247] [251] [252] [257] [258] [259] [262] Uranio Neptunio Plutonio Americio Curio Berkelio Californi o Einsteni o Fermio Mendele vio Nobelio 231.035 88 Protactin io Metales del bloque p Halógeno Gas noble 73 No metal Tierras raras Metaloides Laurenci o Metal de transición 8. Modeling of the PT Learning Targets: I can explain that the type of model you use is based upon the model’s purpose. I can explain how models are predictive. Focus Question: How does the purpose of a model effect its development? Key Vocabulary: Sequence of Experiences 1. Reading about Mendeleyev 30 min 2. Discussion of how is the Periodic Table a model? 30 min Materials: How is the PT a model? What is it modeling? How to read a reaction from the PT modeling (1) Putting Things in Order Putting Things in Order from The Story of Science: Newton at the Center pages 298 to 308 Students should be provided copies of the reading. Each student will be responsible for reading the passage and then answering the reflective questions. Before Reading: Have students read the quotes on pg. 298. Turn to a partner and discuss, “Why is the Periodic Table so important to the study of chemistry? 74 Scan the text and discuss the layout. This is a narrative. What are features present in a narrative? How might a narrative be organized (text structure)? What might the text structure help you understand about the author’s purpose? During Reading: Create a rough timeline of Mendeleyev’s life as you read the passage. Identify some key events and mentors of Mendeleyev. Note some of the ways Mendeleyev tried to organize the known elements. Identify the trends that emerged from his organization. Identify the key benefits of the Periodic Table. Is the Periodic Table complete? Would you expect changes to it in the future? Why or why not? After Reading: Discuss what has been learned and move to the next part of the discussion which is: Is the Periodic Table a Model? (2) How is the Periodic Table a Model? From prior lessons the discussion of models and chemistry surfaced over and over again. Now it is time to focus on the periodic table. What are some of the criteria for being a model? Predictive, has limitations, not a replica, a simplification, etc. What are some examples of models discussed so far in this unit? The periodic table, the model drawings of the water expander, the particle model, Rutherford’s model, Bohr model What can a model do for a scientist? It communicates the scientists idea or concept to others so they many more fully understand. It can be used by other scientists to build upon it and modify it based upon new information. Would you classify the periodic table as a model? Why or why not? Have students record their reasoning and then discuss with a student sitting next to them. Next, return to their ‘What is a Model’ Probe (stapled into their notebooks). Ask students to make any revisions to the items they have 75 selected. Next, discuss again what makes a model and how do we define a model in science. Pass out Frayer Model for the term ‘Model.’ Work with students to identify characteristics of a model and to refine/develop a more inclusive definition of a model. They should write in pencil. Ask students to record the examples of models from this unit of study. Then ask students to give non-examples of models. 76 1. Provide a strong reason for the need for chemistry to be ‘standarzied.’ Characteristics Definition What was the state of chemistry at the time. Examples Model 77 Non-Examples References Flinn Scientific. (2003). Atomic Target Practice. Catalog number AP6496 Hakim, J. (2005)Putting Things in Order, ch 29, p. 298-308 in The Story of Science: Newton at the Center. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Books. Helmenstine, T. (2010) Periodic Table of the Elements: Boiling Point, Density, and Melting Point. Retrieved from: http://chemistry.about.com Keeley, P. (2008). Science Formative Assessment: 75 Practical Strategies for Linking Assessment, Instruction, and Learning. Thousand Oaks: Joint Publication with Corwin Press and the National Science Teachers Association. Keeley, P., Eberle, F., Farrin, L., & Olliver, L. (2005). Uncovering Student Ideas in Science, Vol. 1: 25 formative assessment probes. Arlington, VA: National Science Teachers Association Press. Keeley, P., & Tugel, J. (2009). Uncovering Student Ideas in Science, Vol. 4: 25 New Formative Assessment Probes. Arlington, VA: National Science Teachers Association Press. Kosasih. (2008, January 8). Nucleus of an Atom. Video Retrieved from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8RuO2ekNGw Kosasih. (2008, January 8). Cathode Ray Experiment. Video Retrieved from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XU8nMKkzbT8&feature=related Miami Science Museum. (1997). The Phantom’s Portrait Parlor Paper Cutting. Retrieved from: http://www.miamisci.org/af/sln/phantom/papercutting.html Periodictabledotcom. (2009, September 24). Periodic Table Animation of All the Elements. Video Retrieved from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rJmILZ8Psc&feature=related PhET Team. (2011). Build an Atom. Retrieved from: http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/build-an-atom#softwarerequirements Stalldog. (2009, January 20). Rutherford. Video Retrieved from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSEOOMs5VNU Stalldog. (2009, January 20). Bohr. Video Retrieved from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCCz20JOXXk&NR=1 78 Appendix Template for learning target and ‘What did I learn?’ and ‘What did I do?’ Target: What did I learn? What did I do? 79 Targets- Atoms I am confident I can identify the parts of an atom which made up its structure. (nucleus, electron cloud, neutron, electron, proton) I can distinguish the parts of an atom based upon mass and charge. (proton, electron, neutron) I can demonstrate, in words and pictures, how the size of an atom compares to a visible object. I know what holds an atom together. 80 I am sort of confident I am not confident Plan to improve confidence Targets- Periodic Table I am confident I can define an element. (single type of atom) I can classify atoms into element categories. I can classify substances using reactivities into like groups (families). I can describe patterns from periods and families from the periodic table. I can predict missing elements based upon existing pattern. I can identify chemical trends using atomic numbers and data in tables/graphs (flammability, and reactivity). I can identify physical trends using atomic numbers and data in tables/graphs (density, boiling point, and solubility). I can identify groups of elements with similar properties (metals, non-metals and nonreactive). I can use reactivities to classify substances into like reactivity groups. I can rank order reactivity based upon data patterns. 81 I am sort of confident I am not confident Plan to improve confidence Targets- Biogeochemical Cycles I am confident I can compare the elements essential for life to those found in the Earth’s crust, oceans, and atmosphere. I can make inferences about the source of these elements. I can identify processes that produce and consume organic forms of carbon molecules and CO2 molecules. I can identify processes that produce and consume organic forms of carbon molecules and CO2 molecules. I can describe how different types of plants store Carbon. I can explain how a plant uses CO2. I can explain a plant’s role in carbon cycling. I can describe how matter and energy are transformed in a food chain and ecosystems. I can describe how matter and energy are transformed during decomposition. I can describe interactions between the bio- and atmosphere in terms of carbon cycling. I can explain how land use decisions can cause imbalance in the amount of Carbon released or stored. I can describe how different types of soils store Carbon. I can explain how different variables affect decomposition by soil organisms. 82 I am sort of confident I am not confident Plan to improve confidence Targets- Conservation of Matter I am confident I am sort of confident I am not confident Plan to improve confidence I am confident I am sort of confident I am not confident Plan to improve confidence I can modify the definition of matter (to include the concepts of atom and element). I can explain the relationship between atoms and the conservation of matter. I can use the existence of atoms to demonstrate the conservation of matter. I can interpret evidence which supports the conservation of matter. Targets- Models I can explain how models are predictive. I can use a model to explain the effect of increasing and decreasing scale (in 2-D and 3-D). I can explain how models are different from reality. I can distinguish between different forms of models. I can analyze multiple, basic atomic structure models for advantages and limitations. I can identify the form of model to use. I can explain that the type of model you use is based upon the model’s purpose. 83