Prerequisites for Japanese Retailers to Survive Executive Summary 8. June. 2006 Nomura Research Institute. Ken-ichi Kudo, Tadashi Tsuji Conclusion: Task for Japanese retailers to survive Japanese population started to decrease in 2005: Therefore age composition and household composition will be fragmented. In such situations, Japanese retailers need to make strategies to survive. Japan’s strategies to survive are different from United States’, where population will increase for a while. Japanese retailers need to find their own strategies other than to copy United States’. It is necessary to understand consumers’ behavioral change at all time and to continue to find out who will be customers and when and where they purchase. Consumer behavior is always changing. Japanese retailers need to catch the changes agilely, and to sustain flexibly appeals and freshness of their store layouts, assortments and prices as contact points with customers, in each hierarchy of format, region, store and department. Japanese retailers need to design and operate such internal functions that don’t lose efficiency even if contact points with customers flexibly change. Copyright©2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. 1 Content Fact Analysis 1. Back ground and Objectives Proposal 2. Consumption structure in Japan to 2020. 5. Prerequisites for Japanese retailers to survive in 2010 3. Retail formats with consumers behavior in present-day Japan 4. Trend of major retail formats 6. Conclusion Proposal to the future Fact up to date NRI’s view point Copyright©2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. 2 1. Back ground and objectives 1) Aging society with a falling birthrate Japanese population started to decrease in 2005, since then aging society with a falling birthrate has started seriously. 百万人 Population decrease and saturation of retail market will become selection pressure for innovation to survive. Japanese Population 130 128 126 124 122 120 118 116 114 112 110 30年 25年 20年 15年 10年 05年 00年 95年 90年 85年 80年 出所: 国立社会保障・人口問題研究所 Copyright©2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. 3 1. Back ground and objectives 2) Objectives Quantitative data of consumer market in Japanese aging society with a falling birthrate to 2020. Analysis for prerequisites to survive in such situations. Copyright©2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. 4 2. Consumption structure in Japan to 2020. In a period of population decrease, the amount of real consumption expenditure will stop growing. Information strategy to compete for fragmental potentials of consumers attribution, item, and area will become a matter of business survival. ‘”particular” consumer’, ‘smart consumer’, ‘safety-oriented consumer’ will arm with information and express their will by selecting items and formats. Companies which ensure information disclosure and obtain loyalty from consumers will survive. 1) Fragmental consumption potential 2) Consumers arming with information Area Increase of “particular”consumers Item Increase of smart consumers Increase of safety-oriented consumers Consumers attribution Copyright©2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. 5 2. Consumption structure in Japan to 2020. 1) Fragmental consumption potential Japan will not have a real consumption growth. Although Japanese population will decrease, the number of household will not decrease. Aging people whose real consumption per household is large will increase, but the growth of real consumption expenditure is estimated to stop as a whole. Forecast of real consumption expenditure in Japan (兆円) 350 →推計値 300 250 エクセル:「都道府県支出年齢階層別」に掲載 200 150 100 出所 実績値:SNA 内閣府 推計値:人口問題研究所世帯数の推移 をもとにNRI推計 推計値 50 実績値 0 85年 90年 95年 00年 05年 Copyright©2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. 10年 15年 20年 6 Area 2. Consumption structure in Japan to 2020. Item 1) Fragmental consumption potential Consumers attribution Widen the gap each age segment, the consumers attribution will be fragmented. Possible to overlook a growth target in case sticking to their past target. The amount of consumption expenditure in 50s (baby boomer) decreases by 2.5 trillion yen. In 70s, it increases 1.6 trillion yen. Increase and Decrease of house hold from 2005 to 2010 ( more than one member of family) 2,000 1,500 (10億円) 1,000 500 0 -500 -1,000 -1,500 Copyright©2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. 75歳以上 70~74歳 65~69歳 60~64歳 55~59歳 50~54歳 45~49歳 40~44歳 35~39歳 30~34歳 25~29歳 25歳未満 -2,000 (出所)NRI 7 Area 2. Consumption structure in Japan to 2020. Item 1) Fragmental consumption potential Items will be fragmented with increase of single household and Consumers attribution aging household. ‘food’ and ’housing’ will increase slightly and ‘clothing’ will decrease slightly. (兆円/年) 1.5 1 0.5 商品分類別支出の増減額 衣 食 住 104 102 100 98 0 96 -0.5 2005年 2010年 2020年 Segment Clothing 1% ↓ Food 2% ↑ Housing 3% ↑ 商品分類別支出の変化率 (%) 衣 2005年 食 2010年 住 2020年 Main Factor General household, which has huge expenditure for clothing will decrease. Male single household and aging household will increase. Male single household, which has huge expenditure for food, will much increase than population decrease. Aging household, which has huge expenditure for housing, will increase. Copyright©2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. (出所)NRI 8 2. Consumption structure in Japan to 2020. 1) Fragmental consumption potential Differentials in rapidity of population decrease and age composition by region will be wider, and area distribution will be fragmented. Widened differentials between increase (red) and decrease (blue) more than 5% Changing rate of consumption expenditure (2005 to 2020) :1.05~ :1.00~1.05 Area :0.95~1.00 Item :~0.95 (出所)NRI Copyright©2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. Consumers attribution 9 Area 2. Consumption structure in Japan to 2020. 1) Fragmental consumption potential Item Urban edge in Kansai (around Osaka) Consumers attribution will become a growth area in 2020. Otaru (7) Muroran (1) Hakodate (2) Kushiro (3) Changing rate of consumption 05⇒20 上位 草津市 三田市 浦添市 つくば市 朝霞市 八王子市 刈谷市 大津市 春日市 彦根市 potential in 2020 (Top10/Worst10) Asaka (5) Hikone(10) Hachioji (6) Kusatsu (1) Ohtsu (8) 滋賀県 兵庫県 沖縄県 茨城県 埼玉県 東京都 愛知県 滋賀県 福岡県 滋賀県 134% 125% 122% 121% 118% 117% 116% 116% 116% 116% 下位 室蘭市 函館市 釧路市 大牟田市 守口市 門真市 小樽市 長崎市 下関市 新居浜市 北海道 北海道 北海道 福岡県 大阪府 大阪府 北海道 長崎県 山口県 愛媛県 77% 83% 83% 85% 86% 88% 88% 89% 91% 91% Tsukuba (4) Sanda (2) Shimonoseki(10) Kariya (7) Ohmuta (4) Nagasaki (8) Kadoma (6) Kasuga (9) Urasoe(3) Moriguchi (5) ※ランキングは2000年の人口が10万人以上 の都市を対象に実施。 ※青箱はトップ10、赤箱はワースト10を示す ※市町村名の後の数字は順位を示す Niihama (9) (出所)NRI Copyright©2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. 10 1) 2. Consumption structure in Japan to 2020 Consumers arming with information Increase of "particular" consumers --"particular" in quality and lifestyle. “Particular" consumers increase such as ‘choose cost-quality performance of items’, ’choose items that are best for my lifestyle’. (source)NRI 「1万人アンケート」 Change in consumption values 52.4 choose cost-quality performance of items 58.5 50.2 46.9 choose most inexpensive items choose quality items excluding the price 40.0 40.9 32.9 34.1 choose brand items choose items that is best for my lifestyle 22.9 gathering advanced information 22.3 choose expensive items even save money 31.2 28.4 2000年 2003年 16.1 17.9 9.2 12.8 following the trends 0 20 (%) 40 60 (出所)「1万人アンケート」 野村総合研究所 Copyright©2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. 11 2. Consumption structure in Japan to 2020 1) Consumers arming with information Smart consumers –gathering detailed information in advance Consumers gather information from internet or the like in advance. Smart consumers increase due to disruption of information asymmetry between consumers and retailers. Information sources for shopping 0 20 40 60 80 店頭 メーカーやサービス提供会社 のウェブサイト 価格比較サイト Status of gathering advanced information Q: information in advance to confirm cost-quality performance (%) 商品・サービス提供会社 からのメールマガジン 友人、知人、家族などの話 テレビ 雑誌 新聞 メーリングリスト、掲示板、 ブログからの口コミ その他 特になし 出所 「インターネット白書2005」 Impress Copyright©2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. (出所)「1万人アンケート」 野村総合研究所 12 2. Consumption structure in Japan to 2020 1) Consumers arming with information Increase of safety-oriented consumers -- reconsider corporate ethics and customer orientation Several major food companies lost the trust from customers due to milk product poisoning and false labeling of beef. Consumers who need precise labels increase with increase of allergic patients. Health promoting food is also accepted by females and middle ages as a fashion trend. Ratio of allergic patients Market scale of food for specified health use 6,000 5,669 5,000 4,121 億円/年 4,000 3,000 2,269 2,000 1,315 1,000 0 1997 1999 2001 2003 (出所)財団法人日本健康・栄養食品協会 (出所)京都大学医学研究科白川・渡邉 Copyright©2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. 13 年 3. Retail formats with consumers’ behavior in present-day Japan. Clarified inter-area competition, inter-format competition, and blank space without competition as a result of repositioning retail formats based on consumers behavior. [Questionnaire Survey] Target :20s to 40s of Female, 50s and 60s of Male and Female. 3500 in 6 Prefectures, Tohoku region, 500 in Tokyo. Method :internet questionnaire (reference)aging people are mainly active seniors. [Group Interview Survey] Target :3 groups (housewife in 20s 、30s~40s、and 50s~60s) Place : Izumi-ku, Sendai city, Miyagi Prefecture Copyright©2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. 14 3. Retail formats with consumers’ behavior in present-day Japan. 1) Inter-area competition beyond prefectures Japanese consumers’ behavior is beyond prefectures. Department stores in Miyagi take demands out of Yamagata, Fukushima and south Iwate. Department store users beyond prefectures 4 regional groups regarding purchase behavior (Tohoku region+Tokyo) 州都1次圏:宮城 州都2次圏:山形、福島 2.6% 州都3次圏:青森、岩手、秋田 大都市 8.6% 5.6% NRI「お買い物に関するアンケート」(2005) 在 住 地 青森県 岩手県 宮城県 秋田県 山形県 福島県 青森県 98.8% 3.9% 0.1% 3.4% 0.0% 0.0% Copyright©2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. :東京23区 主に利用する百貨店の所在地 岩手県 宮城県 秋田県 山形県 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 92.4% 2.6% 0.3% 0.0% 0.2% 98.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.7% 0.0% 93.4% 0.0% 0.0% 8.6% 0.7% 87.9% 0.0% 5.6% 0.0% 0.0% 福島県 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.4% 89.7% 15 3. Retail formats with consumers’ behavior in present-day Japan. 2) Inter-format competition and blank space NRI「お買い物に関するアンケート」(2005) format map : Tokyo High Hopeful market 1 Dpt Dpt slightly high Dpt Dpt Hopeful market 4 Pricing image small store Normal GMS HC CVS CVS CVS small store 一般商店 GMS Catalog/E-retail SuC small store GMS GMS Catalog/E-retail SuC DgS SM DgS SM Category killer Variety store Variety store Category killer SuC SM HC DgS DgS slightly low Variety store Hopeful market 3 Low Consumer InteriorLtd. All rights Fashion Copyright©2006 Nomura Research Institute, reserved.Food (short) electronics Food (long) Staple 16 Drug 3. Retail formats with consumers' behavior in present-day Japan. 2) Inter-format competition and blank space NRI「お買い物に関するアンケート」(2005) format map : Tohoku High Hopeful market 1 Dpt Dpt slightly high CVS Dpt CVS CVS Hopeful market 2 Pricing image Hopeful market 4 Normal GMS SuC Specialty HC Category Killer GMS GMS Catalog/E-retail HC SuC SM DgS Category killer GMS SuC SM SM DgS Variety store slightly low HC DgS DgS Variety store Hopeful market 3 Low Consumer Interior Fashion Food (short) Copyright©2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. electronics Food (long) Staple 17 Drug 4. Trend of major retail formats 1) Latest topics GMS in a tough game. Industrial Revitalization Corporation Japan is revitalizing Daiei. Apparel innovation of Ito Yokado is in a difficult voyage. Aeon changes its policy from GMS to Shopping Center and large-scale food SM. Shopping Center is increasing. Law is being revised to regulate stores larger than 10,000m2. Super Center is not distinguished from SM or GMS. SuC retailers can not sell national brands at lower prices so sell unpopular private brands at low prices. Sales of Department Stores re-increase by “particular” consumers. Some Dpt stores are redecorated with clear targets and amenity. The merger of 7 Eleven, Ito Yokado, Seibu dpt and Sogo dpt bore a conglomerate 7&i group. Perishable CVS, selling vegetables and fish at 99 yen in 24 hours, is rapidly increasing. Category Killers of electronics are rapidly increasing. Small format of Specialty food SM is located in rail stations Copyright©2006 Nomurastarts Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. Drug Store selling daily food, and actually changes to combo store. 18 4. Trend of major retail formats 2) Format share High share of GMS and Department store in Japan. Both sell much food unlike ones in USA. CVS grew into the 3rd rank format in Japan. 100% 90% 3% 5% 2% 28% 80% 19% 70% 60% 50% 18% 9% 17% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 10% 8% 0% 0% 5% 0% 10% 16% 9% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 11% 6% 6% 1% 1% 1% 0% 6% Japan U SA Top 107, 2005 Top 100, 2004 Copyright©2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. GM S D epartm ent Store C onvenience Store C ategory Killer Superm arket H om e C enter D rug Store C O -O P A uto C enter (C ar goods) A pparelSuper O ne P rice Store D iscount Store V ariety Store Supercenter W arehouse C lub C atalog/e-tailer others Japan Retailing Center, NRI, Rocky Iwashima, 19 4. Trend of major retail formats 3) Top retailers ranking At the end of December 2005, 7&i Holdings, including 7 Eleven and Ito Yokado merged with Millennium group, including Seibu Department and Sogo Department, and a mega retailer with sales of 6 trillion yen was born. Daiei in bankruptcy is still the 3rd rank retailer. At the head of Yamada Denki at rank 5, many Category Killers rank in the list. Top 31, 2005 G roup rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 G roup nam e Form at 7&iG roup (incl.Seibu & Sogo) A eon G roup D aieiG roup U ny G roup (incl.C ircle K Sunkus) Yam ada D enki(incl.D aikum a) Takashim aya G roup Seiyu G roup (W al-M art) M itsukoshiG roup Isetan G roup Tokyu G roup D aim aru G roup YodobashiC am era B eisia G roup Kintetsu G roup Kojim a B ic C am era Edion M arui D C M Japan G roup Life C orporation Izum iya G roup First R etailing (U niqlo) H eiw ado G roup G igas K's D enki B est D enki M atsuzakaya G roup H ankyu G roup Shim am ura G roup Izum iG roup M atsum oto Kiyoshi Tobu G roup C V S,G M S,D pt,SM G M S,C V S,SM G M S,SM C V S,G M S,SM CK D pt GM S D pt D pt D pt,SM D pt,SM CK H C ,G M S D pt CK CK CK D pt HC SM GM S CK GM S CK CK D pt D pt A pparelSM GM S D gS D pt S ales (incl. FC ) 61,762 43,231 19,168 18,570 11,024 10,236 9,786 8,241 7,622 6,969 6,700 5,809 5,655 4,991 4,900 4,566 4,380 4,341 3,747 3,647 3,523 3,518 3,491 3,434 3,392 3,372 3,335 3,227 3,062 3,024 3,020 Japan Retailing Center, Nikkei, NRI Copyright©2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. 20 5. Prerequisites of Japanese retailers to survive in 2010 1. Clarify adaptive strategies to survive. 2. Fragmental targeting based on consumer behavior. 3. Maintain appeals of contact point with consumers and hierarchical flexibilities. 4. Construct scalable modular operation Environmental Change Population Competitor Income Technology Regulation Selection Pressure (affection) Target 1.Adaptive Customer Scene retailers (format) Location Contact point Assortment Price Internal function Store layout Innovation strategies Strategy of retailers 2. Fragmental 3. Hierarchical 4. Scalable modular targeting flexibility operation Copyright©2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. 21 5. Prerequisites of Japanese retailers or survival in 2010 supplement) hierarchical flexibility Maintaining appeals and hierarchical flexibilities will become key points to survive. Only testing hypotheses in whole hierarchy enables retailers to maintain their appeals. It is possible that whole lower hierarchy would be removed from market if even a class freezes. Advance marketable, Control Head office/ Remove Unmarketable by area/format unit Holding company Area/format ※depend on strategies Advance marketable, Remove unmarketable by store unit Store Advance marketable, Remove unmarketable by department unit depart ment Advance marketable, Remove unmarketable by SKU Copyright©2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. 22 6. Conclusion Fragmentation of area, item, and consumer attribution is rapidly progressed. Market area expands from prefecture to “state” with deep motorization. General format is difficult to survive because consumers select different formats depending on their life scene. Less differentials in department store, GMS, large scale SM, SC and SuC in countryside in Japan. Blank space without competition for potential newcomers. Flexibility in each hierarchy of department, store, format and area is required. Shopping Center is an answer for large market area. However, the format of shopping center is not static. It has to continue to change and hierarchize. Copyright©2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. 23 Thank you! Copyright©2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. 24