INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SCIENCE (ICS2OC) Mr. Brunton http:// Overview This course introduces students to computer programming. Students will plan and write simple computer programs by applying fundamental programming concepts, and learn to create clear and maintainable internal documentation. They will also learn to manage a computer by studying hardware configurations, software selection, operating system functions, networking, and safe computing practices. Students will also investigate the social impact of computer technologies, and develop an understanding of environmental and ethical issues related to the use of computers. Prerequisite: None. Big Ideas 1. Understanding computers 2. Introduction to computer programming 3. Computers and society Overall Expectations A1. describe the functions of different types of hardware components, and assess the hardware needs of users; A2. describe the different types of software products, and assess the software needs of users; A3. use the basic functions of an operating system correctly; A4. demonstrate an understanding of home computer networking concepts; A5. explain the importance of software B1. describe fundamental programming concepts and constructs; B2. plan and write simple programs using fundamental programming concepts; B3. apply basic code maintenance techniques when writing programs. C1. describe key aspects of the impact of computers and related technologies on society; C2. describe computer use policies that promote environmental stewardship and sustainability; C3. describe legal and ethical issues related to the use of computing devices; C4. describe postsecondary education and career prospects related to computer studies. Throughout this course students will: Use problem solving skills in order to solve problems. By the end of this course, students will: describe the functions of different types of hardware components, and assess the hardware needs of users; describe the different types of software products, and assess the software needs of users; use the basic functions of an operating system correctly; demonstrate an understanding of home computer networking concepts; explain the importance of software describe fundamental programming concepts and constructs; plan and write simple programs using fundamental programming concepts; apply basic code maintenance techniques when writing programs. describe key aspects of the impact of computers and related technologies on society; describe computer use policies that promote environmental stewardship and sustainability; describe legal and ethical issues related to the use of computing devices; describe postsecondary education and career prospects related to computer studies. Units of Study Unit/Chapter Expectations: Unit 1 – Understanding Computers OVERALL EXPECTATIONS COMMON ASSESSMENTS/EVALUATIONS Use problem solving skills in order Assessments - Students will be assessed on their use of to solve problems. various problem-solving techniques. - Students will help other students solve problems. Evaluation - None. A1. describe the functions of different Assessments types of hardware components, and - Complete research task on computer assess the hardware needs of users; hardware and networking - Successfully disassemble, research/identify, and reassemble computers Evaluation - Unit end test. A2. describe the different types of Assessments software products, and assess the - Research task successfully completed software needs of users; Evaluation - Unit end test. A3. use the basic functions of an operating system correctly; A4. demonstrate an understanding of home computer networking concepts; A5. explain the importance of software updates and system maintenance to manage the performance and increase the security of a computer. Assessments - Complete question tasks - Use operating system in lab effectively Evaluation - Unit end test. Assessments - Research networking terms and concepts through questions, discussion, etc. Evaluation - Unit end test. Assessments - Manage files and folders effectively - Discussion with students (anecdotal) Evaluation - Unit end test. STUDENT SUCCESS STRATEGIES Peer help Re-teach Outside involvement (parent) Re-teach; one-on-one, group DI ARC Outside involvement (student success, parent, admin) Re-teach; one-on-one, group DI ARC Outside involvement (student success, parent, admin) Re-teach; one-on-one, group DI ARC Outside involvement (student success, parent, admin) Re-teach; one-on-one, group DI ARC Outside involvement (student success, parent, admin) Re-teach; one-on-one, group DI ARC Outside involvement (student success, parent, admin) Unit/Chapter Expectations: Unit 2 – Computers and Society OVERALL EXPECTATIONS COMMON ASSESSMENTS/EVALUATIONS Assessments Use problem solving skills - Students will be assessed on their use in order to solve problems. of various problem-solving techniques. - Students will help other students solve problems. Evaluation - None. C1. describe key aspects of the impact of Assessments computers and related technologies on - Project proposal society; - Discussion with students (anecdotal) - Complete notes on presentations Evaluation - Unit project (presentation). C2. describe computer use policies that Assessments promote environmental stewardship and - Project proposal sustainability; - Discussion with students (anecdotal) - Complete notes on presentations Evaluation - Unit project (presentation). C3. describe legal and ethical issues Assessments related to the use of computing devices; - Project proposal - Discussion with students (anecdotal) - Complete notes on presentations Evaluation - Unit project (presentation). C4. describe postsecondary education and Assessments career prospects related to computer - Anecdotal discussion about the possible studies. strands in computer studies Evaluation - Careers research assignment. Unit/Chapter Expectations: Unit 3,4,5 – Introduction to Programming OVERALL EXPECTATIONS COMMON ASSESSMENTS/EVALUATIONS Assessments Use problem solving skills - Students will be assessed on their use in order to solve problems. of various problem-solving techniques. - Students will help other students solve problems. Evaluation - None. B1. describe fundamental programming Assessments concepts and constructs; - Anecdotal discussion - Practice programs Evaluation - Programming assignments. B2. plan and write simple programs using fundamental programming concepts; Assessments - Anecdotal discussion - Practice programs Evaluation - Programming assignments. B3. apply basic code maintenance techniques when writing programs. Assessments - Anecdotal discussion - Practice programs Evaluation - Programming assignments. STUDENT SUCCESS STRATEGIES Peer help Re-teach Outside involvement (parent) Re-teach; one-on-one, group DI ARC Outside involvement (student success, parent, admin) Re-teach; one-on-one, group DI ARC Outside involvement (student success, parent, admin) Re-teach; one-on-one, group DI ARC Outside involvement (student success, parent, admin) Re-teach; one-on-one, group DI ARC Outside involvement (student success, parent, admin) STUDENT SUCCESS STRATEGIES Peer help Re-teach Outside involvement (parent) Peer help Re-teach; one-on-one, group DI ARC Outside involvement (student success, parent, admin) Peer help Re-teach; one-on-one, group DI ARC Outside involvement (student success, parent, admin) Peer help Re-teach; one-on-one, group DI ARC Outside involvement (student success, parent, admin) Class and Home materials You can download the software that we use in class for your home computer. While enough time is provided in class to complete ALL work and assignments, some students like to have it at home to further their learning or to get caught up on work. Turing 4.1.1a is a free download, and can be found at . In class, students will be required to have the following: 1. Computer username and password 2. Binder, pencil 3. Organization tool (ie: agenda or smartphone) Assessment and Evaluation Assessment and evaluation occurs within each course, guided by the curriculum, and for the purpose of improving learning. Assessment occurs throughout the semester and is designed to provide feedback while learning occurs. This allows students to increase their knowledge and improve their performance prior to evaluation. Some of the types of activities included in assessment include homework, practice quizzes/tests, conferencing, self and peer evaluations, checklists and rubrics. Assessment is a crucial part of the learning process and it is the responsibility of the student to fully engage in this process. Evaluation occurs after assessment and involves judging the quality of work against predetermined criteria. Evaluation results in a mark that is used to determine the term or final grade. Some types of evaluation include tests, essays, projects, performances, media and oral presentations and exams. Mark Calculation: Seventy percent of the grade (70%) will be based on evaluations conducted throughout the course. This is a cumulative term mark that is comprised of summative evaluations of various natures. Thirty percent of the grade (30%) will be based on an exit evaluation. The exit evaluation with be as follows: 1. Major Project – 20% 2. Final Exam – 10% Late Evaluations: Certain assignments within the course will be designated as “major assignments”. Due dates for these assignments will be provided when given, as well as expectations of what is to be included and how it will be evaluated. Major assignments will have a ‘three-day window of submission’ after which the assignment will be late. Late material is assigned a penalty of 5% per day for three days, after which a mark of zero will be recorded. Academic Dishonesty: All students at St. Joseph-Scollard Hall are expected to submit work which is entirely their own. Work, which is not their own, must be acknowledged as such by using proper citation. If it is not cited, this constitutes plagiarism, [the act of taking and using as one’s own the thoughts, writing, inventions, etc. of another (Dictionary of Canadian English)] Students can expect to receive a mark of zero on pieces of work that are plagiarized. Other forms of academic dishonesty (i.e. unauthorized cheat sheets, copying someone else’s work or allowing someone to copy your work in order for them to submit it as their own) will also result in a mark of zero. In all situations, a mark of zero will apply to the entire evaluation. Administration will be advised and a letter will be sent home to the parents informing them of what has occurred. St. Joseph-Scollard Hall Late or Missed Assignment Protocol for Major Assignments Student Name: ________________________________ Assignment: _______________________ Due Date: ___________________ 1. Did the student meet with you in advance and ask for an extension? Yes ____________ No _______ Length of extension granted: ________________ 2. Reasons student provided for not completing the assignment by due date: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 3. Log of contact made with parents: ____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 4. Date of referral(s) made to ARC: ____________________________________________________________________ 5. Referral to Student Success Teacher: Yes 6. _____________ No ______________ If identified, contact made with Resource/plan developed: _________ ______________________________________________________________ 7. Referral to VP to discuss: ____________________________________ 8. Marks deducted and/or assignment of a zero: ____________________