German 101 Course Syllabus

Introduction to German (German 101)
Loyola University Chicago
Department of Modern Languages & Literatures
GERM 101-001
Fall 2013
MWF 9:20 am – 10:10 am
Crown Center 104
Professor: Mrs. Duncker-Hoffmann, Crown Center 206 C
Office Hours: MWF 10:15 – 11:00 and by appointment
Phone: 773-508-7368
Required materials
Deutsch Na Klar 6th edition text book , DNK printed workbook 6th ed. and Quia/Centro online laboratory
program for DNK 6th ed. (2 books, 1 software license)
Recommended materials
English Grammar for Students of German by Zorach and Melin, a paperback that compares the grammar
of the two languages and reviews grammatical terminology. Also, a good English-German/ GermanEnglish dictionary, particularly if you plan to continue on to German 102.
This center provides valuable resources to assist language
learners. An online orientation to the center may be required. (See separate handout.)
This is the website for registering your license for the
online lab manual. (You can purchase here as well, although you may already have
purchased the license if you bought the bookstore package).
Deutsch Na Klar Online Learning Center Click on Student Edition, then
choose your chapter. Very helpful quizzes for review, selfstudy.
Course Description and objectives
This course is intended for students with no or little previous experience with modern German. The teaching
methodology will build the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing. Additionally, this
course will introduce elements of culture and history of the German-speaking countries and peoples.
LLRC – Language Learning Resource Center
This center provides valuable resources to assist language learners. An online
orientation to the center is required. (Please see separate LLRC Handout.)
Multi-Media Requirement for Language Courses 101-104
Students in language courses 101-104 are required to spend a minimum of one hour per week using
audio-visual learning materials, including computer-based media that complement their language studies.
Students can complete this requirement in the LLRC, Crown Center 208, or at home, but in either case,
fulfillment of the requirement will be determined and evaluated by the instructor.
Tutoring Center
The Center for Tutoring & Academic Excellence offers free Small Group tutoring for Loyola students. The
groups meet once a week through the end of the semester and are led by a peer tutor who has
successfully completed study in the course material. To learn more or request tutoring services, visit
the Center online at
General policies
Academic Honesty
In addition to the Loyola University Chicago Academic Honesty policy at and CAS policy at
the following also apply:
1) Students may not use automated translators to write compositions.
2) Students may not ask friends, relatives or native speakers to complete their assignments.
3) Students may not recycle their own or other people’s work.
4) Students must explicitly cite any material that has been taken from the Internet or other sources
and in most cases are urged to paraphrase rather than copy and paste.
Students with documented disabilities who wish to discuss academic accommodations should contact the
instructor the first week of class, as well as Services for Students with Disabilities, Sullivan Center, 773508-3700.
Computer & Internet Use
Use of laptop computers during class time for note taking is permitted. You may be asked to put your
laptop away for exercises/exams. Use of the internet is not permitted unless specifically directed by the
instructor. This includes checking of email, messages, etc.
Cell Phone Use
Use of cell phones (deutsch: “Handys”) is not permitted during class time. This includes sending and
reading of Text Messages. Please set phones to silent mode. In the case of a personal emergency,
students should quietly exit the classroom.
Food & Drink
Drinks in sealable containers are permitted in the classroom. Food is not permitted unless required for a
medical condition.
Course expectations and evaluation
This course will be using Sakai, a new course content system being used at Loyola by some instructors.
You are required to check the Sakai site on a regular basis and you are responsible for assignments
posted there. Homework assignment will appear under the Lessons tab.
In order to make steady progress in the language, daily preparation for class and active participation in
class is extremely important. In-class participation grade is based on preparation and work in class, and
an occasional pop quiz.
The attendance policy is based on the fact that regular participation is perhaps your most valuable
resource in terms of learning German. Thus, absences will generally reduce your class participation
grade. If you are seriously ill, especially if you miss two or more class periods due to illness or
emergency, please contact me. Of course a doctor’s note can be relevant. Two classes may be missed
without reduction of your class participation score. This consideration will be factored into grading at the
end of the course.
Written Assignments
Written work must be typed or neatly hand-written, and double-spaced, regardless of whether you type
or write by hand.
Deutsch na klar Workbook
Written Workbook exercises are to be completed when assigned. After completion, self-correct them with
a different color ink using the answer key provided in the back of your workbook. Assigned exercises are
due when quizzes are due and on in-class test days (Midterm and Final).
Centro audio exercises; other audio and video assignments
Audio and video tasks are generally done online, either via the Centro website for the chapter “lab
manual” audio exercises, the LLRC website for the textbook audio and video recordings, or via the
VoiceThread software.
Dialog projects: You will be assigned dialog projects during the course of the semester which you write and
record together with one or two other students. Specific instructions will be provided.
Late work
Please complete all work on time. Grades for late assignments will lowered 10%--one letter grade--for
each day they are turned in late. Turn in late work to me in class or into my mailbox in the Modern
Languages office, Crown Center 217.
Quizzes are take-home. Oral portions of quizzes will be given in class and cannot be made up.
Final Exam
Saturday, Dec. 14 (Save the date!)
1:00am - 3:00pm, in our classroom.
In-class participation 25% (this includes occasional mini-quizzes)
Audio & video assignments 15% (lowest Centro audio assignment will be dropped from grading)
Written assignments 15%
Take-home Quizzes 20%
Midterm 10%
Final Exam 15%
Grading Scale
A 100-93; A- 92-90; B+ 89-87; B 86-83; B- 82-80; C+ 79-77; C 76-73; C- 72-70; D+ 69-67; D 66-63: D62-60; F below 60.
(Note: a final course grade of C- or higher is required in German 101 as a prerequisite for German 102.)
Class Schedule/due dates
- Schedule subject to change -
Aug. 26
Introduction to course/ Kapitel "Einführung"
Sept. 2
No class--Labor Day
Due: Completion of LLRC Orientation
Due: Centro audio ex. and quiz for Einführung
Kapitel 1:
Kapitel 1
Kapitel 1
Personal interests/ gender, articles, pronouns, present tense verbs
Kapitel 1
Kapitel 1
Kapitel 1
Due: Writing assign. (WA) #1
Due: Centro audio ex. for Kapitel 1
Due: Quiz Kap. 1
Kapitel 2:
Kapitel 2
Kapitel 2
„Wie ich wohne“, plurals, accusative case
Sept. 30
Oct. 2
Kapitel 2
Kapitel 2
Kapitel 2
Due: Writing assign. (WA) #2
Due: Due: Centro audio ex. for Kapitel 2
Due: Quiz Kap. 2
Mid-Semester Break—No class
Midterm review
Midterm Exam
Kapitel 3:
Kapitel 3
Kapitel 3
Familie und Freunde/ possessive adjectives, accusative case
Kapitel 3
Kapitel 3
Kapitel 3
Due Writing Assignment #3
Due: Due: Centro audio ex. for Kapitel 3
Due: Quiz Kap. 3
Nov. 1
German film
German film
German film
Title to be announced; German language, culture, history.
Kapitel 4
Kapitel 4
Kapitel 4
Kapitel 4
Kapitel 4
Kapitel 4
Due: Writing assign. #4
Due: Due: Centro audio ex. for Kapitel 4
Due: Quiz Kap. 4
Kapitel 5
Kapitel 5
Kapitel 5
Einkaufen, dative case, wo and wohin Due: Dialog assignment
Kapitel 5
Thanksgiving Break--No class
Thanksgiving Break--No class
Dec. 2
Kapitel 5
Kapitel 5
Final Exam
Saturday, Dec. 14
Excursion – 9:00 am – 1:00pm
„Mein Tag“, separable verbs, modal verbs
Due: Writing assign. (WA) #5
Due: Quiz Kap. 5
Due: Workbook exercises and Centro exercises
1:00am - 3:00p in our classroom. Due: Workbook and Centro exercises Kap. 5.