Willkommen in Deutsch Vier! Datum: Mittwoch, den 20. August Platz

Willkommen in Deutsch Vier!
Datum: Mittwoch, den 20. August
Platz: Zimmer 205
Lehrerin: Frau Thellmann
Buch: Deutsch Aktuell 3
Heft: Rot!
I am looking forward to sharing your last high school year of German!! This
year we will continue to develop your speaking and listening comprehension
skills. In addition, we will be learning and using more complex grammatical
concepts to elevate your level of German. We will also begin to read and
appreciate “deutsche Literatur”. As always, we will learn about “das
deutsche Leben”.
In the Deutsch Aktuell 3 Book :
Kapitel 1- Travel and vacation experiences(vocabulary); talk about countries
and languages.
Coordinating and subordinating conjunctions
Kapitel 2- City sights vocabulary; car parts; describing a trip
Present perfect and narrative past tense
Dative case time expressions
Kapitel 3- Family members and relationships;
Present subjunctive verb tense with wishes
Relative pronouns
Als, wenn and wann
Kapitel 4- Music and musical performance vocabulary
Verbs that use prepositions
If/then clauses
Kapitel 5- Asking for advice and information; expressing preferences
Comparisons of adjectives and adverbs
Da- compounds
Kapitel 6- Jobs and professions; applying for a job
Writing an autobiography “auf Deutsch”!
1. Be prepared! Bring: dein Buch, dein „rotes“ Heft,Bleistift,Kuli, und
2. The Code of Conduct in the Student Handbook is what we will follow in
class, with these additions:
a. Handys sind verboten in the classroom. This means they are not to
be in your lap, on your desk, being charged somewhere,etc. If you
have your Handy out, I will keep it til the end of class.
b. Schlafen ist verboten. This includes putting your head down on
your desk. Consequence: Warning the first 2 times; Lunch detention
with me after that.
c. Pünktlichkeit !! This means be in the room and in your seat when
the bell rings. Warning the first 2 times; lunch detention with me after
d. Zeit am Ende der Klasse- NO LINING UP AT THE DOOR!!!
e. Zur Toilette gehen- wenn nötig.
3. The WMHS grading scale will be used.
1. Quizzes/Tests: 80% of grade . Quizzes and tests can be retaken if
most homeworks have been completed.
2. Hausaufgaben: This is your practice time! 0 weight/ no effect on
grade. I will still enter homework in Progress Book so you/parents
can keep up with what we are doing
3. Projects / In Class Work / Journal : 20% of grade
4. www.quizlet.com – This is a website you can go to if you want to
practice vocabulary and grammar. Once you are on the website , type
my name: mthellmann in the search box and our flashcards will come
I will be in the building from 7 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. daily. On most days, I will
be available for extra help during 5th period. After that, you may email me
at: mthellmann@laca.org with questions or concerns.
Keine Sorgen, wir werden Spass haben!! 