Google Langenscheidt Berliner Platz 2 Neu to get to the website

To get to the Gossary:
Google Langenscheidt Berliner Platz 2 Neu to get to the website
Scroll down the second column labeled Teaching and click on GLossary
Scroll down to Berliner Platz 2 Neu
Click on Glossary German-English PDF file, chs. 13-18
This gets you to the beginning of the vocab list
Keep going until you find Kapitel 17, which is on Seite 16
CDs in your Textbook:
Your textbook comes with the CDs for the workbook section (Arbeitsbuch),
which starts on p. 152. Chapter 17 exercises start on p. 180 and begin
with listening comp 3.20--track 20 on your CD (#3).