UMIP® The assessment of commercial viability UMIP® The University of Manchester Intellectual Property Ltd UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® UMIP® Overview •The process we use •Assessment criteria •Trends at Manchester •Benefits for researchers •Case studies UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® A judgemental process •Its not an exact science •Seek quantitative and qualitative data •Relies on experience UMIP people all have technology background Many industry background •The process asks key questions UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® UMIP® UMIP® Timing: Start Screening (0 to 4 weeks) Activities (+ 4 to 8 weeks) Decision If ‘Yes’ (within 12 weeks) Shaping ( + 1 to 3 months from decision) Phase One Phase Two Phase Three Phase Four Meet Academic(s) Search for Prior Art Review Protect IP Information Gathering on: Assess Strength of IP - Technology or Idea [Arrange Independent Technical Assessment] - Possible Applications - Stage of Development - Industry Links Identify Customer(s) Validate Market Applications - IP Position Conduct Market Analysis - Research Funding - Academic Background - Publications Identify Products or Services Define Benefit/Added Value Research Competitors Define Commercial Plan Outcomes: Seek Funding (if required) EITHER: Reject, then Confirm IP Assignment Inform Academic(s) Formalise Arrangements with Academic(s) Signpost Elsewhere OR: Accept, then Allocate resource Test Academic Commitment UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® Determine Milestones Overall market size Stages of assessment Unique selling proposition Route to market Technology confidence Market Invention disclosure meeting Initial assessment People Liability issues Further deeper assessment Barriers to competition Technology People IP Ownership Market inertia Nature of competitors Financial return Dependence on 3rd party IP Market dynamics UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® UMIP® General rule UMIP® •It generally takes much more effort to commercialise a technology that only has a modest set of ingredients than it does for one that has a strong set of ingredients Risks higher Fund raising more difficult Time to market longer Returns smaller UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® UMIP® The balance Potential “World” value Perceived risk Likely effort/ timescale UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® UMIP® Value and Risk: the balance HIGH Potential value Cost Perceived Risk HIGH UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® HIGH UMIP® Some bad calls UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® UMIP® ‘We don’t like their sound - groups of guitars are on their way out.’ Decca Records rejecting The Beatles, 1962 UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® UMIP® ‘I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.’ Often attributed to Thomas Watson Sr, in 1943 (later Head of IBM), UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® UMIP® ‘Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?’ Harry Warner, Warner Bros, 1927 UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® Other noteworthy mistakes UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® UMIP® One from Microsoft… UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® UMIP® This might be one… Palm Centro a $99 entrylevel smartphone UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® UMIP® 1 Overall market size UMIP® • Spin-outs - big markets excite investors If the overall market is £1Bn then even a niche part of it could have significant commercial potential • Licensing – potentially higher royalty rates to be negotiated UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® 1 Overall market size UMIP® • Information gathering What is the full range of applications that the technology could be used for? Market reports Data on existing companies e.g. turnover Market validation Contact end users, distributors, industry insiders UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® 2 Unique selling proposition (USP) UMIP® • What are the features of the technology that would make it the technology of choice Function Cost Quality • How novel/attractive would it appear to a user/customer? • Is there a clear unmet need? • Information gathering A thorough knowledge of the existing and emerging technologies Dialogue with end users/distributors/industry insiders UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® Unique selling propositions UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® UMIP® 3 Route to market viability UMIP® • Is there a credible route to market? Existing distributor chains/outlets? If no, does setting up an appropriate route to market seem Sensible/affordable • Information gathering Typical margins and overheads in existing distribution systems Identify key players – assess what would motivate them to work with us make contact if appropriate UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® What would be the route to market? • A technology that enables electronic components and control switches to be woven into fabrics • A low cost cancer imaging technology that has great value ……but all the existing players want to keep it out of the market UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® UMIP® 4 Confidence in the technology • Do we have clear proof of concept? Function Scale up potential • Clear understanding of the technical risks/downsides/limitations • Information gathering Potential external technical critique, testing or evaluation A good understanding of the investment required to bring to the technology production. UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® UMIP® 4 Confidence in technology UMIP® • How easily will the technology scale up • Reproducibility? – works every time in volume • Cost of manufacture in volume environment • Ability to manufacture with a commercially acceptable level of skill • How confident are we that it can deliver the performance desired by the market UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® 5 Potential return on investment UMIP® •What is the ratio of gain to effort? Is it favourable? •If so, is this likely to be achieved within an acceptable timescale (e.g. 5-7 years?) UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® 5 Potential return on investment • Information gathering Potential business value Other potential benefits – quantitative/qualitative Resources/effort required to commercialise UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® UMIP® UMIP® 6 People •Commercialisation can be very time consuming and is not for everyone •Key attributes of successful entrepreneurship Open minded Flexible style Focussed Tenacity Teamwork UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® 7 Barriers to competition UMIP® • Does a strong intellectual property position exist currently? Patents Know how Software • If “no”, is there a good likelihood that strong IP will be developed from the work ahead? • If “no” to both of the above Are there any other measures that could be taken to help the technology/product stay ahead of the competition Customer benefits Cost • Information gathering Prior art searches of existing and potential future IP Identify Specific skills and expertise that are not replicated elsewhere Technology road map Can it be kept secret? UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® 8 Market inertia UMIP® • Is there either significant… Customer entrenchment in this market sector? Significant new infrastructure investment/required to get the technology/product to market • Has this sector already invested heavily in current technology, and will therefore be unlikely to orphan that investment? • Are there obvious opinion leaders or early adopters that could help overcome these barriers? • Information gathering Canvassing of existing customers/distributors etc Technology roadmap of industry UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® UMIP® 8 Market inertia The widescreen format took 10 years to take over Changing money format has significant barriers both practically and in terms of user habits and attitudes UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® 9 Nature of competitors • Do we fully understand the strengths/weaknesses of the competitor technologies? • Are we confident that we could take a significant market share? • Would competitors be able to take measures to undermine our project? E.g. Undercut on price Offer additional feature/benefit • Information gathering Competitor analysis Contacting existing customers/distributors Specialist opinions/consultants UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® UMIP® 9 Nature of competitors vs An ambitious competitor may end up winning, even if their product is inferior vs UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® UMIP® 10 Market dynamics UMIP® • Do the dynamics for this market match the timing of the product/technology? A new mobile phone technology may be very risky if it has a 5 year development plan • What are the market trends/pace/volatilities? • Information gathering Project timing plan Legal or regulatory requirements/constraints UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® 11 Dependence on 3rd party IP • Is ownership of the technology clear People who have been involved 3rd parties organisations who have been involved “Freedom to operate” • Information gathering Thorough questioning Prior art searches Search for umbrella patents UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® UMIP® 12 People skills • Are we sure that the skills available to deliver the technology to market are available? Management team? Industry/sector experience? Technical sales? Technical/support skills? Admin/accounting/finance? UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® UMIP® 13 Liability issues •Product liability •Reputation •Ethical UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® UMIP® 14 Scale of project • Is the scale of the project within our experience i.e. a £500M project is too big! If so, the project is almost certainly limited to the licensing route • Investment criteria comfort zone UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® UMIP® 15 Other risks? •Health of key individuals? •Possible legislation changes? •Dependence on failure of a competitor technology? UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® UMIP® Experience at Manchester – EPS data UMIP® 200 invention disclosures in 2 years 30 active projects 170 - not currently commercially viable 110 – no intellectual property or no market 10 – people commitment issues UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® 50 – too early stage Benefits of commercial activity UMIP® • Harnesses the commercial world in getting your work out there! • Reputation Organisation Personal • Additional income Department Personal • The experience! UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® UMIP® Case studies UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® Case study 1 Biomedica: antimicrobial peptides UMIP® Strengths • Broad range of applications in “world scale” markets • Market applications of high potential value low risk with near term low barrier • Longer term, high barrier, high risk applications • Good proof of concept • Patent protected Weaknesses Collaboration with US University complicated ownership – assignment obtained Technology needed UMIP Proof of Principal investment to gain licensee traction UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® Case study 2 EPS example – toxic contaminant removal Strengths • Worldwide market • Significant running cost advantages compared to existing technologies • Higher performance/more effective than existing technologies • Good proof of concept • Very broad range of applications • Simple technology • Patent protected Weaknesses Water industry generally very conservative on new technology High investment cost for customers UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property® UMIP® UMIP® For further advice or if you have any questions please get in touch with your relevant UMIP Commercialisation Executive UMIP - Reputation and value through intellectual property®