Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions Jerry Jackson Technology Project Manager Parkway School District Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions A Request for Proposal (RFP) is used for complex requirements that preclude the use of specific specifications or requirements. It will contain functional specifications for which the offeror must respond with a sealed bid. The objective of the RFP is to obtain evaluation information to determine the vendor that can best meet the requirements for a new or updated application. Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions Financial Considerations: • Cost Benefit Analysis • Source of Funding • Financial Tracking Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions Cost Benefit Analysis Comparison of cost to estimated benefit to determine feasibility of process Standard accounting process • Determine cost – – Cost of product – Labor and expenses for implementation – Labor and expenses for post implementation • Determine Benefit – Identify all savings or generated revenue Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions • Determine total cost or savings for implementation and ongoing use • Determine break even point • Present analysis and obtain approval to continue process Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions Determine potential vendors • References from other districts • Internet investigation of possible vendors • Trade magazines and journals Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions Pre-bid Contact Electronic or telephone contact • E-mail or call vendors • Vendor presents general overview of product Pre-bid conference • Tele-conference • Live presentation Vendors may be given the opportunity to present overviews of their products or pre-bid demonstrations. Equity should be provided to all vendors. Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions Prepare RFP • Preparation of formal document • Receipt of bids • Scoring • Awarding the contract Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions Preparing the RFP. In the RFP you should both provide information and ask for responses. The information provided should include: • Proposal dates • Requirements • Implementation time frames • Implementation constraints Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions Preparing the RFP(continued) The information requested should include: • Capability of meeting requirements • References • Implementation plans including implementation support • Personnel provided and required • Live support structure • Bid Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions Establishing time frames • Issue Date • Presentation Date • Due Date • Open Date • Decision Date • Award of Contract Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions Issue Date This is the date the RFP will be sent to the selected vendors. All requirements must be complete. All following dates will depend upon the issue date. Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions Presentation Date(s) Selected vendors should be given the opportunity to demonstrate their products. There must be equity among the vendors. Any opportunity provided to one vendor should be provided to all vendors. Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions Due Date for receipt of RFP The date and time for receipt must be specified and strictly adhered to. The method of response must be identified (electronic, printed, mailed, hand delivered). Specify whether the bid (dollar amount) should be sent in a separate envelope than the proposal. If so, specify the receipt date for each. Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions Open Date. Specify the date, time and location the RFP will be opened. If vendors attend the opening, the only information that should be provided to them is the name of the vendors that responded and the names of the vendors that did not respond. If the Bid and the Proposal are provided separately, specify the date, time and location for the opening of each envelope. Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions Evaluation and Scoring • Requirements • References • Demonstration • Other Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions Requirements • Define what the application or process will do • Formatted as statements such as: – Application will ….. • Used to allow scoring of applications • Categorize requirement as: – Required to do the job (+3) – If not present, job can continue with work around (+2) – Not necessary (1) Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions Requirements(continued) Vendor responses can be: • Meets requirement • In Beta testing • In Planning • Does not meet requirement • Add on Feature Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions Requirements(continued) Numeric values assigned to each response Meets Requirement – (+3) In Beta Testing – (+2) In Planning – (+1) Does not Meet Requirement – (0) Add on Feature – (-1) Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions Requirements(continued) • Total all responses for requirements • Compare totals • Rank vendors • Determine if any vendors are below the minimum requirement total • Eliminate vendors as required Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions Finance Requirements Weighting: 3 = Required to do job 2 = If not present, job can continue with work around 1 = Not necessary Score: 3 = Requirement Met 2 = Can be implemented with little effort 1 = Requirement not met -1 = Add on Feature Points General The ability to view the activity of an account at the same time someone in the building is viewing it. System conforms to GAAP and is GASB compliant, OPEB Compliant Real-time integration exists among all modules with a drill-down capability available in all applications that can be performed outside of a pre-defined path Users of the drill-down capability can drill from one application into another Drill down capability is available within electronic reports and the reporting tool is available to report on information from all applications Drill-down is available from a browser interface, from within other industry standards such as Microsoft Excel and Crystal Reports Field and form help available Provide the ability to define "short cut" data entry keys with predefined account distributions Ability to define workflow capabilities Application workflow capabilities provide event monitoring, allowing for the electronic notification of the occurrence of certain processing or data values System enforces data logic so transactions occur in the correct order Ability to move while within one screen to a related screen and return, without losing data input on the first screen Ability to maintain security restrictions at the fund level, at any level of the account string System supports validation and authentication devices (i.e., biometrics, tokens, and certificates). Allows user to attach notes or memos to transactions System maintains audit trail of changes made Provides modifiable K12 specific portals/dashboards out of the box Provides modifiable K12 automated work/process flows out of the box Provide integrated reporting suite for ad-hoc reporting Provide for the modification of presentation layer screens without the customization of source code Provide system tools for integrating the financial system with other third party systems sub as sub finders and time entry programs 3 3 3 3 9 9 3 3 3 1 9 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 9 9 9 3 3 3 3 9 9 3 3 3 3 9 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 3 3 9 Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions References Vendors will provide references in the RFP. You should determine which of the references you will contact. You should also use the internet to determine districts not on the vendor list that use the product. Contact both groups and use a pre-established form to document responses. Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions General How long has the vendor been in business? 3 = > 10 2 = 5 - 10 1= < 5 3 Is the vendor a second party reseller? 3=N 2=Y What is the size of the vendor company? 3 = > 50 2 = 10 - 50 1 = < 10 3 Was the product the vendor is representing developed for education uses 3=Y 1=N 3 References ( 3 = Good, 2 = Average, 1 = Poor) Reference 1 - Springfield How would you rate the vendor on knowledge of product How would you rate the vendor on implementation support Did the vendor return calls/email promptly Was the vendor available during off hours if needed How would you rate the vendor on live support What is your overall rating for the vendor Reference 2 How would you rate the vendor on knowledge of product How would you rate the vendor on implementation support Did the vendor return calls/email promptly Was the vendor available during off hours if needed How would you rate the vendor on live support What is your overall rating for the vendor 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions Miscellaneous Forms Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions PROPOSAL NUMBER: DATE E-MAILED TO VENDOR: 09-123 APRIL 16, 2009 RFP OPENING DATE: Date: Time: May 4, 2009 11:00 a.m. Prevailing Central Time GOODS / SERVICE AREA: INTEGRATED FINANCIAL / HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CONTRACT PERIOD: Unspecified Location: Parkway School District Purchasing Department 363 North Woods Mill Road Chesterfield, Missouri 63017 DIRECT INQUIRIES TO: Jerry Jackson Technology Project Manager e-mail: Parkway School District 455 North Woods Mill Road Chesterfield, MO 63017 RETURN BID TO: David Torrance Purchasing Manager Parkway School District Purchasing Department 363 North Woods Mill Road Chesterfield, Missouri 63017 PH: 314-415-8258 FAX: 314-415-8252 Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions • • • • • • • This REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL contains the following: 1. INFORMATION FOR VENDORS -- The section referred to as "Information for Vendors" contains general information about the District's business procedures. 2. SPECIFICATIONS -- The section referred to as "Specifications and Proposal Form" contains specific information for the vendor regarding subject services to be procured. Please complete and sign this section and mail or hand deliver in a sealed envelope to the Parkway School District Purchasing Department only (no other location permitted), 363 North Woods Mill Road, Chesterfield, Missouri 63017 no later than the date and time of the RFP opening. NO EXCEPTIONS. Please return original and two (2) copies of all pages. Late RFPs will be returned unopened to the vendor. 3. "NO-PROPOSAL" RESPONSE FORM -- Should your company decline to propose, please fill out and return this form. Failure to respond may result in removal of your firm's name from the vendor list for future proposals. Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PARKWAY SCHOOL DISTRICT INFORMATION FOR VENDORS IB-1 PROCEDURE - GENERAL INFORMATION: Parkway School District is seeking proposals as indicated on cover page. Proposals will be received at the Parkway School District Purchasing Department, 363 North Woods Mill Road, Chesterfield, Missouri 63017, until 11:00 a.m. Prevailing Central Time on the date stated on the cover page at which time all proposals will be publicly opened. When submitting the proposal, the vendor must: Sign the proposal. By signing, the vendor indicates full knowledge and acceptance of the GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS, the PROPOSAL, and DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS. The proposal must be completed in the name of the vendor, corporate or other, and must be fully and duly executed by an authorized person. (See the "Vendor Signature Section" of the SPECIFICATIONS AND PROPOSAL FORM.) If the District is unexpectedly closed on the scheduled bid opening date due to weather or other unforeseen problems, the bid opening will automatically occur on the next regular working day at 11:00 a.m. prevailing central time. Proposals may not be withdrawn after scheduled time for the receipt of proposals. Errors or omissions can be corrected by a telephone call with a follow-up in writing until 11:00 a.m. PCT (Prevailing Central Time), May 4, 2009 and shall then be deemed final, conclusive and irrevocable, and shall not be subject to correction or amendment. Mail or hand carry sealed proposal to David Torrance, Purchasing Manager, Parkway School District, 363 North Woods Mill Road, Chesterfield, Missouri 63017. Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • IB-2 IB-3 IB-4 IB-5 IB-6 LENGTH OF AGREEMENT: AGREEMENT MODIFICATION: COMPANY REFERENCES, SUBCONTRACTING AND WARRANTIES: EVALUATION: BASIS OF AWARD: The District's policy is to award a bid based upon the "lowest and best" bid/proposal. However, the District will also strive to select proposals which best fulfill the District's overall needs. In making the award, the District will take the following factors into consideration: n the extent to which the proposals meet or exceed specifications and function; n any prior experience or history between the District and vendor; n the financial strength of the company; and n other factors deemed significant by District officials. IB-7 DOMESTIC PRODUCTS PROCUREMENT: IB-8 VENDOR CONTACT: IB-9 IB-10 IB-11 IB-12 IB-13 PAYMENT & BILLING: TAX EXEMPT STATUS: TOBACCO FREE ENVIRONMENT: VENDOR INDEMNIFY: SECURITY IDENTIFICATION: Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions SPECIFICATIONS AND PROPOSAL FORM PROPOSAL NUMBER: 09-123 VENDOR INFORMATION: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL OPENING: MAY 4, 2009 11:00 A.M. GOODS / SERVICE AREA: INTREGATED FIANANCIAL / HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM COMPANY TELEPHONE NUMBER: Company Name: Address: VENDOR'S NAME: (please print) OFFICIAL TITLE: VENDOR'S SIGNATURE: COMPANY FAX NUMBER: Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions • 1. Prepare your RFP using ink or typewriter and return original and one (1) copy of all pages of this SPECIFICATIONS AND PROPOSAL FORM. • • 2. Sign the RFP. By signing, you indicate full knowledge and acceptance of the general information, the proposal specifications, and District requirements. The proposal must be completed in the name of the vendor, corporate or other, and must be fully and properly executed by an authorized person. • • 3. Mail or hand deliver this SPECIFICATIONS AND PROPOSAL FORM document in a sealed envelope to the Parkway School District Purchasing Department only (no other location permitted), 363 North Woods Mill Road, Chesterfield, MO 63017 no later than the date and time of the RFP opening. NO EXCEPTIONS. Late RFPs will be returned unopened to the vendor. Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Integrated Financial / Human Resource Management System Proposal # 09-123 Parkway School District is soliciting Requests for Proposal (RFP) for an Integrated Financial / Human Resource Management System, including software, implementation services, implementation training and technical support. Software requirements include accounting, accounts payable, payroll, human resources, fixed assets, and warehouse modules. A detailed list of module requirements and specific elements for inclusion in the RFP are enclosed. INQUIRIES: All inquiries for information shall be made to Jerry Jackson, Technology Project Manager, by e-mail at jjackson2@ RESPONSES: Responses will be received until 11:00 a.m. PCT (Prevailing Central Time), May 4, 2009. All proposal packages shall be submitted in a sealed envelope to: Parkway School District Attn: Dave Torrance, Purchasing Manager, 363 N. Woods Mill Road, Chesterfield, MO 63017. NOTE TO VENDORS: Parkway School District will not endorse nor promise the purchase of any software package described in response to this RFP. The District will use the information derived from this request along with selected demonstrations of requested software to determine the winning proposal. Any information designated as “proprietary” will be used for the purpose of evaluating the RFP responses to the District and will remain confidential information with the District. EVALUATION PROCESS: All response to this RFP will be reviewed for responsiveness prior to evaluation and scoring. All responses submitted to Parkway School District will be evaluated by committee, consisting of selected members of the district. The evaluation committee will judge the merit of the answers to the questions received in accordance with general criteria defined herein. Due to the evaluation procedure for the RFP, lowest total cost proposed may or may not indicate the successful award. The total cost proposed constitutes only one of several evaluation criteria. Parkway School District will assign weighing factors to each item that requires a response, unless the question is for informational purposes only. Parkway School District will score all responses according to those weighting factors. Total scores will then be calculated, and the responses will then be ranked in descending order of their total score. Product demonstrations may be requested and will be used as part of the decision. Parkway School District will then make a recommendation determined, in its sole discretion, to be in the best interests of the District. For this Request for Information, the Proposals will be scored based on the following criteria: System Functionality User Interface and Ease of Use Implementation and Professional Services and Support Reporting and Data Analysis Capabilities Other Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The District seeks a system with complete RESPONSE STRUCTURE: All responses need to include the following structure: Transmittal Letter Table of Contents Executive Summary General Requirements Network Hardware Implementation Services and Support Partnerships/References Required Functionality Responses Cost Summary Worksheet and Detail(s) Appendices, as appropriate GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Name of company. Name of software product for financial management / human resources system. What is the current version of your system? How long has the current version been in place? In production mode? How many years has your company been in business? integration between General Ledger, Purchasing, Receiving, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Cash Receipts, Payroll, Human Resources, Fixed Assets, Budgeting, and Warehouse Inventory. List all modules available, which are included in the base system (and which are optional), and the level of integration between each module. See appendix A for detailed requirements The District also desires complete integration between Human Resources applications (Position Control, Applicant Tracking, Professional Development, Payroll, Leave and Absences, Deductions and Benefits. List all modules available, which are included in the base system (and which are optional), and the level of integration between each module. Describe the level of integration of core Finance and Human Resource applications. Describe capabilities for “drilling” from summary to detail information, as well as drilling from one application to another without returning to the menu. Does your system include interfaces with related 3rd party products (e.g. time-card systems, automated sub calling systems, on-line banking, procurement cards, bar-code scanning systems, etc.)? Describe what is available and discuss pricing options for such interfaces. Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions Cost variation analysis Cash requirements forecast Vendor return material authorization Receiving log Provides vendor list containing vendor information. Provides product list indicating primary and secondary vendors, items currently on order, and departments that have ordered product. Lost charges report is provided in the system. Value of inventory shows by inventory center and category the value of inventory for a center for a specified real-time period. Automatically prompts buyers to reorder items based on inventory on-hand levels. Total inventory for each item can be viewed on-screen, with on-hand quantities for each location displayed. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Recommended order levels can be calculated using daily usage, vendor lead time and safety inventory. 3 3 If the inventory on-hand is insufficient to fill an inventory request, the item and shortage amount is noted on a shortage report, which prints automatically. Backorders are tracked due to temporary inventory-out situations. Once backordered supply is received, a process is available to release it to the original requestor, if still required. 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 641 637 1897 Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions Vendor Costs Company A Conversion Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total Comments $546,934 $92,920 $92,920 $92,920 $92,920 Subject to 5% increase per year Subject to 5% increase per year Subject to 5% increase per year Subject to 5% increase per year $918,614 Conpany B Conversion Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 $766,896 $51,956 $51,956 $51,956 $51,956 $974,720 Company C Conversion Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 $1,541,000 CCCCCC provides a perpetual license to the software, as long as you remain current with your maintenance agreement, access to the most current software is always free. Some firms choose to do smaller upgrades on a more frequent basis (such as upgrading from 9.0 to 9.1) others wait 4 or 5 years to perform an upgrade. It really depends on if the new features in the latest release appeal to you. The annual fee for software maintenance and support is a percentage of your purchase cost. At our initial estimate for software in our RFP response, your annual support fee would be about $148,000.00 per year. This would be unchanged in years 2 through 5. This fee would be the only cost we would expect the district to incur during that period. $148,000 $148,000 $148,000 $148,000 $2,133,000 Preparation of Request for Proposal for Educational Institutions Vendor Vendor Impleme Impleme year year 11 year year 22 year year 33 Three Three ntation year ntation year total total Company A Company A 0 0 Company B Company B Company C Company C Company D Company D Company E Company E 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,495.00 4,495.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 52,679.50 52,679.50 11,840.00 11,840.00 11,840.00 39,520.00 11,840.00 11,840.00 11,840.00 39,520.00 16,800.00 16,800.00 16,800.00 54,895.00 16,800.00 16,800.00 16,800.00 54,895.00 19,200.00 19,200.00 19,200.00 61,600.00 19,200.00 19,200.00 19,200.00 61,600.00 11,056.10 11,056.10 11,056.10 85,847.80 11,056.10 11,056.10 11,056.10 85,847.80 Company E Company E Company B Company B Company C Company C Company D Company D Company A Company A 52,679.50 52,679.50 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,495.00 4,495.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0 0 11,056.10 11,056.10 11,056.10 85,847.80 11,056.10 11,056.10 11,056.10 85,847.80 11,840.00 11,840.00 11,840.00 39,520.00 11,840.00 11,840.00 11,840.00 39,520.00 16,800.00 16,800.00 16,800.00 54,895.00 16,800.00 16,800.00 16,800.00 54,895.00 19,200.00 19,200.00 19,200.00 61,600.00 19,200.00 19,200.00 19,200.00 61,600.00 0 25% of gross pay of 0 25% of gross pay of contracted subs contracted subs Company A Company A 0 0 Company B Company B Company D Company D Company E Company E Company C Company C 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 52,679.50 52,679.50 4,495.00 4,495.00 All estimates based on 1600 All estimates based on 1600 teacher potentially needing a teacher potentially needing a sub sub 0 0 0 0 11,840.00 11,840.00 11,840.00 39,520.00 11,840.00 11,840.00 11,840.00 39,520.00 19,200.00 19,200.00 19,200.00 61,600.00 19,200.00 19,200.00 19,200.00 61,600.00 11,056.10 11,056.10 11,056.10 85,847.80 11,056.10 11,056.10 11,056.10 85,847.80 16,800.00 16,800.00 16,800.00 54,895.00 16,800.00 16,800.00 16,800.00 54,895.00 Numeric Numeric Value Value 25% of gross pay of 2.34 25% of gross pay of 2.34 contracted subs contracted subs 2.52 2.52 2.89 2.89 2.77 2.77 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.52 2.52 2.89 2.89 2.77 2.77 2.34 2.34 25% of gross pay of 2.34 25% of gross pay of 2.34 contracted subs contracted subs 2.52 2.52 2.77 2.77 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.89