Spring 2014 - Texas A&M University

Organizational Behavior
MGMT 350 Blended
Spring 2014
Instructor: L. Leslie Ledger
318 Main Campus
l.ledger@ct.tamus.edu- Please use Blackboard Messages for
communication and use TAMUCT email only when
Blackboard is not available.
Office Secretary:
Office Hours:
Charlotte Wesley; 254-519-5725
By appointment online
a. Method of Instruction: This course is a blended course utilizing the
TAMUCT/Tarleton Blackboard platform for turning in assignments and taking tests.
You will use your University ID (UID) and the 6-digit University PIN to logon to this
system. Students will access all course materials (except textbook), assignments,
student-instructor and student-student communication, activities, quizzes, and
resource links via the Course web site. The Course Outline in this Syllabus shows
the basic schedule for the semester.
b. Student/Professor Email: I am readily accessible through Messages, which I
check often. I will get back to you within48 hours.. I can also be reached by phone
by calling Charlotte Wesley our office secretary (254-519-5725), who will put me in
touch with you. We can also schedule a call if you send a Message with your phone
number and request that I call you back.
c. Online Office Hours: During the online office hours listed above I will be at my
computer and available for rapid email response. I encourage students to interact
with me during office hours to ask questions upcoming assignments, get clarity on
course concepts, and/or review your grading status in the course. If you wish to
speak by phone, please email me with your phone number.
d. UNILERT - UNILERT is an emergency notification service that gives Texas A&M
University-Central Texas the ability to communicate important health and safety
emergency information quickly via email and text message. By enrolling in
UNILERT, university officials can quickly pass on safety-related information,
regardless of your location. Please enroll at
Course Overview and Description: Organizational Behavior is a field of study that
investigates the impact that individuals, groups and structure have on behavior within
organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an
organization’s effectiveness.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Students completing this course will be able to understand the importance of taking a
systematic approach to the study of individual and group behavior in organizational
settings. They shall analyze, synthesize, comprehend, and explain all components of
the OB model and its relationship to the successful operation of modern organizations.
An extensive study of the principles of psychology, sociology, and social psychology will
allow students to be more effective members of organizations to which they might
belong now or in the future.
At the close of the semester, students will be able:
1. To identify the factors that impact individual and group behavior in organizations and
how organizations manage their environments.
2. To analyze, describe, and manage attitudes and behavior in organizations.
3. To improve and change individual, group, and organizational behavior to attain
individual, group, and organizational goals.
4. To analyze organizational behavior at three levels: the individual, the group, and the
organization as a whole.
5. To use the tools of organizational behavior to increase individual, team, and
organizational effectiveness.
Specific Learning Objectives for each text chapter are included as Appendix A to this
Required Reading and Textbook(s):
McShane, Steven L., Von Glinow, Mary Ann (2009).
Organizational Behavior, (6th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin
ISBN 9780077631529 – Hardcover text with Connect Plus;
Connect Plus is required for this course. If the access code is
not included with your text you can purchase it by accessing
the link below.
You can purchase the e-book version of the text from
CourseSmart ISBN 978-0-07-811264-5 at:
A student of this institution is not under any obligation to
purchase a textbook from a university-affiliated bookstore. The
same textbook may also be available from an independent
retailer, including an online retailer.
American Psychological Association. (2009).
Publication Manual of American Psychological .
Association (6th ed.). Washington, D.C
a. Introductory Biography ( 50 points): This discussion forum is a required
Introductory Biography Statement (2-3 paragraphs) posted by all students to
include: a recent picture (optional), your major, where you are in your studies, a
summary of work experience, aspirations for future career and some personal
tidbit like family or hobbies. Evaluation criteria for this forum will be clear writing,
and inclusion of all required elements. This Introductory Forum will help orient
everyone to the “community” of our class, and let you begin thinking about how
management fits in to your career aspirations.
b. Exams (500 points): There will be four required exams testing students’
knowledge of the key frameworks, terms, and concepts included in the assigned
text chapters. Exams will be grouped as follows, and are not cumulative:
Exam 1 will cover chapters
Exam 2 will cover chapters
Exam 3 will cover chapters
Exam 4 will cover chapters
For help in how to prepare for objective exams see:
Most exams will be available over a 72 hour period online (Friday 8:00 a.m. –
Sunday, 11:59 p.m.); availability will be shown in the exam link. Exams will be
timed and once started, must be completed at that time. There will be no makeups for missed exams unless there is a documented medical emergency.
Reviewing the Chapter PowerPoint presentations and using the Publisher
Supplemental Materials and self quizzes are good ways to prepare for each Exam.
c. Mgmt 350 Case Study: Organizational Culture (300 Points). After chapter 14,
you will have learned about organizational culture. The purpose of the
Organizational Culture Case Study Project is to explore the organizational culture
of a “real life” company. Using the information you have gleaned from Chapter 14
and class materials, perform a cultural analysis of an organization of your choice.
Select an organization and do secondary research, using TAMU-CT library data
bases and other resources, to study the organization’s culture. The organization
you select should be a Fortune 500 company that has enough written about it in
the business press (e.g., Business Week, Fortune, Forbes, The Wall Street
Journal) for you to do an adequate cultural analysis.
You will produce a 5-10 page written report (excluding cover sheet, references
and any figures, tables or appendices). Your case analysis should provide:
1. A description of the elements of the company’s culture in terms of artifacts,
shared values, and shared assumptions (worth 45% of the grade) and
2. Your assessment of the relationship between the organization’s culture and
company performance, including the effects of cultural strength, fit or alignment
with its environment, adaptive culture, and how it works to socialize its employees
to fit the organization’s culture (worth 45% of your grade).
3. Be sure and include at least ten references, which must be cited in the body
of your paper (worth 10% of the grade).
All work should be proofread, free of grammatical errors, include proper citations
and be in accordance with American Psychological Association (APA) standards.
For information on APA standards and correct citation formats consult the APA
Publication Manual, and/or link to the following sources:
For Internet citations - http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/10/
A sample paper using APA style guidelines can be reviewed at:
Referencing multiple pages from the same organization’s web site only
count as one citation (e.g., Apple.com). When using more than one page from
the same company, provide a URL that links to the home page or entry page for
the document. Also, if there isn't a date available for the document use (n.d.) for
no date. All references must be cited in the body of your paper
Sample “A” Projects are posted in the Culture Project Resources under
Course Content. You may not do your project on the Apple, Google,
McDonalds, Starbucks, or Wal Mart (40% penalty if you do).
Submit this assignment through the Assignments Course Tool. The due date for
the Organizational Culture Case Study will be posted in the Assignments Course
Link. The entire Case Study will be submitted in one doc or docx file.
Late submission of the Case Study will result in a grade reduction of 10%
for each day it is late (maximum of 30 %) and will not be accepted beyond
three (3) days from the due date.
d. Management Competency Journal (150 points): Each chapter in the text has
cases and self-assessment exercises. In this course you are required to prepare
a journal in which you record what you have learned from completing each of the
assigned cases and exercises. The Management Competency Journal is where
you should demonstrate that you have mastered and can apply course concepts.
It is not enough to just list your answers.
For “Case Studies,” read the case and then answer the questions at the end of
the case. Be sure and apply the relevant course concepts as appropriate. Be
sure and also include the Case Questions in bold along with your answers.
For “Exercises” be sure that you discuss what you have learned about you.
You are not required to duplicate or copy each exercise, just read and comply
with the instructions for that particular exercise. Be sure and give your score for
each exercise as part of your discussion.
A well thought out and complete response to each case/self-assessment applies
concepts from the text to fully support your analysis. Expected length for
responses is 1-2 complete paragraphs per question.
Submit this assignment through the Assignments Course link. DO NOT email any
assignments to me unless specifically instructed to do so. The due date for the
Organizational Culture Case Study will be posted in the Assignments Course
The entire Management Competency Journal will be submitted in one Doc
or Docx file. See the assignment course link for the due date.
The cover sheet will contain the following information: 1) “My Journal,” 2)
student’s name, 3) course title and designator (e.g., Organizational Behavior and
Administration, MGMT350), 4) instructor’s title and name, university name, and
due date.
Late submission of the Case Study will result in a grade reduction of 10%
for each day it is late (maximum of 30 %) and will not be accepted beyond
three (3) days from the due date.
The assigned cases and self-assessments that will comprise your Management
Competency Journal are:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 14
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Case 1.2 – PIXAR Magic
Self Assessment 2.6 – Are You Introverted or Extroverted?
Self Assessment 3.6 – How Much Does Work Define Your
Case 4.2 – Riding the Emotional Roller Coaster
Case 14.1 – Hilton’s Transformation
Self Assessment 5.6 – Need Strength Questionnaire
Self Assessment 6.3 – What Is Your Attitude Toward
Self Assessment 7.6 – Measuring Your Creative Personality
Case 8.2 – Philanthropic Team Building
Self Assessment 9.6 – Are You an Active Listener?
Case 10.2 – NAB’s Rogue Trader
Self Assessment 11.5 – What Is Your Preferred Conflict
Handling Style?
Case 12.1 – Profitel Inc.
Case 13.1 – Nokia’s Evolving Organizational Structure
Self Assessment 15.3 – Are You Tolerant of Change?
Formatting Instructions:
1) Include all cases and self-assessments in one .doc or .docx document
2) Include your name as Header
3) Identify the Chapter number and Title for each of the cases and selfassessments
4) Restate the question you are answering
5) Bold the questions; Single space the questions and your responses;
double space between paragraphs and questions
a. Course Standards: Professional level writing and communication are critical
skills in the business world. This standard should be displayed in all
assignments for this class. All communications, both to the Professor and
student colleagues should be kept professional, including Discussion Board
postings and email correspondence. For written assignments, all work should be
proofread, free of grammatical errors, include proper citations and be in
accordance with American Psychological Association (APA) standards.
b. Tutoring: Tutoring is available to all TAMUCT students, both on-campus and
online. Subjects tutored include Accounting, Finance, Statistics, Mathematics,
and Writing (APA). Tutors are available at the Tutoring Center in Founder's Hall,
Room 204, and also in the Library in the North Building. Visit
www.ct.tamus.edu/AcademicSupport and click "Tutoring Support" for tutor
schedules and contact info. If you have questions or if you're interested in
becoming a tutor, contact Academic Support Programs at 254-519-5830 or by
emailing gnichols@ct.tamus.edu.
Tutor.com is an online tutoring platform that enables TAMU-CT students to login and receive FREE online tutoring and writing support. This tool provides
tutoring in Mathematics, Writing, Career Writing, Chemistry, Physics, Biology,
Spanish, Calculus, and Statistics. Chat live with a tutor 24/7 for any subject on
your computer. To access Tutor.com, click on www.tutor.com/tamuct.
Library Services: Information literacy focuses on research skills which
prepare individuals to live and work in an information-centered society. Library
research skills are another critical tool in the business world, and will be required
for this class in conjunction with Management Portfolio Project. Librarians will
work with students in the development of critical reasoning, ethical use of
information, and the appropriate use of secondary research techniques. Help
may include, yet is not limited to: exploration of information resources such as
library collections and services, identification of subject databases and scholarly
journals, and execution of effective search strategies. Library Resources are
outlined and accessed at.
The TAMUCT librarians are available to assist distance learning students doing
research via email and chat sessions; consult the library link provided here or
the library link on the course home page to access these services.
a. Percentage of each assignment as it contributes to your final grade::
Introductory Biography
Exam # 1
Exam # 2
Exam # 3
Exam #4
Org Culture Project
Management Competency
NOTE #1: There is NO EXTRA CREDIT in this course.
NOTE #2: Requests for Incomplete Grades: Incompletes will only be given in
emergency or other extreme circumstances. Any request for an incomplete grade
in this course must be approved by the professor prior to the last week of
classes. Where possible, requests should be submitted in written form and must
include an address and/or telephone number where you may be contacted
throughout the following semester. Tarleton State University uses the grade of ‘K’
on transcripts and grade reports to identify incomplete grades.
NOTE#3: Questions concerning one’s grade on a particular task (e.g., test, case)
should be resolved within one week after receiving the graded material. There
will be no reviewing of previously graded material at the end of the semester.
Course Grades are assigned as follows:
900 points
800 points
700 points
600 points
1000 points
899 points
799 points
699 points
600 points
b. Grading Policy: Minimum points required for a specific course grade are noted
on the above table.
c. Posting of Grades: All student grades will be posted in the Blackboard Grade
book and students should monitor their grading status through this tool. Grades
for Exams will be posted the day after the availability period has expired. Grades
for Discussion Forums, and short Written Assignments will be posted by the
Monday following the due date. Grades for longer Written Assignments will be
posted one week from the due date.
Blackboard Tutorial and Competency: This course will use the new TAMUCT Blackboard Learn learning management system for class communications,
content distribution, and assessments.
Logon to http://tamuct.blackboard.com to access the course.
Username: Your Tarleton email address (the complete email address,
e.g. john.doe@ct.tamus.edu)
Initial password: Your DuckTrax ID (UID)
For this course, you will need reliable and frequent access to a computer and to
the Internet. You will also need a headset with a microphone or speakers and a
microphone to be able to listen to online resources and conduct other activities
in the course. If you do not have frequent and reliable access to a computer with
Internet connection, please consider dropping this course or contact me (your
email and phone number) to discuss your situation.
Blackboard supports the most common operating systems:
PC: Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 2000,
Mac: Mac OS 10.6 “Snow Leopard®”, Mac OS 10.5 “Leopard®”, Mac OS
10.4 “Tiger®”
b. Check browser and computer compatibility by following the “Browser Check” link
on the TAMU-CT Blackboard logon page. (http://tamuct.blackboard.com) This
is a CRITICAL step as these settings are important for when you take an exam
or submit an assignment. Issues with technology or your personal computer are
not allowable reasons for missing a deadline; be sure you have the correct
computer configurations and have a back-up computer available.
Upon logging on to Blackboard Learn, you will see a link to Blackboard Student
Orientation under My Courses tab. Click on that link and study the materials in
this orientation course. The new Blackboard is a brand-new interface and you
will have to come up to speed with it really quickly. This orientation course will
help you get there. There is also a link to Blackboard Help from inside the
course on the left-hand menu bar. The first week of the course includes
activities and assignments that will help you get up to speed with navigation,
sending and receiving messages and discussion posts, and submitting an
assignment. Your ability to function within the Blackboard system will facilitate
your success in this course.
Technology issues are not an excuse for missing a course requirement – make
sure your computer is configured correctly and address issues well in advance
of deadlines.
c. Technology Issues & Troubleshooting: For technological or computer issues,
students should contact the TAMU-CT Blackboard Support Services 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week:
Support Portal: http://www.ct.tamus.edu/bbsupport
Online chat (through the support portal at:
Phone: (855)-661-7965
For issues related to course content and requirements, contact your instructor.
a. Academic Integrity: Texas A&M University - Central Texas expects all students
to maintain high standards of personal and scholarly conduct. Students guilty of
academic dishonestly are subject to disciplinary action. Academic dishonesty
includes, but is not limited to, cheating on an examination or other academic
work, plagiarism, collusion, and the abuse of resource materials. The faculty
member is responsible for initiating action for each case of academic dishonestly.
More information can be found at www.ct.tamus.edu/StudentConduct. A found
incidence of Academic Dishonesty for any assignment, project or exam in this
class will result in 0 points. Multiple incidences will result in an F course grade.
b. Disability Support and Access: If you have or believe you have a disability
and wish to self-identify, you can do so by providing documentation to the
Disability Support Coordinator. Students are encouraged to seek information
about accommodations to help assure success in their courses. Please contact
Gail Johnson at (254) 519-5831 or visit Founder's Hall 114. Additional
information can be found at www.ct.tamus.edu/AcademicSupport.
Drop Policy: If you discover that you need to drop this class, you must go to the
Records Office and ask for the necessary paperwork. Professors cannot drop
students; this is always the responsibility of the student. Be sure to keep up with
Registrar’s Office deadlines for withdrawing from this course, should your
progress fall significantly behind. The record’s office will give a deadline for
which the form must be returned, completed, and signed. Once you return the
signed form to the records office and wait 24 hours, you must go into Duck Trax
and confirm that you are no longer enrolled. If you are still enrolled, FOLLOW-UP
with the records office immediately. Should you miss the deadline or fail to
follow the procedure, you will receive an F in the course. Incompletes will be
given in this class ONLY if a significant portion of the course has been completed
and there is a documented medical or family emergency warranting the
Initial Course Outline (See Blackboard for the official schedule for course
activities and due dates):
** Denotes Journal Assignment
Intro/Syllabus The Field of
Chap 1
Read Syllabus
Case 1.2 PIXAR magic.**
Chap 2
Individual Behavior,
Values, & Personality
Self Assessment 2.6**
Introductory Bio Statement Due
Chap 3
Perceptions &
Learning in
Self Assessments 3.6**
Exam 1 Chap 1-3
Chap 4
Workplace Emotions,
Attitudes, and Stress
Case 4.2 Riding the Emotional Roller
Begin search for organization to
Study for culture project
Chap 14
Organization Culture
CASE 14.1 Hilton’s Transformation**
Chap 5
Employee Motivation
Self Assessment 5.6**
Chap 6
Applied Performance
Self Assessments 6.3**
Exam 2 Chap 4, 14, 5, 6
Chap 7
Decision Making &
Self Assessment 7.6**
Organization culture project due
Chap 8
Team Dynamics
Case 8.2 Philanthropic Team
Ch 9
Communication In
Teams and
Self Assessment 9.6 **
Chap 10
Power & Influence
Case 10.2 NAB’s Rogue Trader**
Exam 3 Chap 7-10
Chap 11
Conflict and Negotiation Assessment 11.5**
Ch 12
Leadership in
Case 12.1 Profitel Inc.**
Ch 13
Case 13.1 Nokia’s Evolving
Organizational Structure**
Ch 15
Organization Change
Self Assessment 15.3**
Exam 4 Ch 11,12,13,15
Submit Management Competency
This Syllabus is subject to change by the Professor. Should changes be made,
they will be announced via the course Blackboard web site, and a Syllabus with a
new date in the file name will be posted.
Appendix A
MGMT 350 Student Learning Outcomes by Text Chapter
On completing the learning activities for each chapter students will be able to do the
Chapter 1: Define organizational behavior and organizations, and discuss the
importance of this field of inquiry; Diagram an organization from an open systems
perspective; Define intellectual capital and describe the organizational learning
perspective of organizational effectiveness; Diagnose the extent to which an
organization or one of its work units applies high performance work practices; Explain
how the stakeholder perspective emphasizes the importance of values, ethics, and
corporate social responsibility; Summarize the five types of individual behavior in
organizations; Debate the organizational opportunities and challenges of globalization,
workforce diversity, and virtual work; Discuss how employment relationships are
changing, and explain why these changes are occurring; Discuss the anchors on which
organizational behavior knowledge is based.
Chapter 2: Describe the four factors that directly influence voluntary individual behavior
and Performance; Define personality and discuss what determines an individual’s
personality characteristics; Summarize the “big five” personality traits in the five‐factor
model and discuss their in1luence on organizational behavior; Describe self‐concept in
terms of self‐enhancement, self‐veri1ication, and self‐evaluation; Explain how social
identity theory relates to a person’s self‐concept; Distinguish personal, shared,
espoused, and enacted values, and explain why values congruence is important;
Summarize five values commonly studied across cultures; Explain how moral intensity,
ethical sensitivity, and the situation in1luence ethical behavior.
Chapter 3: Outline the perceptual process; Explain how social identity and stereotyping
influence the perceptual process; Describe the attribution process and two attribution
errors; Summarize the self‐fulfilling prophecy process; Explain how halo, primacy,
recency, and false‐consensus effects bias our perceptions; Discuss three ways to
improve social perception, with speci1ic application to organizational situations;
Describe the A‐B‐C model of behavior modi1ication and the four contingencies of
reinforcement; Describe the three features of social learning theory; Outline the
elements of organizational learning and ways to improve each element.
Chapter 4: Explain how emotions and cognition (conscious reasoning) influence
attitudes and Behavior; Identify the conditions that require and the problems associated
with emotional labor; Describe the four dimensions of emotional intelligence;
Summarize the consequences of job dissatisfaction in terms of the exit‐voice‐loyalty
neglect model; Discuss the effects of job satisfaction on job performance and customer
service; Distinguish affective and continuance commitment, and discuss their influences
on employee behavior; Describe 1ive strategies to increase organizational (affective)
commitment; Define stress and describe the stress experience; Explain why a stressor
might produce different stress levels in two people; Identify five ways to manage
workplace stress.
Chapter 5: Diagram and discuss the relationship between human drives, needs, and
behavior; Summarize Maslow’s needs hierarchy and discuss Maslow’s contribution to
the field of Motivation; Summarize McClelland’s learned needs theory, including the
three needs he studied; Describe four‐drive theory and discuss its implications for
motivating employees; Diagram the expectancy theory model and discuss its practical
implications for motivating employees; Describe the characteristics of effective goal
setting and feedback; Summarize equity theory and describe how to improve procedural
justice; Identify the factors that influence procedural justice, as well as the
consequences of procedural justice.
Chapter 6: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the four reward objectives;
Identify several team‐ and organizational‐level performance‐based rewards; Describe
five ways to improve reward effectiveness; Discuss the advantages and disadvantages
of job specialization; Diagram the job characteristics model of job design; Identify three
strategies to improve employee motivation through job design; Define empowerment
and identify strategies to support empowerment; Describe the five elements of
self‐leadership; Identify speci1ic personal and work environment influences on
Chapter 7: Describe the six stages in the rational choice decision process; Explain why
people have dif1iculty identifying problems and opportunities; Explain why people do not
follow the rational choice model when evaluating alternative choices; Describe three
ways in which emotions influence the selection of alternatives; Outline how intuition
operates; Describe four causes of escalation of commitment; Describe four benefits of
employee involvement in decision making; Identify four contingencies that affect the
optimal level of employee involvement; Outline the four steps in the creative process;
Describe the characteristics of employees and the workplace that support creativity.
Chapter 8: Define teams and discuss their benefits and limitations; Explain why people
are motivated to join informal groups; Diagram the team effectiveness model; Discuss
how task characteristics, team size, and team composition influence team effectiveness.
Summarize the team development process; Discuss how team norms develop, and how
they may be altered; List six factors that influence team cohesion; Describe the three
foundations of trust in teams and other interpersonal relationships; Discuss the
characteristics and factors required for success of self‐directed teams and virtual teams;
Identify four constraints on team decision making; Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of four structures that potentially improve team
decision making.
Chapter 9: Explain why communication is important in organizations; Diagram the
communication process and identify four ways to improve this process; Discuss
problems with communicating through electronic mail; Identify two ways in which
nonverbal communication differs from verbal communication; Appraise the
appropriateness of a communication medium for a particular situation based on social
acceptance and media richness factors; Identify four common communication barriers;
Discuss the degree to which men and women communicate differently; Outline the key
strategies for getting your message across and engaging in active listening; Summarize
three communication strategies in organizational hierarchies; Debate the benefits and
limitations of the organizational grapevine.
Chapter 10: Define power and countervailing power; Describe the five sources of power
in organizations; Explain how information relates to power in organizations; Discuss the
four contingencies of power; Summarize the effects of power on the power holder’s own
performance and well‐being; Summarize the eight types of in1luence tactics; Discuss
three contingencies to consider when deciding which in1luence tactic to use; Distinguish
influence from organizational politics; Describe the organizational conditions and
personal characteristics that support
organizational politics; Identify ways to minimize organizational politics.
Chapter 11: Debate the positive and negative consequences of conflict in the
workplace; Distinguish constructive conflict from relationship conflict; Describe three
strategies for minimizing relationship conflict during constructive‐conflict episodes;
Diagram the conflict process model; Identify six structural sources of conflict in
organizations; Outline the five conflict‐handling styles and discuss the circumstances in
which each would be most appropriate; Summarize six structural approaches to
managing conflict; Outline four situational influences on negotiations; Describe four
skills of effective negotiators; Compare and contrast the three types of third‐party
dispute resolution.
Chapter 12: Define leadership and shared leadership; List the main competencies of
effective leaders and discuss the limitations of the competency perspective of
leadership; Describe the people‐oriented and task‐oriented leadership styles; Outline
the path‐goal theory of leadership; Summarize leadership substitutes theory; Distinguish
transformational leadership from transactional and charismatic leadership; Describe the
four elements of transformational leadership; Describe the implicit leadership
perspective; Discuss similarities and differences in the leadership styles of women and
Chapter 13: Describe three types of coordination in organizational structures; Justify the
optimal span of control in a given situation; Discuss the advantages and disadvantages
of centralization and formalization; Distinguish organic from mechanistic organizational
structures; Identify and evaluate the six pure types of departmentalization; Describe
three variations of divisional structure and explain which one should be adopted in a
particular situation; Diagram the matrix structure and discuss its advantages and
disadvantages; Compare and contrast network structures with other forms of
departmentalization; Identify four characteristics of external environments and discuss
the preferred organizational structure for each environment; Summarize the influence of
organizational size, technology, and strategy on organizational structure.
Chapter 14: Describe the elements of organizational culture; Discuss the importance of
organizational subcultures; List four categories of artifacts through which corporate
culture is deciphered; Identify three functions of organizational culture; Discuss the
conditions under which organizational culture strength improves organizational
performance; Compare and contrast four strategies for merging organizational cultures;
Identify the four strategies for changing or strengthening an organization’s culture; Apply
attraction‐selection‐attrition theory to explain how organizational culture strengthens;
Describe the stages of organizational socialization; Explain how realistic job previews
assist the socialization process.
Chapter 15: Describe the elements of Lewin’s force field analysis model; Outline six
reasons why people resist organizational change; Discuss six strategies for minimizing
resistance to change; Outline the conditions for effectively diffusing change from a pilot
project; Describe the action research approach to organizational change; Outline the
“Four‐D” model of appreciative inquiry and explain how this approach differs from action
research; Explain how parallel learning structures assist the change process; Discuss
three ethical issues in organizational change.