Class Procedures and Expectations

Expectations and procedures for all
BHS Theatre classes
My goals for you:
 Increased Confidence
 Teamwork & Trust Building
 Self Expression
 Creativity & Competence
 Culture
 Theatre Appreciation and Constructive Criticism
 Theatre Etiquette
A vocabulary of theatre terminology
An understanding of career options in the theatre & related fields
Mrs. DeBari
My expectations of you while you are in my classroom
Showtime: Your entrances and exits…
Be Mindful
Curtain Times
Come to class on time
& Wait to be dismissed
You are expected to be in the classroom before the
bell rings. Manage your travel time in the hallway
Once you arrive in class take your class folder out,
go to your assigned seat and begin your Do-Now.
Please remain in your seat until you are dismissed:
Please remember- I dismiss the class, not the bell.
If you choose to be late to class you will lose extra
credit points on the 1st and 2nd offense. On the third
offense you will be written up for a cut.
Our set, props and stage:
Costumes, Props and Set pieces are off limits unless
you have been given permission to use them.
Do not sit, stand or climb on any furniture or setsthis can be dangerous to you and the construction.
Instruction will begin each day in the classroom. Do
not enter the theater or other areas outside the
classroom unless instructed to do so.
Do not touch any of your classmates’ belongings
Your personal items should remain under your desk
at all times. This is for your safety and to keep you
from being distracted during class.
Make sure you are prepared for class.
Remember your
If it doesn’t belong to you…
Don’t Touch It!!
Remember your
…Stay in it!
Your performance:
 Conduct yourself in a manner that is fitting for the classroom.
 Don’t use offensive language in class- As art imitates life, I expect this in your acting as well.
 There is no place for acting out content that is offensive or abusive in this classroom. Please be
mindful and respectful of our diverse population and our multitude of ability levels.
 We only meet for a limited time each day/week… Show us the best you that you’ve got!
Know when to take center stage & how to be part of the ensemble
Please follow directions the first time they are
During instruction, performances, and critique, side
conversations will not be tolerated.
When a classmate is speaking, please give him/her
your full attention as well.
P.A announcements always take center stagePlease be silent & listen to any announcements.
Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated and will
result in detention and/or office referral.
Be a
Respect for the theatre: Respect your classmates, teacher and self
 Respect all school rules and keep prohibited items out of the
theatre classroom
 Maintain a safe creative space- This is a Safe Haven Classroom.
 Communicate any problems, concerns, or issues so that we can
resolve them in a timely manner.
 Use only constructive criticisms
 Clean up after yourself
 Keep your hands to yourself
Let’s have a great show!
 Acting may not be for everyone, but you will never know
if it is for you unless you try.
 Maintain an attitude in class that is positive and active.
 Be open to new experiences in the classroom. If necessary
“fake it till you make it”
 Take risks in your acting, but recognize your limits
 Encourage your classmates to reach for their best as well.
Everyday Procedures & Special Policies
You will be graded on your EFFORT not your talent. In most cases your rubric will give you specific
criteria that I will be looking for. I will update online grade book as frequently as possible. If you or your
parents/guardians have questions about specific or general grades I can be reached by e-mail at
Hall Pass procedures:
No (non-emergency) passes will be given without student ID
Bathroom pass- Sign out on the sheet & take the lavatory pass and sign in upon return.
Please be prompt in returning as other students may be waiting for pass. Students gone beyond
a reasonable time will be subject to disciplinary action. No more than two students are to be
out of the room at a time. Bathroom pass during designated break time will not use extra credit
points. Any pass used during class will be penalized one point of extra credit. You are given 5
points each marking period.
Other passes (Locker, Guidance, Nurse Etc)
You must have a signed, dated & time stamped pass for ALL trips from the classroom. Pass
must only be used for designated area. Sign in and out as with bathroom pass & promptly
return to avoid disciplinary action. Any pass out of class will be penalized one extra credit point,
with the exception of Appointment passes, emergency nurse visits, and office call downs.
If you are absent you will have two days for each absence to make up missing work. In most cases
work will be placed in your folder or class folder in the bin by the door. See me after class to discuss
what you missed. You must make up all Do Now Assignments as well.
Late to Class
Late with pass- Place pass on my desk and begin work as soon as possible.
Under one minute late without a pass: You will lose one extra credit point for each late.
More than two minutes late without a pass: Excessive lates or lates in excess of 5 minutes will result in
detention. Your third late will count as a cut & referral will be issued.
Zero tolerance. 1st offense will be a referral. After third cut your credit for the class is lost.
Discipline Issues:
Breaking class rules results in an environment that is not conducive to learning. If you decide to engage
in inappropriate behavior or cause class disruption you will be penalized extra credit points and given teacher
or central detention. Depending on the severity discipline referrals will be issued and parents contacted.
Fire Drills/ Emergency Procedure
Our exit for fire drill is directly outside the classroom door to the left. You are to proceed silently
directly across the parking lot to the grass lot on the other side. You must stay with our class and
remain silent until told to go back inside. All emergency drills require your complete silence and
cooperation. Instruction will be given and procedures will be practiced frequently.
Substitute Teachers
Work assigned by a substitute will almost always count for a quiz grade. While substitute is present
please be on your best behavior. Disrespectful behavior while a substitute is present will result in
immediate detention / referral.