Ethics – Train the trainer • Lt. Steve Anderson • Orientation – mandate student conduct • Objective – To give the new mandate student an understanding and guide for how they are to act while at the Police academy and give them what our expectation is of them. • New mandate students Policy of Conduct • • Students are expected to maintain a professional and courteous demeanor. Any student who fails to adhere to reasonable standards of conduct and personal discipline will be subject to dismissal from training. Students will comply with this policy during classes, while on breaks, while standing by in common areas or during any sanctioned training center activity. Policy of Conduct Any profanity, vulgarity, “dirty” or offcolored jokes, inappropriate language toward a person’s gender, race or lifestyle must be avoided. Any violation of this policy will result in a verbal warning along with a notation being placed into the student’s file. A second occurrence will result in dismissal. Any intentional or flagrant violation of this policy will result in dismissal upon the first occurrence. Policy of Conduct Furthermore, sexual harassment shall be inclusive of, but not limited, to, verbal or written sex-oriented “kidding”, insults, subtle innuendoes for sexual activity, and physical contact such as patting, pinching, or brushing against another person. Be aware that any verbal or physical contact which is unsolicited or unwanted is prohibited. Policy of Conduct It is the responsibility of any student who encounters offensive behavior to inform the offending person(s) immediately that he/she has been offended and to request that such behavior stop. Also, the offended student must inform a member of the academy staff that an incident did occur. The incident must be reported as soon as possible. STUDENT CONDUCT Excessive comments, questions, or scenarios are not allowed. Any student with a genuine difficulty in understanding will be given the utmost consideration by all instructors and staff, as well as classmates. Think before you comment. STUDENT CONDUCT Any student seen by a test administrator to be cheating on a written or performance examination, or after thorough investigation determined to have been cheating on such exam, shall be immediately dismissed from the Training Center. Copying, photographing or otherwise capturing the image of any examination, or unauthorized possession of any written/performance exam, is considered cheating. CHEATING Any student seen by a test administrator to be cheating on a written or performance examination, or after thorough investigations determined to have been cheating on such examination, shall be immediately dismissed from the Academy. The student’s agency head will be notified in writing of the disciplinary action and his/her Post form 2 returned to P.O.S.T. with an explanation. CHEATING “CHEATING” shall include, but not be limited to, use of unauthorized equipment, materials, books, study aids, or the viewing of another student’s answers. If in the test administrator’s opinion, or after thorough investigation it is determined, that a fellow student was intentionally aiding another student to cheat, the student giving aid shall be just as culpable as the student receiving the aid. Each and every student involved in the cheating incident shall be treated alike and dismissed from the Academy. CHEATING NOTE: Any student who knows of cheating SHALL bring it to the attention of the Mandate Coordinator. Any student who fails to bring a cheating incident to the attention of the Course Coordinator shall be assumed to be a party to the cheating and may also be dismissed from the Academy.