Scientific Method Review Game

It’s the night before the big science test, and
everyone in class is doing their last minute
studying. A worried frenzy of messages begins
as everyone begins to understand that there is a
lot they don’t understand
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There is a science test 2morrow. Do U know
what word goes with this definition?
The way that scientists
explore the world
around them
From lipgloss101
OMG! U don’t know either. I
guess I’ll just text Haley instead.
From ftballxhero
I was studying for the science test
2morrow. Do U know what this is called?
The one thing that you are
testing in an experiment
(the cause)
From ftballxhero
That’s right. I remember now. L8R
From ftballxhero
I thought I was the one who
got knocked in the head one
two many times.
From Sk8r_punk
Dude, I M not ready 4 the test 2morrow.
Can U help me out with this 1?
The effect that needs to be measured
in an experiment
Righteous. Talk to U later.
I don’t know either, but we both
better study because the factor
being tested tomorrow is us.
A question that can be
answered using the
scientific method
(contains a cause & effect relationship)
Ouch! You better study 2night. If I
fail, at least I’ll still be good-looking.
An educated guess / a claim or
prediction about what you think is
going to happen
From science_chic
It’s nice 2C that someone else
pays attention in science class.
From science_chic
The answer is an educated guess.
Try to remember that 2morrow
From Sk8r_punk
I’m stuck again. I need to start paying more
attention in class. Do U know the answer to this
Testable questions contain a cause
and effect relationship.
From Sk8r_punk
I think that’s true because we are
looking for patterns…
I think it might be true…nice
guess there buddy
From Sk8r_punk
Appreciate it. L8r
From D_s2dent
Do you know if this answer is right
(true or false)?
Most people use the
scientific method in their
everyday lives.
True. People can use the
scientific method to solve
problems in their everyday life!
From D_s2dent
We need to solve the problem of
knowing the information for this
From D_s2dent
I think I remember that now.
It is true.
Thanks for the help. L8r
From lipgloss101
I think this is going 2 B on the test 2morrow, but I
don’t know the answer. I would rather ask
science_chic, but she is mad @ me.
The purpose of an experiment is to prove the
hypothesis true, right.
‘cause I only like to be right!
Your goal is to find out if your
hypothesis is true or false…not to prove you
are right genius.
From lipgloss101
Awesome. Who needs science_chic when I
have you?
From lipgloss101
Correct: The purpose of an experiment
is to discover the truth…to test whether
or not your idea is correct…
Not to prove that you are always
correct…you are so conceited!
From science_chic
I am so mad @ lipgloss101. Her chances of me
ever helping her study for another test are
waning faster than the moon. Anyway, do you
know if this is True or False?
There should only be two
independent variables in an
That is false, you can only have one
independent variable or one thing that
you are testing. Remember the Bob Evans
example from class?
From science_chic
Someone needs to be studying more
The answer is definitely false. Good one
From science_chic
I’m impressed. Someone has
definitely been studying.
From lipgloss101
I’m still trying to study 4 the test, but I’m
stuck again. Do U know the answer 2 this?
A scientist calculating the area of
mold spores is collecting qualitative
I just checked my notes. It’s
actually false. They are measuring
area so it must be quantitative.
From lipgloss101
Thanks for the help. C U
From lipgloss101
That is correct. The answer is false.
At least we will get one question
right tomorrow.
From ftballxhero
Do U know what the variables r?
Marcie is trying a new cookie recipe. She wants to see if the
amount of baking powder she uses will make the cookies
rise more. She bakes three batches of cookies and changes
the amount of baking powder for each batch.
 What is the independent variable?
 What is the dependent variable?
Independent variable = amount of
baking powder
Dependent variable = how much the
cookies rise
From ftballxhero
Your passing was off last game,
but you’ve got your “game on” now.
From ftballxhero
I just sent a text to the_mad_scientist and
he said that the answer was this:
Independent variable = amount of baking
Dependent variable = how much the cookies
From D_s2dent
Do U know what the constants are? I have a
feeling that they might be important.
Marcie is trying a new cookie recipe. She wants to see if the
amount of baking powder she uses will make the cookies
rise more. She bakes three batches of cookies and changes
the amount of baking powder for each batch.
 What are 2 things that MUST stay
constant during this experiment?
Good answer…it could be many
The rest of the ingredients
Baking time
Oven temperature
How long you mix the batter
From D_s2dent
The only thing constant these
days is my questions! Ugh!
From D_s2dent
I think that I need friends that take
better notes and pay attention in class.
From chick_magnet
I have practice later, so I really need to get this
studying done quickly. Can anyone tell me how to
write a testable question?
Marcie is trying a new cookie recipe. She wants to see if the
amount of baking powder she uses will make the cookies
rise more. She bakes three batches of cookies and changes
the amount of baking powder for each batch.
 Write a testable question for this
Use the “go to” format:
Does the amount of baking powder used
affect how much the cookies rise?
From chick_magnet
I guess that question is actually an
easy one if you think about it. Lol.
From chick_magnet
Didn’t it have something to do
with cause & effect relationships?
Does ____ affect ____?
From haley17701
What’s up? I’ve been studying for the science test
2morrow, but I can’t figure out how to do this. Do U
know it?
Marcie is trying a new cookie recipe. She wants to see if the
amount of baking powder she uses will make the cookies
rise more. She bakes three batches of cookies and changes
the amount of baking powder for each batch.
 Write a hypothesis
If Marcie adds more baking powder to the
cookie batter,
then the cookies will rise more
because baking powder causes cookies to
From haley17701
I’m impressed. You have
definitely been studying.
From haley17701
I think the hypothesis is an
If…then…because statement.
If I do this…then this will
Does that sound right 2 U?
From ftballxhero
I’m stuck again. Can you help out a bro?
What exactly is a hypothesis
An educated guess
(your claim or what you think will happen when
you test your idea)
From ftballxhero
Thanks a lot. I’ll remember this when I’m a
rich and famous professional athlete.
From ftballxhero
I think that a hypothesis is a
guess...get an education so that it
can be an educated guess!
From poptart_monkey
Do you know what the steps of the scientific
method are?
Do you know what the steps of the
scientific method are in order?
All that comes to mind is rats eating my
poptarts because all they had was
artificial cheese.
Some Rats Hate Eating Artificial Cheese
State the problem / Ask a question
Analyze data
From poptart_monkey
Cool. Now I know where the rat
thought came from. Lol.
From poptart_monkey
Someone else told me it has
something to do with Some
Rats Hate Eating Artificial
Cheese. Does that sound right
to you?
Do U know which step of the Scientific Method
this is an example of ?
Adding calcium and magnesium to the animal
food did increase the animal’s growth. The
hypothesis is supported.
From D_s2dent
Yeah – ok because this is when you say
whether or not your hypothesis is
supported or not supported. I think I can
remember that.
From D_s2dent
I think it is the conclusion because this
step would come at the very end after
you know what the final result of the
experiment is.
From science_chick
Here is a tough question 4 U. Do you know what step
of the Scientific Method this is an example of ?
Locate 2 puppies from the same litter that are
similar in size
Feed one animal food with minerals for a month.
Feed one animal food without minerals for a month.
Calculate the average growth of each puppy.
That should be the conduct an experiment
step because you are actually carrying out
the experiment during these steps.
From science_chick
Keep this up and someday U might B as smart
as me.
From science_chick
You are conducting the experiment, Duh.
Wake up and keep studying.
From haley17701
Which steps of the Scientific Method are these an
example of ?
• If small doses of calcium and magnesium are added to
animal food, then the animal’s growth will increase
because calcium and magnesium are important minerals
for growing.
Average growth over 1 month period
Food with minerals
Food without minerals
10% growth
5% growth
That’s right. The hypothesis
and analyzing results.
From haley17701
Thanks for the help. I’ve got 2 go.
From haley17701
My “hypothesis” is that we will both be
in big trouble when it comes to the test
2morrow after “analyzing our data.” 
From poptart_monkey
Can you give me the 411 on this? What steps
of the Scientific Method is this an example of ?
• Does adding minerals to an animal’s
food affect their growth?
Notes: (WebMD)
 Calcium is essential for bone growth
 Magnesium is important for more than 300
chemical reactions in the body that keep it
working properly (about ½ of magnesium
in body is found in bones)
Cool beans…you knew
that one. It is the testable
question and research.
From poptart_monkey
Thanks. U R A genius.
From poptart_monkey
It sounds to me like it might be testable
question since it is in the form of a ? and
research since it says <notes>
Does that sound right to you?
From ftballxhero
Sending out an SOS! Anyone out there able
to help?
Miss Lamb said that we use
the scientific method in our
everyday lives. I need an
example ASAP!
From FaN_ov_URs
You like football. Let me try to
speak your language.
A commercial for “Gear It Up” claims
that their new football pads will
protect you 2x better than the ones we
wear. You could use the scientific
method to test this claim.
You have be caught not paying
attention in class. Miss Lamb
clearly explained this concept
before 
From ftballxhero
I’ll be a fan of yours if you can help me
with all of this!
Can you take the football
example and relate it to the
1st & 2nd steps of the
scientific method for me?
From FaN_ov_URs
Step 1: Testable Question –
Does the type of football pads affect how
many injuries you get in a season?
Step 2: Research –
Find out what materials are used in the
From FaN_ov_URs
Ok, I can help but you will
need to pay closer attention.
From ftballxhero
What would that look like for the
3rd and 4th steps of the scientific
From FaN_ov_URs
Step 3: Hypothesis–
If I put on my old padding and new padding and receive a
several impacts wearing each one, then the new padding will
protect me better because it has newer technology in it
Step 4: Experiment–
Wear the old padding and receive several impacts then wear
the new padding and receive several impacts. Measure the
From FaN_ov_URs
Don’t you know that science
teachers are among the most
interesting people IN THE
WORLD??!! Pay attention when
the teacher teaches next time.
From ftballxhero
Keep going…
What would that look like for the
5th and 6th steps of the scientific
From FaN_ov_URs
Step 5: Analyze Data–
Injuries wearing new football pads = 2 (minor injuries)
Injuries wearing old football pads = 5 (4 minor & 1 major
Step 6: Conclusion–
The hypothesis is supported. The newer pads do reduce the
number of injuries.
From FaN_ov_URs
Don’t forget to use the mnemonic
device to help you..
Some Rats Hate Eating Artificial Chicken
From ftballxhero
One more quick thing…
My lucky jersey number is 7. I
remember thinking that there
were 7 steps in the scientific
method, but you only gave me
6…What’s up with that?
From FaN_ov_Urs
Well then I guess it is a good thing your jersey
number is 7 ;)
If the hypothesis is supported, more scientists
will run the experiment to check your work.
If your hypothesis is not supported, you will
have to make a new one and test again.
From FaN_ov_Urs
So how about an autograph for all of my
An autograph will get you
that last answer!
From lipgloss101
Remember that you can only choose “C” if “c” is
the correct answer or Miss Lamb will have a fit!
Determine the best example of a hypothesis:
a. If I add 5 hour energy to my breakfast, then I might go crazy during school.
b. I think that 5 hour energy will help me stay awake in class. They say it has
caffeine so it might keep me awake.
c. If I add 5 hour energy to my breakfast routine, then I my heart rate will increase
because 5 hour energy is full of caffeine.
Ha Ha – It actually is “C”
You can’t choose A because it
uses the word “might” and how
exactly do you measure “crazy?”
It also can’t be B because it says
“I think” and doesn’t follow the
From science_chic
Help!!! I want to beat lipgloss101’s score on
the test!
Determine which of the following is the best example of a testable
a. What kind of food does a plant need to grow?
b. Does the amount of light a plant gets affect its growth?
c. How does light help a plant grow?
d. Why are plants green?
It has got to be B because
I see the word “affect” so
there must be a cause &
effect relationship
Answers A, C, and D can be
looked up on the internet.
There is no cause & effect
relationship involved.
From D_s2dent
Dude, I need 2
• Waves are crashing onto the
• 2 vehicles are caught in the
I will observe you fail this test
later dude.
Observations are facts you can
give based on the pic.
Then what are
2 inferences?
• A tsunami just occurred
• People were injured as a
result of this catastrophe
Dude, you are as much a
disaster as the one in the image.
Inferences are conclusions that
you draw based on your
observations. What do you
think just happened?
From science_chic
Even I need help with this one.
Claim: More people get injured from
skateboarding than any other sport.
Is there evidence to support this claim? Why or
why not?
Can you think of reasons why someone would
not agree with this claim?
Claim: More people get injured from skateboarding than any other sport.
Is there evidence to support this claim? Why or why not?
There is NOT enough evidence to support this claim. According to the
data, more people get injured playing volleyball and a lot more people
get injured playing ice hockey.
Can you think of reasons why someone would not agree with this claim?
I think some people would disagree with this because skateboarding can
result in a lot of injuries. It is easier to get hurt skateboarding than
basketball. I think it is because more people play the other sports and
fewer people skateboard unless they really know how.
This is too tough for me. Maybe
the teacher can help!