Assessment as the “Hidden Variable” in Achievement Michael Zeilik Dept. of Physics & Astronomy The University of New Mexico (NSF DUE 99-85511) What Works in Higher Ed? 20th Century Gain Results Active Learning, Mastery Learning (SD ≥ 0.5, PSI, discussion, debates, games, role playing) Cooperative Learning (SD ≥ 0.5, cognitive and affective; century of research, all disciplines) One-on-One Tutoring (SD = 2, with trained tutors) What Does Not Work? Standard Models (SD < 0.3) Everything Else! Lectures:Reinforce memorization; promote illusion of competence; educational seduction (Dr. Fox)! Still not better than lectures: Computer-based, instructional television, Web-based Evidence-Based Reform Active learning + Classroom assessment = Achievement: Deep conceptual understanding (“sticky learning”) What is Active Learning? Instructional activities that engage students’ minds (the “sticky” factor) Interactive lectures, discussion, cooperative learning teams, role playing, peer teaching, minute papers, concept mapping, games, cooperative tests, controversies Require alternative assessments What Works in Context: Physics & Astronomy (PAER) Disciplinary education research, “tools of the trade” for experiments Empirical robust knowledge base about learning in physics & astronomy Probe initial state (prior knowledge), final state (learning outcomes) Measure change: Assessment! Field-tested Learning Assessment Guide (FLAG: FLAG CATs Attitudinal Surveys: E. Seymour, E. Lewis Concept Tests: A. Ellis Concept Maps: M. Zeilik Conceptual Diagnostic Tests: M. Zeilik Interviews: M. Smith, S. A. Southerland Performance Assessments: T. Slater Portfolios: T. Slater Scoring Rubrics: D. Ebert-May Student Assessment of Learning Gains: E. Seymour Weekly Reports: E. Etkina Mathematical Thinking: M. Swan, J. Rideway Multiple-Choice Tests: J. Parkes Minute Papers: M. Zeilik Conceptual Diagnostic Tests Assess prior knowledge of students “Misconceptions” research, “think aloud” interviews; “natural language” Measure pre/post conceptual gains (normalized gain, <g>) Force Concept Inventory (FCI); Astronomy Diagnostic Test: “Astro 101”, nationally normed, reliable & valid Pre/post: ADT National Project/UNM <g> = (post% - pre%)/(100 - pre) 56 60 Score (%) 50 Standard errors plotted 38 40 32.4 30 20 10 53.7 47.3 41.5 34 27 U N M U N M 0 Pre-course (N=5346) Overall: <g> = 0.22 Men: <g> = 0.25 Post-course (N=3842) Women: <g> = 0.20 UNM: <g> = 0.31 From Quarks to Cosmos (Committee on the Physics of the Universe; NRC) 11 interface areas (21st century!) UNM Physics 102 (Conceptual Physics) poll, top 5: 1. What is dark matter? 2. What is the nature of dark energy? 3. How did the universe begin? 4. Are there additional spacetime dimensions? 5. What are the masses of neutrinos? Student Assessment of Learning Gains (SALG) Probes learning gains students perceive for specific aspects Avoids performance critiques (“Dr. Fox”) of instructor (not correlated with conceptual gain) Easily customized (15 min); access through FLAG (hosted by University of Colorado/Boulder) UNM P102 SALG Spring 2003 (Mean = 3.38) 3.99 Videos 3.75 CT/CRS 4.15 Coop quizzes 3.71 Activities 3.64 Team work 3.52 Discussions 3.68 Instructor talk 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 Rating (scale 1 - 5) 5.00 P102 UNM Spring 2003 Gender Matters—Sometimes! Female Male Posttest Confidence All p < 0.002 Pretest confidence p < 0.0001 Last math p < 0.002 Science SelfAptitude NS! Math SelfAptitude NS! 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 Score (1 = very poor, 5 = very good) 5.00 Cooperative Quiz Gains by Gender P102 UNM Spring 2003 Quizzes <g> Female Effect size (F) <g> Male Effect size (M) 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 Practice Quiz #1 Quiz #2 Quiz #3 Mean Does it stick? (Coop quizzes/Test) 120 100 Pre % Post % Test#1 80 60 40 20 Item Q 37 Q 36 Q 27 Q 28 Q 29 Q 24 0 Q 112 Percent correct A101 UNM Fall 2000 Identical Items (p = 0.96) Grade Expectations P102 UNM Spring 2003 Expected & Actual Grades (by gender) Percentage A B C D F 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Pretest (F) Pretest ICES (F) ICES (M) Ac tual (M) (F) Ac tual (M) FC I g> < FC I g> RC G G RC G RC ) RC ) G FC I+ + + g> I FC I FC Female < Po st (F CI Pr e( < Po st % Pr e% Percentage P102 UNM Spring 2003 Pre/Post Male 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Assessment “C” Lessons (Gender Sometimes Matters!) Content matters! Concepts matter! Connections matter! Context matters! Confidence? Competence? Assessment probes all & increases achievement by 0.5 SD!