UNM Campus Enrollment Information The information below outlines the steps required for a student to register and enroll in a course at a NEXus TEACHING Institution. Enrollment and Registration Instructions for NEXus Courses at UNM Contact: Upcoming Registration Deadlines: NEXus Enrollment Tracking Form: Required Application Forms: Consortium Agreement form: Transcript Request Form: Required Trainings: Other: Campus Staff Coordinator (CSC): Jeri Belsher Office Phone: 505-272-4223 Email: jbelsher@salud.unm.edu Campus Faculty Coordinator (CFC): Dr. Marie Lobo Office Phone: 505-272-2637 Email: mlobo@salud.unm.edu Students must apply/register according to the deadlines stated by each individual Teaching Institution. Please visit the following link to see varying deadline dates: http://www.winnexus.org/?query=148 Download and submit a completed NEXus Student Enrollment Tracking form (http://www.winnexus.org/?query=146) to HOME Campus Staff Coordinator. Download and submit a UNM Non-Degree Application http://www.unm.edu/apply/ and directly to Jeri Belsher, CSC. If you are receiving financial aid, complete and route your HOME Institution Consortium Agreement Form to have funds applied towards NEXus courses. (see consortium agreement for routing information) Official transcripts are requested from the Registrar http://registrar.unm.edu/trans.htm to be sent to the Home School. An official transcript costs $10. A student must take classes at least every two semesters to be considered current otherwise they will need to re-apply as a Non-degree seeking student. Students only need to complete the orientation/training once. X:\SON\AcademicPrograms\EXT\WIN\NEXusProject\CampusProcedures\UNM\UNMEnrollment Information Final.doc