Outreach School - University of Wyoming

Outreach School Priorities
Partnerships & Synergism
Welcoming Change
UW outreach history
Since the 1890s, the
University of Wyoming
mission of extending learning
has been accomplished
through transportation of
instructors by railroad in the
early years, the use of
airplanes in the late 1970s
and 1980s, and the use of
instructional technology
starting in the 1980s, most
recently through the use of
the Internet.
Outreach School mission
To extend the University of Wyoming’s
educational programs to Wyoming and
beyond with innovative and unique
opportunities for learners of many ages,
interests, locations, and motivations.
Our programs and services are
organized under four units, with
Outreach Regional Centers located in
communities throughout Wyoming.
Dr. Christi Boggs
Outreach Instructional Designer
The UW campus
Delivering UW to Learners: Making it Work
Positioned to help the university meet the needs of learners of
many ages, interests, locations, and motivations.
Defining Outreach School
Academic Partnerships
Qi Sun, Ph.D.
Outreach instructor
The academic units (colleges and
departments) and the Outreach
School of the University of
Wyoming have different roles to
play in a partnership that helps the
university realize its outreach
As Wyoming’s only university, we are committed to outreach
and service that extend our human talent and technological
capacity to serve the people in our communities, our state, the
nation, and the world.”
From UW Mission Statement
Academic Partnership Principles
1. The academic units oversee the faculty and set the
2. It is the responsibility of the Outreach School to deliver
the programs of the academic units.
3. The university’s support units are responsible for meeting the
needs of university students – wherever those students take
their courses.
4. The university partners with Wyoming community colleges,
which provide the freshman and sophomore years of academic
programs, as well as some support services.
Partnership in Central Position Management
The Outreach School collaborates with our partners in the CPM process.
1. The CPM process favors departments working with the
Outreach School, the Honors Program, the American Heritage
Center and the Art Museum.
2. Through technology, faculty based outside of Laramie (such
as in Casper) can still teach courses that serve main campus
students while serving distance students.
Outreach School divisions
Outreach Credit Programs
UW/Casper College Center
Outreach Technology Services & UWTV
Wyoming Public Media
Outreach student
Outreach School numbers
Outreach Credit
Programs & UW/CC
56,884 credit hours (for AY 08-09)
19,361 enrollments
12,822 students
May 2010
Wyoming Public
66,200 individuals each
week listen to WPR.
Listeners spend on average 7.4
hours each week listening to WPR
Arbitron, Spring 2010
Outreach Technology
Services & UWTV
50 video sites in
23 Wyoming communities.
Bi-monthly documentary
and public affairs programming.
CY 2010
Outreach Student
Outreach Credit Programs
The goal of the Division of Outreach Credit Programs (OCP) is to deliver the region’s
best outreach credit courses and programs with the latest in distance education
technology including audio teleconferencing, video conferencing, correspondence
study, on-site education, and Web-based instruction. The division delivers 22 UW
degree and certificate programs through distance education.
Dept. 3274 • 340 Wyoming Hall
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
1-800-448-7801 • (307) 766-4300
Web: outreach.uwyo.edu/ocp
Outreach student
Outreach Credit Programs
No matter the field, the opportunities provided by the
Outreach School allow the people of Wyoming to grow both
emotionally and educationally,”
Andi Clifford, Outreach graduate
UW Outreach gives me the flexibility I need to pursue my
educational goals. As a non-traditional student living in rural
Wyoming, I can still be available for my family and other
commitments while engaging in challenging coursework.”
Virginia Kittleman, Outreach student
Outreach Credit Programs
Undergraduate degrees:
Graduate degrees:
• Applied Science, B.A.S.
• Business Administration, B.S.
• Criminal Justice, B.A.
• Elementary Education
• Family and Consumer Science, B.S.
(Professional Child Development Option)
• Nursing, B.S.N. (accelerated)
• Nursing, B.S.N. (R.N. to B.S.N.)
• Psychology, B.A.
• Social Science, B.A. or B.S.
• Women’s Studies, Minor
• Business Administration, Executive MBA
• Education – Adult and
Post-Secondary, M.A.
• Education – Education Leadership, M.A.
• Education – Instructional Technology, M.S.
• Education – Special Education, M.A.
• Education – Curriculum and
Certificates and
• Early Childhood Program Director
• Land Surveying
• Teachers of American Indian Children
• Social Work – Health and Medical
• Social Work – Rural Behavioral/Mental Health
• Early Childhood – Mental Health
• Early Childhood – Birth to Five
• Early Childhood – Special Education
• Education Leadership – Principal Endorsement
• English as a Second Language
• Literacy Program – Wyoming Reading
• Special Education
Instruction, M.A.
• Kinesiology and Health, M.S.
• Nursing – Nurse Educator Option, M.S.
• Public Administration, M.P.A.
• Social Work, M.S.W.
Outreach student
• Speech-Language Pathology, M.S.
UW/CC Center
The University of Wyoming/Casper College Center (UW/CC), in
partnership with Casper College, offers on-site classes and a slate
of university degree programs in Casper. The center is designed to
meet the academic needs of students in a setting providing small
classes, dedicated staff, and award-winning faculty. Courses are
taught by resident and visiting faculty who are regular members
of UW academic departments or part time faculty approved by
UW departments. A full service office handles admission,
registration, financial aid, and advising.
125 College Drive
Casper, WY 82601
1-877-264-9930 • (307) 268-2713
Web: www.uwyo.edu/uwcc
Carol Tarantola, M.A.
UW/CC faculty member
UW/CC Center
This special scholarship has benefited so many single parents
in our community. It is often difficult meeting the challenges,
emotionally and financially, of being a single parent. This award
helped to cover my monthly expenses as well as tuition and
Heather Dronek, UW/CC graduate and Myra Fox Skelton Scholarship winner
Being able to obtain a college education is fantastic thing. It
will provide me with a more promising future and it will also
help my children see the need for a college education.”
Julie Laib, UW/CC graduate and Myra Fox Skelton Scholarship winner
UW/CC Center
Undergraduate degrees:
Graduate degrees:
• Biology, B.S.
• Education—Counselor
• Communication, B.A. or B.S.
• Criminal Justice, B.A.
• Elementary Education, B.A.
• Humanities/Fine Arts, B.A.
Education, M.A.
• Education—Educational
Leadership, M.A.
• Journalism, B.A. or B.S.
Certificate and
Endorsement programs:
• Math/Science, B.A. or B.S.
• Education Leadership
• Secondary Science Education, B.S.
• Social Science, B.A. or B.S.
• Social Work, B.S.W.
•Technical Education, B.S.
Principal Endorsement
• English as a Second Language
Wyoming Public Radio
Wyoming Public Radio has been serving Wyoming for over 35 years. Through more
than 26 stations and translators, WPR reaches over 80 percent of the state’s
population. Through www.wyomingpublicradio.net WPR can be heard nationwide
on the Internet.
WPR programming is primarily news, classical music,
and contemporary music. WPR also airs jazz, folk,
bluegrass, and variety programs. Wyoming Public Radio
is the state’s only member of National Public Radio
and is an affiliate of Public Radio International.
Dept. 3984
1000 E. University Ave. • Knight Hall
Laramie, WY 82071
1-800-729-5897 • (307) 766-4240
Web: www.wyomingpublicradio.net
Outreach Technology Services & UWTV
The Division units are Outreach Engineering, University of Wyoming Television
(UWTV), Outreach Video Network (OVN), and Computer Network Support. The
division is the UW liaison for WEN state video conferencing system operating
throughout Wyoming.
UWTV provides full professional services for television and videotape
production, programming, and distribution. These services also include satellite
downlinking, streaming video services, and DVD mastering and duplicating.
Dept. 3106 • 334 Wyoming Hall
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
(307) 766-4999
Web: outreach.uwyo.edu/ots
Marketing the Outreach School
In addition to promoting the Outreach School and the services
offered by our divisions, we place a strong focus on marketing our
academic partners and the institution as a whole to our broad
audience. We follow the guidelines and standards set by the
institution to maintain an over-all brand focus. Messages in our
marketing pieces include the high caliber faculty and level of
instruction offered in our programs, the value of a University of
Wyoming education, and the opportunities afforded by the
technology available through the Outreach School.
Jeff McDonald, Marketing Manager
Wyo Hall 338
(307) 766-3712
Marketing the Outreach School
Using the professional production resources available through UWTV and the
latest in online video technology, the Outreach School continues to create
television commercials and Web 2.0 elements for use on the website and for
social networking.
Visit our YouTube channel to view our latest videos featuring real UW
Outreach students and their stories:
Special Projects
1. WICHE-ICE: Western Interstate Commission for
Higher Education Internet Course Exchange Program.
2. Wyoming INBRE Outreach Core: Oversight of INBRE
funded programs to extend opportunities in biomedical
research and education to students across Wyoming.
3. TIE: Technology Instructional Enhancements (TIE) pilot
project initiated by OCP this year
4. OS Grants Program: Support for innovative projects that
focus on the scholarship of teaching by distance and adult
Unique Outreach Scholarship
• Myra Fox Skelton Scholars Program – Up to 14 single parent UW/CC students
receive monthly scholarship allowances of $1000+ to provide for living expenses
to allow students more time with their children and more time to study.
• INBRE Transition Scholarships - Students from Wyoming community
colleges participating in INBRE-funded research programs can receive a transition
scholarship for their first transfer year at UW and are placed in a UW faculty
member’s lab to help conduct research.
• Edelweiss Scholarship Program - This scholarship was initiated in January
2010. It currently provides two students with monthly scholarship allowances to
provide for living expenses to allow students more time with their children and
more time to study. If students maintain their grades, they will be supported by
the Edelweiss Fund until they graduate.
UW Students
Served through the Outreach School
• Many Outreach students
have jobs and families
• 2/3 of our students are
• Average age of our
students is 32
Outreach student and her children
Tristin and Danielle
Changing Lives
The University of Wyoming outreach classes have allowed me to
accomplish my aspiration of a higher education. Education and
perseverance can change the outcome of one’s life.”
Michael Kelley, Outreach student
I plan to continue in the program online upon my return to the
states since my work schedule and travels are not conducive to
classroom instruction. I sincerely hope this program receives
future support needed for students like myself who enjoy selfpaced, quality learning from anywhere in the world.”
Shane Crofts, Wyoming National Guardsman stationed in Kuwait
Your Feedback
Dr. Tim Rush
Outreach Instructor
Contact Us
Maggi Murdock, Ph.D.
Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
Dean, Outreach School
Web: outreach.uwyo.edu