Remembering Anne Frank - Tennessee Holocaust Commission

Photos from Anne Frank in the World
Remembering Anne Frank
A Time Line of Events Yesterday and Today
Who was Anne Frank?
Anne Frank was a German-Jewish
teenager who was forced to go into
hiding during the Holocaust.
She and her family, along with four
others, spent 25 months during World
War II in an annex of rooms above her
father’s office in Amsterdam, the
After being betrayed to the Nazis, Anne,
her family and the others living with them
were arrested and deported to Nazi
concentration camps.
Nine months after she was arrested,
Anne Frank died of typhus in March of
1945 at Bergen-Belsen. She was 15
years old.
Photo: Anne Frank Museum
June 12, 1929: Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt, Germany.
She was the second daughter of Otto and Edith Frank, who
were German Jews.
January 30,1933: Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany.
April 1933: The Nazis declare a boycott of Jewish businesses
and medical and legal practices. A new law removes Jews
from government and teaching positions.
Anne and Margot
Summer 1933: Otto Frank leaves Frankfurt for Amsterdam to
set up a new business, called the Dutch Opekta Company.
December 5, 1933 - February 1934:
Edith, Margot, and Anne Frank
move to Holland.
1934: Anne Frank attends the
kindergarten of the Montessori
Fall 1935: The Nuremberg Laws
are passed, which define Jews as
non-citizens and make mixed
Aryan and Jewish marriage illegal.
Summer 1937: The van Pels family
flees from Osnabruck to Holland.
Photo: Anne Frank Museum
Anne, Edith and Margot in Germany 1933
March 12, 1938: Germany annexes Austria.
November 9-10, 1938: Kristallnacht. Statesponsored pogrom in Germany and Austria,
looting and destroying synagogues and Jewish
December 8, 1938: Fritz Pfeffer fled Germany and
arrived in Holland.
March 15, 1939: Germany begins occupation of
March 1939: Grandmother Hollander comes to
live with the Frank family.
September 1, 1939: Hitler invades Poland and
starts World War II.
April and May 1940: Germany invades Denmark,
Norway, France, Belgium, and Luxembourg.
1940: Germany invades the Netherlands
and the Franks are again forced to live
under Nazi rule.
1940-1941: All Jews must register their
businesses and, later, surrender them to
non-Jews. Fortunately, Otto Frank, in
anticipation of this decree, has already
turned his business over to his nonJewish colleagues, Victor Kugler and
Johannes Kleiman.
1942: Jews are arrested simply because
they are Jews. Many Jews are forced to
go to German labor camps. Fearful for
their lives, the Frank family begins to
prepare to go into hiding.
Margot, Otto, Anne and Edith
Photo: Anne Frank Museum
Anne’s Mother and Father
Otto Frank and Edith Holländer are married
in Aachen on May 12, 1925. After a
honeymoon in Italy, they go to live in
Frankfurt am Main.
Nine months later, on February 16, 1926,
their first daughter is born: Margot Betti.
Anne(lies) Marie follows around three years
The marriage of Otto Frank and Edith Holländer on May 12, 1925.
Otto Frank’s family has lived in Frankfurt am Main for
generations. Edith’s family originates from Aachen, close
to the Dutch border.
Photos: Anne Frank Museum
Anne’s Father
Otto Frank is born on May 12, 1889 in Frankfurt
am Main. His father Michael heads the family
bank, which specializes in currency trading. The
Franks are liberal Jews.
Otto does not attend a Jewish school, he goes
to a public high school called the Lessing
Otto leaves for the United states in 1909 returns
home upon the death of his father and returns
again to the states in 1911. Otto works for
Macy’s Department Store and then a bank in
New York City.
Otto returned to Germany, fought in WWI for the
German army. After the war Otto Frank
reluctantly takes over the family bank from his
mother and brother Herbert.
Otto Frank fought for Germany in WWI
Photo: Anne Frank Museum
Anne’s Mother
What we know of Anne’s mother is what is written in Anne’s
diary and is mostly one dimensional as her and Anne seem to
quarrel under the dire circumstances they faced in the small
living quarters.
We do know from other sources that as a young woman Edith
was athletic, and liked to attend parties. She came from a more
religious family and did keep Judaism close to her heart.
Edith Holländer was born in Aachen on January 16, 1900. She
married Otto Frank in 1925.
Edith was with Anne and Margot at Auschwitz but they were sent
to Bergen –Belsen without her, she soon became ill and died
there in 1945.
Edith in the 1920’s
Photo: Anne Frank Museum
Anne Frank and her grandmother Hollander
December 1, 1940: Otto Frank’s
company moves into the premises at
Number 263 Prinsengracht.
May 8, 1941: Opekta-Werke changes
its name to Messrs. Gies & Company.
Summer 1941: Anne and Margot
attend the Jewish School in
December 11, 1941: Germany
declares war on the United States.
January 1942: Anne’s grandmother
Hollander dies.
March 1942: Sobibor, Belzec, and
Auschwitz-Birkenau all become fully
operational death camps, followed by
Treblinka in July.
Otto Frank
June 12, 1942: Anne receives a diary
for her thirteenth birthday.
July 5, 1942: Margot receives a call-up
notice to report for deportation to a
labor camp. The family goes into
hiding the next day.
July 6, 1942: The Frank family moves
into the "Secret Annex.”
July 13, 1942: The van Pels family,
another Jewish family originally from
Germany, joins the Frank family in
November 16, 1942: Fritz Pfeffer, the
eighth and final resident of the “Secret
Annex,” joins the Frank and van Pels
Edith Frank
Margot Frank
Anne Frank
The House where Anne Frank Hides
In 1942, the first Dutch Jews receive call-up notices to report for the work camps.
1942: Otto Frank and his family go into hiding inside the building he uses for his own business.
Otto Frank’s business is located in a house at 263 Prinsengracht. Like so many Amsterdam canal
houses, the building is comprised of a front part and a back part. The office and storage areas
occupy the front part of the house. The back part of the house, also called the annex, is partially
empty. Otto Frank, with the help of two of his employees, furnishes four of the rooms of the annex
to provide a hiding place for his own family and the van Pels family.
The Inhabitants of the “Secret Annex”
Name in the Diary
Real Name
Date of Birth
(Place of Death)
Hermann van Pels
Mr. van Daan
b. March 31, 1890
Auguste van Pels-Röttgen
Mrs. van Daan
b. September 29, 1900
Peter van Pels
Peter van Daan
b. November 8, 1926
Fritz Pfeffer
Alfred Dussel
b. April 30, 1889
Source: Anne Frank Museum
The Helpers
The helpers, from left to right: Mr. Kleiman, Miep Gies,
Bep Voskuijl, and Mr. Kugler.
Real Name
Name in the
Miep GiesSantrouschitz
Miep van
Jan Gies
Henk van
Victor Kugler
(Bep) van
Elli Vossen
Willing to Make Sacrifices
Miep Gies, Victor Kugler,
Johannes Kleiman and
Bep Voskuijl are all
employees of Otto Frank
and willingly put
their lives on the line to help
the families in hiding.
Photo taken in October 1945 when Otto Returned to Amsterdam.
Photo: Anne Frank Museum
Anne Frank’s Diary
"When I write, I can shake off all my cares." - April 5, 1944
Photos: Anne Frank Museum
While in hiding, Anne Frank kept a diary. In more than two years she filled several
notebooks. Anne rewrote her diary notebooks with the intention of making a book
from them that could be published after the war. In 1947, Otto Frank had the diaries
of his deceased daughter published. The Diary of Anne Frank is one of the most
widely read books in the world.
June 6, 1944: D-Day. Allies invade
Western Europe.
August 4, 1944: The residents of the
“Secret Annex” are betrayed and
arrested. They are taken to a police
station in Amsterdam.
August 8, 1944: The residents of the
“Secret Annex” are all taken to the
camp at Westerbork.
Westerbork Concentration Camp
Photos: USHMM
Westerbork is a transit camp in northeastern Holland for almost 100,000 Jews
who are deported between 1942 and 1944 to Auschwitz-Birkenau, Sobibor,
Theresienstadt, and Bergen-Belsen.
September 3, 1944: The eight prisoners are transported in a sealed cattle car
to Auschwitz. This is the last transport ever to leave Westerbork.
Hermann van Pels is gassed on September 6, 1944.
Official German Transport List
includes the names of the Frank family
Transport list, dated September 3, 1944
October 6, 1944: Anne and Margot Frank are sent to Bergen-Belsen
concentration camp in Germany.
The Journey of Anne Frank
1929 -1945
Map: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Auschwitz Concentration Camp Complex
The Auschwitz concentration
camp complex was the largest of
its kind established by the Nazi
regime near the Polish city of
Oswiecim. It included three main
camps, Auschwitz I, Auschwitz II
(Birkenau) and Auschwitz III (also
called Auschwitz-Monowitz).
Auschwitz II (Birkenau) contained
the facilities for a killing center and
played a central role in the
German plan to kill the Jews of
January 6, 1945: Edith Frank dies
at Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Photo: USHMM
Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp
February or March 1945: Anne and Margot
Frank die at the Bergen-Belsen concentration
camp within days of each other.
Located in northern Germany, Bergen-Belsen
was transformed from a prisoner exchange camp
into a concentration camp in March 1944. Poor
sanitary conditions, epidemics, and starvation
led to deaths of thousands.
Female prisoners at Bergen-Belsen
Bergen-Belsen, Today
Photo: Anne Frank Museum
The End of the War
January 27, 1945: Otto Frank is liberated
from Auschwitz by the Russian Army. He is
taken first to Odessa and then to France
before he is allowed to make his way back
to Amsterdam.
May 1945: Peter van Pels dies in
May 7, 1945: Germany surrenders, and the
war ends in Europe.
Peter van Pels
Spring 1945: Mrs. van Pels dies in
Theresienstadt concentration camp in
June 3, 1945: Otto Frank arrives in
Amsterdam, where he is reunited with
Miep and Jan Gies. He concentrates on
finding the whereabouts of Anne and
July 18, 1945, he meets the Brilleslijper
sisters who witnessed Anne and
Margot’s deaths in Bergen-Belsen.
Otto Frank revisiting the hiding place
Anne’s Writings
Photo: Anne Frank Museum
“I didn’t hand [Otto] Anne’s writings immediately on his arrival, as I still
hoped, even though there was only a slight chance, that Anne would
come back…When we heard in July 1945, that Anne, like Margot, had
died in Bergen-Belsen, I gave what pieces of Anne’s writing I had back
to Mr. Frank. I gave him everything I had stored in the desk drawer in
my office.” -Miep Gies
• Otto Frank reads and puts
together Anne’s diary, though
he feels the diary is perhaps
“too private” he does agree to
have it published.
• April 3, 1946: An article in Het
Parool discusses Anne’s diary.
• Summer 1947: Fifteen thousand
copies of Anne’s diary are
published by Contact Publishers
in Amsterdam.
• 1951 the diary is translated into
Photo: Anne Frank Museum
• 1952 Anne’s diary is published in the United States under the title;
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl.
• It does not become a best seller until after the stage adaptation is
produced around the world.
The Diary is Adapted for Stage and Screen.
The stage adaptation,
The Diary of Anne Frank, opens
on Broadway, October 5, 1955
and wins the Pulitzer Prize and a
Tony award.
A film adaptation of the play was
released in 1959 and won three
Academy Awards.
Original poster from the 1959 film.
Anne Frank House
In January of 1956 the house
Anne and her family hid in was
scheduled for demolition.
May 3,1957 The house at 263
Prinsengracht officially becomes
the Anne Frank House. Preserving
it for future generations.
Opening The Anne Frank Museum 1960
Photo: Anne Frank Museum
In 1960 it opened its doors as a
museum and welcomed over
9,000 visitors in its first year.
August 19, 1980: Otto Frank dies in Switzerland.
The Friends
Photo: Anne Frank Museum
Thursday, November 19, 1942
“I get frightened myself when I
think of my closest friends who
are now at the mercy of the
cruelest monsters ever to stalk
the earth.”
“And all because they’re Jews.”
-Anne Frank
Anne with Her Girlfriends
From left to right: Hanneli Goslar, Anne Frank, Dolly Citroen, Hannah Toby,
Barbara Ledermann and Sanne Ledermann.
Hannah (Hanneli) Goslar
Saturday, November 27, 1943
“Yesterday evening, before I fell asleep, who should suddenly
appear before my eyes but Lies! I saw her in front of me, clothed in
rags, her face thin and worn. Her eyes were very big and she
looked so sadly and reproachfully at me that I could read in her
eyes: ‘Oh, Anne, why have you deserted me? Help, oh, help me,
rescue me from this hell!’ And I cannot help her, I can only look on,
how others suffer and die, and can only pray to God to send her
back to us.”
–Anne Frank
Hannah Goslar with Anne in 1939
Lies is Hanneli Goslar
Photo: From the book, Memories of Anne Frank , Alison Gold 1999
A Friend to the End
Hannah Goslar had known Anne since the
age of four. It was Hannah who spoke to
Anne at Bergen Belsen through the barbed
wire fence separating the sides of the camp.
Anne had told Hannah that she feared that
her parents were dead and that Margot was
very ill.
Hannah tried to get Anne food by throwing
packages over the fence. Hannah was
shipped out of Bergen Belsen and never
saw Anne again.
Hannah’s story was published in 1997 and
she appeared in the documentary Anne
Frank Remembered.
Photo: From the book, Memories of Anne Frank , Alison Gold 1999
Jacqueline Sanders-van Maarsen
June 14, 1942
Jacqueline today and in 1943.
“ I only met Jacqueline van
Maarsen when I started
school at the Jewish Lyceum,
and now she is my best
-Anne Frank
“I often think back to that little girl who became the famous Anne Frank, to the times I am stopped on the
street and asked where the Anne Frank House is, and to how it feels when I see her name in the newspaper
or on television. It often strikes me as ironic to hear heads of state and other important people quoting Anne
in their speeches, because Anne had such a desire to be famous.”
Jacqueline van Maarsen, Anne Frank Magazine - 2001
Anne Wins an Academy Award
In 1996 Director Jon Blair and
Miep Gies accept the Oscar for
Best documentary film,
Anne Frank Remembered.
"In this city of celluloid heroes,
Miep Gies is a true hero.“
–Jon Blair
The audience gives them
a standing ovation.
The International Movie Database
New Pages Discovered
In 1998 five more pages of
Anne’s diary are discovered and
cause controversy due to the
nature of Anne’s comments about
her parents’ marriage.
Photos: Anne Frank Museum
The pages are included in new
versions of the diary.
Who Betrayed the Frank Family?
Photo: Anne Frank Museum
• On August 4, 1944, S.S. official
Karl Joseph Silberbauer and three
Dutch collaborators came to the
Prinsengracht 263, where the
Frank family was in hiding.
• The police arrived and demanded
to be taken to the Jews in hiding
and were taken straight to the
“Secret Annex.”
Karl Joseph Silberbauer
• Silberbauer told investigators after
the war that he could not say who
alerted the Nazis to the Frank
The Suspects
Over the years three main suspects for the
betrayal of Anne Frank emerged: Wim van
Maaren, an employee of Otto Frank; Lena
Hartog-Van Bladeren, a cleaning lady in the
office and Anthon “Tonny” Ahlers, a committed
Nazi who was also a petty thief who once
blackmailed Otto Frank.
Anne and her sister Margot at the beach
After extensive research in 2003, historians of
the Dutch War Documentation Institute (NIOD)
concluded that we will probably never know who
betrayed Anne Frank.
“The conclusion of our inquiry is that we do not
consider any of the three suspects to be a likely
candidate for the role of betrayer,” the historians
2004: Anne is one of 200 people
nominated for the title “Greatest
Dutch Person’.” She died a
stateless citizen in 1945 in the
German concentration camp
2004: The makers of the TV
program “The Greatest Dutch
Person” want to have Anne Frank
posthumously naturalized.
2004: The Ministry of Justice
makes it known that the law does
not allow posthumous Dutch
Postage Stamp: Israel
A Beloved Chestnut Tree
In the Diary of Anne Frank, young Anne rhapsodized about looking out of the house
where she was in hiding and seeing, “the blue sky and the chestnut tree, on whose
branches little raindrops shine.”
In 2006 the chestnut tree was
attacked by a fungus and was
scheduled to be cut down.
It’s a tribute to the power of
her writing that many have
tried to save the 150-year-old
As of January 2009 the tree
still stands, while
conservationists try to save it.
Anne Frank often looked from the attic window at the chestnut tree behind the secret annex. She wrote about it in
her diary. Photo: Anne Frank Museum
The Hatred Continues
Five convicted of burning Anne Frank's diary
March 2007: A court in Eastern
Germany sentenced five men
to fines and nine months
probation for burning a copy of
the diary of Holocaust victim
Anne Frank during a solstice
ceremony that glorified Nazi
US Citizenship
• 2007, New York
congressman, Christopher
Bodkin sponsored a bill to
grant, posthumously,
honorary U.S. citizenship
to Anne Frank.
• It would be a fitting way to
acknowledge the failure of
the United States and
almost all democracies to
grant refuge to her and
more than 6 million other
victims of Hitler’s
New Letters Come to Light
Photo: Anne Frank Museum
In 2007 letters, along with documents
and records from various agencies
that helped people emigrate from
Europe, were released by the YIVO
Institute for Jewish Research, a New
York City-based institution that
focuses on the history and culture of
Eastern European Jews.
The group discovered the Anne Frank
file among 100,000 other Holocaust
related documents.
The documents show that Anne
Frank's father tried to arrange U.S.
visas for his family before they went
into hiding but his efforts were
hampered when Allied and Axis
countries tightened immigration
The Letter
Otto Frank also sent desperate letters to friends and family in the United
States pleading for help with immigration costs as the family tried to escape
the Nazi-occupied Netherlands.
Otto Frank asks Nathan Straus for help getting out of Europe in 1941.
Photo BBC
Document Otto Frank trying to get visas to Spain
AFP/Getty Images
"I would not ask if conditions here would not force me to do all I can in time
to be able to avoid worse," Otto Frank wrote to his college friend Nathan
Straus in April 1941.
"It is for the sake of the children mainly that we have to care for. Our own
fate is of less importance."
More Documents Found
“Holocaust Archive Revealed through the Lens of Richard Ehrlich” an exhibition, opens in
2008 and includes photos of Anne Frank’s transfer papers to Bergen-Belsen.
A series of 52 photographs taken by
Richard Ehrlich at the Holocaust
Archives at the International Tracing
Service in Bad Arolsen, Germany,
illustrating the staggering bureaucracy of
the Nazi regime.
MSNBC Photo Bad Arolsen Archives
The archives were closed to the public
for over 60 years and hold over 50
million pages of documents about
individuals persecuted during the
Restoring the Walls
From left to right: Otto Frank, Albert Hackett and Frances Goodrich (the creators of the stage
adaptation), and Garson Kanin, its director (1954).
In August of 2008, 59 photos including pictures of film stars, children and artworks
cut from the pages of Libelle women’s magazine that Anne Frank stuck up on the
walls of her room in the ‘Secret Annex’ have been restored in Amsterdam and are
now on display.
Also restored are the lines that Otto Frank drew on the wall to mark the growth of
his daughters Anne and Margot, and the map of Normandy on which he followed
the allied invasion.
The Legacy of Anne Frank
I was able to save Anne’s diary and thus make her greatest wish come true.
“I want to be useful or give pleasure to the people around me yet who don’t really
know me,” she wrote in her diary on March 25, 1944, about a year before her
death. And on May 11 she noted; “You’ve known for a long time that my greatest
wish is to become a journalist someday and later on a famous writer.” Through her
diary, Anne lives on. She stands for the triumph of the spirit over evil
and death.”
-Miep Gies, Amsterdam 1998
Meip Gies Nears 100
On February 15, 2009 Miep Gies will
turn 100 years old.
Without Miep the world would never
have known Anne Frank.
She still works to keep Anne's memory
alive by speaking and answering
thousands of letters she receives from
students all over the world.
Miep Gies,2001. Photo: Bettina Flitner.
A new website has been dedicated in
her honor at
the English version will be activated on
her birthday.
Remembering Anne Frank
Anne Frank died at age 15 in a
concentration camp, but her diary
survived to tell the story that has
shaped the world's image of the
Anne Frank would be celebrating
her 80th birthday on June 12, 2009
if she had lived.
Anne will forever live on in the
memories of millions of people
around the world through
literature, art and film and the
diary that made her famous.
Remembering Anne Frank: A Time Line of Events Yesterday and Today
Anne in sandbox. Photo: Anne Frank Museum
Sources: Anne Frank House /Museum, Anne Frank Center, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Anne Frank
Remembered by Miep Gies and Alison Leslie Gold, Anne Frank Remembered DVD, Anne Frank The Diary of a Young Girl ,
Anne Frank the Biography by Melissa Muller and Reflections of a Childhood Friend: Memories of Anne Frank by Alison Leslie
Gold, Anne Frank in the World.
Most comprehensive web site for Anne Frank: Anne Frank House/ Museum
Tennessee Holocaust Commission
2417 West End Avenue, Nashville, TN 37221
Phone: 615-343-2563 Fax: 615-343-8355
©2009 Tennessee Holocaust Commission
For classroom use only! Not for sale. Do not Copy.