Annex B WDA.TPDD.24.12.13.C.V1 5-YEAR PROJECT PROPOSAL OUTLINE For The Appointment Of Public Training Organisations For Generic Manufacturing Skills Workforce Skills Qualifications Framework Interested Training Providers (Proposers) are invited to submit a proposal detailing the following: a) b) Organizational & Corporate Governance Structure i. Registration with ACRA ii. Board of Directors, their roles and written profile of each member iii. Mission & vision iv. Organizational chart, constitution, organisation size and turnover v. Short write-up on the management’s roles and responsibilities in translating the corporate goals into operating plans that guide and facilitate day-to-day activities and tasks vi. Listing of subsidiaries associated / affiliated to organisation vii. Compliance with local regulatory bodies (e.g. Council for Private Education, ACRA, MOM) viii. Significant achievements & awards in areas such as EduTrust Certification Scheme, Business Excellence Schemes, International Organization for Standardization ix. System & processes to ensure training quality including a culture of continuous improvement Training Facility, Capacity & Curriculum i. For each selected course, proposers should have an existing training capacity and evidence of capacity to deliver the committed minimum capacity every year, over 5 years. In the event whereby current training capacity does not meet the committed minimum capacity, training providers should submit a ramp up plan to reach the “committed minimum capacity.. Refer to section c) for more details on the ramp up plan. ii. For each selected course, list the annual training headcount achieved (if applicable), the committed minimum training capacity and the estimated maximum training capacity. For example: Page 1 Annex B Table 1: Example of Information on Training Capacity from Proposers Per Annum No Module Title Committed Estimated Estimated Minimum Maximum Training Training Capacity Training Demand (Headcount) per Capacity (Headcount) per annum (Headcount) per Annum annum 4300 1 Supervise Safe Lifting 300 400 Operations 2 Perform rigger signalman tasks and 800 950 27000 3 Operate Vertical 300 Personnel Platform 600 1200 4 Operate Boon Lift 300 1000 9800 5 Operate Scissor Lift 500 950 14000 c) iii. Proposers must have evidence of capability to operate and manage a training institution that accepts general public registrations, other than corporate clientele. iv. Proposers must possess adequate training and assessment facilities (please provide details such as location, training capacity, number of classrooms and set-up including photographs). v. Proposers must provide information on current repertoire of course offerings over the last three years: range & variety, courseware/programme designs, course duration, course fee, frequency of course intakes and number of trainees trained. Please refer to Annex B – Appendix I. vi. Proposers should be able to show evidence of innovative training design, delivery and/or assessment strategies including the use of blended learning (which may include but not limited to e-learning based training); use of homebased learning materials; and flexible class scheduling particularly for adult workers with erratic work schedules. vii. Proposers should be able to show capabilities in developing WSQ courseware. These documents will include LG, TG, WSQ Assessment Plans (SAP)). viii. Proposers should include plans for pedagogical innovation to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of training and assessment. Implementation plan (which includes minimum of two (2) selected modules for delivery, ramp up, marketing and outreach plans) i. For each selected course where the Annual training capacity is short of the “Committed annual training capacity” (see example from Table 1), please Page 2 Annex B include the ramp up plan to reach the expected capacity, i.e. how and when can the ramp up be achieved within the first year of appointment. ii. d) e) f) Credentials, Experience and Track Record i. Proposers should possess evidence of having at least three years of experience in offering training related to WSQ or other related WSH training. Please provide a current list and track record of conducting training achievements over the last three years outlined in Annex B – Appendix I (if applicable). ii. Proposers should provide a record of their corporate clientele and market penetration, specifying details on the respective organisation profiles and industry sectors. iii. Proposers should provide credentials and curriculum vitae of your Adult Educators (trainers, assessors and curriculum developers) who will be developing and delivering WSQ courses under GMS WSQ. Please also indicate the number of ACTA1 or DACE2-certified Adult Educators in the team and whether these are full-time or part-time employees. iv. Proposers should provide any other credentials or proven track record that supports the delivery of WSQ or WSH related courses. Adult Educator Management System (Recruitment, Induction, Performance Management and Continuous Development) i. Proposer must possess a HR system to ensure qualified Adult Educators (AEs) are recruited and inducted. Evidence of the system such as Letter of Offers or Employment Contract/Agreements with the AEs must be submitted. ii. Proposer must possess a HR system to monitor, appraise and manage performance of adult educators. iii. Proposer must possess a HR system to train and develop adult educators. Evidence such as training needs analysis, training plan or training roadmap must be submitted. Learner Records Management i. 1 2 Implementation should also include the proposed marketing and outreach strategies, e.g. advertising in the print media and newspapers, course previews and career fairs, etc. Proposers should provide details on learner support and administration system for monitoring post training outcomes. The system should capture preenrolment screening, trainees’ registration details, trainees’ attendance, course fees paid, training outcomes, availability of WSQ e-Cert and its distribution (if ACTA: Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment DACE: Diploma in Adult and Continuing Education Page 3 Annex B applicable), employment status before and after training and any other information. ii. g) Proposers should have in place procedures to maintain confidentiality of learner records. Financial Practices & Business Viability Proposers should provide evidence of company’s past three years of certified/audited financial statements in accordance to the Singapore Financial Reporting Standards (FRS) and should include: h) i) i. Income & Expenditure Statement ii. Cash flow statement iii. Balance Sheet iv. Credit rating (if available) Course Fee Pricing And Strategy For Modules Under GMS WSQ Framework i. Proposers must provide a quotation of course fees for the delivery of the selected GMS WSQ modules (listed under Table 1) as well as the target training places per year over the 5-year appointment period, based on the template provided in Annex B: Appendix II. ii. A comprehensive programme evaluation framework (e.g. Kirkpatrick’s four levels of evaluation) that addresses outcomes for both individuals (selfsponsored and employer-sponsored) as well as organisations. Any Other plans and proposals planned to be undertaken to meet the requirements stipulated (if any) Proposers should provide any other details that would be useful for assessing the company’s suitability to undertake the project in reference but not limited to the evaluation criteria as stipulated in this Call for Proposal. All Call for Proposal applications submitted will be reviewed by WDA for suitability. WDA’s decision is final. Page 4 Annex B APPENDIX I LIST OF CURRENT COURSE OFFERINGS (where applicable) Course/Programme Title (Please indicate if it’s WSQ) CU Code (If it is a WSQ course) WSQ Accreditation Approval Date ((If it is a WSQ course) Eg1. Apply 5S Techniques (WSQ) MF-COM-101C2 01 Sep 2010 Eg2. Project Management NA NA S/N No.s of Trainees Trained over the Course Duration Frequency of Course intakes Delivery Method Course Fee 2012: 50 2013: 300 2014:250 8.0hrs Once a month Training and Assessment $150 2012: 50 2013: 50 2014: 300 48.0hrs Once a Quarter Training Only $1000 last THREE years Page 5 Annex B APPENDIX II PROPOSED COURSE FEES OF GENERIC MANUFACTURING SKILLS WSQ COURSES TO BE DELIVERED S/N Eg1. Eg 2. Competency Unit (CU) Title* Proposed training places / SOAs in Year 1 Proposed Course Fee (per pax, excl. GST) in Year 1 Proposed training places / SOAs in Year 2 Proposed Course Fee (per pax, excl. GST) in Year 2 Proposed training places / SOAs in Year 3 Proposed Course Fee (per pax, excl. GST) in Year 3 Proposed training places / SOAs in Year 4 Proposed Course Fee (per pax, excl. GST) in Year 4 Proposed training places / SOAs in Year 5 Proposed Course Fee (per pax, excl. GST) in Year 5 Supervise Safe Lifting Operations Perform rigger and signalman tasks Operate Platform Vertical Personnel Eg 3. Operate Boon Lift Eg 4. Operate Scissor Lift Eg 5. Total xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx *The delivery mode of all the CUs will be via the Training and Assessment method. Page 6