Annex C Three-year Business Plan ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Proposers must submit their three-year business plan in the following format (all fields are compulsory and must be completed). Supporting documents may be attached where relevant. S/N 1. 2. Item Organizational and Corporate Governance Structure Proposed Training and Consulting Capability Development Plan Description To be completed by Proposer a. Corporate profile b. Mission and Vision c. Board of Directors, their roles and written profile of each member d. Organizational chart (including details on the dedicated team responsible for managing the Project), constitution, organization size and turnover e. Short write-up on the management’s roles and responsibilities in translating the corporate goals into operating plans that guide and facilitate day-to-day activities and tasks f. Short write-up on the individual’s roles and responsibilities for each of the member in the dedicated team that is managing the Project g. Listing of subsidiaries associated / affiliated to organization h. Compliance with local regulatory bodies (e.g. Council for Private Education, ACRA) a. To specify whether applying as a CETC or PP and the Thrust selected (if submitting as PP) b. Organization’s business approach to meeting the 3 Thrusts (or selected Thrusts if PP) by leveraging on the Service Excellence Competency Framework c. Organization’s value proposition and/or competitive Annex C S/N Item Description advantage for the Project (e.g. on-going and/or future collaborations to provide articulation pathways, credit exemptions and/or other forms of recognition for, or alignment with Service Excellence WSQ courses/qualifications and/or non-WSQ leadership programmes with strategic alliances such as reputable local and/or overseas academic, leadership institutes, thought leaders and/or professional certification/accreditation bodies, etc) d. Organization’s proposal to work with companies (especially Small and Medium Enterprises) to adopt the Service Excellence Competency Framework as part of their company total training plan for the different workforce level (i.e. C-suites, PMEs and RnFs) Training & Consulting Plan e. Organization’s training and consulting philosophy f. Rationale for its proposed list of programmes as proposed in Annex D. Note: For CETC submission, the Proposer must be able to develop at least 50% of the Competency Units and 1 WSQ Qualification under the Service Excellence Competency Framework, and deliver at least 12,000 training places over the Project duration. For PP submission, the Proposer has the option to offer targeted programmes or modules under the Service Excellence Competency Framework and must be able to deliver at least 5,000 (for PP offering WSQ and non-WSQ programmes), and 1,000 (for PP offering only non-WSQ programmes) training places over the Project duration. To be completed by Proposer Annex C S/N Item Description To be completed by Proposer Curriculum Design g. Curriculum design approach i.e. appropriate and/or innovative training design, delivery and/or assessment strategies1 which may include the following: Mobile learning Blended learning Workplace learning strategies Work-based on-site-bite-size learning strategies Flexible class scheduling to cater to adult learners’ work schedules Stimulations, videos and case studies h. Ability to provide contextualized training to meet targeted workforce segments e.g. C-suites, PMEs and RnFs i. Strategy to ensure a culture of continuous improvements in curriculum design and development (e.g. continuous improvement plans to equip trainers, developers and consultants, and to introduce the innovative and latest pedagogy in service curriculum development, delivery and assessment under the Service Excellence Competency Framework) Training Facilities and Capacity 1 j. Facilities for training delivery under the Project (e.g. accessibility of training centre or programme venue, number of classrooms, floor area allocation for classrooms and setup, classroom capacity and training equipments) k. Evidence of capability to accommodate the target training places specified for the Project duration These could include plans for innovation in the form of infrastructure design, courseware design, training methods or assessment methodologies. Annex C S/N 3. Item Description To be completed by Proposer Outcomes Tracking and Records Management a. Organization’s systems and processes to ensure proper learner records management and maintaining the confidentiality of learner records. The system should capture: i. Pre-enrolment screening ii. Trainees’ registration details iii. Trainees’ attendance iv. Course fees payment records v. Training outcomes based on Annex B vi. Issuance of SOAs/Certificates (if applicable) vii. Employment applicable) status before and after training (if viii. Any other information b. Organization’s systems and processes to ensure accurate tracking of impact and outcomes of the 3 Key Thrusts (or selected Thrusts if PP) while leveraging on the Service Excellence Competency Framework. The system should capture the training and consulting effectiveness through a comprehensive programme evaluation framework (e.g. Kirkpatrick’s four levels of evaluation) to achieve outcomes for both employer-sponsored trainees and self-sponsored trainees, and organization 4. Industry & Marketing Outreach Plan a. Marketing and outreach strategies to innovatively engage companies and individuals to achieve the objectives of the 3 Key Thrusts (or selected Thrusts if PP) by leveraging on the Service Excellence Competency Framework b. Plans to market Service Excellence Competency Framework to organizations and target audience e.g. C-suites, PMEs and RnFs Annex C S/N 5. Item Description Credentials, Experience and Track Record a. Track record of the domain knowledge, experience, qualifications and expertise needed to develop and deliver the programmes proposed in 2(f) b. Significant achievements and/or quality awards (e.g. CPE registration, EduTrust Certifications, Business Excellence Schemes and Singapore Quality Class) c. Information on the current offering of Service Excellence WSQ courses, including training achievements over the last three years outline in Annex F (if applicable) d. To specify whether the organization is currently appointed as Approved Training Organization (ATO), PP or CET-C for other WSQ frameworks. If yes, please specify the duration for appointment and the latest result from the Continuous Improvement Review (CIR) conducted by WDA (if applicable) e. Testimonials from clients including companies and individuals f. Track record on the types of non-WSQ leadership programmes conducted (e.g. C-suite symposium and management workshops), participants profiles, and the outcome of the programmes (if applicable) g. Credentials and Curriculum Vitae (CV) of Adults Educators (curriculum developers, assessors and trainers) and consultants who will be developing and delivering the programmes under the Service Excellence Competency Framework h. Specify the number of current and expected ACTA (WSQ Advanced Certificate in Training and Development) and/or DACE (WSQ Diploma in Adult and Continuing Education certified) Adult Educators in the team and whether these are full-time, part-time employees or adjunct faculty. i. Any other credentials and/or information that support the delivery of programmes under the Service Excellence To be completed by Proposer Annex C S/N Item Description Competency Framework 6. Prices Costing and a. Proposers are required to give a Proposed List of Service Excellence Programmes with its course fees based on Annex D. b. Based on the overall Project Plan, Proposers are required to give a breakdown of the costs related to the implementation of the Project, such as monthly rental of space (including GST payable), utilities, staff costs and salaries, curriculum enhancement costs, trainers capability building costs, training materials, marketing costs, profit margins and any other related costs to be used for the delivery of its training programmes over the Project duration. Please refer to Annex E. 7. 8. Financial Practices and Business Viability Others a. Organization’s past 3 years of certified/audited financial statements in accordance to the Singapore Financial Reporting Standards (FRS) and should include: i. Income & Expenditure Statement; ii. Cash Flow Statement; and iii. Balance Sheet a. Any other documents or plans to be undertaken by the organization within the Project duration that would value add to the submission. The information provided may not necessary be limited to the evaluation criteria stipulated in this Call for Proposal. To be completed by Proposer