(Name) Project
Business Case
The business case is used to document the justification for undertaking the project. It’s based
on a comparison of the estimated costs (of development, implementation, and ongoing
maintenance and operations of a change) against the anticipated benefits to be gained.
Executive summary
Highlights the key points in the business case, which should include important benefits and the
return on investment (ROI).
Defines the reasons for undertaking the project and explains how the project will enable the
achievement of corporate strategies and objectives.
Business options
The options considered and the benefits and dis-benefits for each are considered at Annex A.
This shows that the recommended option is Option 2.
Over which the project will run (summary of the project plan) and the period over which the
benefits will be realised.
Key Stakeholders
Gives a note of the stakeholders likely to be interested in the Project.
Provide a summary of the project costs (may be identified from tasks within the project plan)
and the ongoing operations and maintenance/policy delivery costs taken from the detailed costs
which should be shown in an Annex.
Investment appraisal
Compares the benefits to the costs. The objective is to be able to define the value of a project
as an investment.
Major risks
Gives a summary of the risks with the likely impact and the plans should they occur.
Version: Draft/Final/Date?
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PPM-CoE Template
(Name) Project
Annex A
Consideration of Options
Analysis and reasoned recommendation for the business options of: do nothing; do the minimal; do something.
No Option
Do nothing
(the status quo should always
be included as an option)
Do minimum
Do something
the option
Expected Benefits
Expected Disbenefits
Benefits to be
delivered expressed
in measurable terms.
Outcomes perceived
as negative
Reasons for
acceptance/rejection - can
refer to Option Appraisal
Sheet (include as an
Version: Draft/Final/Date?
2 of 2
PPM-CoE Template
Study collections