SPA AGM 2014 - Speech Pathology Australia

Victorian Annual
General Meeting
Wednesday 26th November, 2014
Welcome and Apologies
Presentation from Guest Speakers:
 Cathy Olsson: NDIS
 Gail Mulcair: Senate Inquiry
2014 Victorian Branch update and achievements
Election of Victorian Branch Executive for 2015
Change in Branch Structure
Old Branch Structure:
 Meetings occurred once a month for up to 2 hours
 Members included:
 President
 Vice President
 Secretary/Treasurer
 University Representative
 Student Representatives from each University year level
 Portfolio leaders for Scientific Affairs, Public Affairs, Professional
Standards, PWG, Continuing Professional Development, Mentoring
(Adults and Paediatric Leaders), Rural and Regional, DEECD, and
2014 Branch Structure
Executive Team
- Chair
- Vice Chair
- Secretary/Treasurer
- University Reps
- Student coordinator
- Working group leaders
- Mentoring
Lobbying and
Key Business Areas
Increasing member engagement / Public Affairs.
Aim: To increase the relationship between Victorian members,
the community and the Victorian Branch to ensure that Branch
activities are focused on the priorities of members.
Lobbying and Influencing
Aim: To highlight the needs of Victorian Speech Pathologists
and service users to the State Government and Opposition.
Continuing Professional Development, EBP and Research
Aim: To ensure our members remain up to date with the latest
research and education.
2014 Achievements
Orientation Manual was reviewed and updated
Lobbying Platform was created in conjunction with National Office:
 Accountability for how schools use their "Language Support Program"
Wine and Cheese nights held at University of Melbourne and La
Trobe University to Welcome Graduating speech pathologists to the
Participation in ICP promotion
2014 Achievements
Health Sector Leadership Program
 Congratulations to Charmaine Tu, Pamela Thuan, Kaye Kingham and
Amanda Siminato
2014 Achievements
Member engagement events were held with great success including:
 Member Welcome event
 Speech Pathology Week Trivia Night
2014 Achievements
Pregnancy, babies and Children’s expo
A special thanks to all those who assisted in making the Speech
Pathology Australia stand such a success.
Jenny Elliot
Di Lam
Clare Burns
Jacqueline Armstrong
Michelle Mackenzie
Giulia Roberts
Pembe Irgat Kadir
Jacinta Smyth
Rose Ward
Charmaine Tu
Lily Luu
Katherine Sanchez
Daphne Machado
Paige Marshall
Erin White
Rachel McDermott
Leah Paice
Eve Jongebloed
Briony Fowler
Megan Sceriha
Erika Hazi
Erin De Winter
Caitlin Stephenson
Kristen Moore
Lisa Furlong
Sarah Finegan
Claire Samphier
Kaye Kingham
Alice Crook
Jessica Boyce
Belinda Negro
2014 Victorian Branch
Executive Team
Vice Chair:
Member Engagement:
University of Melbourne:
La Trobe University:
Student Coordinator:
Jessica Andrianakis
Charmaine Tu
Jane-Elise Cherry
Kaye Kingham
Amanda Siminato
Ruth Nicholls and Pamela Thuan
Ruth Nicholls
Sue Block
Diane Jacobs
Paige Marshall
2014 Victorian Branch
Student Representatives:
 La Trobe University:
 University of Melbourne:
 ACU:
Leah Paice, Erin De Winter, Amelia
Torr and Christina Barber
Alice Crook, Julia Greco, Danielle
Swinnerton, and Jaclyn Georgiou
Roshni Kaur and Kaylah Di Pladico
Lobbying Working Group Members:
 Gillian Dickman
 Charmaine Tu
 Kathryn Potter
 Laura Voigt
 Robyn Stephen
2014 Victorian Branch
Member Engagement:
Erin De Winter
Jenny Elliot
Leah Paice
Paige Marshall
Alice Crook
Julia Greco
Cara Di Roberto
Maryl Lai
Danielle Swinnerton
Jaclyn Georgiou
Christina Barber
Amelia Torr
Genevieve Yip
Orientation Working Party
 Jane-Elise Cherry
 Charmaine Tu
 Sue Block
2015 Branch Structure
Member Networking Event
Member Engagement
Executive Team
Vice Chair
University Representatives
Student Coordinator
Working Party Leaders.
SPW Trivia Night
Pregnancy, Babies and
Children's exp
Lobbying and Influencing
Student Engagement
How to get involved
Lead an event for the member engagement working group
Be a member of the member engagement working group or lobbying
Nominate a project for 2015 and lead or become a member of the
working party
You no longer need to commit to 12 months but instead for the
duration of a project. Some projects can last for as little as 2 months.
Election of the Victorian
Branch Executive
Given the changes to the new branch structure with removal of official
portfolios, and only one nomination received for each position, all
positions are elected unopposed.
2015 Branch Executive
2015 Executive
Branch Chair:
Vice Chair:
Secretary / Treasurer:
University of Melbourne:
La Trobe University:
Student Coordinator:
Member Engagement:
Jessica Andrianakis
Charmaine Tu
Jane-Elise Cherry
Elaina Kefalianos
Sue Block
Diane Jacobs
Hannah Stark
Amanda Siminato
Kaye Kingham
Linda Crisci & Kate Bridgman
2015 Working Group Members
Thank you to those who have signed up to be a part of a working
Laura Voigt
Ruth Nicholls
Pamela Thuan
Erin De Winter
Jenny Elliot
Julia Greco
Roshni Kaur
Jaclyn Georgiou
Danielle Swinnerton
To those stepping down from their roles
 Ruth Nicholls
 Pamela Thuan
 Paige Marshall
Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to the Victorian
If anyone is interested in being involved in a project or with the
executive team in 2015, please contact me at (email also available on SPA Vic
Branch website)
Members are welcome to come to a branch meeting to hear more
about what we do
Any questions?
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to
the work of the Victorian Branch during 2014
Thank you
Thanks for coming, Merry Christmas, Happy
New Year and here’s to a great year for Vic
Branch in 2015!!