Roman Achievements PPT

Greco-Roman Civilization
• Romans borrowed ideas from the Greeks.
• Romans believed that Greek art, literature,
philosophy, and scientific genius were above others.
• Blending of Greek, Hellenistic (Greek, Persian,
Egyptian, Indian), and Roman culture = Greco-Roman
Latin Language
• Latin was the spoken and
written language of Rome.
Many forms of literature—poetry, histories,
fictional stories, and dramas—were written
in Latin.
Latin could be understood throughout the
Empire, and it became the
language of the Roman
Catholic church.
• Latin greatly influenced the
vocabulary of many
languages. The English word
“justice,” for instance, comes
from the Latin word “jus”
meaning law.
This same Latin root is also found in the
French word “justice,” the Italian word
“giustizia,” and the Spanish word, “justicia.”
Roman Religion
• Romans were initially polytheistic and required that
conquered people show respect for their gods.
• During the Pax Romana, Christianity began and
spread along the roads and trade routes throughout
the Roman Empire.
• Early Christians were persecuted for their beliefs –
some became martyrs who sacrificed themselves for
their beliefs.
Spread of Christianity
In early Roman times, Christianity, a new
religion, was one of many religions.
o Christians were persecuted (legally
punished) because they refused to
worship the Roman gods and
o Many Christians were tortured and
executed and became martyrs
(people who suffer or die for their
o Some were used as human torches,
while others, as pictured above, were
sent to the Circus Maximus arena to
battle and be devoured by lions.
o The attempts by Roman authorities to
eliminate Christianity backfired.
o People in the Roman Empire were so
impressed by the faith of the martyrs
that they converted to Christianity in
large numbers.
o By A.D. 395, Christianity was declared
the official religion of the Roman
Empire and rapidly spread across the
Roman world.
Roman Sculpture
• Created realistic
portraits in stone.
• Bas-relief : images
project from a flat
o Used to tell stories
o Represent people,
soldiers, landscape
Roman Mosaics
• Mosaics were
pictures or designs
made by setting
small pieces of
stone, glass, or tile
onto surface.
Roman Frescoes
• Most wealthy Romans
had large, bright murals,
called frescoes, painted
directly on their walls.
Roman villa – home of wealthy
Roman Engineering
• Romans excelled in
the practical arts of
building and
perfecting their
engineering skills
Roman Architecture
• Romans emphasized
grandeur to show
power and dignity.
Development of the Dome
Romans learned how to use
columns and arches from both
the Etruscans ad the Greeks, two
groups that settled in Italy before
Roman civilization developed.
The Romans improved on design
of arches by inventing the dome,
a roof formed by rounded
Once Romans learned to use
concrete, they were able to mold
the domes on the ground. After
the walls and columns of a
building were constructed, the
dome was hoisted into position
on the top of a building. This
achievement allowed architects
to build enormous structures using
Today domed buildings, like the
Arizona State Capitol and
Montana Capitol building shown
here, appear in many parts of the
Development of Aqueducts
• The need for a water
supply in cities led Romans
to build aqueducts.
• Aqueducts, canal-like
concrete structures,
brought water from springs,
wells, and distant lakes to
people in cities.
• In order to supply drinking
water to the Roman
people, aqueducts
tunneled through
mountains and crossed
• Here we see an illustration
of interconnected systems
of aqueducts in ancient
• People became aware of
the need for cleanliness –
took back to their own
• A temple to all
the Roman
One of the greatest
feats of Roman
Colossus – gigantic
Home of gladiator
fights, to animal hunts
Circus Maximus
Roman Aqueducts
• Bridgelike
structures carried
water from
mountains into cities.
Roman Roads
Constructed throughout the Roman
Empire, over 52,000 miles
Were effective in helping to move the
army from place to place, and trade within
the empire.
Example of how people
adapt to their
Via Appia
All roads lead to Rome!
Roman Law
• Most lasting and widespread contribution
• Laws were fair and applied equally to all people.
o All persons had the right to equal treatment under
the law.
o Innocent until proven guilty
o The burden of proof lies with the accuser, not the
o A person should be punished for actions, not for
o Guilt must be established “clearer than daylight”
through evidence.
• These laws became the basis for legal systems in
Europe and Latin America
Republican Form of Government
• Rome’s form of government
influenced other societies.
• In 509 B.C., Rome set up a
republic-a government in
which citizens vote to
choose their leaders.
By about 275 B.C., no single class of
people dominated the
Rather, the government was partly
a monarchy (ruled by a king),
partly an aristocracy (ruled by
nobles, as was the Roman senate),
and partly a democracy
(government by the people).
In the picture above, we see a
Roman leader speaking in the
• The Constitution of the
United States is based on
the Roman Republic’s
system of balancing the
legislative, judicial, and
executive powers of
Literature and History
• The Roman Empire was
unified through language.
Latin was adopted by many
different people and
became the basis for
other languages, Spanish,
French, Italian,
Portuguese, and English.
• Poetry – Virgil wrote the
• History – Livy – wrote The
History of Rome from its
Roman Science
A. Simplification of Greek knowledge
B. Pliny the Elder (23 – 79)
• Natural History
• Facts, no theory
• No skepticism about claims
“… the place which is known by the name of Geskleithron, the Arimaspi are said to exist . . . a
nation remarkable for having but one eye, and that placed in the middle of the forehead. This race
is said to carry on a perpetual warfare with the Griffins, a kind of monster, with wings, as they are
commonly represented, for the gold which they dig out of the mines, and which these wild beasts
retain and keep watch over with a singular degree of cupidity, while the Arimaspi are equally
desirous to get possession of it.”
Roman Medicine
• Had a love-hate
relationship with all things
• The Romans saw the
Greeks as being dreamers
whilst they were do-ers
• But they accepted that the
Greeks had the best
doctors in the world and
transported many of them
to Rome
Claudius Galen
• Born in Turkey – studied at
• Most influential figure in medicine
for the next 1000 years
o Wrote many books that were used
all throughout the Middle Ages
• Revived the ideas of Hippocrates
–Developed an interest in
anatomy – but got lots of details
wrong as he only officially
dissected pigs
Roman public health
• First to realise the connection
between dirty water and
poor health
• Had Aqueducts and sewers
• Realised that you had to
build towns and settlements
away from swamps and near
• Army had clean hospitals
with good ventilation
Roman public health
• Most Roman towns had
public baths
• These served both
public health and social
• They also had public
• These public health
ideas benefited the
people who lived in the
empire as well as Rome
Jefferson Memorial
Lincoln Memorial
The US Capitol
Statue of Justice
US Supreme Court
Federal Court
Building in NYC
Metropolitan Museum
of Art
Statue of Liberty