I.C.T Prior to the children receiving their laptops they will learn about e-safety. We will look at sharing information and who we can trust online. P.E. – DANCE We will be experimenting with our bodies, which bits move in parts or as a whole, travelling, jumping, turning and the use of gesture. We will look at how we vary our movements, timing, speed, weight and the flow. Romans Autumn 1 LITERACY Stories with familiar settings is how we will begin the year with a big focus on adjectives being used to describe characters and settings. We will then move onto plays looking at how they are set out. The children will create their own plays and perform them. HISTORY We are travelling back to 750BC to when Rome was first thought to be founded. We will begin by looking at the myth of Romulus and Remus and then move on to the Roman army and what made them so powerful. We will study a map and look at the areas that the Romans controlled and then look at the rebellion led by Boudicca. SCIENCE Our topic is teeth and health and we will be looking at balanced diets, digestion and teeth. ROLE PLAY Our role play area has been transformed into a roman fort, complete with costumes and swords! ART We will recreate our own Roman shield using sketching through to model making. We will investigate Roman mosaics and recreate our own individual mosaic. NUMERACY Number bonds to 10 and 20. Ordering numbers. Doubles and near doubles. Bridging 10 to add and subtract. Multiplication and division.