6th Grade Chapter 7 History Test: Ancient Rome & Christianity

6th Grade Chapter 7 Test
Short answer (1 word to 1 sentence) (4 points each)
After the Romans overthrew the Etruscan king who had ruled them they created a republic. What
is a republic?
What are 2 words that describe the type of government the U.S. has? (One word comes from
ancient Greece, one word comes from ancient Rome)
What word is used both for the most powerful part of the Roman government and a part of the
U.S. government?
What was the difference between a patrician and a plebian in the Roman republic?
The Carthaginian general Hannibal crossed the Alps Mountains to attack Rome. What type of
animal did his army use?
The reign of Augustus (Octavian) began both the Roman Empire and the Pax Romana. What does
Pax Romana mean in English?
Two months are named after Romans. What months are they and who were they named after?
What 2 innovations in building allowed the Romans to create larger and taller structures like
aqueducts and the Colosseum?
For what reason were aqueducts built?
10. Gladiators provided entertainment for the Romans. What kind of entertainment did they provide?
11. What religion did Jesus practice during his life?
12. Jesus’ followers began to refer to him as Christ. Christ comes from the Greek word Christos
which means messiah. What does messiah mean?
6th Grade Chapter 7 Test
Longer answer (1-3 sentences) (8 points each)
13. How and why did Julius Caesar die?
14. What were some of the main ideas in the teachings of Jesus Christ?
15. The Byzantine Empire, whose capital was in the modern country of Turkey, lasted for about 1,000
years after the city of Rome was overrun and looted by Germanic invaders. What does the
Byzantine Empire have to do with the Roman Empire? (Especially the Roman Emperors
Diocletian and Constantine)
Essay (8-12 sentences) (28 points)
Describe the 4 main reasons that the Roman Empire (specifically the western Roman Empire) weakened
and fell apart.