14.1 Becknell - Pennsbury School District

By: Pojer, Edited: Becknell
Tues 12/18/12
• Fill in p. 2 of your new packet,
“BEFORE” by making predictions- we’ll
return to this in a later lesson!
Clean out binders of ch. 10 materials
• Partner activity- analyze images and
make predictions about Charlemagne
and how he affected Western Europe
• HW- Illustrate facts about Charlemagne’s
background and accomplishments in
your notes (use p. 3 of new packet)
Early Middle Ages: 500 – 1000
High Middle Ages: 1000 – 1250
Late Middle Ages: 1250 - 1500
• Analyze the next several images and
make predictions.
• What do you see? Create a caption
for each image.
• What do you think happened in
Western Europe, based on the
images? Write a sentence to explain
your prediction.
Europe in the 6th century (501-600)
Charlemagne: 742 to 814, King of the Franks
Pope Crowned Charlemagne
Holy Roman Emperor: Dec. 25, 800
• King of the Franks
• Reunited small kingdoms into one
• Expanded his kingdom & ruled over
most of Western Europe for 50 years
(The Holy Roman Empire)
• Promoted learning and culture by
establishing schools
• Spread Christianity
• Issued money & improved the
Charlemagne died: His empire was divided
among his three sons who fought one another.
Vikings also attacked, burning and looting
European towns. Charlemagne’s empire was
• Attacks by Vikings were a constant
• Life was dangerous.
• So, society attempted to protect
Feudalism ROLE PLAY
A political, economic, and social
system based on loyalty and
military service.
A political, economic, and social
system based on loyalty and
military service.
Thursday 12/20/12
• Review Social Structure in the
Middle Ages & Vikings Homework
• Role play FEUDALISM
• If time remains, read 14.1 to find out
more about Feudalism & the Middle
Vikings (p. 7)
1. When Charlemagne died
2. The Scandinavian peninsula
(Sweden, Norway, & Denmark)
3. “Beserkers,” warriors who prepared
for battle by eating wild plants that
drugged them & made them crazy
4. Odin (god of battle & death) &
Thor (god of storms & winds)
5. Polytheistic
6. Iceland & Greenland (they needed to
sail the Atlantic to get to them)
Vikings (p. 7)
• 7. Normandy is on the (west) coast of
• 8. William the Conqueror was the leader
of the Danish Vikings who attacked &
defeated England (in 1066- Battle of
• 9. In the Baltic area
(by the Baltic sea)
• 10. Why?/ Why not?
Social Structure in the Middle Ages:
A Video
1. William the Conqueror
2. His vassals
3. Homage
4. True! A vassal is any loyal subject
5. A Feudal relationship
6. If her husband died or if she were a
daughter with no brothers (for a while)
• 7. False – they married for land
Social Structure in the Middle Ages:
A Video
• 8. Nuns
• 9. To have children & raise them (also looked
over land & servants)
• 10. Wives of merchants
• 11. William Marshal
• 12. True
• 13. To the manor! (the land)
• 14. Serfs still got a place to live, food, and
• 15. The Church! (The Roman Catholic
Christian Church)
Feudal Role Play
Monarch (King)
FOUR Lords/Ladies
Lords/Ladies must pledge LOYALTY to King
Each Lord/Lady picks 2 Knights
Knights must pledge LOYALTY to Lord/Lady
• Each Lord/Lady picks 1 regular peasant and
• Serfs must be “Tied to” manor
• Peasants (including serfs) need to pay taxes
to their lords in the form of “Crops” and follow
the laws of their lords.
A political, economic, and social
system based on loyalty and
military service.
Oath of Fealty
• Knight: (on bended knee)
I pledge to honor and protect you and
your fief. I pledge my unwavering loyalty
to your laws and those of our King.
• Lord:
I hereby dub thee “Knight.” Go forth as
my vassal.
(Use the “sword” to touch each of the
knight’s shoulders)
Thursday 1/3/13
• Review notes for 14.1 – p. 4/5 of your
• “Parts of a Castle”- partner activity!
Meet with your 12:00 partner. Read
over the parts of a castle, p. 9 of the
packet, and label the castle diagram
appropriately; Raise your hand when
you think you’ve got them right!
• Start HW- Medieval Castle crossword
Ch. 14 Sect. 1
• Last night, you should have read p.
394-399 in the text
• As we go over the note sheets on p.
4/5 of your packet, check your
When were the Middle Ages?
They were between ancient and modern
times! (The years 500-1500 AD)
Early Middle Ages: 500 – 1000
High Middle Ages: 1000 – 1250
Late Middle Ages: 1250 - 1500
• Professional horse
soldiers who led other
men into battle
• Sometimes held land
• Had to go through three
stages of training
• pledged loyalty to
The Road to Knighthood
KNIGHT (age 18)
SQUIRE (age 13)
PAGE (age 7)
• King of the Franks
• Reunited small kingdoms into one
• Expanded his kingdom & ruled over
most of Western Europe for 50 years
(The Holy Roman Empire)
• Promoted learning and culture by
establishing schools
• Spread Christianity
• Issued money & improved the
• A tribe of “Northmen” From
Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden,
Denmark) who explored and
attacked the rest of Europe during
the Middle Ages
Why did Charlemagne’s empire fall apart?
When Charlemagne died, his empire was divided
among his three sons who fought one another.
Vikings also attacked.
A political, economic, and social
system based on loyalty and
military service.
Fiefs & Vassals
• Monarchs (Kings)
controlled the land
• They gave FIEFS
(shares of land) to
their VASSALS .
• Vassals were people
who were loyal to
those above them.
• Monarchs collected
taxes from their
What did the lords give in
exchange for the vassals
• Lords made sure
that their vassals
were protected and
provided for
A Medieval Manor
A large estate that
included farm fields,
pastures, and often
an entire village
Lord of the manor
• Noblemen
• Raised and led
• Collected taxes
• Ruled over the
manor by making
rules and acting as
• Also called “Ladies”
of the household
• Jobs: Managed the
home, performed
medical tasks, and
supervised servants
• Made decisions for
manor when her
husband was away
at war
Why did MANORS have to be self-sufficient?
Manors HAD to be selfsufficient because they
were far away from other
villages and manors.
Also, they were often
under attack; safety was
a big concern and staying
put (by the fortress) was
the best way to stay safe
Peasants & Serfs
Peasants :
• Farmers and laborers
• Farmed for their lords
(only farmed a small strip
for themselves)
Most peasants were Serfs:
• considered part of the
• They could not leave or
marry without permission
of the lord
• COULD buy their
What was life like for
medieval peasants?
• Life was full of
hard work!
MotteUp to
100 ft
BaileyWalled area where
soldiers & peasants lived
Motte & Bailey Castle, Early Middle Ages
Carcassonne CastleHIGH Middle Ages , 1000- 1300 AD
Made of Stone- Needed to withstand evolving
technologies, like flame-throwers and cannons!
Friday 1/4/13
• Review homework & “parts of a castle”
• Choose Your Own Adventure:
-Life in an English Castle!
After each step, remember to
SUMMARIZE what happened & return
the sheet to the proper folder!
- Did you make the right decisions? 
Medieval Castle
1. Barracks
6. Pitch
8. Catapult
11. Moat
12. Private Chambers
13. Dragon
15. Stocks
16. Main Hall
19. Peasant
21. Keep
22. Church
24. Maiden
26. Parapet
27. Prison
28. Knight
2. Kitchen
3. Drawbridge
4. Gatehouse
5. Troubadour
7. Herald
9. Arrow Loops
10. Wall Tower
14. Barbican
17. Wall Walk
18. Jester
20. Turret
23. Ward
25. Joust
• Choose Your Own Adventure:
-Life in an English Castle!
Read the first page together
After each step, remember to
SUMMARIZE what happened & return
the sheet to the proper folder!
- Did you make the right decisions? 
- If time remains, complete “p. 8”- the
backside of page 1. Do all T/F
questions & pick one short answer
• Distribute Field Trip info & permission
slips! Trip is March 4th! Cost is $30.00
Money & Slips are due Tues, 1/22!
• Go over “Life in an English Castle,”
adventure & turn in the question sheet
• Return to p. 2 of the packet- go over the
T/F questions on ch.14.1
• 14.2: Brainstorm- what are the most
important buildings in your
neighborhood/community? Write them
on the white boards
• Find out more about CHRISTIANITY
The Middle Ages: Fact or
1. T
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. T
6. T
7. F
8. T
9. F
10. T
11. F
12. F
13. F
14. T