10.02 FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF PORTFOLIO HOLDERS 1 The following are the Executive Portfolios and Executive and Officer Delegations (as set out in Part 3 paragraphs 13.02 to 13.19 of the Council’s Constitution) which have been established by the Elected Mayor. 2 The responsibilities given to Portfolio Holders are a matter for the Elected Mayor. The Elected Mayor will advise the Council of the Executive delegation to his/her Executive Members (Portfolio Holders) at the Annual Meeting of the Full Council in each municipal year. If the Elected Mayor amends these arrangements, he/she will advise the Council at the next available Council Meeting. 3 Any Executive function as defined by the Local Government (functions and Responsibilities) (England) Regulations, as amended, not delegated to either a Portfolio Holder or an officer is reserved to the Elected Mayor. 10.02.1 FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PORTFOLIO HOLDER FOR RESOURCES The Portfolio Holder will be fully responsible for and authorised to take any decisions in respect of the functions and services set out below subject to available budgetary provision and the Policy Framework and which support the delivery of the Council’s Corporate Plan. 10.02.2 The development of the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy, Capital and Revenue budgets. The development of the Asset Management Strategy and the planned Preventative Works Programme. Council Tax, NNDR, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support Scheme. Insurance FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PORTFOLIO HOLDER PUBLIC PROTECTION The Portfolio Holder will be fully responsible for and authorised to take any decisions in respect of the functions and services set out below subject to available budgetary provision and the Policy Framework and which support the delivery of the Council’s Corporate Plan. Licensing (matters not covered by Licensing Committee or delegated to Officers) Community Safety and Crime Reduction and Safeguarding Responsibilities under various statutes to ensure the resolution, management and control of pollution, public health and statutory nuisance matters including local air quality management and contaminated land identification and assessment. Pest Control and Dog Warden Service 10.02.03 CCTV Food Authority responsibilities for ensuring local food safety Protection of Public Health by the monitoring, control and enforcement of legislation relating to infectious disease, food poisoning and health promotion etc. Health and Safety at work and in the home Purple Flag Steering Group Member MPAC Committee Member FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PORTFOLIO HOLDER FOR CORPORATE SERVICES The Portfolio Holder will be fully responsible for and authorised to take any decisions in respect of the functions and services set out below subject to available budgetary provision and the Policy Framework and which support the delivery of the Council’s Corporate Plan. 10.02.04 Co-ordination of all cross cutting issues and themes Human Rights Freedom of Information Electoral Services Democratic Services Customer Services Internal and External Audit Marketing and Communications Council’s IT Systems Markets Risk Management Assistance with programming and co-ordination of policy workload of the Executive Liaison with Select Commissions Performance Review Equality and Diversity Substitute member of the BID board FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PORTFOLIO HOLDER FOR ENVIRONMENT The Portfolio Holder will be fully responsible for and authorised to take any decisions in respect of the functions and services set out below subject to available budgetary provision and the Policy Framework and which support the delivery of the Council’s Corporate Plan. Parks, Recreation and Play and operation of the Council’s parks and green spaces facilities (including bookings, opening hours and activity programmes) Protection, conservation and enhancement of the natural environment Vehicle fleet management 10.02.05 Waste disposal and recycling Provision of refuse collection service Drainage, septic tanks and cesspits Street Cleaning Cemeteries and Crematorium Carbon Management Health and Wellbeing Matters relating to NHS, Health Education and Health and Social Care Sports and Leisure Local nature reserves, lakes and waterways Trees and woodland management Allotments FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PORTFOLIO HOLDER FOR REGENERATION The Portfolio Holder will be fully responsible for and authorised to take any decisions in respect of the functions and services set out below subject to available budgetary provision and the Policy Framework and which support the delivery of the Council’s Corporate Plan. 10.02.06 Housing Strategy Development – new build and supply Business Advice Regeneration and protection, conservation and enhancement of the built environment Apprentices and Graduates Planning and building control matters not dealt with by the Planning Committee Tourism Development of Extra Care Facilities FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PORTFOLIO HOLDER FOR CULTURAL SERVICES, TOWN AND DISTRICT CENTRES The Portfolio Holder will be fully responsible for and authorised to take any decisions in respect of the functions and services set out below subject to available budgetary provision and the Policy Framework and which support the delivery of the Council’s Corporate Plan District Events Heritage Palace Theatre Museum and Art Gallery Car Parks Public Toilets Town Centre Management 10.02.07 FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PORTFOLIO HOLDER FOR HOUSING The Portfolio Holder will be fully responsible for and authorised to take any decisions in respect of the functions and services set out below subject to available budgetary provision and the Policy Framework and which support the delivery of the Council’s Corporate Plan 10.02.08 Tenant Participation Revenue Account Business plan – Management and Maintenance Special Needs Housing Homelessness Strategy Housing Allocations Policy Discharge of the Council statutory housing obligations relating to the management of Council Housing stock Operation of mobile home and caravan sites Disabled Facilities Grants Discharge of the Council’s statutory housing obligations relating to private sector housing General Responsibilities of all Members of the Executive When making a decision within the remit of a Portfolio Holder’s delegated responsibilities each portfolio holder will be responsible for ensuring that he or she takes into account the implications of their decisions on the Council’s policy and legal obligation in the following areas: - Climate Change and environmental sustainability, equality and diversity, Human Rights, Freedom of Information, risk and opportunity management and crime and disorder. 10.02.09 Deputy Mayor The Portfolio Holder for Public Protection will also be the Deputy Mayor in line with Article 7, 7.04 for this constitution.