West Coast Aquatics Annual Parent Meeting 2014 S Governance USA swimming Western Zone Pacific Swimming: Local LSC One of the Fastest LSC in the country One of the largest: over 17, 000 swimmers Oregon border to Monterey What does WEST mean to you? • • • • • • • Fitness/Health? Fun times? Family Safety? Preparation? College Resume? Character Building? What is West Coast Aquatics • • • • Established in the late 70’s 501c3 Non-profit, community based organization Governed by a community based board (Community members, alumni, masters, water polo, masters swim rep.) Professionally run organization Mission Statement S Our Mission: To offer the highest quality aquatic program to the community and to provide the opportunity for an individual to become an elite athlete in a safe and enjoyable environment. S Slogan: S Become part of something bigger than yourself. Our Vision West Coast Aquatics has a rich history of being a community based organization that is a top progressive competitive swimming program, which inspires team performance through individual excellence by engaging mind, body, and spirit. Our model of excellence is built upon collaboration, innovation, and implementation and is embraced by our athletes, coaches, parents, alumni, and our community. We believe there is a place for everyone within our program. To build better people, not just better swimmers S To nurture the whole child at every age and, realizing that each one is different, allow young people to develop as far as their dreams, talents, and efforts take them. S To teach young people the process of achieving. S To encourage them to dream, help them set worthy goals, promote a strong work ethic, provide support when they struggle, and inspire them to persevere until they succeed. S To provide a level of coaching that will lead to the development of nationallevel swimmers, should they so aspire, while at the same time allowing beginning swimmers to develop character, self-confidence, and the love for the sport in an atmosphere of caring and consideration. S To encourage parents to actively support both their child and the program as a whole, realizing that their personal investment is a key ingredient to a young person’s success in any endeavor. S To provide the community and the swimming world with young people who are becoming the best they can be—as individuals, students, citizens, and athletes. CORE VALUES Govern the operation of business and our relationships with our members, staff, alumni and the community. We instill these same ideals in our athletes Teamwork Perseverance Commitment Excellence West Coast Aquatics Integrity Development Leadership Building the Foundation Build and maintain a premiere competitive swimming program With emphasis on fiscal responsibility & stability, develop and maximize revenue channel West’s Vision Develop a positive member experience that encourages participation. Raise level of community involvement and awareness. Support the community by building a strong, successful youth and future community leaders. Why WEST is BEST for Your Swimmer? S S S West provides a professional championship coaching staff S All American Swim Coach certified staff S All have college and national level competitive experience West program delivers; S Consistent technique teaching S Consistent coaching West implements our core values in our daily teaching (Teamwork, Excellence, Leadership, Commitment, Integrity, & Perseverance) S West provides structure & a wellrounded curriculum for swimmers at all levels allowing them to reach their full potential. S West provides elite level training S West teaches goal setting & what it takes to achieve his or her goals S West provides a team environment where an individual can be successful. S Best facility around!!! We Couldn’t Do it without YOU! S Our STARS are our PARENTS. S Staff S Swim Meet Committee S All of our volunteers S Our officials A Year in Review S USA Swimming Scholastic AllAmerican S Successfully raised funds to support West’s mission S Graduate a top class of Seniors that went on to swim at top Universities (NYU, U. of Wash St. Louis, UC Irvine, Pomona) S Continued our successful Learn-toSwim program & continued our Make a Splash Foundation partnership S West swimmers placed top 8 at CCS Champs, Far Westerns, Husky Invite, 10 & under champs, SBSLs and JO’s S Successful summer programs for community members. S Continued a strong relationship with the city of San Jose S Grew Water Polo program and added Splash Ball S West swimmers competed at the National level Safety Policies S USA SWIMMING RULE : Parents are no longer allowed on deck during practice S Email coaches to schedule meetings with the coach before or after practice. S Swimmers can only be dropped off 20 minutes prior to practice and stay for only 20 minutes after practice. S Swimmers can not get into practice if they are later than 15 minutes after the start of practice. S Swimmers MUST stay inside the pool deck until their parent(s) arrive to pick up the swimmer. S All parents (or legal guardian) MUST walk their swimmer into the pool facility the first day of practice and introduce themselves to the coach. Coaches will stand where parents can greet them. Who to talk to? Membership Dues Things to remember regarding your account. Danielle Montgomery S S When do I need to call the bookkeeper: If you have problems or questions regarding your account/billing. S S S S S Your child needs to go inactive S S Quitting the team S Things to remember: S Invoices go out on or about the 10th of each month. S New dues structure (effective November 1st, 2014) USA swimming registration fee (going up $5) Payments are due on the 1st of each month Late fees are assessed after the 10th of each month All payments should be made with automatic payments by credit card or ACH 30 day notice required for any with drawl. Going to 3 months notice as of January 1, 2015. Contact Information: Danielle Montgomery Westbookkeeper@att.net 408-972-0723 Helping Out! We all need to chip in! S How can you help the team? S Committees S Computer operator S S Volunteering S S Buy in/support the organization S Clean-up/Set-up committee for meets S Helping at swim meets S Crab Feed committee Team photographer Website management/de sign S S Clean-up days S Delivering Flyers S Do you have a trade that would help out WEST? Become an Official!!!! Why be an Official • Any swim meet needs officials so your kid’s time counts. • You have unblocked view to see your kid’s swimming • You have a better understanding of your kid’s technique • You will have priority parking at many swimming meets • Your kids are proud of you as you are the one who can tell right from wrong in the meet • You make friends with other officials to discuss and share parenting experience. More Reasons to be an Official! • WEST needs you. – If we don’t provide enough officials in the Championship meet, the club and your kids will be penalized. • You only need to officiate a minimum of 6 sections in a year. Of course, more is better as you will be seasoned. • Your volunteer hours count DOUBLE. Foundation Relationships What Does it Mean to be part of WEST as a Parent? S S S S How can you make your swimmers swim team experience better? S GET Involved! S You get out, what you put in. What can you do to help make this team the best team around? S You have to be around. S Come team events S The team banquet and BBQs S Team building activities are important for both swimmers and parents. What do you want to get out of this program for you and your child? Whole family commitment. Parent Responsibilities “Prepare the child for the path, not the path for the child.” S ASK QUESTIONS S Support your swimmer S Loyalty S Stay informed/Ask questions By coming to practice, team events and meets S Use our open lines of communication S Arrive at practice & meets on time. S Use our website S Make sure you send your swimmer to practice and meets prepared (i.e. goggles, swim cap, suit, towel, water, etc.) S Know and understand the philosophy of WEST and our programs S Volunteer to help the swim teamSupport the team, support your child! S Enter your swimmer in meets and support them during meets S S S We encourage you to watch practice. Let the coaches coach. What does it take for YOUR swimmer to be successful? S Consistency S Within the program (In the water and on deck) S From the swimmer S From the parents S Supportive Family S Good technique S A program that allows a child to grow and reach their full potential S Passionate about the sport and have fun! Swimmers Responsibilities Success=Improving one’s own best-self. S Be coachable S Listen S S Swimmers should want to come to practice Be consistent in practice S Swimmers should follow practice etiquette S Give 100% each day (Be your bestself!) S S Be willing to work hard S Manage his/her time (homework, school, faith, family, swimming) Swimmers should experience an environment of discipline, where respecting coaches and following directions are expected. S Swimmers should make friends with teammates and understand what being part of a team is about. S Keep a log book of times, information, practices, etc. S Participate in team building activities S Age group swimmers need to try to swim every event. GOALS A Dream is a Goal without Direction S Process vs. Outcome S Process driven goals S Its about the journey S Work on the journey and goal will be achievable S It’s a marathon, not a sprint S Matching goals and participation S Honest sport S Piggy Bank S Hurdles (growth, maturation, technique correction, etc.) S Platto S Ask yourself if your child’s goals and your goals for your child match. S Do you know what your child’s goals are? S Where do you see your child taking swimming? S Life skill, college, fitness, resume, etc? S Does your child participate in practice enough to achieve the goals he/she has set. S What are you doing as a parent to support those goals? What’s Missing??? Team Uniform How Does this all work? Age Group vs. Senior programs Two Seasons Short Course (Sept-March) Long Course (April-Aug. Consistency-You only get better if you show up Age Group (divided by age groups) Senior (high school age and up, men's and women's) Staying with the program through high school (Water Polo and High school swimming) Other sports When is the best time to take a vacation/break? (Spring Break/After Champs meet during the summer) Rewarding Your Swimmer S IMX points (diverse swimming) S Straight “A” t-shirts S Swimmer of the month towels S Black cap awards S Annual team banquet S Awards during meets S Scholarships S College scholarship from WEST S Attaining a college scholarship for swimming S “IM Tough” S 10 & unders S 50 of each stroke & 100 IM S 11-13 year olds S 100 of each stroke & 200 IM S 15 and up S 200 of each stroke and 400 IM TouchPad & Meet Entry Tools See You on Deck!