WEST KERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING June 11, 2014 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the West Kern Community College District was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by President Billy White. Trustees Emmanuel Campos, Dawn Cole, Michael Long and Kal Vaughn were also present. Superintendent/President Dr. Dena Maloney and Executive Secretary Shelley Klein were also in attendance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS No comments were heard. CLOSED SESSION At 5:01 p.m. it was moved by Trustee Cole seconded by Trustee Long and unanimously carried, that the Board move into Closed Session to discuss the District’s position regarding the following matters: A. B. C. D. E. Public Employee Appointment/Employment, Government Code Section 54957 Public Employee Performance Evaluations, Government Code Section 54957 1. CEO Evaluation Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Reassignment, Government Code Section 54957 Conference with Legal Counsel – Initiation of Litigation, Pursuant to Paragraph (4) of Subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9 – Discussion of Initiating Litigation: One Case Conference with Labor Negotiators, Government Code Section 54957 Agency Designated Representative: Superintendent/President Employee Organizations: TC Faculty Association, CSEA Chapter #543 & Management/Supervisory/Classified Confidential Employees RECONVENE IN PUBLIC SESSION; ANNOUNCE CLOSED SESSION ACTIONS At 6:03 p.m., it was moved by Trustee Cole seconded by Trustee Vaughn and unanimously carried to reconvene in Public Session. President White reported that no action was taken during Closed Session. The CEO Evaluation for 2013/14 was finalized. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President White led the pledge of allegiance. West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting June 11, 2014 Page 2 ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF OFFICE President Billy White administered the Oath of Office to Trustee Emmanuel Campos who was appointed by the Board on April 21st to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Trustee Carolyn Hosking. As a provisional appointment, Mr. Campos will serve until the general election November 4th. PUBLIC COMMENT ON OPEN SESSION ITEMS No comments were heard. GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS President White read a letter to the Board received from Rhealee Leikam thanking the College for her Award of Merit. Rhealee indicated that she plans to attend Taft College and pursue an elementary teaching career. SPECIAL REPORT – Accreditation Update Superintendent/President Dr. Dena Maloney distributed and reviewed a handout of the 2015 Accreditation Self Evaluation (Self Study) Subcommittee Members and the Tentative Timeline and Process for 2015 Accreditation Self Evaluation (copy attached to official minutes). The subcommittees have or are in the process of finalizing the draft of the sections of the self-study pertinent to their assignments. Currently the drafts are being assimilated into the first comprehensive draft document. As the timeline indicates, during the 2014/15 academic year the College community will review and finalize the report, and in the spring of 2015 the Accreditation Self-Study Committee will review and edit the final report. The July 2015 meeting is the date targeted for the Board’s approval. Following approval, the evidence identified to substantiate the selfstudy will be collected and the final document will be printed in late July. SPECIAL REPORT – Library Space Plans Vice President of Instruction Mark Williams distributed and reviewed a schematic plan indicating modifications currently underway in the Library to improve the use and efficiency of the space (copy attached to official minutes). The Children’s Library, which has been underutilized, is being repurposed as a classroom for Information Technology, English as a Second Language and GED classes. A second modification will be to relocate the circulation desk with the reference desk, in addition to moving the current tutoring area to be located adjacent to the new combined reference and circulation desk which will create an easily accessible “tutor alley.” The final modification is creation of a professional development center for faculty and staff use. The modifications are scheduled to be complete by August 1st. West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting June 11, 2014 Page 3 APPROVAL OF MINUTES On a motion by Trustee Long, seconded by Trustee Cole and unanimously carried, the minutes of the regular meeting held May 14, 2014 were approved. NEW BUSINESS 2014/2024 Educational Master Plan Dr. Dena Maloney reviewed that an educational master plan is the foundation for all institutional planning. It provides an analysis of the college and the communities it serves, and lays the foundation for decision-making regarding future programs and space needs. The Board included development of an educational master plan in their goals for 2013/14 and the plan is being presented this evening for approval. Dr. Maloney made a PowerPoint presentation reviewing the key components of the plan and the goals developed through the planning process (copy attached to official minutes). The plan has been reviewed and approved by both the Educational Master Committee and the Governance Council. On a motion by Trustee Vaughn, seconded by Trustee Long and unanimously carried, the TC 2014/2024 Educational Master Plan was approved. ACCJC Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Proficiency Report SLO Coordinator Vicki Jacobi reviewed that in 2013, all colleges were required to submit an SLO Implementation Report which was a self-assessment of the institution’s level of proficiency against eight rubrics established by ACCJC. Earlier this year we requested feedback on our self-assessment. ACCJC evaluated all college reports and scored them. Taft College’s overall rating on SLO proficiency was 2.83 out of 5.0. Statewide, the average was 3.44 out of 5.0. Dr. Maloney noted that she is pleased with the progress being made and optimistic that the College is moving forward in this area. Ms. Jacobi distributed and reviewed three documents relating to the status of the College’s SLO proficiency standing: ACCJC Status Report on Student Learning Outcomes Implementation for Taft College (11/9/12); Feedback on the status of TC’s SLO implementation prepared by Krista Johns, ACCJC VP for Policy and Research; and TC’s Feedback Status Report which she prepared. She reviewed each rubric statement and the status of the College’s scoring, reasons for the scores and the plans that have been made to improve (copies of reports attached to official minutes). 2014/15 Tentative Budget Executive Vice President of Administrative Services Brock McMurray reported that Section 48305 of the California Code of Regulations requires the District approve a tentative budget by June 30th of each year. The tentative budget provides the District West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting June 11, 2014 Page 4 NEW BUSINESS (continued): with operating funds through the summer until an adopted budget is presented to the Board, no later than September 30th. He noted that the tentative budget is built on estimates of revenue and expenditures using information available to date. The Governor’s May Revise and budget proposals from the legislature have yet to be reconciled through the negotiation process. It is expected that there will be an adopted budget at the state level by June 30th. Mr. McMurray made a PowerPoint presentation highlighting the budget assumptions from the Governor’s proposed budget and the general economic conditions of the state. He then distributed and reviewed the WKCCD 2014/15 Preliminary Budget Summary – General Funds 11 & 12 (copy of both attached to official minutes). The combined tentative budget including restricted and unrestricted funds amounts to $28,533,026. Both Dr. Maloney and Mr. McMurray thanked the staff involved in their work to develop the tentative budget and commended them for their cooperation on this challenging task. On a motion by Trustee Vaughn, seconded by Trustee Long and unanimously carried, the 2014/15 tentative budget was approved. One-Year Extension of the Superintendent/President Contract to June 30, 2017 and Contract Language to Extend Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA) Equal to the Same Percentage as Those Granted to District Administrative Employees Dr. Maloney thanked the Board for her performance evaluation and reported that the Board wishes to extend her contract for an additional year (to 2017). The current contract does not specify that the Board will grant the Superintendent/President COLA if such a COLA is granted to District administrative employees. Last year, the Board granted a COLA without this language in the contract. Upon advice from legal counsel, this item amends the contract language to specify that the Board will provide the Superintendent/President with COLA equal to that which is provided to District administrative employees. Dr. Maloney added that is has been her pleasure to work with the WKCCD Board and TC faculty and staff during her two year tenure. On a motion by Trustee Long, seconded by Trustee Cole and unanimously carried, the contract extension, including COLA language was approved (copy of contract extension included in official minutes). Presentation of the 2014/17 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) with the Taft College Classified Employee Association (CSEA) Chapter #543 The CBA for 2014-17 reflects all of the agreements that have been reached with CSEA since July 2011. This is a new three year agreement which will be the basis for future negotiations with CSEA from July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2017. On a motion by Trustee Cole, seconded by Trustee Vaughn and unanimously carried, the CBA with the TC CSEA Chapter #543 was approved. West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting June 11, 2014 Page 5 NEW BUSINESS (continued): Presentation of the 2014/17 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) with the Taft College Faculty Association/California Teachers Association (TCFA/CTA) Dr. Maloney reported that the CBA for 2014-17 reflects all of the agreements reached with the Taft College Faculty Association since July 2011. This agreement will be the basis for future negotiations with the TC Faculty Association from July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2017. On a motion by Trustee Long, seconded by Trustee Cole and unanimously carried, the 2014/17 CBA with the TC Faculty Association was approved. Presentation of the Initial Taft College Faculty Association Collective Bargaining ReOpener Proposal with the WKCCD for the 2014/15 Year Dr. Maloney reported that each year the District and the Taft College Faculty Association must present re-opener proposals indicating which articles they wish to open for negotiations. The Taft College Faculty Association plans to open Articles 1-12 for the purposes of negotiating the collective bargaining agreement in 2014/15. Presentation of the Initial Taft College Classified Employee Association (CSEA) Chapter #543 with the WKCCD for the 2014/15 Year Dr. Maloney related that each year the District and the Taft College Classified Employee Association (CSEA) Chapter #543 must present re-opener proposals indicating which articles they wish to open for negotiations. The Taft College Classified Employee Association (CSEA) Chapter #543 plans to open Articles 1-24 for the purposes of negotiating the collective bargaining agreement in 2014/15. Presentation of the Initial WKCCD Collective Bargaining Re-Opener Proposal with the Taft College Faculty Association/California Teachers Association for the 2014/15 Year Dr. Maloney reported that the District is also required to present a reopener proposal in Open Session of the Board of Trustees at the beginning of each fiscal year for both bargaining units. The WKCCD plans to open Articles 1-12 of the Faculty Association CBA in 2014/15. A public hearing will be held at the July 9th Board meeting to allow public comment on the re-opener proposal before bargaining begins. Presentation of the Initial WKCCD Collective Bargaining Re-Opener Proposal with the Taft College Classified Employee Association (CSEA) Chapter #543 for the 2014/15 Year As with the item above, the District is required to present a reopener proposal in Open Session of the Board of Trustees to CSEA. The WKCCD plans to open Articles 1-24 of the CBA in 2014/15. A public hearing will be held at the July 9th Board meeting to allow public comment on the re-opener proposal before bargaining begins. West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting June 11, 2014 Page 6 NEW BUSINESS (continued): Resolution 2013/14 - 19 Authorizing a Reduction of Classified Management Services for the 2014/15 Fiscal Year Due to Lack of Funding (Lead Accommodation Specialist/QFS Project Manager Assistant) Dr. Maloney reported that the Lead Accommodation Specialist/QFS Project Manager Assistant position is grant-funded (77% QFS grant funding and 23% TIPSID grant funding). Over the past 12 months, the Vice President of Instruction has analyzed all grant activities and positional responsibilities. Through that process, it has been determined that this position is unnecessary and therefore cannot be supported through grant funding. This determination applies to the QFS portion of funding for this position as well as the TIPSID portion of funding. The managers responsible for QFS and TIPSID agree with this determination and support the recommendation to the reduction in force related to a lack of funding. On a motion by Trustee Long, seconded by Trustee Vaughn and unanimously carried, the resolution was approved (copy attached to official minutes). CONSENT AGENDA A. Request for Approval – 2014/15 Contract Education Services Agreement with WESTEC (Westside Energy Services Training and Education Center) B. Request for Approval – 2015/16 Academic Calendar C. Request for Approval – New Courses: Applied Technology Division ENER 1530 – Electricity and Basic Electronics ENER 1540 – Fundamentals of Programmable Logic Controllers Math & Science Division HLED 1543 – Medical Terminology for Court Reporting CHEM 1520 – Introduction to Organic Biochemistry D. Request for Approval – Course Updates: Applied Technology Division COSC 1603 – Introduction to Electronic Word Processing – Microsoft Word 2010 COSC 1703 – Introduction to Spreadsheets – Microsoft Excel 2010 COSC 1812 – Introduction of Presentation Graphics – Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 COSC 1902 – Introduction to Electronic Databases – Microsoft Access 2010 BUSN 1055 – Office Procedures ENER 1010 – Basic Instrumentation for Energy Industries West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting June 11, 2014 Page 7 CONSENT AGENDA (continued): Liberal Arts Division MUSC 1520 – History of American Jazz Math & Science Division BIOL 2250 – Human Anatomy BIOL 2255 – Human Physiology BIOL 2256 – Human Physiology Laboratory BIOL 2257 – Human Physiology with Lab MATH 2130 – Analytic Geometry and Calculus III CHEM 2211 - General Chemistry CHEM 2212 – General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis CHEM 2108 – Organic Chemistry HLED 1541 – Medical Terminology E. Course Inactivations: Applied Technology Division COSC 1602 – Introduction to Electronic Word Processing – Microsoft Word 2007 COSC 1702 – Introduction to Spreadsheets – Microsoft Excel 2007 COSC 1811 – Introduction to Presentation Graphics – Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 COSC 1901 – Introduction to Electronic Databases – Microsoft Access 2007 Liberal Arts Division SPAN 0255 – Survival Spanish SPAN 1051 – Conversational Spanish SPAN 1052 – Conversational Spanish SPAN 1053 – Conversational Spanish SPAN 1054 – Conversational Spanish SPCE 0266 – Sign and Song Math & Science Division GOLF 1500 – Golf Club Repair and Design HLED 1542 – Basic Pharmacology HLED 1540 – Clinical Medical Assisting MATH 0220 – The Texas Instruments (TI) Graphic Calculator PHED 1522 – Exercising for Fitness PHED 1527 – General Physical Education Activities PHYS 2223 – General Physics (Calculus) F. Request for Approval – Certificates of Achievement Updates: Social Science Division Early Intervention Assistant I Early Intervention Assistant II West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting June 11, 2014 Page 8 CONSENT AGENDA (continued): G. Request for Approval – New Local Certificate: Applied Technology Division Microsoft Office Applications H. Request for Approval – Facilities Use Agreement with the Westside Recreation & Park District for Use of the Natatorium Pool for the Water Aerobics Courses, 6/9/14 – 7/31/14, $540.00 (Including the Expense of a Lifeguard) I. Request for Approval – Agreement with The Storage Bin for Rental of Two Storage Units to House Welding and Instructional Equipment for 2014/15, 7/1/14 – 6/30/15, $112.50/Month Each ($2,700.00/Year) J. Request for Approval – Yearly Membership Agreement and Statement of Work Renewal with Etudes (Online Course Management System), 7/1/14 – 6/30/15, $35,000.00 K. Request for Approval - Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Taft Police Department to Provide a Full-time Police Officer at Taft College to Provide Campus Security and District Safety Planning and Training Services for the 2014/15 Year, 7/1/14 – 6/30/15, Actual Salary and Benefit Costs Not to Exceed $115,000.00/Annually Plus Overtime as Directed by WKCCD L. Request for Approval – Activity Request (Facilities Use Agreement) with Taft Union High School District to Utilize their Soccer Facilities for the TC Men’s and Women’s Soccer Teams for Practice and Games, 8/21/14 – 12/19/14, $5,000.00 Plus Weekly Maintenance and Repair to Fields as Needed M. Request for Approval – Adoption of Rules and Regulations for the WKCCD Student Trustee, 7/1/14 – 5/31/15 N. Request for Approval - Agreement with the Taft Correctional Institution (MTC) to Provide GED Testing Services Effective 7/1/14 – 6/30/15, $150.00 For Initial Test Per Applicant and $20.00 for Subsequent Tests Per Applicant O. Request for Approval – Agreement with Karwoski Inspections (John Karwoski) to Provide Department of State Architects Inspection Services for Campus Facilities Projects Including the TIL Center for Independent Living and Dorm Remodel Projects, 7/1/14 – 6/30/15, $10,920.00/Month P. Request for Approval – Agreement for Mandate Reimbursement Claim Preparation Services with SixTen and Associates to Prepare and Submit State Mandated Cost Reimbursement Annual Claims for the District, 7/1/14 – 6/30/15, Not to Exceed $20,000.00 Fee (Based on Hourly Rates) West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting June 11, 2014 Page 9 CONSENT AGENDA (continued): Q. Request for Approval – Agreement with SchoolDude.com, Inc., for Renewal of Software for the Maintenance Department’s Online Work Order System, 6/30/14 – 6/30/15, $3,693.00 R. Request for Approval – Independent Contractor Agreement with Dr. Cindra Smith to Facilitate the WKCCD Board of Trustees’ Annual Retreat, 8/16/14, $1,500.00 Plus Travel Expenses Not to Exceed $600.00 S. Request for Approval – Independent Contractor Agreement with Erwin Ledford to Provide Graphic Design Services As Needed, $50.00/Hour T. Ratification and Confirmation May 2014 Vendor Check & Purchase Order Registers U. Routine Personnel Items: 1. Request for Conference Attendance and Expenses as of June 4, 2014 On a motion by Trustee Long, seconded by Trustee Hosking and unanimously carried, Consent Agenda Items A – U were approved as presented (materials related to items A – U are attached to official minutes). PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST No comments were presented. REPORTS FROM STAFF AND STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Financial Reports The following financial reports were presented for information (copies attached to official minutes): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Revenue Accounts (Account Level 1) FY 2013/14 Expenditure Accounts (Account Level 1) FY 2013/14 Expenditure Detail of $10,000.00 or Greater, May 2014 Student Organization and Special Accounts, May 2014 Funds Deposited in County Treasury, May 2014 Trustee Reports Trustee Vaughn reported that he and President White attended the recent Maricopa High School Graduation. Of the 14 graduates, seven students received TC Merit Scholarships and six plan on attending. He also noted that he attended the June 10th West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting June 11, 2014 Page 10 TRUSTEE REPORTS (continued): WESTEC Board Meeting and was very pleased to see the recent upgrades to the facilities and that the overall maintenance is greatly improved. Trustee Campos reported that he is looking forward to serving as a trustee on the WKCCD Board. He noted that he had attended the CCLC Annual Trustees Conference in early May and also attended the Excellence in Trusteeship presentation at Bakersfield College. Trustee Long welcomed Trustee Campos to the Board and noted that he will be a valuable asset as a businessman in the community. Trustee Long voiced his support to returning U.S. Veterans and the College providing as much assistance as possible regarding their educational interests and goals. He also mentioned that he enjoyed the graduation ceremony and the opportunity it provides for interaction with the students. Trustee Cole welcomed Trustee Campos and commended staff for the well-organized Scholarship Luncheon, Graduation and also the Dental Hygiene graduation luncheon the following day. She added that it is fulfilling to celebrate with the students in their success. President White reported he also attended the Excellence in Trusteeship training recently at Bakersfield College. He noted that he enjoyed participating in the Maricopa High School Graduation and also commended Vice President of Student Services Darcy Bogle for the successful TC Graduation and end of year activities and events. WESTEC WESTEC Executive Director Bill Rector thanked the Board for approving the 2014/15 contract education agreement. He noted that this agreement represents a 33 year relationship with the College. Student Services Vice President of Student Services Darcy Bogle thanked the Board for their attendance at the various end-of-year activities. She noted that a Board member was in attendance at every activity. She reported that 188 students participated in the graduation ceremony and she thanked the faculty members for their participation by reading the names of graduates as they received their diplomas. She also thanked Professor of Mathematics Brian Jean for taking the graduation photos, as he has done in previous years as well. Summer session enrollment is very similar to that of last year – 1,330 unduplicated students with 751 enrolled in .5 – 5.5 units; 474 enrolled in 6.0 – 11.5 units; and 82 enrolled in 12.0 – 25 units. Currently 1,839 students have registered for the fall semester. West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting June 11, 2014 Page 11 REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT End of Year Activities Dr. Maloney thanked the Board members for their participation in the end of year activities. She noted that the creative writing class readings performed at the Black Gold Brewing Company were very impressive and represented the work of highly talented students. The TIL Employer Appreciation Luncheon was held Thursday, May 29th. It was a great opportunity to honor our local employers and recognize the success of the TPSID students. STEM Webinar Dr. Maloney reported that she participated in a national STEM Webinar in which she served as one of ten college president panelists discussing STEM programs and activities. Over 1,000 individuals signed on to listen to the discussion. Essential Elements for the Future of the San Joaquin Valley Dr. Maloney and Foundation Executive Director Sheri Horn Bunk will attend the 2014 “Public and Private Policy Series Essential Elements for the Future of the San Joaquin Valley,” hosted by West Hills CCD on Thursday, June 12th. The three-part series focuses on the topics of water, food and energy and the future related technology and human resources each will require. EMPLOYMENT On a motion by Trustee Cole and seconded by Trustee Long, Employment Items A – C were approved by the following vote (Employment Items A – C (Appendix I & II) are attached to official minutes): Yes: No: Abstain: Absent: Emmanuel Campos, Dawn Cole, Michael Long, Kal Vaughn and Billy White None None None CONTINUATION OF CLOSED SESSION At 7:55 p.m. on a motion Trustee Vaughn, seconded by Trustee Cole and unanimously carried, the Board moved into Closed Session to complete the discussion which was initiated earlier in the meeting. West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting June 11, 2014 Page 12 RECONVENE IN PUBLIC SESSION; ANNOUNCE CLOSED SESSION ACTIONS At 8:20 p.m., it was moved by Trustee Long seconded by Trustee White and unanimously carried to reconvene in Public Session. President White reported that no action was taken during Closed Session. NEXT MEETING The next monthly meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 9, 2014. At 8:21 p.m. on a motion by Trustee Cole, seconded by Trustee Campos and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully Submitted: Kal Vaughn, Secretary