Arthurian Legend - St. Catherine of Genoa

King Arthur, Camelot, Guinevere, Merlin, and other knights!
 The Romans resided in Britain and everything was
 In the 500s, the Romans left Britain and everything
was chaotic, filled with fighting
 People longed for a better world so they made up King
Arthur and his enchanting rule
 Stories came from the Middle Ages when Christians
were carrying out Crusades (killing those who did not
have their faith) – see a lot of Christian references in
 A wizard, a prophet, a hermit, a Druid (Type of Celtic
 Can transfigure himself and others
 Arthur’s parents were King Uther Pendragon and his
mistress Igraine
 Merlin knew there was a prophecy that Arthur would
be a great King so he hid him away with a foster dad
 Foster dad Ector raised Arthur and his own biological
son Kay to be warriors and noblemen
 Prophecy was the person who could remove the sword
from the stone was the Rightful King of Britain
Arthur accompanied Sir Kay on a quest to remove the
sword from the stone
Arthur was the only one who could do it, men attacked
him, he killed them
Those who didn’t attack, Arthur vowed they join
together as friends so they can get more rewards by
working together
Arthur is crowned King on Easter
 Arthur falls in love with Guinevere and they set to
 Merlin warns of a prophecy that Guinevere would be
his downfall
 Live together in Camelot, a mystical, imaginary, golden
 A large round table given as a wedding gift from
Guinevere’s father
 Has a spot for 12 knights and allows a place for open
discussion to avoid secrets and betrayal by Arthur’s
 Knights swore on bibles as oaths to serve King Arthur
 King Arthur tells them they must obey Guinever as
well which makes some of the knights upset
 The “Lady of the Lake” is a nymph who has magical
powers over anything that is thrown into her lake
 Excalibur is a sword the Lady of the Lake sends up
through the lake for Arthur
 No enemy can live if cut by its blade
 The scabbard on the side is the most important part,
with it on his side, Arthur will never die
 Arthur’s half sister who is jealous of him and plots evil
against him
 Witch who learned magic from Merlin but uses it for
 Can transfigure self and others
 Merlin falls in love with the Lady of the Lake and on’t
let her out of the cave
 With Merlin out of the picture, Arthur feels down and
some knights take advantage and start plotting against
 LeFay makes a pact with the devil to help her destroy
 She transfigures herself as a deer and lures Arthur
 Arthur follows this beautiful deer and she imprisons
him in a dungeon and takes Excalibur and the
invincible scabbard away from him
 He escaped without his weapons
 She later sends a with with a cloak for Arthur but
Guinever tells him not to put it on – tells LeFay’s
messenger to put it on first and the messenger bursts
into flames when she does
 LeFay angry with Guinvere for foiling her plan so she
starts a rumor about Guinevere to Lancelot (Arthur’s
best friend)
 She tells Lancelot that Guinevere wants a relationship
with him
 Lancelot falls in love with Guinevere and a relationship
develops without Arthur knowing
 The relationship between the Knights of the Round
Table began to fall apart due to the stress of Guinevere
and Lancelot’s affair
Sir Galahad the good appears as the missing knight (he
is the secret son of Lancelot)
They go on a search for Holy Grail – chalice Jesus used
at Last Supper that holds drops of his blood
Holiest relic of Christianity
Sir Gawain sees where it is in a vision and the knights
began their quest
 Lancelot was very close to finding it but his sin with
Guinevere prevented it
Sir Bors tells a story about finding the Grail but being
instructed to bring it to a man named The Fisher King
Sir Mordred, an evil knight, becomes an accomplice of
LeFay’s who is glad his quest failed
King Arthur once cast Mordred into the sea as a baby
in hopes he would drown
LeFay sends bad news in a form of a shield
representing the love triangle of Lancelot, Guinevere,
and Arthur
 Mordred lies and says Lancelot killed all the knights
when he is caught with Guinevere
Guinevere must be burned at the stake because
Christians believed flames purified evil
The battle between Arthur and Lancelot begins and
knights choose sides
Sir Gawain tells Arthur to be like Christ and forgive
Lancelot frees Guinevere from the stake and went to
his castle
 During the fight between the two, the pope commands
peace, Guinevere becomes a nun
 Knights are angry that Lancelot is killing their families
and so Arthur leaves to go fight him, leaving Mordred
in charge
 LeFay sees an opportunity and asks to become
Mordred’s wife but he rejects her and she vows to
destroy him too
 While Arthur is away Mordred crowns himself king
 When King Arthur returns to his people they have a
huge celebration
During the celebration Arthur orders no one to use
their sword
LeFay turns herself into a snake and scares a soldier
who draws his sword and kills her
Thus a battle began, only 4 are left alive
Mordred and Arthur try to kill each other…Arthur kills
Mordred but is mortally wounded by him at the same
 A wounded Arthur is brought to the Great Forest to
find Lady of the Lake
Lady of the Lak tells Sir Bedivere to throw Excalibur in
the lake and bring Arthur there to heal him
Nine ladies in black appear in a boat and take him
away to sleep in peace in a place called Avalon
Avalon is a distant island with fairies and golden
A time will come when Arthur will wake and rule again
(like Christ)