September Monday 21 Tuesday 22 Wednesday Thursday 23 24 25 Foundations of World History Unit Assessment Ancient Empires Ancient Empires 28 29 30 1 2 Ancient Empires Ancient Empires Ancient Empires Ancient Empires Ancient Empires Chapter 4.2 Chapter 6 Chapter 2.6 October Friday 5 6 7 8 9 Ancient Empires World Religions World Religions World Religions Mongol Empire Chapter 3.1-3.2 Chapter 3.5 Chapter 4.3 Chapter 4.4 Chapter 4.5 12 13 14 Staff Development 15 Teacher Convention 16 Teacher Convention Networks of Exchange Unit Assessment LT 1. I can analyze the rise and fall of ancient civilizations in the Mediterranean. Ancient Greek Empire Ancient Roman Empire Direct Democracy Democracy Republic Persian Greek Wars Peloponnesian War Byzantine Empire LT 2. I can compare and contrast the beliefs, practices, and historical impact of the major world religions. Judaism – origins, beliefs, and spread/influence Impact of religion on society Christianity - origins, beliefs, and spread/influence Islam - origins, beliefs, and spread/influence LT 3. I can explain the beliefs, practices, and historical impact of the Muslim Empire. Caliph Shi’a Sunni Sufis Dar al-Islam Society and Economics Islamic Culture LT 4. I can evaluate the reasons behind the rise and fall of the Mongol empires. Khan Genghis Khan Pax Mongolica Administrative techniques Marco Polo LT 5. I can describe the impact of expanding exchange networks on civilizations. Silk Road Land/Sea trade networks