CANNOT BE HIDDEN INTERNATIONAL Diterbitkan oleh Pr. Sammy Lee & Dr. Brenda Parkinson Lee, Sydney, Australia Bilingual Newsletter. Surat Berita Dwibahasa – Inggris— Indonesia ======================================================== Adalah Komunitas amal nirlaba di Australia yang bergerak dalam bidang Pendidikan, Kesehatan, Penyiaran melalui Mass Media tentang Hidup Sehat dan Harmonis Antar Bangsa dan Kebudayaan menuju kepada Masyarakat Sehat, Aman dan Makmur. Kami hanya salah satu dari lebih seratus ministries yang tersebar diseluruh dunia dan yang berdasarkan iman semata-mata dibawah panji Gospel Ministries International dari David Gates. Kami mengusahakan : 1. Lembaga Pengobatan Tanpa Pembedahan dan tanpa Obat Medis Conventional untuk penyakit- penyakit seperti: Kanker, Serangan Jantung, Diabetes, Stroke dan lain-lainnya dengan menggunakan ramuan alam dan Program Hidup Sehat NEW START, dan kuasa Allah, dengan GRATIS kepada masyarakat. 2. Penyiaran melalui Mass Media Elektronis dan Cetak, seperti Radio, TV dan Internet dalam multi bahasa untuk kawasan Asia Pasifik. 3. Sekolah Misionaris (Missonary College) dengan gratis selama 6 bulan, untuk melatih anak-anak muda awam yang berdedikasi untuk membaktikan hidup mereka setahun sebagai pengabar injil sukarela untuk dikirim kemana saja di kawasan Asia Pasifik. (6 bulan latihan dan 6 bulan sebagai tenaga misionaris sukarela.) 4. Mengadakan Sekolah Penerbangan (Aviation School) untuk melatih penerbang-penerbang yang mendedikasikan hidup mereka melayani kebutuhan pengobatan dan pendidikan diantara masyarakat terpencil di kawasan Asia Pacific dan Oceania. Semua staff kami terdiri dari tenaga sukarela yang tidak dibayar dan menyumbangkan dana dan daya serta pikiran mereka sebagai usaha nirlaba dan pengabdian amal sosial bagi masyarakat tanpa batas bangsa, suku, agama atau status hidup mereka. Campus kami terletak di Groves Vale, Richmond disebelah barat kota Sydney dilereng kaki Blue Mountains dan persis disamping dari Blue Mountains National Park seperti tampak pada gambar diatas. Pelayanan kami ini dibawah naungan organisasi internasional GMI dibawah pimpinan David Gates dari Amerika Latin, dan bergerak disekitar 100 negara di dunia dengan berdasarkan Iman Semata-mata. Kami disponsori oleh masyarakat dan para pebinis awam dari segala golongan dan agama yang menghargakan usaha kami yang semuanya kami berikan secara gratis tanpa memungut pembayaran satu sen pun, tidak pandang kaya atau miskin semuanya disama ratakan. Secara garis besarnya program pelayanan serta misi dan visi kami adalah: Pendidikan Penceramah Awam mengenai dekatnya akhir zaman sesuai Alkitab, Roh Nubuat dan Al'quran. Bagaimana menyembuhkan Penyakit Kanker dan Penyakit Vital lainnya tanpa operasi dan obat-obatan modern. (Kursus ini telah dimulai dan diikuti banyak orang yang telah sembuh total tanpa operasi dan obat-obatan medis modern, melainkan hanya menggunakan buah-buahan, sayur-sayuran dan cara hidup sehat sesuai ajaran Alkitab dan Alquran, yaitu menjauhkan makanan haram, rokok dan alkohol, menjadi vegetaris, dan untuk lengkapnya:) NEW START: Nourishment atau Gizi yang sehat pemberian Khalik tanpa pengolahan dan bahan kimia 1 Exercise atau Olahraga yang memadai setiap hari Water atau penggunaan air yang secukupnya Sunshine, mandi cahaya matahari secukupnya Temperance, atau bertarak dari makanan yg merusak Air atau menghirup udara bersih secara teratur tepat Rest belajar istirahat yang benar dan memadai Trust in God, atau bertaqwa pada Allah dan pecaya kepada ajaran nab-nabiNya. Program diatas kami namakan Health and Wellness Centre, di Bilpin NSW, didaerah Blue Mountains dan Hawksbury River Valley. Untuk program Media Centre: Kami sedang mengusahakan pembelian sebuah TV Network di Indonesia atau di Australia untuk siaran dalam multi bahasa menjengkau masyarakat di seluruh kawasan Asia Pasifik, mencakup wilayah Lautan Tiongkok Selatan, Samudera Hindia, Samudera Pacific dan Lautan Antartik. Direktur Media Centre kami, Michael Kunz baru saja kembali dari acara pelatihan mengelola Siaran TV melalui satelit dan internet yang diadakan di Ilo-Ilo, Pilipina. Kami telah mengirimkan 70.000 DVD dari khotbah-khotbah kami keseluruh dunia dan sedang mengerjakan terjemahannya kedalam bahasa-bahasa lain, termasuk Indonesia. Untuk program School of Aviation (Sekolah Penerbangan) Kami sedang merampungkan pendirian Sekolah Penerbangan untuk melatih pemuda-pemudi menjadi pilot untuk usaha nirlaba dan amal sosial, dalam bidang pengobatan dan pendidikan di daerah-daerah terpencil di kawasan Asia Pasifik. Kami sudah mendapat donasi empat pesawat Cessna yang kecil untuk maksud itu. Kami juga sudah mempunyai beberapa tenaga pelatih dan montir pesawat terbang yang akan turut mengelola Sekolah Penerbangan CBHI ini. CBHI Missionary College. If you are interested in learning how to be an effective lay member, a Bible Worker, how to preach and/ or becoming an evangelist for the Lord then this course if for you. Whether you are rich or poor, great or humble. God calls you into active service for him. (CS_pg103) Our location is a quiet, beautiful, natural setting where one on one time with God is paramount. Our main objective is to prepare people to be professional and spiritual soul winners in a short period and with the least cost possible to them. We do not charge our students for tuition, accommodation or food. We provide all our service at no cost to the student. But students that are accepted must meet a required criteria in order to benefit from the training. If you fulfill the enrollment requirements and are committed to serving the Lord and witnessing to many people, then you are able to participate in this course. We only have a limited number of spaces available for course planned to start November 2009. If you are interested please get in contact with us today by calling Pastor Samuel Braga on +61 (02) 4572 2865 or emailing him at Miracles at CBHI 2 The Cannot Be Hidden International exists by faith. We depend solely on God for the provision of all our needs. We don't fundraise, or appeal for donations to any one. We don't have a stable income. We don't run on a budget. When needs come to the front, bills need to be paid, food purchased, etc. we ask God and He provides. God is our provider. The following are a collection of experiences on how God has provided for all our needs for the past: Our First Bill Paid by the Lord! Our first term for the Institute of Evangelism started on September 2007. Eight students enrolled on the course. After the first week of training we received a bill by the owner of the property to the cost of almost $9000. We did not have a cent on our account to pay such an amount. We made the situation known to the students so they could pray about it. We knelt down in prayer requesting our Father to provide for this need as He had promised. In less than a week, from different sources, without us telling any one or doing any fundraising, the Lord sent us $12000. We paid the bill to the owner and filled our gas container, emptied the septics, bought food and fixed other things around the property. From then, God has provided to pay for our food, telephone and electricity bills. We have never lacked in food or any supplies. God has provided in abundance, so much so that most of the students have gained weight since they arrived. God is incredibly faithful! We praise Him every day for it! Bread Given When There Was None. Middle of October 2007 our students joined a group of young people from one of the churches in Sydney for a weeken spiritual retreat. At the end of the retreat the students were offered to take all of the left over bread. Happily they collected the bread which amounted to about 20 loaves. When they arrived at the Institute the showed the bread to the head cook, who started to cry when she saw it. The students wondered what was happening. Emma explained to them that she had been praying to the Lord because there was not one bit of bread left, and no money to buy. God in His incredible mercy had already provided. We froze the loaves and there was bread for a long time! Hens Lay Eggs Just for the Institute. Shane Cuttler, a Penrith Church member, promised God that he was going to provide all the eggs that the students needed for as long as they needed. He has 60 hens, and usually sells his eggs to the community. For three months the hens laid their eggs faithfully, 3 dozen eggs were donated to the centre every week. On December 13 the students parted for 3 weeks Christmas break. That day, Julie, Shane's wife went to the pen to collect eggs and there was none. She came back and told Shane that the hens had stopped because the Institute was on holidays. Shane dismissed the idea as nonesense. But, three weeks later, to Shane's amazement, the very day the students came back to classes there were 3 dozen eggs in the pen. What an amazing God! Isn't beautiful how simple chickens are willing to do the will of God? What about you? Personal Care Items, Just What Was Needed. It was a hot November sunday when John, a Penrith Church member, arrived to the Institute with His car laden with personal care items. There was shampoo, deodarants, shaving cream, shavers, tooth paste, and so much more. As the students began to go throught the items they realised that this man, unknowingly had purchased items that were the favourite brands of the students. What he purchased was what exactly they needed. It was as if he had taken them personally shopping. God, you are constantly surprising us, we love you! Provision for Petrol. At the centre we don't provide for student's personal needs and petrol. There had been a number of times when the Lord through miracles has provided for these needs. Geoff and Brad, two of the students, were travelling back to the Institute after their afternoon of doorknocking. They knew they had little petrol so they were earnestly praying the Lord would take them back. Yet the car run out of fuel and stopped. Brad continued to pray while Geoff was trying to start the car again. At that moment another car stopped next to them and the driver asked if they needed help. The students told him what had happened and thanked him for stopping. The driver got off his ute and took a plastic container filled with petrol, and offered it to the students. After they poured the contents into their car, they gave their helper a DVD disk and drove off praising God. They had enough petrol to get to Institute and the next day drive to a petrol station. What a God! Praise Him. Since the beginning of the course the students don't have a form of income. Yet, the Lord has always provided for their personal needs and for the fuel of their vehicles. We have driven vehicles without petrol for over 120 km. People the students don't know have given them fuel when they have run out. We have seen it over and over! Jesus said: "don't worry about tomorrow", and at the Institute we don't! Prayers Answered, Lives Transformed. At the Institute we have had the joy of seeing many of our prayer for people answered. One of the students met a woman as he was doorknocking, she told him about her brother. He had been diagnosed with cancer and was widely spread. We placed the man in prayer and asked the Lord to heal him if that was His will. The following week the student went back to the woman's home. When she saw him, she was rejoicing because her brother had been completely healed of the cancer. The doctor could find no trace of it. Though we have never met the man himself we pray the that the Lord will lead him to Jesus and we will have the joy of seeing him in heaven. History of CBHI Wellness Education Centre - BILPIN On 27th March 2009 God opened the way for CBHI to acquire and move into the former Bilpin Health Resort to be used as a centre for health education. It was only a few months ago ago that the Lord brought this 43 acre property to our attention and impressed our small group to go forward and place a deposit to purchase this property for our first Wellness Education Centre. Within 2 weeks God supplied $100,000 for the deposit. Although we have moved into the property we are praying for the balance of the funds of $1.5 million to complete settlement by July 2009 so please join us in prayer for this. Christ gave the example that we all must follow, the just shall live by faith. Freely you have received, freely give 3 Pr. Sammy Lee didepan pintu gerbang masuk ke CBHI Health and Wellness Centre di Bilpin. Resort Hotel ini dulunya adalah milik seorang yang tidak percaya kepada Allah. Tapi sangat terkesan waktu mengetahui ministry dari CBHI, dan telah menyerahkan hotel ini kepada CBHI untuk dijadikan Pusat Kesehatan dan Penyembuhan Alternatif kami sesuai dengan nasihat EGWhite. Semua pasien tamu kami telah dirawat dengan gratis dan kebanyakan sembuh dengan secara ajaib. Foto cottages dan kamar sangat indah dan pemandangan memukau. God is good and wonderful, all the time. Lobby dan ruangan untuk seminar dengan pemandangan alam kearah Blue Mountains yang memesonakan, dan kamar makan yang antic, resik dan indah. CBHI Aviation "To every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people....." The Command is Clear! Everyone must hear the good news of Jesus soon return! Even in Australia there are many groups who have not yet heard the gospel. Many of them are in remote areas of this country. In order to speed the process of reaching out to outback and rural Australia, the Lord has made provision for the development of an aviation program. This program trains mission pilots for free and sends them to work not only in Australia, but also in the islands of the Pacific and around the world. It also reaches within Australia with health and gospel initiatives to remote communities. Through miraculous intervention, Jesus has made generous provision for the acquisition of planes in order to start our training and outreach programs. "I saw another Angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel......" 4 God Chooses Our Aircraft in Australia By Craig Wright, Direktur Sekolah Penerbangan CBHI It is an absolute privilege to share with you the way God has lead in the acquisition of this aircraft. Firstly to recap the events leading up to this point. Both the CBHI Board and the CBHI Aviation Board had concluded we should pursue the purchase of an older (pre 1985) Cessna 172. Even although a new model Cessna 182 had been found and deemed appropriate, it was agreed that its additional cost could not be justified at this point. By searching all advertising avenues six suitable aircraft were found. We set about the process of contacting each of the vendors and discovering what we could prior to creating a shortlist for inspection. This proved to be significantly more difficult than would reasonably be expected. Bear in mind we are in economic turbulence where luxury items such as aircraft are more for sale than they are being bought. That said, for each of the sellers we contacted - two had been sold within days of us contacting them ??? Two sellers would not return our calls of enquiry ??? Two sellers had decided to remove their aircraft from sale - one quite dramatically…ie after hearing of our intention to view her plane (we were the first to inquire), had a sleepless night and consequently decided the following morning to remove it from sale! We began asking questions - over this two week period why had every door that we had tried to open closed? What was God telling us? Some days later I was discussing with our engineer the the lack of progress made. It was during this conversation he suggested a possible next step. He had heard that the 182 we had decided against had just had a price reduction of $30,000. This got my attention, as it had his. We wondered the possibility that God had closed all of the doors we had tried to open to direct us back to this aircraft. From a financial perspective it made little sense - from a practical and value for money perspective it made great sense. We concluded that earnest prayer was required to ask again of God what He wanted. We needed to hear His voice. Some hours later I received a delayed call from our Chief Pilot. I had been expecting this call for a few days. Personal circumstance had prevented him from calling till now. After we had attended to the items for which the call was made, I raised with him our inability to make any progress. Without prompt or prior suggestion he shared with me the thoughts that he had been having only days earlier that we might reconsider our position and take another look at the 182. Clearly God had not only shown our engineer the reduced price, He had also impressed on our chief pilot a desire to reinvestigate. God was moving - through prayer He impressed us to move forward and again look at this aircraft, leaving behind our decision to pursue the cheaper, smaller aircraft. We were encouraged in the knowledge that if we were to be looking still elsewhere God would again close this door. A week or two passed. Each board had agreed that God was leading in a different direction to that which we had initially agreed - consents were in place to move forward. Even although the price of the aircraft had been dropped to below what it was reasonably worth we still felt impressed that God was asking us to offer a further $10,000 less than the new asking price. It was agreed that the vendor, Peter would fly the aircraft to Cessnock - our home base. We would give it a final inspection and should everything prove OK we would discuss its purchase. On Thursday Peter arrived and promptly headed for the main terminal building for refreshment. Our engineer and I began looking over the aircraft. It was very quickly noticeable that the engine had developed a significant oil leak - one we were sure Peter hadn’t noticed. On removing some of the cowling it was evident that quite an amount of oil had been lost. Whilst the engineer felt sure he new where it was coming from, it was decided that all the cowling be removed and a proper inspection be carried out. It was concluded that one of two seals had gone - neither a big deal nor expensive to fix. The question was now asked, ‘was the aircraft safe to fly the return leg home?’ By this stage our chief pilot had arrived and Peter had returned. He was unaware that it had been losing oil and offered a reason supporting our engineers conclusion. However the question still remained - for the vendor to fly it home or for other transport to be arranged. Further there was a degree of pressure on quickly establishing a plan as large storm clouds were closing in. While our engineer had been discussing with Peter the potential cause of the leak our chief pilot suggested we may be able to use the aircraft that had been available for our training (a 172) to take Peter home whilst his was repaired. We now brought our engineer in on this suggestion. It was agreed we would offer this option to Peter and at the same time, as we had satisfied ourselves that the aircraft was suitable, discuss with him its potential purchase. Peter and I found a quiet spot and I shared with him our testimony. In all of our previous conversations I had shared the vision that God had given us. I now elaborated on the events of recent weeks and the way God had lead us back to his aircraft. I acknowledged the excellent value it represented and that our offer to him was not a reflection of what we felt it was worth but rather what we had been impressed to offer. I waited with expectancy for his reply. I was sure he would consent to sell as in my mind there was no question God had lead us to this point. His response . . . to very politely acknowledge our position but decline from accepting the offer. He confirmed the asking price had just been dropped and that he felt it was excellent value as it was. He could not sell it at our offer and that he at least needed to test the market with a reasonable advertising campaign to ensure a sale for the price he was asking. His current asking price was where it must remain. We both acknowledged a degree of disappointment but completely understood where each other was coming from. It was agreed that we would see what happened over the next weeks and then re-evaluate. Peter also felt that it would be fine to return home with the aircraft leaking as it was and that he would rectify the problem at a later date. We now started reattaching the cowling. 5 Where was God leading now? Why had He impressed the way He had only for it all to fall over at the last hurdle? I don’t really know whether any of us had time to really process Peters response. Despite feeling very disappointed we all had to pitch in and get the cowling on to enable Peters prompt departure. The first piece to go on was the bottom half - a large piece that is best placed on by three - one to hold and two to bolt from either side. I had just sat on the ground to support the cowling while our chief pilot and engineer started reattaching when Peter came over and asked when I was finished if he might have a word with me. I readily agreed and shortly made my way over to where we had been before. He said to me, ‘Do you think we might be able to meet half way?’ I was taken by surprise at this question given our previous conversation. Without processing what might have been motivating his question I proceeded to share with him our inability to make this decision now and the uncertainty of an affirmative response. I had not finished explaining this when he broke in on my response with these exact words that are now etched in my mind and will be with me for all my days. He said, “You may have already guessed why I asked you that question. What I am really saying is that God just spoke to me and told me to sell it to you for the price you are offering. Congratulations the plane is yours.” I can not begin to explain the range of emotions experienced. I can tell you without doubt that my over riding sensation was of complete humility and rejoicing at the feet of our God who had delivered this aircraft into the hands of his servants. I apologise that this testimony is so long. It has however been my absolute desire that all who read it can share in the thrill of seeing God at work, knowing that He is leading us, his soldiers, in battle AND to victory - not by forgetting about us and hoping we somehow win, but by remaining faithful to His promises - to lead us, to equip us, to provide for us, to protect us and to strengthen us for what lies ahead. Let us take the promises of His word and this example of His leading and continue on in battle. Remember, the victory has already been won. All honor and praise be to God for His unending faithfulness! LAPORAN ACARA PENTAHBISAN PESAWAT DARI SEKOLAH PENERBANGAN CBHI DI AUSTRALIA Oleh Pdt. Sammy Lee, Sydney, 1 Juni 2009 Segala puji bagi Tuhan. Kemarin pagi dengan kesukaan yang berlimpah, kami anggota-anggota jemaat Penrith SDA Church dengan staff pimpinan CBHI di Australia telah mengadakan upacara pentahbisan dari Sekolah Penerbangan CBHI dan dua pesawatnya yang sudah ditangan kami. Ada satu pesawat kami yang disumbangkan oleh Gospel Ministries International dari Amerika Selatan masih dalam perjalanan, dan yang keempat baru kami terima dari seorang penyumbang lain di Australia, tapi belum sempat dibawa ke lokasi Sekolah Penerbangan kami yang di Cessnock, New South Wales, yang letaknya sekitar 140 km diutara kota Sydney, dan tidak jauh dari Avondale College yang terletak di Cooranbong. Sungguh Tuhan luar biasa, kami hanya beberapa gelintir anggota sederhana, seorang pendeta pensiunan dan seorang lagi pendeta yang bertugas penuh di Greater Sydney Conference, telah dipakai oleh Tuhan untuk melakukan pekerjaan yang tidak masuk diakal dan dianggap gila dan mimpi muluk isapan jempol. Dalam upacara tersebut yang dihadiri oleh sekitar 100 anggota yang terdiri dari 13 siswa-siswa yang menerima pendidikan pada Missionary College kami yang campusnya terletak di Groves Vale, dekat Richmond dan dikaki Gunung Blue Mountains, anggota dewan pengurus CBHI dengan pemimpinnya, Pdt. Sam Braga, kedua pilot kami dan sebagian dari anggota jemaat Penrith serta satu dua orang tamu yang hadir. Walaupun pada pagi hari hujan turun dengan agak lebat, sehingga ada beberapa undangan, antara lain dari 6 pimpinan Konferens Greater Sydney, tidak bisa hadir, namun yang lainnya dengan semangat tidak kendor dan luntur, tetap hadir dengan penuh iman. Ternyata setiba kami di lapangan terbang Cessnock Aeordrome, tidak turun hujan, bahkan harinya adalah sangat indah, dan tidak panas terik, dengan suhu udara sekitar 14 derajad Celcius, yang berarti sangat nyaman dan sejuk. Awan mendung sangat tebal tampak dilangit tapi jelas sedang ditahan oleh parah malaikat Tuhan sehingga tidak hujan sampai akhir acara penahbisan itu. Sungguh Tuhan maha ajaib, tidak dapat dibantah lagi. Berulang kali kami telah melihat buktinya yang nyata. Acara dimulai dengan makan siang bersama sangat sederhana dan terdiri dari salad, buah-buahan segar, dan vegetarian burgers, namun kami makan dengan sangat lahap dan penuh sukacita. Tepat setelah selesai makan siang, pada jam 1:30 pesawat kedua, sebuah Cessna 182 yang ditunggu pun mendarat dan merapatkan diri dengan pesawat pertama, Cessna 172 yang sudah lebih dahulu tiba. Setelah Pdt. Sam Braga memberikan kata sambutan singkat dan pengharapannya supaya Tuhan memberkati pesawatpesawat yang khusus diberikan olehnya untuk pengabaran injil kepada penduduk di kawasan Australia dan pulau-pulau di Samudera Hindia dan Pacific yang disekitarnya, dan untuk melatih para pilot missions yang akan melayani sebagai pilot-pilot hari depan dikawasan ini, maka dia telah melayangkan doa penyerahan dan berkat. Selesai upacara yang sederhana, singkat tapi mengesankan itu, para hadirin diberikan kesempatan untuk mengecap terbang berkeliling disekitar lapangan terbang Cessnock itu. Saya sendiri baru saja selesai memberikan latihan kepada siswa-siswa Missionary College itu selama satu minggu dari hari Senin tanggal 25 Mei, s.d hari Jumat 29 Mei 2009, dalam subject Mempertajam Otak dan Menunda Kepikunan serta Keheranan Aksara Kuno Tionghoa Teguhkan Alkitab. Marilah kita sama-sama saling mendoakan satu sama lain, karena kita yakin ini bukanlah pekerjaan manusia, melainkan pekerjaan dan milik serta nyata-nyata pimpinan dari Sang Raja Diraja dan Empunya Penuaian Akhir Ladang GandumNya yang sudah masak siap untuk dituai. Silahkan membaca buku dari David Gates, ”Pilot Misi” yang sudah diterjemahkan kedalam banyak bahasa diantaranya, Belanda, dan Indonesia. Kalau anda mau dalam bahasa Belanda atau Inggrisnya yang berjudul “The Mission Pilot” dan “Modern Miracles”, silahkan buka pada website ini dan download sendiri dengan gratis pada website:. Dan untuk memesan DVD khotbah-khotbah dari Cannot Be Hidden International Ministries, juga semuanya gratis total, silahkan membuka website kami : Untuk DVD dan khotbah-khotbah dinamis gratis silahkan pesan dari: Untuk bahan-bahan khotbah dalam bahasa Indonesia, silahkan buka pada website: pada bagian Articles dan Videos. Disana terdapat artikel, khotbahkhotbah, DVD music, dan khotbah serta bahan-bahan lain yang berguna untuk tujuan pengabaran Injil di seluruh kawasan Asia Pasific dan Asia Tenggara. Semuanya bebas untuk dikutip dan diperbanyak, kami tidak percaya akan Hak Pencipta Dilindungi Undang-undang untuk karya kami. Kami hanya percaya kepada anjuran Pencipta dan Raja kami: Dengan gratis kamu sudah menerima, dengan gratis juga kamu harus memberikan. Freely you received, freely gift! Tuhan memberkati anda semua. Pdt. Sammy Lee & Dr. Brenda Parkinson Lee. Email: atau Phone HP: 61-415 682 170 7