CLASS - X HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK SOCIAL STUDY: Organize yourself towards new culture of power-sharing and prepare a project on it. Prepare a report on “Global warming” its causes and its long term result/impacts. Organize a field trip to the forest research department in Dehradun or collect information on the work done here to enhance to resources available in this region. Prepare a power point presentation on the basis of following points. Meaning and pattern of globalization. Effects of globalization on society economy & policies. 3 flows effects of the 3 flows. SCIENCE Make a PPT on any one topic:-a) food and digestion in human. b) respriation c) Power pump-human heart d) Transportation in plants e) Excretion. f) Photosynthesis. Insert images and make it clear and detailed Do an experiment to show corrosion. For that take 3 tumbler fill 2 of them with water half & full take a piece of steel into it. Record your observations. Make a working model on any relevant topic of science & technology. Prepare an investigatory project on any disease by which person is suffering nearby your surroundings. Collect the report of the patient. ENGLISH I Teenagers are basically hard wired to butt heads with their parents. Adolescence is a time of rapid change for kids both physically and cognitively. How can you troubleshoot the following teen behavior problems by putting yourself in the place of your parent in a relative, civilized fashion? Some teen behavior problems are:i) Peer Pressure ii) Teen depression iii) When teens lie iv) Teen drug abuse II i) At least 8000 dead after devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake strikes Nepal on 25th April 2015. ii) 2004 Tsunami in Chennai had deadly predecessors. Give some suggestive measures to your friend or countrymen to overcome this type of situation. III Teachers may have to face a lot of distractions in classroom daily. They may have to deal with uninterested students or they may suffer from burden in absence of parents support. But good teachers always remain committed to their profession and try solving these problem faced by teachers in class room include the following:i) Ignoring and neglecting behavior of young students as they do not know the importance of education. ii) iii) iv) Disrespectful behavior from students. Lack of parental co-operation & guidance. Sleep deprived and lethargic students are quite irritating for teachers. Discuss with your partner, what you will do if you will face this type of situation. NOTE:- i) ii) iii) IV Record a CD of your discussion. Minimum one partner required for recording. Time approx 8 minutes. Ist Topic Roll No. 01 to 20 IInd Topic Roll No. 21 to 40 IIIrd Topic Roll No. 41 to 61 Do Worksheet number 10E05D, 10E06A, 10E06B, 10E06C from elevate worksheet. MATHEMATICS Prepare a PPT on pairs of linear equations in two variables. Prepare a table cloth with (any three) i) Embroidery ii) Tie & Dye iii)Fabric Painting iv)Block painting Prepare a file on biography of five Indian mathematicians. Solve the following pairs of linear equation by substituation method, elimation method, graphic method and cross multiply method. I) II) III) IV) V) VI) 3x+2y=5 5x-3y=11 141x+93y=189 2\ √x+ 3/√y =2 1/2x + 1/3y =-2 3x-5y=-1 & & & & & & 2x-3y=8Type equation here. -10x+6y=-22 93x+141y=45 4/√x-9/√𝒚= -1 1/3x + 1/2y=13/6 x – y = -1 Revise FA I syllabus. कक्षा –X ग्रीष्मकालीन अवकाश 1।साहस,बललदान और संकल्पो से पर् ू ण कववता एवं गीतो का लेखन कररए।(कोई चार) 2।अपने आस पास कार्ण करने वाले छोटे बच्चो व बड़ो की ददन चर्ाण को ध्र्ान पव ण दे खखर्े तथा साथथर्ो से ववचार-ववमशण कर उनके जीवन स्तर को सध ू क ु ारने क ललए व्र्क्ततगत सामदू हक स्तर पर आप तर्ा –तर्ा कर सकते हैं ललखखए। 3।‘दे श भक्तत’ दे श के स्वतन्त्रता र्ज मे आहुती दे ने वाले वीरों के नाम सन ु हरे रं ग से लभन्त्न पत्ररका पर ललखखए। 4।जल,वार्ु और ध्वनन प्रदष ू र् को रोकने के ललए सरकारी और गैर सरकारी संगठनो द्वारा ककए जा रहे प्रर्ासो की जानकारी प्राप्त कर लभन्त्न पत्ररका पर ललखखए। 5।कुछ फूलों के पौधों मे कााँटे भी होते है ।र्े कााँटे फूलों के ललए कैसे लाभदार्क है अपनी बद् ु थध और वववेक द्वारा ललखखए।