ABE Practitioner Issues and Concerns Survey



Professional Issues Survey - Summary of Results and Committee Response

Survey developed, conducted and results reported by Professional Issues Committee

Literacy Action Network

Summer 2012


Late in 2011, the Professional Issues Committee began developing a statewide survey to assess the primary issues and concerns facing ABE professionals. This survey was distributed to the ABE field and responses were gathered though Survey Monkey. The committee analyzed the results and identified specific areas that can be addressed through Professional Issues Committee action and project development over the next two years.

Survey Focus Areas

Assessment, Instructional Support and Collaboration, 2014 GED, Interpersonal Relationships, Digital Literacy,

Space Issues, Retention and Persistence, Distance Learning, Meeting Learner Needs, Implementing New State

Initiatives and Funding. A final focus area was included titled “Other” for issues not otherwise addressed through the survey focus areas.

Survey Timeline

Fall 2011LAN PIC began exploring ABE programming areas that needed to be included in the survey.

Winter 2012 -Survey was distributed to the ABE field via Survey Monkey. By the end of the survey period, a total of 67 ABE practitioners responded to the survey.

Spring 2012The LAN PIC gathered the acquired data and began collating results. These results were discussed; action items developed in response to survey data, and a plan was made to distribute a summary report by summer 2012

Summer 2012 - Report with summary and action items distributed.

Survey Results and PIC Responses

Issue 1: Assessment

Survey Response Trends:

More statewide trainings on ABE assessments, TABE alignment with new GED, use of WorkKeys

PIC Action:

Inform Southwest ABE of requests from the field for more training on CASAS and TABE. There is a lack of understanding of testing requirements.

Promote and publicize trainings available on instructional strategies and curriculum aligned with

CASAS/TABE competencies as well as additional formative assessments

Issue 2: Instructional Support and Collaboration

Survey Response Trends:

Need for more instructional resources, more contact with colleagues, more interaction with other teachers,

Common Core general questions, accessing New Teacher Training, more training on multilevel classroom instruction , more funding for classroom support staff

PIC Action

Inform ABE practitioners of resources that are available: PIC Promising Practices, site visits, New

Teacher Training materials, including contact list of conference participants (consortium, name, email, phone, site, etc.)

Investigate the possibility of regional PIC meetings.

Provide links to resources and improve awareness of common core standards

Issue 3: 2014 GED

Survey Response Trends:

Available resources and training for new GED, concerns about cost and testing locations, digital literacy issues, adult secondary credential task force progress, linking curriculum/existing courses to new GED

[Note: Majority (66% of responders) commented on 2014 GED program area on the survey]

PIC Action

Inform ABE practitioners that GED resources are available through GEDTS and through the

Minneapolis ABE GED PD supplemental services grant

Issue 4: Interpersonal Relationships

Survey Response Trends:

Working with volunteers, team building with co-workers, collaborating with community, teacher/staff recognition

PIC Action

Develop training on communication strategies, meeting facilitation, work plan development and a team building tool like Strength Finders .

Issue 5: Digital Literacy

Survey Response Trends:

Need more resources to increase students’ digital literacy. Resources must be ready for the new GED in order to assess and provide instruction in this area.

PIC Action

Promote St. Paul Public Schools and MLC professional development opportunities on digital literacy.

PIC will identify and inform ABE practitioners of additional resources that assist students’ improvement of keyboarding skills and overall digital literacy.

Promote Northstar Digital Literacy Standards throughout the state.

Issue 6: Retention and Persistence

Survey Response Trends:

Need more ideas and better ways to share information that will work across consortia (especially in rural

MN) What are other consortia doing? Is there curriculum available to teach persistence? More information is needed on how best to implement managed enrollment. Transportation is a big roadblock to regular attendance.

PIC Action

Research and publish list of best practices in retention and persistence

Study and use case studies of programs successful with managed enrollment. What are some guidelines? Post on website, have sessions at regionals and SI.

Survey ABE programs on promising practices on the areas of retention and persistence

Explore Wisconsin ABE and community college system practices used to address and improve and retention and persistence. Distribute this information to ABE practitioners.

Issue 7: Distance Learning

Survey Response Trends:

Need more support accessing the current distance learning options. Reliable and up-to-date technology is a concern, what is currently available? How do we confidently count hours? Online practice is very helpful for students, how can we best prepare students for distance learning?

PIC Action

Share survey results with St. Paul ABE, which has a supplemental service grant for Distance


Promote curriculum resources and best practices at regional trainings.

Provide guidance and publicize grant opportunities for access to technology, equipment, etc.

Investigate free internet service available for sites.

Issue 8: Meeting Learner Needs

Survey Response Trends:

Information is needed about best practices for teaching in a multi-level classroom, Addressing barriers to attendance and balancing learner needs (academic) with familial/community/personal needs. Is there a possibility of a statewide website of resources for students to locate programs that help with eliminating barriers?

PIC Action

Provide best practices and resources – there are many free resources- to ABE practitioners.

Develop ways to promote sharing: regionals, study circles, awards at regionals for collaborative efforts and Promising Practices on the website.

Post resource reading list on website.

Issue 9: Implementing New State Initiatives

Survey Response Trends:

What are they? Would like updates on key initiatives, Ongoing training is needed on new and existing initiatives, How do we best prioritize initiatives? Smaller/rural sites have difficulty implementing initiativessome guidance in this area is needed, Need more overall inclusion on informing teachers of new initiatives

PIC Action

Keep updated information about State Initiatives on the website. Continue to provide updates on initiatives at Summer Institute

Promote training conducted through State ABE office ,webinars and supplemental service providers

Issue 10: Funding

Survey Response Trends:

Need more grant information, need to encourage sufficient funding for each consortia, legislators need to know more about ABE positive outcomes. There is a need to recognize the work of all teachers-fulltime and part-time and a need to explore hiring more full time teachers. More funding is needed to update technology.

PIC Action

Publish grant information on LAN website.

Continue to work with EM policy committee so that ABE monies can become predictable and sustainable – (Legislative Issues Committee)

Present at SI and other events as to what steps to take to contact legislators (Legislative Issues


Develop and publicize ideas to recognize good teachers, especially part-time ABE teachers

Work to promote getting more full time ABE teachers in the field with continuing contracts

(Legislative Issues Committee)

Issue 11: Other

Survey Response Trends:

Interested in working to develop the ABE alternative diploma. The public needs to know what impact ABE has in the community.

PIC Action

Publicize work of Task Force for state ABE alternative high school diploma (Membership and

Marketing Committee)

Help with statewide marketing campaign for ABE to promote awareness of what we do (M &M


Revisit Impact statement (all committees)

If you are interested in working with Literacy Action Network to address any of these important issues, please contact one of the committee chairs!

Legislative Chair - Tom Cytron-Hysom thysom@real-time.com

Membership/Marketing Co-Chairs - Scott Helland, Sally Welsh shelland@isd622.org


Professional Issues Chair - Britta Youmans bryoumans@rochester.k12.mn.us

Summer Institute Co-Chairs - Abbey Lang, Cathy Grady cgrady@themlc.org


Volunteer Issues Co-Chairs - Mary Jo Bayliss, Allison Runchy mbayliss@bloomington.k12.mn.us

