Annual Activities Report 2014 Drinking water Supply system: Mutera System Prepared by: AQUAVIRUNGA LTD 31-3-2015 Signature: ………………… Annual Report 2014 Mutera Drinking Water Supply 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. AQUAVIRUNGA LTD. .................................................................................................. 3 2. OPERATION OF THE MUTERA WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM ............................................... 5 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3. PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT ................................................................................................ 5 DISTRIBUTION DEPARTMENT ............................................................................................... 6 CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT ........................................................................................ 7 ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT .............................................................................................. 11 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS OF OPERATINGMUTERA WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM ........................ 14 DEVELOPMENT OF THE MUTERA WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM ........................................ 15 3.1 3.2 STUDIES AND CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION ......................................................................... 15 IMPLEMENTATIONS OF WORKS .......................................................................................... 15 4. THE DELEGATED MANAGEMENT CONTRACT FOR THE MUTERA WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM .......................................................................................................................... 16 2. COMPANY MANAGEMENT ....................................................................................... 17 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3. BOARD MEETINGS .......................................................................................................... 17 HUMAN RESSOURCES ....................................................................................................... 17 STAFF TRAINING.............................................................................................................. 18 MAIL AND ARCHIVES MANAGEMENT ................................................................................... 19 MISCELLANEOUS ACTIVITIES .............................................................................................. 19 SUPPORT BY THE PARTNER NV PWN ................................................................................. 19 EXTERNAL RELATIONS .............................................................................................. 22 ANNEXES ........................................................................................................................ 23 AQUAVIRUNGA LTD Annual Report 2014 Mutera Drinking Water Supply 3 1. AQUAVIRUNGA LTD. AQUAVIRUNGA Ltd, established on 10 February 2007 in Kigali, is a Rwandan company that provides drinking water and sanitation services at national and international level. Its administrative head office is established at Mizingo, Kanzenze Sector, Rubavu District, in the Western Province. AQUAVIRUNGA Ltd has two (2) shareholders, namely AQUARWANDA Ltd (Rwanda) and NV PWN Water Supply Company in Northern Holland (The Netherlands) with respectively 49% and 51% of shares. AQUAVIRUNGA presently operates three Public-Private-Partnership Contracts in Rwanda: No Title of the Contract PPP partner 1 Design, Rehabilitate, Finance District and Operate (DRFO) of the Rubavu Yungwe-Bikore and MizingoMutura drinking water supply systems 2 3 Duration Start date End date of 15 years 01/02/2009 31/01/2024 Delegated Management of Musanze and the Mutera drinking water Nyabihu Intersupply system district Association 14 years 25/02/2010 24/02/2024 Delegated Management of District of the Nyabihu drinking water Nyabihu supply systems 5 years 2/09/2014 AQUAVIRUNGA LTD 1/09/2019 Annual Report 2014 Mutera Drinking Water Supply 4 Location of AQUAVIRUNGA Ltd’s area of intervention Area covered Aquavirunga Ltd by AQUAVIRUNGA’s overall objective is to contribute to the U.N. Millennium Development Goals by improving operation and maintenance of drinking water supply systems to ensure sustainable supply of good quality drinking water in sufficient quantity to the population in the area served by them. AQUAVIRUNGA’s specific objectives are: Management of water supply systems in a professional, efficient and cost effective way through the establishment of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP); Establishment of organizational structures, management methods and tools that ensure the sustainable operation and development of drinking water supply systems; Strengthening the capacity and performance of national staff. This document contains the 2014 Annual Activities Report of Aquavirunga for the YungweBikore and Mizingo-Mutura water supply systems. The 2014 Annual Activities Report is structured as follows: Chapter 2 presents a review of the operation of the Yungwe-Bikore and MizingoMutura water supply systems. Chapter 3 assesses the development of the Yungwe-Bikore and Mizingo-Mutura water supply systems. Chapter 4 discusses some pending matters with respect to the DRFO Contract for the Yungwe-Bikore and Mizingo-Mutura water supply systems. Chapter 5 deals with the internal management of AQUAVIRUNGA. Finally Chapter 6 presents the external relations of AQUAVIRUNGA. AQUAVIRUNGA LTD Annual Report 2014 Mutera Drinking Water Supply 5 2. OPERATION OF THE MUTERA WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM 2.1 Production department The following were the main objectives of the Production Department for 2014: Ensure drinking water in sufficient quantity to meet the demand of the population and meet challenges related to the operation of the distribution network: From January 2014 to October 2014, we noticed a big shortage water from the Mutera treatment plant within the negative impact in the distribution network. We have been forced to proceed with the application of rationing water waiting for the reaction of the Interdistrict Association of Musanze and Nyabihu for rehabilitating all intakes. The situation has been recovered since November 2014 and the supply of water has been restablished. The flow of springs has increased to twice of the normal at the end of 2014. The situation remains vulnerable because at the time of writing this report the water supply has decreased and the flow rate of sources decreased. A consultation meeting bringing together stakeholders in the Mutera Contract management delegation to look for the missing source of financing rehabilitation took place on January 22, 2014. WASAC services were alerted. Technicians from WASAC conducted April 3, 2014 a field visit in the source water intake area of Mutera to realize the relevance of the problem. Until the end of 2014 no concrete proposal has been given by WASAC. However, the rehabilitation of sources is needed to stabilize the flow Insure irreproachable quality water at the exit of the plant and on the network through: The respect of planning of periodical interventions on the treatment chain, the general cleaning of the treatment chain, of the intermediary and secondary reservoirs in the distribution network. The interventions of AQUAVIRUNGA technicians were conducted in the health centres and schools for cleaning and disinfection internal reservoirs; The reinforcement of the supervision of water quality on the network through weekly sampling enabled to harmonize quality controls on the treatment chain and on the distribution network; Specific chlorination from area to area in secondary reservoirs enabled to maintain water quality on the distribution network; Sluicing of lower points of water pipes and the preventive disinfection of valves, as recommended by the laboratory of the project, enabled to ensure an irreproachable water quality in the distribution network. Establishing all necessary measures to maximize production parameters through: Curative and preventive maintenance of all production installations, including the electromechanical equipments and the civil engineering structures. Reinforcement of the mechanisms for the control of the quality of water produced and distributed at the plant, at different reservoirs and at various public and private connections in order to comply with the contractual provisions of the Delegated AQUAVIRUNGA LTD Annual Report 2014 Mutera Drinking Water Supply 6 Management Contract. After control of WASAC from April 2014, the doses of chlorine in the water treatment have been revised upwards. 2.2 Distribution department The following were the objectives of the Distribution Department for 2014: Supply without interruption drinking water at all the distribution points: This objective was partially met because of the shortage water noticed from January 2014 to October 2014. It appears that a significant decrease in the flow of sources caused by a total disappearance or deviation of the Mutera 1 spring which is one of the 4 principal spring’s water from the Mutera system. It has negatively affected the continuity of the distribution service in all antenna of the Mutera distribution network until October 2014. Extend in collaboration with the Customer Department the coverage of the network. This explains the execution and servicing of 41 new private connections in ordinary conditions, 16 new private connections with Revolving Funds project conditions. Establish a supervision and maintenance tool enabling to improve the distribution network output. This objective was not reached at 100% due to the dilapidation of the distribution network infrastructural facilities that have not yet been rehabilitated and to widespread acts of vandalism throughout the network. A support team from PWN to locate unaccounted-for water operated with our plumbers in November 2013. There was no tangible result. However, some measures have been taken in 2014 : A campaign to repair immediately all visible leakages on the main pipe network and on the pipes of 7 antennas was conducted. 70 connections which were no longer in use have been fully disconnected from network in august 2014. Verification day to day by the plumbers the water meter for the suspect clients. This permanent control reduces the manipulation inside the water mater. We change regularly all illegible water meters (contains algae). The distributed water rationing enabled better use and better output (63%) Main parameters related to distribution activities Parameter Unit Volume of water distributed m3 165,535 128,899 Volume of water billed m3 80,403 82,341 Total volume of unaccounted -for water m3 85,132 46,558 Average distribution output % 49.27 63 74 57 Number of complaints concerning public tap managers AQUAVIRUNGA LTD Quantity 2013 in Quantity 2014 in Annual Report 2014 Mutera Drinking Water Supply 7 Number of extraordinary leakages 29 30 Number of ordinary leakages 232 117 Number of leakages repaired 261 147 Number of acts of vandalism 32 25 Number of secondary reservoirs cleaned 30 20 150 42 2,744 2,199 130 22 Cleaning of main reservoirs 2 3 Construction or rehabilitation of public taps 6 0 Number of private connections installed in ordinary conditions 91 37 Number of private connections installed with Revolving fund 11 16 Number of public taps cleaned 34 9 Number of meters replaced 36 30 Number of valves replaced on public taps 11 11 Number of gates replaced on public taps 16 20 Number of gates replaced on the pipe network 12 21 Number of cuts for unauthorized connections 41 89 Number of estimate costs of connection works established or re-updated for private connections Total length in meters of pipe network laid Number of sluicing cases m The activities of the Distribution department in 2014 were marked by the repairs of leakages, the upkeep and maintenance of different works and equipments, the location of unaccounted-for water, the installation of network regulation equipments and lastly by Extension of the Mutera distribution network with 2,199m for connecting 43 new clients. The Distribution Department team significantly contributed to the collection of GPS-related field data in order to update the GIS map/plan of the distribution network of Mutera drinking water supply system. 2.3 Customer service department The following were the main objectives of the Customer department during 2014: Sell water and ensure the recovery of receipts at the various water points; Sensitise the population of the area covered by AQUAVIRUNGA Ltd about the use of water from public taps to increase water sales; AQUAVIRUNGA LTD Annual Report 2014 Mutera Drinking Water Supply 8 Represent AQUAVIRUNGA Ltd towards applicants for water connections on the distribution network; Receive and collect complaints from users, bring them to the knowledge of Departments concerned and ensure their follow-up Main indicators pertaining to the activities of the Customers Department: Unit Valeur 2013 Valeur 2014 Volume invoiced m³ 80,403 82,341 Volume invoiced to pubic taps m³ 21,474 21,017 Volume invoiced to private connections m³ 58,929 61,324 Rate of recovery from public taps % 89 94.5 Rate of recovery from private connections % 90.4 98.4 Rate of total recovery % 90 96 Total of public taps BF 46 46 Total of private connections BP 322 364 Number of active public taps BF 35 33 Number of active private connections BP 247 300 Ratio of public taps in the billing % 26.7 25.5 Ratio of private connections in the billing % 73.3 74.5 In total, 82,341 m3 were sold in 2014 in Mutera drinking water supply system, with a monthly average of 6,862m3, that is an increase by 2.4% compared with 2013 where we had 80,403 m3 .This is mainly explained by the improvement in drinking water distribution thanks to the extension works on the distribution network through the establishment of 138 new private connections. It should be pointed out that during the 2014 campaign to locate unaccounted-for water, 21 dishonest customers were disconnected while the meters of 6 customers suspected of stealing water were sealed. Moreover, we recorded water consumption by institutions in the order of 37,379 m3 that is 45.4% of total sales in 2014 and 60,9% of sales on private connections. These institutions are the main customers of the Mutera drinking water supply system. Per category, 2014 sales compared with those of 2013: • decreased by 2.1% on public taps for the above-mentioned reason and • Increase by 4.1 % on private connections in general; however, they decreased by 2.5% in institutions (37,379m3 in 2014 against 38,334m3 in 2013). The evolution of related figures from January to end of December 2014 compared with 2013 is highlighted in the table below: AQUAVIRUNGA LTD Annual Report 2014 Mutera Drinking Water Supply 9 Volumes in m3 in 2013 Volumes in m3 in 2014 Variation in m3 Variation in % January 6,226 6,922 696 11.2 February 6,058 6,170 112 1.8 March 6,343 4,422 -1,921 -30.3 April 6,137 5,774 -363 -5.9 May 6,661 8,385 1, 724 25.9 June 8,879 7,420 -1,459 -16.4 July 8,671 8,44 -327 -3.8 August 7,493 6,914 -579 -7.7 September 6,075 6,571 496 8.2 October 6,282 6,206 -76 -1.2 November 5,762 6,722 960 16.7 December 5,816 8,91 2,675 46.0 80,403 82,341 1,938 2.4 6,700 6,862 162 2.4 Total Average Regarding the above table, monthly variations in terms of water consumption show that: In general, there was an overall increase in water consumption in 2014 compared with 2013 on account of the above-mentioned reason. Drinking water consumption varies with the season: monthly consumption during the dry season (8,344 m3 in July) may be almost twice as much than during the rainy season (5,774m3 in April). This phenomenon is linked to the intensive use of rainwater thanks to rainwater harvesting infrastructural facilities developed by the population before AQUAVIRUNGA LTD arrived. In 2014, the water sales-related invoiced amount is Rwf 58 351 482 and that collected is equal to Rwf 55 974 888 that is an overall recovery rate of 96 %. Per category, the recovery situation is presented as follows: The overall recovery rate on public taps is 94.5% that is Rwf 13,249,080 collected out of Rwf 14,018,339 billed. The recovery rate on private connections is 98.4% that is Rwf 40,272,382 collected against 40,903,108 billed. The amount recovered in 2014 with respect to arrears from April 2010 to end of December 2014 is Rwf 6 338 040. The accumulation of outstanding debts is estimated at 16 976 760 Rwf including the billing for December 2014, to be recovered in January 2014. The total fo arreas related to 2014 amounts to Rwf 8 714 634. AQUAVIRUNGA LTD Annual Report 2014 Mutera Drinking Water Supply 10 The evolution of cash inflows from January to end of December 2014 compared with 2013 is shown in the table below: Recovery 2013 (RWF) 2014 (RWF) Variation in RWF Variation in % January 4,098,736 4,748,155 649,419 16 February 3,629,665 4,936,322 1,306,657 36 March 3,133,136 3,446,209 313,073 10 April 3,806,813 2,684,767 -1,122,046 -29 May 4,618,921 5,312,543 693,622 15 June 4,526,009 4,500,893 -25,116 -1 July 5,064,728 4,720,195 -344,533 -7 August 5,629,940 4,532,159 -1,097,781 -19 September 2,756,643 5,745,095 2,988,452 108 October 3,938,963 4,367,457 428,494 11 November 4,143,606 4,165,997 22,391 1 December 3,609,593 4,361,670 752,077 21 48,956,753 53,521,462 4,564,709 9 4,079,729 4,460,122 380,392 9 Total Average The Customer Service Department collected complaints on various water points. Some complaints required the intervention of AQUAVIRUNGA LTD’s technical services while others were of commercial nature. Thus, most of the complaints raised throughout 2014 related to the following: cases of leakages on gates and/or valves requests for the verification of water meters; acts of vandalism on public taps and works of the distribution network and lastly cases of leakages either on sluice gate chambers, on defective sluice gates before or after meters or on valves Some cases having to do with the upkeep and maintenance of installations were reported to the Distribution department and were solved in an appropriate way. Other cases beyond the powers of AQUAVIRUNGA LTD, such as theft and acts of vandalism perpetrated on installations were submitted to local authorities for appropriate action. Other complaints were in connection with either public tap managers or the users of the water from public taps. They particularly concerned cleanliness around public taps, AQUAVIRUNGA LTD Annual Report 2014 Mutera Drinking Water Supply 11 enforcement of the tariff and the opening hours for public taps or the resignation of public tap managers for reasons of personal convenience. All these cases were followed up and handled by staff of the Customer service department in collaboration with local authorities as well as users concerned by either giving warning to public tap managers concerned or by replacing them as appropriate. In 2014, therefore, 7 out of 35 full-time public tap managers, that are about 20%, were replaced following their mismanagement of water receipts and the non-observation of the water tariff of Rwf 15 per jerrycan in force within the service area of AQUAVIRUNGA LTD. 2.4 Accounting department Regarding the operation of the Nyabihu Drinking Water supply system, the annual turnover amounts to 71,567,333 Rwf. The total expenses are 64,379,802 Rwf. The profit for the FY 2014 registered results from the following computation: Statement of Comprehensive income as per 31st December 2013 AEP MUTERA Operating incomes: AEP MUTERA FY 2014 FY 2013 46,845,765 45,698,795 2,272,392 3,469,482 Other income(Grant resources+ retake on provision) 22,449,176 39,417,097 Total Income 71,567,333 88,585,374 Production costs 3,286,294 2,573,435 Distribution costs 16,824,400 12,547,222 Administration costs 23,988,667 23,512,532 504,256 552,356 S/Total expenses 44,603,617 39,185,545 Gross Profit 26,963,716 49,399,829 Depreciation 19,776,185 18,680,879 Sales Miscellaneous incomes (recovries: devis, recon.) Extraordinary income: Operating expenses Finance costs AQUAVIRUNGA LTD Annual Report 2014 Mutera Drinking Water Supply Total expenses 12 64,379,802 57,866,424 7,187,531 30,718,950 Net Profit after Depreciation Explanation of some important figures of the post of the above table compared to 2012: Production cost: 31st Dec. 2014 31st Dec. 2013 2,279,193 1,055,331 Fuel & lubricants 802,943 1,467,256 Workshop materials 153,310 Water processing chemicals Electricity Total Production cost 50,848 50,848 3,286,294 2,573,435 Administration cost: Office furniture 835,183 526,790 8,475 603,902 400,779 439,612 1,600,000 11,000 Management fees 60,000 526,790 Miscellanous expenses 79,340 468,398 Office maintenance fees Communication & internet Costs for consultancy Rent/Mutera 150,000 Matériel et équipement de protection 223,948 Representation and reception fees 329,050 551,925 Advertisement fees+ dons et liberalités 190,000 201,271 32,000 144,000 18,051,032 18,335,415 1,908,860 2,165,490 Misssion fees Salaries Insurance Charges et pertes diverse Total Administration costs AQUAVIRUNGA LTD 120,000 23,988,667 23,512,532 Annual Report 2014 Mutera Drinking Water Supply 13 Transport and vehicle rent 4,993,819 6 706 900 Public water points maintenance fees 2,135,160 1 751 520 Repairs & maintenance 9,695,421 4 300 862 16,824,400 12 547 222 Tax on Importation Total Distribution costs Summary of financial position as of 31 December 2014: Asset 31st dec 2014 31st dec 2013 Intangible assets 0 0 Tangible Assets 0 2 290 253 Rehabilitation works 108,040,338 121 137 787 Current assets 110,363,918 112 597 005 6,351,084 3 354 887 224755340 239 379 931 -2,867,110 -43 768 476 149,190,181 188 157 438 Provisions 45,339,427 55 506 202 Short Term Liabilities 33,092,842 40 082 211 224,755,340 239 977 374 Cash and Cash equivalent TOTAL ASSETS Equity & Liabilities Shareholders funds Grants TOTAL EQUITY &LIABILITIES Explanation of some important figures of the table of financial position as of 31 December 2014 compared to 2013: 31st Dec. 2014 31st Dec. 2013 Rehabilitation works Inatake sources& pumps 0 0 water treatment plant 0 1, 514,525 108,040,338 119,623,262 Works on water networks AQUAVIRUNGA LTD Annual Report 2014 Mutera Drinking Water Supply 14 TOTAL 108,040,338 121, 137,787 Inventories 31st Dec. 2014 Stocks/inventory of laboratory consumables Inventory of water network materials Inventory of district materials Inventory of revolving funds materials Inventory for fuel 31st Dec. 2013 258,732 561 240 1,996,989 4 475 265 14,725,649 16 024 449 1,347,723 5 633 876 56,144 6 228 232,617 1 527 433 18,617,854 28 228 491 Inventory for laboratory materials NOTE: The following table shows the Historical value till 2014 of Conceded Assets: 31st Dec. 2013 Conceded Assets Conceded civil engineering facilities Conceded Pipe networks Electro mechanic material 2.5 31st Dec. 2012 330 000 000 330 000 000 240 000 000 5 000 000 575 000 000 240 000 000 5 000 000 575 000 000 Key performance indicators of operatingMutera Water Supply system Indicators 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Production capacity (m3/d) 450 450 450 450 450 42,252 63,523 76,123 81,565 82,341 - - - 57 36 Income (million Rwf) 21,1 42,5 47,6 48,3 53,5 Operational cost coverage ratio (%) 74% 87% 94% 125.5 113 Volume invoiced (m3/y) Unaccounted for water (%) AQUAVIRUNGA LTD Annual Report 2014 Mutera Drinking Water Supply 15 3. DEVELOPMENT OF THE MUTERA WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM 3.1 Studies and Construction Supervision In June 2011 AQUAVIRUNGA Ltd has signed an addendum to the Delegated Management Contract for Mutera Drinking Water Supply system with Musanze and NyabihuInterdistrict Associationfor the design and supervision of a number of rehabilitation and extension works of the Mutera water supply systems. The value of these design and supervision works amounted to € 80,000.= and were financed by AQUAVIRUNGA’s associate NV PWN and the Dutch NGO Aqua for All (A4A). In the addendum it was agreed that AQUAVIRUNGA would be responsible for the design and supervision of the rehabilitation and extension works whereas the Musanze and NyabihuInterdistrict Association would be responsible for finding funding for the implementation of the works, notably from the WASH/UNICEF Project. Under the above addendum, the preparation of the detailed design and tender documents of protection, rehabilitation and extension of water supply and sanitation in the Mutera project area was finished in December 2012. The starting dates of the execution of the works are waiting for finding funding for the implementation of the works. AQUAVIRUNGA has performed in 2014 the services of updating of the Geographic Information System with respect to the above works. 3.2 Implementations of Works In 2012 the partners NV PWN and Aqua for All have approved funding of the investment project consisting of: Project Content Value (€) Start date 12010 Revolving Fund for the supply and 40,000 installation of private connections in the Yungwe-Bikore, Mizingo-Mutura and Mutera project areas 1/12/2012 Duration indefinite In 2014, only 16 new private connections have been executed with the Revolving Fund (Project 12010) financed by the partners A4A/PWN in the Mutera project area. AQUAVIRUNGA LTD Annual Report 2014 Mutera Drinking Water Supply 16 4. THE DELEGATED MANAGEMENT CONTRACT FOR THE MUTERA WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM Throughout 2014, three working sessions took place with the Committee for the monitoring and evaluation of the Delegated Management Contract related to Mutera drinking water supply systems in a bid to monitor the application of the contractual clauses by both signatory parties (Musanze and NyabihuInterdistrict Association and AQUAVIRUNGA Ltd).During these sessions, discussions focussed on the following points: The monitoring and evaluation of the Delegated Management Contract The pending matters with respect to the Delegated Management Contract, notably: o The problem of shortage water noticed since December 2013. o The taking of erosion protection measures around the infrastructure of the Mutera water supply systems and maintenance of the access roads towards the Mutera treatment plant. o The appropriation of the infrastructure of the Mutera water supply system by the beneficiary population. o The feedback on the studies on the rehabilitation and extension of the networks of Mutera drinking water supply systems conducted by AQUAVIRUNGA Ltd o The application of the tariff by the public tap operators o The mobilization of the population for the Project 12010: “Revolving fund” It should be noticed during 2014 that the protection measures of the intakes area of the Mutera water supply system issue have provided appropriate solution. AQUAVIRUNGA LTD Annual Report 2014 Mutera Drinking Water Supply 17 2. COMPANY MANAGEMENT 2.1 Board Meetings In 2014 there have been two Board Meetings on 20 May and 28 November and one Shareholders Meeting on 20 May. The meetings on 20 May took place at Mizingo whereas the meeting on 28 November was convened at Velserbroek in the Netherlands. The Board Meetings focused on the following subjects: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Approval of the minutes of the previous Board Meeting, Administrative et financial management Human Resources management Progress of the study and investment projects (NV PWN/A4A/UNICEF 2010-2014) Projects in the pipeline (PWN/A4A) Progress of the action plan for the next years 2013-2015 (Annex 2 and 3) Delegated Management Contract for Nyabihu Water Supply Schemes Affermage contract for Senegal (GL and NDP Water supply scheme) Ownership of the Delegated Management Contract by the Districts and Interdistrict Association The Shareholders meeting of May 2014 has approved the financial annual report for the year 2013. The provisionary financial statements of AQUAVIRUNGA for the fiscal year 2013 have been submitted to the Rwandan Revenue Authority on 30 March 2014. After auditing process and their approval by the Shareholders ‘meeting of May 20th , 2014 the final version of financial statements of AQUAVIRUNGA for the fiscal year 2013 have been submitted to the Rwandan Revenue Authority on 25 May 2014 In general the management of Aquavirunga closely monitors the regularization of its tax obligations with the Rwandan Revenue Authority, its social security obligations with the Rwandan Social Security’s Board and other relevant national institutions. 2.2 Human ressources At the first of January, 2014 the permanent staff of AQUAVIRUNGA amounted to 43 persons, of which 33 persons are assigned to the Yungwe-Bikore and Mizingo-Mutura system and 10 persons to the Mutura system. In 2014, 3 staffs from the distribution network system left the company for a serious mistake and replaced. From 2 September 2014 Aquavirunga has taken over management of 3 pumped and 1 gravity systems in the District of Nyabihu. As approved by the Board of Directors ‘meeting of May 20th, 2014 ten staffs have been recruited for operating the above three systems: 1 Public Relation officer 1 Book keeper/store keeper 1 Meter Reader and Collector 1 Maitenance technician AQUAVIRUNGA LTD Annual Report 2014 Mutera Drinking Water Supply 1 Plumbers 2 Assistant plumbers 2 Watchmen 1 Driver 18 Thus the number of staff will pass from 43 to 53 during the year 2014 (in conformity with the organization chart in Annex 1). The staff is divided over the departments as follows: General Management : 3 Technical Management : 24 Administrative and Financial Management : 26 2.3 Staff training In accordance with the decision by AQUAVIRUNGA LTD‘s Board of Directors’ meeting of 23 November 2013, which took place in Velserbroek, Netherlands, AQUAVIRUNGA LTD was urged to design a training plan for the entire staff in reference to the three-year action plan (2013-2015). This training plan has been approved during the Board of Directors’ meeting on 14 November 2013. During the year 2014 on the job training activities have been undertaken by external consultants hired by AQUAVIRUNGA and by consultants of the partner NV PWN, among others this concern: Use of the ultrasonore equipment that was lent by NV PWN to AQUAVIRUNGA for the leak detection campaign; Use of the Geographic Information System for the Yungwe-Bikore,Mizingo-Mutura, Mutera and Nyabihu systems: data collection by GPS, preparation and printing of maps, use of maps in the management of the distribution system. Monitoring of the water quality: determination of physical-chemical and bacteriological parameters in the laboratory of Yungwe-Bikore, update of the operating manual, interpretation of result of analyses. Use the new Sage i7 and new Commercial Management 100 software bought at the end 2013: parametrizing of the software, capture of accounting operations and accounting processing, use of the Commercial Management software compatible with SAGE SAARI software for billing and posting of bills, stock and supply management, preparation of year-end documents and lastly establishment of accounting procedures: the company’s tax management (declaration of VAT, PAYE, IBS and of SSFR contributions). Procedures for the management of the Customers Department: management of water points and of relationships with public tap managers (management of water sales contracts), management of users, meter readings and consumption controls, billing, recovery and cash inflows. AQUAVIRUNGA LTD Annual Report 2014 Mutera Drinking Water Supply 19 2.4 Mail and archives management During the year 2014, AQUAVIRUNGA Ltd recorded 88 outgoing and incoming mails: 52% of the mails were sent to Rubavu District, 13% of the mails were sent to Nyabihu and Musanze Interdistrict Association, 3% of the mails were sent to Nyabihu District, 25% to external partners and 7% consisted of internal mails. It is also important to point out that AQUAVIRUNGA recorded 140 incoming mails. Also, eight (6) internal memos were drafted in line with the daily performance of duties. 2.5 Miscellaneous Activities In 2014 the following activities, not directly related to the operation of the Yungwe-Bikore and Mizingo-Mutura water supply systems, were undertaken: In a bid to extend the activities related to the operation of drinking water supply systems, a tender document for the delegation of the management of 15 drinking water supply systems (Buremera, Karago, Cyeshyamba, Busoro, Nyamateke, Rwibisheru, Nyabyondo, Minyerezo, Birembo, Hesha, Cyamabuye- Mukamira, Waruvumbu-Matiyo, Kagohe-Kabatwa- Bigogwe- Jenda, Munkali PHASE II and all capped springs)was prepared and submitted on 14 May 2013, after being informed about all the documents required for the tender and after assessing the nature and the difficulties linked to the services to be provided. Because of various difficulties related to contract awarding by Nyabihu District and to negotiations between EWSA and this District, the negotiating of the Contract has been taken a long time. At the end of December 2013, the negotiations between AQUAVIRUNGA LTD and the District of Nyabihu were going on for signing a Delegated Management Contract. The contract has been signed by the third parties (EWSA, the District of Nyabihu and AQUAVIRUNGA LTD) on 13 May 2014. From 2 September 2014 Aquavirunga has taken over the management of 3 pumped and 1 gravity systems in the District of Nyabihu. Two working missions in Senegal from 10 to 20 February and from 5 to 19 October 2014 conducted by Mr Joseph Usabimana, AQUAVIRUNGA Ltd’s Executive Director. The first mission was in line with the preparation of a financial submission for the delegation of the management of two drinking water supply systems Gorom-Lampsar and Notto- Diosmone- Palmarin which had to be submitted to the Ministry of Hydraulic and Assesment in Senegal. The second mission was in the line with the negotiation formalities with the Administration of Senegal on the delegated management contract (lease convention) and official administrative formalities of incorporate the Joint Venture “SEOH sa”(Société d’Eploitation des Ouvrage Hydraulique société anonyme). It should be reminded that AQUAVIRUNGA has been relined at two companies GEAUR (Senegal) et AQUANET (The Netherlands) for preparing a bidder for the management of two drinking water supply systems Gorom-Lampsar and Notto- Diosmone- Palmarin (lease convention). In this bid, AQUAVIRUNGA LTD has been relied two companies GEAUR (Senegal) and AQUANET (The Netherlands). 2.6 Support by the Partner NV PWN In 2014 there have been several exchanges at management level between AQUAVIRUNGA and its partners NV PWN and Aqua for All from the Netherlands. These consisted of: AQUAVIRUNGA LTD Annual Report 2014 Mutera Drinking Water Supply 20 No Name Function 1 Hielke Wolters Chairperson of Rwanda the Board of 17 Directors of 22/05/14 AQUAVIRUNGA 2 4 5 Harry Buyten Sanneke Molenaar Jos Gastel Place and period Member of the Rwanda Board of Directors 17 of AQUAVIRUNGA 22/05/14 Financial Controller PWN Objective Visit the projects in YungweBikore, Mizingo-Mutura and Mutera that are financed by NV PWN and A4A Meet with the Rubavu, Musanze and Nyabihu Districts authorities to strengthen the PPP between Aquavirunga and the District Participate in the Board of Directors and Shareholders’ meetings of Aquavirunga on 20/05/14 Visit the projects in YungweBikore, Mizingo-Mutura and Mutera that are financed by NV PWN and A4A Meet with the Rubavu, Musanze and Nyabihu Districts authorities to strengthen the PPP between Aquavirunga and the District Participate in the Board of Directors and Shareholders meetings of Aquavirunga on 20/05/14 Audit the annual financial and management report of AQUAVIRUNGA LTD for the year 2013 Participate in the Shareholders meeting of Aquavirunga on 20/05/14 Visit the projects in YungweBikore, Mzingo-Mutura and Mutera that are financed by NV PWN and A4A Monitoring of operating activities of AQUAVIRUNGA LTD. Meet with the Musanze and – – Rwanda NV 22- 27/02/14 18 – 21/05/14 van Project Director Rwanda for Aquanet bv 13- 27/03/14; 17 – 23/05/14 and 15 21/12/2014 AQUAVIRUNGA LTD Rubavu, Nyabihu Annual Report 2014 Mutera Drinking Water Supply No Name 21 Function Place and period Objective Districts authorities to strengthen the PPP between Aquavirunga and the District Participate in the Board of Directors and Shareholders meetings of Aquavirunga on 20/05/14 – Design a film on the Aquavirunga Ltd activities 6 Mme Wendy Communication van den NV PWW Veen, Mr. Vincentius Ruyter and Mr. Alexander de Groote 7 Peer Kamp Specialists in Rwanda water treatment 8– 15/02/14 NV PWN and 2526/09/14 Assist Aquavirunga to review the progress execution and supervision works of the construction of a new water intake in the Mizingo water source, laying of a new transmission main and partial rehabilitation works of the Mizingo treatment that are financed by PWN and Aqua for All 8 Joseph Usabimana Managing Director AQUAVIRUNGA Participate in the Board of Directors meeting of AQUAVIRUNGA on 28/11/14 Meet with representatives of Aquanet bv, NV PWN and Accenture, YEP Water. – Participate in the Board of Directors meeting of AQUAVIRUNGA on 28/11/14 Meet with representatives of Aquanet bv, NV PWN and Accenture, YEP Water. 9 Emmanuel Nsanabandi AQUAVIRUNGA LTD 13 16/03/14 Netherlands 23/11 3/12/14 Technical Director 23/11 AQUAVIRUNGA 3/12/14 – Annual Report 2014 Mutera Drinking Water Supply 22 3. EXTERNAL RELATIONS In 2014 AQUAVIRUNGA has maintained the following external relations: Participation of the Executive Director of AQUAVIRUNGA LTD in the official reception organized by the Rwanda Netherlands Embassy with the working visit in Rwanda of differents delegation from The Netherlands as follow: o on 18 September 2014: in honour of the visit of the Hon. Dutch Deputy Director Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries, Mr Dick de Man and his Delegation for a business lunch to meet the Delegation from the Netherlands at the Ambassador residence in Nyarutarama o on 12 November 2014: in In honour of the visit of the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of The Netherlands H.E. Mrs Liliane Ploumen and his delegation of some 30 Dutch companies and organizations for a buffet networking dinner Upon the invitation from the invitation of the Ambassador of the Kingdom of The Netherlands, the Executive Director of AQUAVIRUNGA LTD has attended at the Ambassador residence in Nyarutarama in the meeting as follow: o on 2 April 2014: Program TED x Binnenhof 2014 wiewing party Rwanda o on 2 July 2014: Business lunch on opportunities and challenges of doing business in Rwanda with the Dutch Good Growth Fund (DGGF) o on 6 December 2014: Participation in community works (Umuganda) at Rwabutenge Cell, District of Kicukiro organized by Rwanda Netherlands Emabassy in cooperation with Rwanda Natural Ressource Authority, Ministry of Natural Resources and Association of the Students from The Netherlands with the theme “Three plant/capita”. Upon the invitation from the President of the Sector Working Group (SWG) in Water and Sanitation Sector, AQUAVIRUNGA LTD attended different SWG meetings on 18 January, 30 September and 30 October 2014 . The purpose of the meeting was to validate the activities program of the SWG Secretariat, the progress reform of WASAC since July 2014, the review of the National Policy for Water Supply and Roadmap, the functionality and benchmarking study, Capacity Building for Private Operators and Sector performance reporting framework. During 2014, AQUAVIRUNGA Ltd’s representatives attended different meetings , working sessions, workshops and training sessions organized by its partners (Rubavu and Nyabihu Districts, Musanze and Nyabihu Interdistrict Association , WASH Project, FEPEAR, etc.) It should be reminded that the items covered in the above-mentioned events were always mentioned in monthly reports. . AQUAVIRUNGA LTD Annual Report 2014 Mutera Drinking Water Supply ANNEXES Annex 1-AQUAVIRUNGA Ltd’s organisation structure as of 1-01-2015 Annex 2- AQUAVIRUNGALtd’s progressive 3 years 2013- 2015 Action Plan Annex 3- AQUAVIRUNGALtd’s progressive 3 years 2013- 2015 Financial Plan Annex 4- Situation of flows at production level Annex 5- Chemicals consumptions Annex 6- Summarised balance sheet Annex 7-Results of analyses conducted. Annex 8- Fuel and electricity consumption AQUAVIRUNGA LTD 23