Middle Ages - Crusades

Medieval Quiz – Use your cards.
• 1. T or F – The Roman Catholic Church allowed freedom of worship
for all religions.
• 2. T or F – In 1054 A.D., the Christianity split into two branches:
Catholic and Orthodox.
• 3. T or F – The Pope would reward nobles for their loyalty with
• 4. T or F – Heresy was crimes in feudalism
• 5. T or F – The Roman Catholic Church was the single unifying
force in Medieval Europe.
• 6. T or F – Heretics were often given trials with a jury of their peers.
• 7. T or F – The Church baptised, married, and buried Europeans.
• 8. T or F – Feudalism was a system in which kings gave lords land
(fiefs) in exchange for loyalty and services.
• 9. T or F – Manorialism was a system in which peasants and serfs
worked the Lords land in exchange for protection.
Middle Ages – The Crusades
“God Wills It!”
• “Crusades” were military expeditions sent
by the Pope to capture the Holy Land from
people called Muslim Turks.
• The Empire of the Turks included
Palestine, the land where Christ was born.
• Several crusades (9 officially) between
1096 and 1291 failed to win the Holy Land,
but nevertheless had important results for
the people of Western Europe.
The Crusades
1. Defintion
2. Was the goal achieved?
• Muslim Turks
captured Jerusalem
and neighboring lands
from the Byzantine
– Pilgrims, people on
religious journeys,
traveled to the Holy
– Byzantine Empire said
they were being
• Pope Urban II called
a meeting of
churchmen and
feudal lords in 1095
– “Knights defeat the
– Feudal lords will stop
fighting each other.
– Increase his power
and influence.
– “God wills it!”
• Feudal lords had
several reasons for
going to the Holy
Religious duty.
Gain wealth and land.
Adventure & Hero.
“God wills it!”
• Merchants, especially
those from the Italian
port cities of Venice
and Genoa, backed
the plans of the
– Provided ships.
– Merchants hoped for
increase in trade.
– “God wills it!”
First Crusade = 1096 -1099 AD
– Preachers convinced peasants to crusade, but most
– Knights reached the Holy Land and captured
– “God wills it!”
Second Crusade =1147-1149 AD
– Most Christians returned to Europe after the First
– Muslim Turks won back some land.
– Kings of France and Germany were defeated.
– “God wills it!”
Third Crusade =1189-1192 AD
– Began when Jerusalem was recaptured by Muslim
– Led by King Richard the Lion-Hearted of England,
crusaders convinced the Turks to allow Christian
pilgrims free travel.
– “God wills it!”
Last 6 Crusades
– Little or no success.
– Children’s crusade.
• 30,000 young
crusaders never
reached the Holy Land
and few ever returned
home safely.
• “God wills it!”
Results of the Crusades
• The Holy Land remained under Muslim Turk control.
• Europeans learned how to build better ships and
draw better maps.
• Trade increased between Western Europe and Asia
re-opening old trade routes.
Towns and cities grew
Jobs increased
People became richer
Middle Class grew
Black Death – 1347 to 1351 = killed 1/3 Europeans killed
• The power of feudal lords declined as many lords
were killed in battle while others spent all their
money on military supplies and equipment.
– King’s powers increased.
– Peasants and Serfs became left fiefs and demanded more
• The desire to travel increased among Europeans.
Essential Questions
1. What were the Crusades?
1. Crusades were military expeditions from 1096 to 1272 A.D. to recapture the Holy Land
from Muslim control.
2. What caused the Crusades?
2. The crusades began when Muslims took control of the Holy Land,
Pope Urban II called for the recapture of the Holy Land, Lords wanted
more power, the Pope wanted more power for the Church, Italian
Merchants wanted increased trade.
3. What occurred during the Crusades?
3. First Crusade Knights took control of Jerusalem, Second Crusade
Muslims gained back land and some nobles returned home, Third
Crusade Muslims gained back land, but Pilgrims were allowed safe travel,
remaining Crusades had limited success.
4. What were the effects of the Crusades?
4. Several effects of the Crusades were: Holy Land remained under
Muslim control, the Feudal system changed with the Lords losing power to
Kings, trade and towns grew, map and ship making got better, travel
The Crusades Game
• The class will be divided into 6
teams. Each team will be a
group of crusaders who will
follow a route to the Holy Land.
• Since the Crusaders failed to
permanently conquer the Holy
Land, the losers of this game
will be the teams who reach
the Holy Land first.
• These teams will lose because
they will have been defeated in
battle by the powerful Muslim
Turks. The team the least
spaces will be the winner
because it successfully
avoided battle with the Turks.
• The game begins when the
teacher asks a question about
the Crusades.
• Look for answers on your
notes. Answers will be written
on the dry-erase board.
Correct answers will result in
spaces remaining blank.
• Incorrect answers will have a
space crossed out. The team
with the least amount of
spaces marked off is the
Independent Activity
• A metaphor is a word or
phrase used to take on a
meaning of an object or
idea to show comparison.
– He has a heart of
– Time is money.
– A blanket of snow
covered the streets.
– My memory is a little
– Life is a rollercoster.
• A simile is a
comparison of two
different objects using
like or as.
– Jake is as wise as an
– He laughs like a
– A big as an ox.
– As fast as a cheetah
– As slow as a snail.
• Design a visual metaphor or simile about
the Crusades.
• Include the following:
– Those involved in the Crusades
– What the sides are fighting for/over
– Winners and Losers
– Several causes of the Crusades
– Several effects of the Crusades
• 1. Explain the term you heard “God wills it!”
Why do you think it was used so often?
• 2. Were the Crusades justified or an example of
an abuse of power?
3. Determine if the Crusades were: a failure, a
success or both?
• Answer one of the questions using a complete
sentence in at least one paragraph.