Medieval Europe Study Guide: Church, Crusades, and Inquisition

Chapter 14: Section 1 Study Guide
1. Which group of people led the spiritual revival in Europe around 1000
2. What was this new age of religious feeling called?
Age of Faith
3. List (summarize) the major problems that plagued the Christian Church
prior to 1000 AD?
1. Village priests were married with families
2. Selling of church positions by bishops-simony
3. Lay investiture-who should control it the church or kings?
4. Many of the clergy could barely read.
5. Greed and corruption within the Church.
4. What was the papal Curia?
The pope’s religious advisors (council)
5. What were/are friars?
Traveling monks who preached to the poor.
6. What reforms had the Church successfully followed through with by the
limiting the practice of simony
limiting clergy marriages
Lay investiture was solved
7. What was the old style of architecture that was used to build cathedrals
called? Describe it.
Romanesque. Round arches and heavy roofs held up by thick walls
and pillars. The thick walls had tiny windows that let little light in.
8. What was the new type of architecture that developed during the High
Middle Ages called? Describe it.
Gothic. Named after Goth tribe. Cathedrals thrust upward towards the
heavens. Very high ceilings with lots of stained glass windows that let in a
lot of light. (ex: Notre Dame)
9. What did the Age of Faith inspire?
Wars of Conquest.
10. Why did the Byzantine emperor Alexius Comnenus write a letter to
Robert Count of Flanders?
He was asking for help against the invading Muslim Turks who were
threatening his capital Constantinople.
11. What did Pope Urban II issue a call for shortly after Robert received this
Issued a call for a “Holy War” to free the Holy Land from Muslim
12. How long did the Crusades go on for?
200 years.
13. What was the goal of these military expeditions?
To recover Jerusalem and the Holy Land from the Muslim Turks.
14. What two kinds of motives did the Crusades have?
Religious and economic reasons
15. What did Crusaders wear?
White tunics with a red cross sewn on the front over their armor.
16. What did the kings of Europe and important Church officials believe the
Crusades would help get rid of?
Quarreling knights who threatened the peace in Europe.
17. Why did the younger sons go to the east to fight?
For the opportunity to gain land, wealth, and power.
18. What did the pope say would happen to a knight who died while
You would go straight to heaven.
19. How did merchants profit from the later Crusades?
Cash loans given to Crusaders to finance the wars and they leased
their ships for a fee to transport the Crusaders.
20. List 3 problems that soldiers encountered when they went to fight in the
first Crusade.
1. no strategy to capture the land
2. argued with each other over who should be the leader
3. didn’t know the geography or climate of the region
4. no organization within the ranks
5. no supply lines were set up
21. What was done with land captured during the first Crusade?
After one month of siege- small strip from Edessa to Jerusalem (400
miles). It was divided into 4 Crusader states with a noble in charge of each
22. What three men led the 3rd Crusade? Where was each from? What
happened to each along the way?
Richard the Lionhearted-England-led the 3rd Crusade alone
Philip II (Augustus)-France-got in an argument with Richard and
went home
Frederick I (Barbarosa)- Germany-drown along the way.
23. Why did the fourth Crusade begin?
Pope Innocent III made another plea to capture Jerusalem
24. What faded from the Crusades in the 1200’s and what was it replaced
Religious spirit (drive) and was replaced by greed and a quest for
personal financial gain.
25. When were the Children’s Crusades? What were they? What poem that
we read is about this event?
1212. Thousands of children from Germany and France left home to
go to the Holy Land. They believed that God would give them Jerusalem.
Many died along the way because of the cold or starvation and those that
made it to Mediterranean Sea were either sold into slavery or drown. We
read the “Pied Piper of Hamilen”
26. What happened to the Jews and Muslims in Spain during the 1400’s?
They were forced to convert to Christianity, persecuted and killed, or
kicked out (exiled).
27. What happened to a person suspected of heresy during the Spanish
They were questioned and tortured for weeks. Once they confessed
they were burned at the stake.
28. What were the effects/results of the Crusades on the world?
1. Stimulated trade between Europe and Asia
2. Sparked and interest or curiosity in new things
3. Age of Exploration-sparked
4. Cities and towns began to grow again
6. Renaissance was on the verge of beginning
1. Thousands of people died.
2. lessened the power of the pope and Church
3. weakens the nobility and feudal system
4. intolerance between Jews, Christians, and Muslim
29. How did the Crusades effect the Muslim world?
Intolerance and prejudice displayed by Christians during the Crusades
left behind a legacy of bitterness and hatred that still exists between the 3
religions in that region today.
30.What did the energy created from the Crusades lead to?
Growth of trade, towns/cities, and universities (education) in
Medieval Europe.