BNYP Board Responsibilities 2014-2015 President As presiding officer of the club and the board, the president works closely with the board of directors and committee chairmen to establish and follow a strategic plan, set goals for improving the members’ club experience and increase the impact of the club’s service in the community by adding new members to the club. Club presidents will find a list of resources at QUALIFICATIONS & DUTIES Empowers and inspires members Manages time well Builds relationships with community leaders Facilitates club meetings Leads by example Establishes a strategic plan for the club including goals for membership growth and community service Motivates members and committees to achieve those goals Organizes an effective leadership team by appointing and training effective committee chairmen Encourages club leaders to participate in the education course provided for their roles Supports committee activity to ensure a successful club experience Ensures that the club continues to be relevant to the community and to the members through periodic assessments Gains an understanding of sponsorship responsibilities to Service Leadership Programs Provides club members with Kiwanis’ Youth Protection Guidelines Facilitates fun, educational and efficient club meetings Leads effective and efficient board meetings Implements a succession plan for future leaders ensuring a seamless transition Communicates regularly with club members to keep them informed about the business and activities of the club Rewards and recognizes member and committee achievements Fulfills all other duties documented in the Standard Form for Club Bylaws President-Elect Throughout the year, the president-elect or vice president prepares to assume the leadership role of president by working closely with the club president and attending the division council meetings, district conventions and possibly the Kiwanis International convention. It’s the club president’s job to include these leaders in discussions and meetings, delegate tasks to them and encourage their participation in club leadership education. QUALIFICATIONS & DUTIES Serves as an officer on the board of directors Serves a one-year or two-year term, as provided in club policy Attends board of directors meetings In the absence of the president, presides at club meetings and board of directors meetings, in accordance with club policy Performs other duties as assigned by the president or the board of directors Secretary The club secretary ensures club operations run efficiently and manages many of the details that make the club experience great. The secretary works closely with the president and board of directors and is responsible for the management of all club records, including minutes and attendance at all club and board meetings. As an officer of the club and a member of BNYP Board Responsibilities 2014-2015 the board of directors, the club secretary can participate in all board discussions and vote on any question put to vote by the presiding officer. Club secretaries will find a list of resources at QUALIFICATIONS & DUTIES Willing to learn and use Kiwanis online reporting Able to discern and summarize action items and key points from meetings Attentive to detail Organized Manages and maintains club and membership records online Makes club records available upon request Maintains club’s permanent files Keeps minutes of club and board meetings Shares all communications received from Kiwanis International or the district as appropriate Forwards the Club Insurance Resource Guide to the safety coordinator Submits all official reports required by Kiwanis International, the district and the club Orders merchandise from the Kiwanis Family Store Ensures that the club follows current Kiwanis brand standards in its internal communications and public awareness efforts Performs other duties as may be assigned by the president or board Fulfills all other duties documented in the Standard Form for Club Bylaws Treasurer The treasurer works with the club secretary to coordinate the club’s financial responsibilities and records. The treasurer often serves as an advisor to the club on financial matters, including setting a club budget. A Kiwanis club’s treasurer is an officer of the club and a member of its board of directors, entitled to participate in all board discussions and eligible to vote on any question put to vote by the presiding officer. The treasurer is responsible for collecting all funds due to the club and for keeping the records of membership fees and dues, unless these responsibilities are delegated to the secretary. Club treasurers will find a list of resources at QUALIFICATIONS & DUTIES Knowledgeable about bookkeeping and accounting Attentive to detail Organized Guides the board in preparing an annual budget before the start of the fiscal year Coordinates the collection and disbursement of money Receives and promptly deposits all funds paid to the club Disburses funds as directed by the club board Maintains the club’s financial accounts and records Reconciles cash accounts on a monthly basis Prepares and disburses bills to members Provides a monthly financial report to the board Compiles an annual financial summary of income and expenditures for the annual club meeting Makes club records available upon request Performs other duties as may be assigned by the president or board Fulfills all other duties documented in the Standard Form for Club Bylaws Membership The membership chair is primarily responsible for communicating with new prospective members who contact us through our website. They are to respond to these inquiries in a timely manner using the form email agreed upon by the club. BNYP Board Responsibilities 2014-2015 Once the primary communication is sent via email, it is the membership chair's responsibility to keep track of the prospective member's interest in the club, as well as keeping new members informed of upcoming service/ social events. It is the responsibility of the membership chair to make a prospective member feel welcome at meetings, service, or social events. QUALIFICATIONS & DUTIES Computer skills (email) Attention to detail Outgoing personality Work closely with Service/ Social chair's being as up to date as possible on events. Respond to inquiry emails in a timely manner. CC President on all email correspondence May be needed to continue communication with prospective member answering any questions, or at least, connecting them with the chair person to answer said questions. Keep track of their interest in joining the club. Keep them informed of upcoming meetings, social, and service events. Be a welcoming person, introducing them to other members at BNYP events. Develop and oversee annual membership campaign to bring in new membership. Service The service chair is responsible for planning, organizing, and executing all BNYP service events. They are responsible for finding outlets within our community where are group can volunteer, helping the children of Bloomington-Normal. Many outlets have already been contacted by our group and a relationship has already been established. In that case the service chair's responsibility is only to organize a date/time to volunteer and communicate this with the board. QUALIFICATIONS & DUTIES Computer skills (email, web) Attention to detail Strong organizational skills Work closely with marketing chair to make sure events are known ahead of time. Contact members of outlet organizations within the community for us to volunteer. Plan, organize, schedule, and execute all BNYP service events. Solicit service ideas from other club members. Program/ Social The program/social chair is responsible for securing each month’s speaker and also securing the location of each month’s happy hour. Many speakers have already contacted us to speak, in that case the chair's role would be organizing which month speakers will meet with the club. Our yearly events are as follows: December (End of the year party at A Renee’s), July (Autism Society of McLean Co - Cooper and Mandy), and October (New Officer's Installation Dinner). Other programs have been: Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Habitat for humanity, and MCLP. The chair will work in close concert with both the President and Past-President to ensure a high quality program each month. QUALIFICATIONS & DUTIES Computer skills (email, web) Attention to detail Strong organizational skills Work closely with President and Past-President to make sure each program is remarkable. Work closely with marketing chair to make sure programs are known and featured on website and social media. BNYP Board Responsibilities 2014-2015 Fundraising The fundraising chair is responsible for planning, organizing, and executing fundraising events for the club. Our main fundraising event each April is the Autism Society of McClain Co Garage Sale. This event is headed by Craig Luchtefeld and should be our largest event of the year. Our next fundraising event will be Yankee Candle Sale this December. QUALIFICATIONS & DUTIES Computer skills (email, web) Attention to detail Strong organizational skills Work closely with Craig during the Garage Sale. Work closely with Marketing chair to make sure our fundraising events are known and featured on website and social media. Marketing The marketing chair is responsible for our website, twitter, Facebook, and Meetup pages. This chair is responsible for making sure all fundraising, social, service, meetings, and conventions are posted to all media outlets. This chair must have strong computer as well as organizational skills. QUALIFICATIONS & DUTIES Strong computer skills (email, WordPress, twitter, Facebook and Meetup) Attention to detail Strong organizational skills Work closely with each board member to ensure all events are on all media outlets. Be able to plan ahead to make sure that events are shared in enough time throughout all media outlets.