New Media Marketing Plan: Nanyang Polytechnic Diploma

School of Business Management
New media marketing plan
Done by:
Dang Hoang Mien Tho
Song Ruiqin
Wong Wai Tess
Park Yuqi
Stephanie Santosa Attan
Tan Shiyun
Class: MK0803 (MC)
Date of submission: 09/02/2011
Semester 2, 2010/2011
Tutor: Ms Carmen Hui
Cover page
Table of Content
Executive Summary
Introduction & Background
Market Research & Analysis
Campaign Objectives
9 – 12
12 – 14
14 - 19
Executive Summary
We are making a new media marketing plan to promote Nanyang Polytechnic’s Diploma in
Marketing course. In Diploma in Marketing, students are able to have a better knowledge on an
organization marketing effort by learning how marketing really works. Nanyang Polytechnic’s
unique point is that we have TEP (Teaching Enterprise Project) where students will experience
real-life working environment in-house.
Many students choose polytechnic education though they are qualifies for entries to junior
college. Moreover, according to employment survey, polytechnic graduates are highly sought
after. There has been an increase in the opportunities for recruitment in business jobs and hence,
it is important for the need to get a diploma. Thus, we have set our target segment to be students,
school leavers, parents and professionals. However, there are competitors such as the other 4
polytechnics and private institutes etc. Therefore, in order to promote the Diploma in Marketing
in Nanyang Polytechnic, we need to make the best choice for our plan.
We have made in-depth analysis, both primary and secondary researches, to have a better
understanding of the industry as well as our target segment. For the primary research, we have
surveyed 60 participants within our target segment, for the secondary research, we found the
information on the internet through forums and websites etc. After the analysis is done, we have
come out with an overall objective for this campaign, it is to bring awareness of Diploma in
Marketing to our target audiences and turn it into an interest for them. We provide in our website
detailed information regarding the diploma to give them a better idea as to what they can expect
from the diploma during and after they attained the diploma. We want to bring across to our
audiences that marketing is not just all business in NYP but we aim to bring in fun and
challenging feats for our students to make their course of study an enriching and engaging one.
In this report, we also highlighted our strategies and the implementation of our new media
marketing plan. It is to use Facebook and blog as a platform to promote the course. We created a
Facebook fan page and a blog with detailed information on this Diploma in Marketing. During
the implementation, we came across some challenges such as how to drive traffic to our pages,
how to keep our audiences updated instantly and how to get back to their enquiries in the shortest
1. Introduction & Background
Overview of Diploma in Marketing
Marketing is an important function within an organization as it would help to enhance company
market share. It is crucial for company to identify and understand customers need as well as
meeting their expectations.
In Diploma in Marketing, students are able to have a better knowledge on an organization
marketing effort by learning how marketing really works. In this course, students are able to
understand how companies position themselves to create an image in the mind of their target
customers. Diploma in Marketing strives to build business leaders, entrepreneurs and
professional marketers in the future. To develop students to their full potential, talent
enhancement programs, university attachment, overseas exposure and student leadership
opportunities are available.
Another unique point in Nanyang Polytechnic- Diploma in Marketing is there will also be a
Teaching Enterprise Project (TEP), where it allows students to develop realistic and lifelong
skills in operation business process. Nanyang Polytechnic is the only polytechnic that has the
Teaching Enterprise Project (TEP) and it is made compulsory for second year student. One of the
stopover marketing students will be attached to for their TEP will be Marketing Service Centre,
which provides students with real life experience in managing a store, and also help them build
customer service, entrepreneurial and management skills. In addition, allow them to develop
critical thinking skills and improve on their ability to resolve problem in the future.
In addition, students would go through an industrial placement programme which aims to
provide them with valuable learning experience and exposure in the real world of work.
Students are able to develop essential lifelong sills such as communication, interpersonal skills
which will helps them when they were to work in a real working environment.
Industry overview
Polytechnic sector has continued to expand and it trains the largest proportion of students.
Today, there has been an increasing of demand for polytechnic from students. Many students
choose polytechnic education though they are qualifies for entries to junior college. According to
report, 33percent of the O’level students that are qualified for junior college opted for the three
years education route. Other than that, polytechnic prepare students to work in real environment
with attachment to company, and hence they are industry ready after they graduates. Students are
equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge needed by the industry.
According to employment survey, polytechnic graduates are highly sought after. It has close to
90% of graduates able to find a job within six months after graduation in 2010. In addition,
salaries for poly graduates are higher now, with a starting pay of $ 1871.
There has been an increase in the opportunities for recruitment in business jobs and hence, it is
important for the need to get a diploma. Most company job requirement for employment would
at least be a diploma holder. Diploma holders are highly appreciated in the industry because of
the training which they gain during their internship. Employers demand more for a diploma
holder as they are trained with hands on experience and are exposed to a “real world” working
In the marketing industry, the hiring is expected to rise. In an annual poll, recruitment activity for
marketing function was the best rounded. With the increase in hiring for marketing job, it is
important for people to get a diploma in marketing in order to take up the position.
Identification of the target segment
For our target segment, it will be the parents, professionals and students (both foreign and local).
After students getting their O level results, they might have difficulties in selecting the course
they want. However, it is important for them to select the right choice. Parents are one of our
target segments as we would want to provide useful information to them about Nanyang
Polytechnic- Diploma in Marketing. Parents are able to gain more information on this course and
hence giving good advice and guidance on their child to select this course.
For working adults and professional, they would want to improve their skills or continue to
upgrade themselves. Some may wish to retrain themselves to have more career opportunities
with a diploma. Hence, we would want to drive awareness on this diploma to them.
Our campaign also reaches out to school leavers who had completed their O’ level. While
students are still deciding on which course to enter, we provide them with information on
diploma in marketing so as to help them make an informed decision.
Our target segment also include foreign student. Due to the good education system in Singapore,
many foreign students come to Singapore for education. Hence, we would also have to reach out
to foreign students to make them choose Nanyang Polytechnic- Diploma in Marketing
Competitive structure in the industry
There are a few competitors in the industry, which include the four other polytechnic, which are
Singapore Polytechnic, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Temasek Polytechnic and Republic Polytechnic.
Though there are more choices to the education, but it brings about more difficulties for the
market to select the choice of polytechnic. Polytechnic such as Singapore Polytechnic is well
known for its long history, the first polytechnic in Singapore. With it good reputation, this may
result in the market choosing it as compared to other polytechnic. Besides that, other polytechnic
such as Temasek Polytechnic also offers diploma in marketing. With the competition from other
polytechnic, it affects the choice of polytechnic from the market. Furthermore, Ngee Ann
polytechnic are well known for its business course, which most likely be a great consideration to
the market when choosing polytechnic.
In addition to the other polytechnics, our competitors also include private schools that offers
diploma in marketing. Some of it will be Marketing Institute of Singapore (MIS) and
Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS) Business School. These private
schools are well established in Singapore, which made it competitive as compared to other
There is an increase in the demand for diploma, either a local or private. With the available of
large number of schools offering diploma, it made the industry more competitive. In addition, the
market choice will also be affected by the large supply of schools.
2. Market Research Analysis
Target Segments
The target segments that we have chosen for our market research will mainly consist of postsecondary graduates, parents, working professionals and oversea students.
The segment that we will mainly be targeting is student. There are 2 categories for students
which are the local and the foreigner. Local students are mainly referring to anyone have finish
their “O” level examination and are aiming to enter into one of the 3 options which are Junior
College, Polytechnic and Institute of Technical Education (IT). We will also be targeting the
foreign students who are planning their polytechnic education in Singapore. Being well known as
the premier education hub, there have been an increasing number of foreign students coming to
Singapore to further their education. They are mainly from nearby countries such as Indonesia,
Vietnam and China.
Parent is also one of our target segments as they play an important role in influencing the
decision of their children who have just finished their secondary education. All parents want
their children to enter into a good school with good reputation thus it is important that parents
also receive the relevant information so that they will be encourage and allow their children to
enter into the school.
We will also be targeting on some working adults as there has been an increasing number of
them who wish to enhance their current skills or learn the relevant skill needed so that they could
have job advancement. These people will be able to apply as a part-time student in the
polytechnic of their choice.
Secondary Research Analysis
Research has shown that people including students, professionals and parents do consider
various factors before choosing which polytechnic and diploma to choose. Although the choice
made may depend heavily on their “O” Level result, there are many other factors for
When choosing polytechnic, people may consider their reputation to be the most important one.
They believe that the school with better reputation and popularity will provide a higher level of
education than the others. The people in the surrounding also play an important role in affecting
the choice such as friends and relative. Post secondary graduate who want to enter polytechnic
may consider following their friends so that they can study in the same school again. They will
also consider listening to their parents’ advice as they feel that parents have more experience and
knowledge. Other factors that they will consider can be the travelling distance from their house,
the availability of the diploma they want to pursue, the co-curricular activity (CCA) they wish to
join and etc.
For the Diploma choice, some of the main factors that students will consider will be the major
they are interested in, the popularity of the diploma, the demand for certain skill in the work
force and their current payment rate and etc.
People who are interested in polytechnic can get their information from both traditional and new
media. The information that people want to know will mainly be curriculum available, the
unique learning opportunity provided, career opportunity for the diploma and the some of the
achievement evident such as testimonial from the graduated students.
Some traditional media will be the mailing system practiced by the polytechnic where they send
out brochures and catalogue to the address of all the students who have just finish their ‘O’ level
examination. They will also be distributed during the open house where student and parents can
go down to the school personally to question the current student and teacher about any enquiry
regarding the education in the school.
New media has been gaining more attention in the past few years. With a click in the internet,
anyone can access to the information they want at anytime and anywhere. Some of the website
where this information can be located will be the official school website, discussion forum and
online articles.
Primary Research Analysis
For our primary research, we have decided to survey 60 people consisting of student, working
professional and parents to question their opinion on factors that influence their choice of
diploma and polytechnic and also the method preferred to get the relevant information.
The 20 students surveyed are mostly of age 16 to 17 years old consist of 80% locals and 20%
overseas. On the average, from the student’s perspective, the factors that is most important when
selecting the polytechnic will be the distance from their house followed by the reputation of the
school and the learning opportunity available respectively. The reason may be because the
students think that if the distance is too far, it will eventually affect their study as they will waste
a lot of time travelling which will decrease their motivation to go to school. On the other hand,
parents and professionals that we have surveyed state that the reputation of the polytechnic is the
most important followed by the learning opportunities available. Parents tend to only consider
the best education for their children thus assumed that the more popular polytechnic which can
offer more will be a better choice for their children education. As the professional is aiming to
enhance their skill for better job advancement, they will consider taking the best route to achieve
those skills by going to the best polytechnic available for them.
For the choice of Diploma, most students surveyed choose personal preference as most important
factors followed by future career opportunity. Students who decide to go to polytechnic are
usually are the one who already knew what they are interested in and what they want to do in the
future. Parents and professionals on the other hand think that perception and future career and
advancement is most important.
The methods use to get information regarding the polytechnic and diploma varies from different
segment groups. As student and working professional are more familiar with the use of internet,
they usually go to the official school website to get the information they need while parents tend
to stick to the traditional method of referring to the newspaper for any related articles. This has
been proven by the fact that up to 80% of the students use social media daily while working
professional consist of 90%. This is mainly due to the increasing in social networking and the
fact that most jobs nowadays require the use of internet to function. In the case of parents, less
than 20% of them use social media daily which proven that parents do not use internet often.
For the method of interaction with the school to get more detailed information, 80% of the
students prefer using e-mail and the remaining prefer to use Facebook posts while none of them
want to interact through telephone. The same goes for working professional where 45% choose
e-mail and remaining 55% choose Facebook. This is because, e-mail and Facebook is a social
network they use in the everyday life thus post as a convenience to them. However, this does not
apply to parents as majority of them still prefer to communicate through telephone as they may
not find in convenient to use internet and think that they will be able to extract more information
by asking the person directly.
In conclusion, different target segments view different factors that affect the choice of
polytechnic and diploma differently. They also have different preferred method of contact thus
we have to cater personally to the different group to suit their need so as to ensure that message
send out efficiently and effectively.
3. Campaign Objectives
Our overall objective for this campaign is to bring awareness of Diploma in Marketing to our
target audiences and turn it into an interest for them. We provide in our website detailed
information regarding the diploma to give them a better idea as to what they can expect from the
diploma during and after they attained the diploma. We want to bring across to our audiences
that marketing is not just all business in NYP but we aim to bring in fun and challenging feats for
our students to make their course of study an enriching and engaging one.
Traditional IMC tools that might complement the new media campaign
Traditional IMC tools like posters, flyers, radio advertising and also holding of small forum
groups will be carried out to complement with our website and facebook page. The flyers will
only be distributed during events like the openhouse to attract people to our booth to gther more
information about the diploma. As for the posters, we will have them pasted along the pathway
leading to NYP and also be featured in NYP’s newsletters. These newsletters will then be sent
out to neighbouring secondary schools to be given to the upper secondary students, inside the
newsletter will also have the links to our website and the facebook page. For radio advertising,
we will be broadcasting in stations such as 98.7FM which will be targeting at the younger
segment like the school leavers, GOLD 95FM to bring awareness of our diploma to parents and
the working professionals as well as 933FM. Radio advertising is chosen as people will rather
listen to commercials than to sit and watch the commercials so we used radio instead of
television advertising. For visuals we will depend on our posters and website. Another traditional
tool we will be executing is forum group like small seminars and talk sessions given by our
marketing lecturers or the director of SBM. We will also send some of our outstanding students
from marketing together with a few lecturers to schools to give speech to the graduating
secondary students letting have a better idea of the course as well as what they can benefit from
this diploma.
Execution time schedule and justification
In the may issue of the NYP’s newsletter we will have details of our upcoming seminar that will
be held in June 2011 which is during the school holidays for parents to register for this seminar
to sit in and better understand the diploma to help aid their children in making the right choice of
course. The seminar will hold up to 80 parents and from the seminar we also hope to understand
the parents’ concern to help us improve on our campaign. The newsletter will be issued to the
school to be given to the students, we will also update the seminar details in our website as well
as facebook page to keep our current users updated. For radio advertising, we will carry out the
same broadcast as last year, where we have lecturers to represent the diploma and give a 2minute
speech on air to the listeners. This broadcast will be done during the Joint-admission-exercise
period , direct-admission exercise and 1week before and after NYP’s openhouse so the details of
our diploma will still be fresh in the listeners’ minds and some may also make a trip down to
NYP to enquire more about the diploma in marketing. When we feature our posters in the
newsletters, our website and facebook will be updated as well.
4. Strategies
New media tools used and justifications for choices
We would be using a combination of new media platforms to market the Diploma of Marketing
course to our market segments. They comprise of a blog and Facebook. The reason for the
narrow choice of New Media tool used is that our target markets prefer to rely on providing
information through platforms that can directly reach our target segments. These platforms
would be more targeted and seem more reliable than through various opinions of the public.
Using too many platforms to reach consumers may create overlapping, confusion to the
audience, and high amount of effort to maintain them. Hence we decided to concentrate on the
most popular and most used platforms where our target audience would likely seek their
information from.
As defined earlier that our target segments comprised mainly of the parents, school leavers (both
local and foreign), and the professionals who could be the future students or educators of NYP.
For parents, they have been known to be one of the major influences in their child’s choice of a
school and course. They tend to seek myriad amount of information and details on a particular
school and course that their child might enroll into. They usually seek for information on the
course structure, job opportunities and tuition fees. Hence their need for updated information can
be satisfied through the use of a blog. Blogs allow for detailed updates of the content and event
images. The entire Marketing course structure and images and be posted to provide a detail write
up of the curriculum and campus life. Unique areas like the Teaching Enterprise Project,
Industrial Placement Program, and the Overseas Exchange Program, can be showcased in great
detail and with images as well. These blog may also appeal to the professional who tend to be
interested in facts and features rather than the emotional benefits the being in the Marketing
course in NYP can bring. Listing of the facts and interesting contents can allow these more
rational decision makers to make better choices in their information processing and decisions.
School leavers, however, are unlike these two target segments. This younger crowd tends to be
more emotionally driven and is very IT savvy. The use of FaceBook, specifically a Facebook
Page, will allow them to focus on the more interesting highlights of the course and of NYP.
Images and pictures tend to appeal better to them. However, a mixture of that and updates too are
crucial in providing some form of information to allow them to make a better decision. This
could include the Open House dates and timing, JAE applications, Special Events, and more. The
Facebook page would also allow for them to have greater interactions with us at real-time. Their
need for recognition and acknowledgement can be directly shown in the comments or posts that
they write on our page itself.
Strategies to drive traffic to your sites
As we know, the internet in one of the most widely used platforms for information search. Most
people have shown to visit the school websites when they want to find out more about the
available course and details. Hence, we decided a having a link to our blog and Facebook Page is
essential indirection our target audience to the right platforms to gain a more specific and
detailed information. Of course, a link to our blog would be placed on the Facebook Page to
allow those who require greater and more detailed information on the course or the school itself
Periodical updates have to be done on Facebook to create interest in the course while not appear
as a nuisance to the Facebook Fans. Other more interesting ways to attract the crowd and
generate interest is to use Public Relations to create Word-of-mouth publicity. We would have to
create ways to give the people something to write, say, and think about. More interesting updates
like events and giveaways would be used for this purpose. Updates could include featuring
videos and pictures of various successful graduates of NYP Marketing Diploma. This could be in
the form of featuring well-known/ famous marketers, interesting advertisements or marketing
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efforts by different brands, and more to allow for periodically inform our fans on Facebook about
the interesting facts/ realities of Marketing and how it relates to our everyday life.
We can also drive traffic to these platforms through the use of traditional media tools that we
would be using. An indication of the print media, like Banners, brochures, flyers, newsletters, or
goodie bags, can be made to notify our audience that we can be reached through our blog and on
Facebook for more details and interactions. Newpapers and magazines with higher circulation
and reach to our target segments can be used to advertise our online platforms while providing
some form of advertise there itself. Other means like radio broadcast can be done on the more
popular channels like 987FM for the younger segment, and Gold 90FM or Class95 for the
parents and professionals, can be leveraged to attract then to know more about us through our
online platforms.
Contingency and Future Plans
We have assumed that the traditional media tools would help drive traffic to our new media
platforms. However in the event that this does not work, we have to focus on other means of
getting the Secondary school leavers in Singapore to know about our site. Of course leveraging
on the open house may be a bonus to reaching to our target market more effectively. However,
other means would be to host lucky draws or competitions for these Secondary school leavers
that would direct them to our website for more details or hints. This could include requiring them
to follow our Facebook updates, Marketing related code words, or Marketing related questions in
order to win our grand prize. The gifts could be an IPod, Razor Equipment, or the like to attract
the teens. Such strategy would be of a slightly higher cost to us, but it can help create hype about
NYP and its Marketing course as it gets the attention of our target segment better. In addition, we
might make the Fan Page exclusive for viewing only to its Fans, Hence those wishing to
participate would have to become a fan of NYP-Marketing.
Also, we planned to create an interest towards the marketing course in NYP through posting of
events and updates on Facebook and detailed information on the Blogs. However this may not be
enough to generate an interest in NYP’s Marketing course for them to want to enroll in it.
Therefore, we have to look into other interesting facts that our target markets are interested to see
through the feedback we would receive in the future. We would thus have to focus on other
traditional media to generate this interest to the course through the seminars, forums, talks in the
various Secondary Schools in the area near to NYP, and advertising on radios. We would also
ride on the other advertisements by NYP to show our URL to our Facebook page and Blog.
Measurement metrics
Measurement metrics help to describe how to the results of the campaign are evaluate against its
objectives. It allows us to see how well our marketing efforts are at generating results. For each
of the New Media platforms used, we have various ways to measure our results against. For our
Blog, we had activated our Google Analytics tracker which allows us to track the traffic for each
day and compare them by the days, weeks, or months. We would also be able to see the average
duration spent on the website and the source of the traffic. Based on the source of the traffic, we
will also be able to see if it is necessary to create a page that is more viewer –friendly for smart
phones. This may allow us to keep up with the latest trend to allow for greater reach to the
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people in the modern society. We can also track the period which have greater traffic and longer
viewing times and attribute to the various reasons from the analysis.
We have a Chat box called, Chatroll, which can allow for communication in real-time. This
could also be a way to gain quick feedback from those who find emails a hassle as it reduces the
effort and provides more convenience in communicating with us. The blog also contains a
Feedback portion at the bottom left-hand corner which allows people who wish to contact us.
This Feedback form allows for more detailed enquires to be made possible than compared to the
Chatbox above it. An email field is required for us to get back to them.
At the right side of the blog, a small poll is created for viewers to vote their opinion on
willingness to recommend the site to others. This will allow us to have a quick feedback on the
usefulness of the site to the viewers to see if any further improvements are needed.
On Facebook, our page is able to track the number of Fans and also comes with the Facebook
insights to analyze the amount of interaction and involvement of the fans on our page. The
number of Likes and comments for each post will allow us to know the contents that our fans are
more interested in. We can also gain valuable insight as to how to improve out updates to make
them more interesting to our audience. The competitions hosted through our Facebook page
would also allow us to track the effectiveness and reach to our target.
5. Implementation
When setting up the blog to promote the Diploma in Marketing course, we had a hard time
choosing the right background for the blog as the blog is targeted at parents and professionals
thus it has to have a professional feel and look, but cannot lose its interesting and fun side for the
students as well. In addition, linking the pages is another problem at first, together with we had
to try to find a simple feedback form that has html codes to put inside our blog setting.
When creating the Facebook fan page, we faced the problem of getting new likes everyday as
well as trying to think of something different from other Facebook pages to inform our readers.
Why chatroll instead of CBOX?
1) Social network integration
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References - secondary research
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Facebook fan page screenshot
Blog screenshot
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