Australian School of Business Participant Information Statement and Consent Form Approval Number: 126022 THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES Value, Outcomes, and Return on Investment of Academic Libraries ("Lib-Value") Journal Collections and Readership Study Participant selection and purpose of study You are invited to participate in an international study related to scholarly reading behaviour. We, Professor Carol Tenopir, Associate Professor John D'Ambra, and Ms Pam Freeland hope to assess the value of library collections to academics and students in the university environment by examining patterns of use and reading. You were invited to participate in this study as you are an academic staff member or student of UNSW. Description of study and risks If you decide to participate, we will provide you with a link to an online survey. The survey should take approximately 30-40 minutes to complete. You may exit the survey or leave a question unanswered at any time. By analysing the survey responses, we hope to gain a beter understanding of how staff and students use the library’s collections Confidentiality and disclosure of information Participation in the study is anonymous and no information identifying you will be collected. If you give us your permission by participating in the survey, we plan to publish the results in academic journals and present overall findings at professional and academic conferences. In any publication, information will be provided in such a way that you cannot be identified. You give us your permission and consent by completing the online survey. Recompense to participants To thank you for taking part in this study we would like to offer you the opportunity to enter a draw for a book voucher (1 x $200 and 3 x $50 book vouchers; one for each survey category). If you agree to enter the draw, please provide your name and email address on completing the survey. This information will be stored in a separate database and will not be used to identify any responses. We will inform all participants in the draw of the outcome in July 2012 at the completion of the survey period via a news item on the library webpage. . Complaints may be directed to: Ethics Secretariat The University of New South Wales Sydney 2052 AUSTRALIA Phone: +61 2 9385 4234 Fax: +61 2 9385 6648 Email: Any complaint you make will be investigated promptly and you will be informed out the outcome. Feedback to participants To request a summary of research findings, please contact Pam Freeland, UNSW Library ( ) or phone 02 93852657. 1 12/03/2016 CRICOS Provider: 00098G Ethics Consent Form Your consent Your decision whether or not to participate will not prejudice your future relations with the University of New South Wales.If you decide to participate, you are free to withdraw your consent and to discontinue participation at any time without prejudice. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us. If you have any additional questions later, Pam Freeland, UNSW Library , 02 93852657 will be happy to answer them. Enter the survey To complete the survey please click on the relevant url below. Undergraduate Students Postgraduate students Academic staff 2 12/03/2016 CRICOS Provider: 00098G