CEPAR Summer Workshop in the Economics of Health & Ageing 9:00 9:10 10:00 10:50 11:20 12:10 1:00 2:10 3:00 3:50 4:20 WELCOME AND COFFEE Denzil Fiebig (UNSW) From big to smart data: Health care mix in response to health shocks Bianca Bonollo (CEPAR/UNSW) Formal vs. Informal Care in old age: The role for social ties COFFEE BREAK Nathan Kettlewell (UNSW) Policy choice in a complicated health insurance market: Do people get it right? Jongsay Yong (University of Melbourne) Do private hospitals engage in cream skimming? An investigation of hospital transfers during capacity pressure LUNCH Marian Vidal-Fernandez (University of Sydney) The effects of fluoridated water on birth outcomes Peter Siminski (University of Wollongong) Breaking the link between legal access to alcohol and motor vehicle accidents: Evidence from New South Wales COFFEE BREAK Lisa Cameron (Monash University) Crimes against morality: Unintended consequences of criminalizing sex work Arrangements: All are welcome. There is no cost for attending but for catering purposes prospective participants should email Dr Isabella Dobrescu at dobrescu@unsw.edu.au . Papers: Where presenters have provided papers they will be available at: https://www.business.unsw.edu.au/about/schools/economics/seminars-conferences.