Which blood cells transport oxygen? White blood cells Red blood

1. Which blood cells transport oxygen?
a) White blood cells
b) Red blood cells
c) Platelets
d) All blood cells
2. What are the functions of the capillaries?
a) Defends body from foreign bodies and materials
b) Delivers the oxygen to different parts of the body
c) To transport blood cells
d) Where substances are exchanged between the blood and the body cells
3. What happens to stop the bleeding when there is a cut?
a) Other cells are sent from around the body to fill in the gap
b) It doesn’t get healed, we just bleed out
c) Platelets release chemicals that start chain reaction to clot the blood
d) The skin around it magically heals up
4. Which is not a method of keeping your cardiovascular system healthy?
a) Exercise
b) Diet
c) Smoking
d) Enough sleep
5. Which is not a function of the circulatory system?
a) Release hormones into the body
b) Transporting blood and other materials around the body
c) Removing waste products from the blood/body
d) Fighting disease
6. What is another name for the circulatory system?
a) Integumentary
b) Cardiovascular
c) Endocrine
d) Lymphatic
7. What causes blood pressure?
a) Contraction of the ventricles
b) The heart pumping blood
c) Stress
d) Voluntary muscle contractions
8. What types of animals have 2-chambered hearts?
a) Amphibians and reptiles
b) Mammals
c) None of these
d) Fish
9. Which is not part of the circulatory system?
a) The Heart
b) Arteries
c) The Brain
d) Ventricles
10. What should a dog’s pulse rate be?
a) 50-100
b) 70-120
c) 90-140
d) 110-160
11. What is cartilage?
Flexible but inelastic cords of strong fibrous collagen tissue
Translucent, elastic tissue
Dentin and enamel
Thin layer of connective tissue that lines the surface of bony tissue
12. What are the bones in the front legs of an animal called?
a) Pelvic Limbs
b) Caudal Limbs
c) Stifle Joint
d) Thoracic Limb
13. What are the three main skeletal systems?
a) Thoracic, Pelvic, and Axil
b) Axil, Flat, and Vertebrae
c) Pelvic, Cranial, and Caudal
d) Head, Trunk, and Tail
14. What are the functions of bones?
a) Protection
b) To look cool
c) Answers a, d, and e
d) Support
e) Movement
15. What is the hard outer payer of a bone called?
a) Compact Bone
b) Spongy Bone
c) Marrow
d) Endosteum
16. What is a dense membrane composed of fibrous connective tissue which wraps all bones
except joints called?
Compact Medullary
17. What’s the definition of a long bone?
a) Have a tubular shaft and articular surface at each end but are much smaller
b) Are thin and have broad surfaces
c) Have a tubular shaft and articular surface at each end
d) Irregular in size and shape and are usually quite compact
18. Which is an example of an irregular bone?
a) Skull
b) Carpal
c) Scapula
d) Sphenoid
19. What is the epiphyseal line?
a) Replaces the epiphyseal growth plate once an animal or person has reached its full
b) Indicates where the spongy bone starts
c) Indicates where the medullary cavity is located
d) Replaces the medullary cavity once an animal or person has reached its full height
20. How many bones do horses have?
a) 10
b) 206
c) 342 ½
d) 210
21. What nerve controls the function of sight?
a) Eyes
b) Optic
c) Pupil
d) Axon Fibers
22. How do neurons send signals to other cells?
a) Oxygen
b) Nerves
c) Blood
d) Axon Fibres
23. Which is not part of the nervous system
a) Brain
b) Spine
c) Spinal Cord
d) None of the above
24. Which is not a disease that affects the nerves?
a) Harkins Disease
b) Stroke
c) MS
d) Tuberculosis
25. What living thing does not have a nervous system?
a) Sea Sponge
b) Pig
c) Elephant
d) Sea Horse
26. There are less nerve cells in the human brain than there are stars in the milky way.
a) True
b) False
27. A new born baby’s brain grows ______ during the course of its first year?
a) 10 times
b) 5 times
c) 2 times
d) 3 times
28. How many neurons are in your brain?
a) 1 billion
b) 100 billion
c) 1000 billion
d) 10 billion
29. The right side controls what part of the body?
a) Right
b) Left
c) Both
d) None of the above
30. Nerves are triangular bundles of fiber that start at the brain and central cord and branch
out to every other body part
a) True
b) False