e-mail services - Oklahoma State University

Version 3.0
Last updated: 9/27/2010
NETWORK SERVICES...................................................................................................................................... 6
IP Assignment/Naming ............................................................................................................................. 6
NATReg.................................................................................................................................................. 6
BootP/DHCP .......................................................................................................................................... 6
DNS........................................................................................................................................................ 6
Connectivity .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Wired..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Wireless................................................................................................................................................. 6
Cellular—Data ....................................................................................................................................... 7
DSL......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Remote Access .......................................................................................................................................... 7
TS Gateway: .......................................................................................................................................... 7
VPN........................................................................................................................................................ 8
Internet Access.......................................................................................................................................... 8
OneNet .................................................................................................................................................. 8
Site-to-Site VPN ..................................................................................................................................... 8
TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES................................................................................................................. 8
Local Services ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Cellular .................................................................................................................................................. 9
Landline/VoIP ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Voice-mail: ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Advanced Services .................................................................................................................................. 10
RightFax............................................................................................................................................... 10
ACD...................................................................................................................................................... 10
EasyCall ............................................................................................................................................... 10
Mobility ............................................................................................................................................... 10
COMPUTER LAB SERVICES........................................................................................................................... 10
Computer Lab Services ........................................................................................................................... 10
Classroom Building 4th Floor: ............................................................................................................. 10
Bennett Hall B19: ................................................................................................................................ 10
Kerr-Drummond Mezzanine: .............................................................................................................. 10
Math Sciences 108: ............................................................................................................................. 10
Virtual Lab Services ................................................................................................................................. 11
Print Management Services .................................................................................................................... 11
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY SERVICES ................................................................................................... 11
Online Course Delivery Services ............................................................................................................. 11
Online Audio and Video Hosting Services ............................................................................................... 11
E-MAIL SERVICES ......................................................................................................................................... 12
Faculty/Staff E-mail Services ................................................................................................................... 12
Spam Filtering Services ....................................................................................................................... 12
Policy ................................................................................................................................................... 12
Client Access ....................................................................................................................................... 12
E-mail Forwarding ............................................................................................................................... 13
Broadcast Mailing Services ................................................................................................................. 13
Data Storage........................................................................................................................................ 13
Mobile Devices .................................................................................................................................... 13
Student E-mail Services (OSU-Stillwater/Tulsa Only) ............................................................................. 14
Spam Filtering Services ....................................................................................................................... 14
Policy ................................................................................................................................................... 14
Client Access ....................................................................................................................................... 14
Mobile Devices .................................................................................................................................... 14
E-mail Forwarding ............................................................................................................................... 15
Broadcast Mailing Services ................................................................................................................. 15
Data Storage........................................................................................................................................ 15
DATA STORAGE SERVICES ........................................................................................................................... 15
Individual Online File Storage Services ................................................................................................... 15
SkyDrives – Cowboy Mail .................................................................................................................... 16
Group Online File Storage Services ......................................................................................................... 16
MySite ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
Data Restoration ..................................................................................................................................... 16
IDENTITY AND ACCESS MANAGEMENT SERVICES ...................................................................................... 16
O-Key ....................................................................................................................................................... 17
ID Card Creation ...................................................................................................................................... 17
ID Card Services....................................................................................................................................... 17
Activation ................................................................................................................................................ 17
Service Accounts ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Mail Enabled: ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Application: ......................................................................................................................................... 18
Kiosk: ................................................................................................................................................... 18
Reserved: ............................................................................................................................................ 18
Resource: ............................................................................................................................................ 18
Guest: .................................................................................................................................................. 18
Wireless Mac:...................................................................................................................................... 18
Administrative Access ............................................................................................................................. 18
Service Allocation.................................................................................................................................... 19
Emergency Alerts Settings ...................................................................................................................... 19
E-mail Settings......................................................................................................................................... 19
Global Groups ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Authentication Services—LDAP and Active Directory ............................................................................ 19
IT COMMUNICATION SERVICES .................................................................................................................. 19
IT Announcement Services ..................................................................................................................... 19
Emergency Communications Services .................................................................................................... 20
Broadcast Mailing Services ..................................................................................................................... 20
Online Directory ...................................................................................................................................... 20
SECURITY SERVICES ..................................................................................................................................... 20
Anti-Virus Protection Services ................................................................................................................ 20
Microsoft Forefront Client Security (FCS) ........................................................................................... 21
Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) .................................................................................................... 21
McAfee Virex 7.7 Antivirus for Macintosh OS 10................................................................................ 21
TS Gateway ............................................................................................................................................. 21
VPN.......................................................................................................................................................... 21
Data Recovery Services ........................................................................................................................... 21
Forensic Analysis Services ....................................................................................................................... 22
Research/Risk Assessment Services........................................................................................................ 22
Vulnerability Assessment Services .......................................................................................................... 22
HOSTED SERVICES ....................................................................................................................................... 22
OSU Website Content Management ...................................................................................................... 22
Enterprise Backup Services ..................................................................................................................... 23
Virtual Server Farm ................................................................................................................................. 23
Database Services ................................................................................................................................... 23
Application Hosting ................................................................................................................................. 23
ADMINISTRATIVE TECHNOLOGY (APPLICATION SERVICES) ........................................................................ 23
SCT—HRS, SIS, FRS, LMS ......................................................................................................................... 23
ePrint....................................................................................................................................................... 23
Document Imaging .................................................................................................................................. 24
ID Card Services—Door Access/Meal Plans ............................................................................................ 24
Time and Attendance Tracking Services ................................................................................................. 24
SUPPORT SERVICES ..................................................................................................................................... 24
General Technical Support Services........................................................................................................ 25
Desk-Side Support Services ..................................................................................................................... 25
Computer Recommendations ................................................................................................................. 25
Software Distribution Services ................................................................................................................ 26
Computer Training Services .................................................................................................................... 26
ID Card Production Services .................................................................................................................... 26
WEB SERVICES ............................................................................................................................................. 26
Online Collaboration Services (SharePoint) ............................................................................................ 26
Web Development Environment Services .............................................................................................. 26
UAS/O-Key Integration............................................................................................................................ 27
RESEARCH COMPUTING SERVICES .............................................................................................................. 27
High Performance Computing ................................................................................................................ 27
IT provides several Network Services that help customers connect to OSU resources. They
include IP assignment, wired and wireless network services and remote access.
IP Assignment/Naming
NATReg: This service allows users living in Residential Life and Married Student
Housing the ability to register their computers and gaming systems to get a
public accessible IP address. There are two ways the students can register their
machines: Users can access https://natreg.okstate.edu/NatReg/ or fill out a
server registration form and sumbit it to the IT Helpdesk. After the forms have
been completed, the system will register the hostname with a public IP address.
BootP/DHCP: The DHCP service provides automatic IP address assignment to
computers and other network attached systems. The BootP service extends
DHCP to provide a fixed IP address to certain critical network systems.
DNS: The DNS service provides a translation between Internet IP addresses and
easier to use domain names.
Wired: You can access the wired network by connecting your computer using
an Ethernet (Cat 5/6) cable to one of the orange jacks located in an area for
which you have the right to use. All network jacks are 10/100 Mbps capable. The
use of routers, switches and wireless access points that do not belong to
Oklahoma State University are not allowed on the network. The use of these
items can result in disciplinary action.
Wireless: At almost any section of the main OSU-Stillwater campus, you can
connect to the OSU wireless network. This will allow you to have fast Internet
and Intranet access while on the go. Any device with a/b/g/n Wi-Fi capabilities
can connect to our network as long as you are a student or an employee. There
are two broadcasting SSIDs on campus. Students and employees can connect to
either one with certain conditions:
a. This option uses a Web authentication method. All that is
needed is an O-Key username and password.
b. After connecting, open Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.
The wireless controller will redirect the browser to the Web
authentication page. You will need to supply your O-Key
information to finish the authentication process.
a. This option uses a Web authentication method. All that is
needed is an O-Key username and password.
b. After connecting, open Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.
The wireless controller will redirect the browser to the Web
authentication page. You will need to supply your O-Key
information to finish the authentication process.
c. Users’ devices should stay connected to the wireless network
unless there is a lack of signal. Authentication will not have to
be done again until users’ O-Key password expires or is
d. Users stay contacted as long as they are in range of an
access point.
a. This option uses a MAC address authentication method. The
main reason for this option is for devices that cannot achieve
Web authentication are able to connect to the wireless
network. Faculty members have to provide their computers’
wireless MAC address and a valid reason for the request to
their department’s ITC. After registration is finished, the
computer can automatically connect to the Internet without any
additional authentication.
b. Students will have to contact the IT Helpdesk with a valid
reason why they would need to use this option (i.e. A device
that cannot to Web authentication. Some devices do not have
keyboards or interfaces that allow the input of authentication
Cellular—Data: IT offers cellular service (voice only, data only, or both) via
AT&T for departmental or personal use. In addition, individuals can purchase a
cellular phone at a special OSU discounted rate. Split billing is available for those
plans that include data service. Requests should be presented to IT
Telecommunications through the departmental Key Advisor. Please visit
http://www.telecomm.okstate.edu/employee/ for more information.
Remote Access
TS Gateway: IT provides the university with a secure, encrypted connection
between remote users on the Internet and their on-campus computers. TS
Gateway is a Web-based solution that allows authorized remote users to connect
to their OSU network joined computer from any Internet-connected Windows
based device, using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) over HTTPS to establish
VPN: The IT Department provides the university with secure, encrypted VPN
(Virtual Private Network) connections between off campus users and OSU’s
internal network resources on which their productivity applications run. OSU uses
the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client which provides authorized remote users with
access to OSU’s network. The VPN Client adapts its tunneling protocol to the
most efficient method based on network constraints. It works with Linux,
Macintosh, and Windows operating systems.
Internet Access
OneNet: OneNet is Oklahoma’s telecommunications and information network for
education and government. OneNet is a division of the Oklahoma State Regents
for Higher Education and is operated in cooperation with the Oklahoma Office of
State Finance. They currently provide Oklahoma State University with redundant
Gigabit Ethernet links to the Internet, Internet 2 and NLR.
Site-to-Site VPN: There are encrypted tunnels setup between the main OSU
campus in Stillwater and all of the associated colleges. All communications are
encrypted over the tunnel. Also see the entry for VPN.
IT provides an array of Telecommunication Services for students, faculty and staff. They range
from landline and voice-mail services on campus to cellular service.
Local Services
Cellular: IT offers cellular service (voice only, data only, or both) via AT&T for
departmental or personal use. In addition, individuals can purchase a cellular
phone at a special OSU discounted rate. Split billing is available for those plans
that include data service. Requests should be presented to IT
Telecommunications through the departmental Key Advisor. Please visit
http://www.telecomm.okstate.edu/employee/ for more information.
Landline/VoIP: IT offers land line service to departments and residential life
residents. Two types of lines can be provided: analog or digital. IT has several
models of phones to choose from with additional hardware that can be added to
fit your business needs (panels, headsets, cords, etc.). A wide selection of
software features can be selected to efficiently use your landline. Please visit
http://www.telecomm.okstate.edu/ for more information.
For Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), two types of lines can be provided:
analog or digital. IT has a standard phone with additional hardware that can be
added to fit your business needs (panels, headsets, cords, etc.). A wide selection
of software features can be selected to efficiently use your land line.
Voice-mail: Voice-mail is a service that includes receive/save messages,
personalized greetings, a personalized password for each user, and the ability to
retrieve messages from on- or off-campus telephones.
Advanced Services
RightFax: IT maintains the university’s electronic faxing solution, RightFax.
RightFax makes it easy for you to send, receive, store, forward, and print faxes
as electronic documents from your computer.
ACD: An ACD is an Automatic Call Distributor. It is a means of distributing calls
to a bank of customer service agents’ phones in an orderly fashion.
EasyCall: EasyCall is a service that allows users to call telephone numbers they
see in an application. The user simply hovers the mouse over any telephone
number in any application. The EasyCall Agent fades in above the telephone
number populated in the dial box. When the user clicks on the green dial button,
EasyCall calls the user on the telephone (office, mobile, home, etc.) and then
calls the clicked number.
Mobility: Mobility is a service that provides Telecommunications customers the
choice to answer their calls from their land line, desk, cell or alternate phone
while only giving out one phone number. A call placed to an OSU extension can
ring on a non-OSU device. Other features included with Mobility are Parallel
Ringing, Call Shedding and Scheduling.
IT manages the main computer lab services at OSU. Whether you need to find a physical lab
out of one of the five IT-managed locations or if you are accessing one of the virtual labs online,
you will have access to software, such as Microsoft Office suites as well as others.
Computer Lab Services
IT provides the university’s centralized computer lab services. IT computer labs provide
students, faculty and staff physical computer access at multiple campus locations. The
IT labs offer standard suites of software such as Microsoft Office, specialized
applications such as AutoCAD and SAS, and Internet access through Internet Explorer.
They also offer accessibility software such as Dragon Dictates and Zoomtext. The
following is a list of lab locations and hours of operation (for Fall and Spring semesters):
Classroom Building 4th Floor: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-9 p.m. (available for classroom
Bennett Hall B19: 24 hours, seven days a week
Kerr-Drummond Mezzanine: 24 hours, seven days a week
Math Sciences 108: 24 hours, seven days a week
Virtual Lab Services
IT maintains four virtual computer labs. These virtual computer labs ensure that the
software available in IT computer labs is also available via the Internet. You can log into
these virtual labs from any computer with an Internet connection using your O-Key
username and password. You are also able to use the Remote Printing functions
outlined below. For detailed instructions on how to log into the virtual labs using
Windows, Mac, or Linux operating systems please visit
Print Management Services
IT provides Print Management Services (Remote Printing) to the university. If you do not
have a printer, Remote Printing is a way for you to print your documents by sending your
print job to the Remote Printing server. The actual printers are located at the front desks
of Stout Hall, Griffith Community Center, Village A, and Kamm-Peterson-Friend, as well
as the computer lab of the Family Resource Center in the University Apartments.
To get started, all you have to do is to install the print driver on your computer. When
you get ready to print, choose the Residential Life printer in your printer list to send the
document to the print server. To pick up your documents, you can go to any of the five
print locations. When you are at the printer station, you will log in using your O-Key email address and password.
There is no charge for Remote Printing (you may notice a dollar amount listed in your
account—you can disregard this listing). You have six hours to pick up your print job
before the system clears it from the server.
IT provides the main Instructional Technology Services for OSU. These include Desire2Learn
for online courses and Real Audio for online media streaming.
Online Course Delivery Services
IT maintains the university’s centralized Online Course Delivery System (Desire2Learn
(D2L)). D2L provides a method for consistent online course delivery. D2L can be found
at https://oc.okstate.edu/ . This site provides for online course delivery and support for
more than five different campuses within Oklahoma and out-of-state. You will find useful
information about course content availability, how you access the online classroom, what
happens if your password expires and other helpful topics. Instructors can find help by
going to the Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence Web site at
http://itle.okstate.edu/cms/ or by calling (405) 744-1000.
Online Audio and Video Hosting Services
IT maintains the university’s centralized Online Audio and Video hosting system (Real
Audio). Real Audio enables media streaming online, which is often associated with
student instruction. The media formats that are supported are Real Media, Windows
Media, Flash videos, Podcast videos and QuickTime videos.
IT provides a variety of e-mail services. They include spam filtering, e-mail forwarding to have
your OSU e-mail sent to a different address and broadcast mailing.
Faculty/Staff E-mail Services
Spam Filtering Services: IT maintains the university’s centralized e-mail spam
filtering system (ProofPoint). ProofPoint offers various spam filtering options that
can be set by the customer based on their needs. Four levels of filtering options
are available to OSU e-mail account holders: No Spam Filtering, Filter Adult
Spam Only, Filter All Spam and Tag and Deliver Spam. For more information,
visit http://spamblockerhelp.okstate.edu/.
Policy: Procedures are in place to assist students, supervisors and employees
with providing access to e-mail accounts for business operations, in the event of
military leave or extended illness. These types of exceptions can be submitted to
IT for review. IT will work with the other OSU departments to facilitate these
exceptions if approved by the Provost Office.
Client Access: IT provides a variety of clients to access for OSU Exchange
mailbox. The Outlook client is available for installation on business workstations.
Outlook Web Access (http://mail.okstate.edu) is available from a web browser.
Entourage is available for Mac workstations. An authenticated SMTP server is
available for our IMAP users.
E-mail Forwarding: E-mail forwarding is available via O-Key. Users can have
their OSU e-mail forwarded to another e-mail destination by logging in to their OKey account at http://www.O-Key.okstate.edu. Please note that if you are
forwarding your e-mail from Exchange, your Exchange mailbox will be deleted
along with any messages stored in it. You will need to ensure that you have
saved all desired messages prior to forwarding.
Broadcast Mailing Services: IT maintains the university’s centralized
broadcast mailing system (Listserv). Listserv Service provides a method for the
same e-mail message to be distributed to a select group. The use of broadcast email to communicate with Oklahoma State University students, faculty, and staff
will be limited to official notices of university-wide interest or impact. These
include, but are not limited to, messages from the Office of the President, Provost
and other members of the OSU-Stillwater Cabinet. Broadcast e-mail may also be
used to communicate with the campus community in times of crisis, campus-wide
emergencies and other situations dealing with public safety. Announcements that
do not meet the preceding criteria, but are of interest to the campus community,
may be distributed through a variety of other methods, including OSU Headlines,
the university calendar, departmental newsletters and campus mailings and
advertising. Nothing in this policy shall preclude OSU faculty, students, and staff
from developing, using, and maintaining their own e-mail lists for legitimate
communication needs. Mass mailings in the form of junk mail for non-university
business reasons are prohibited.
Data Storage: IT provides employees with 500 Mb and OSU-Stillwater faculty
with 2 GB of disk space. Some people have a business need for larger
mailboxes. A business case can be submitted to IT by an employee’s supervisor
or if additional storage is needed.
Mobile Devices: Mobile devices, such as the four major mobile phone operating
systems, can be used to connect with Cowboy Mail. A separate document called
OSU E-Mail Mobile Device Configuration Settings is available in the IT Resource
Center to assist with set up.
Student E-mail Services (OSU-Stillwater/Tulsa Only)
Spam Filtering Services: IT maintains the university’s centralized e-mail spam
filtering system (ProofPoint). ProofPoint offers various spam filtering options that
can be set by the customer based on their needs. Four levels of filtering options
are available to OSU e-mail account holders: No Spam Filtering, Filter Adult
Spam Only, Filter All Spam and Tag and Deliver Spam. For more information,
visit http://it.okstate.edu/rc .
Policy: Procedures are in place to assist students, supervisors and employees
with providing access to e-mail accounts for business operations, in the event of
military leave or extended illness. These types of exceptions can be submitted to
IT for review. IT will work with the other OSU departments to facilitate these
exceptions if approved by the Provost Office.
Client Access: There are several options for accessing your Cowboy Mail
(Live@edu). A secure Web interface where you can login using your O-Key
username and password is available at http://cowboymail.okstate.edu. This is
available through all major browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox
and Safari. Microsoft Outlook can be configured to work with Live@edu. IMAP
support is provided for people who use IMAP-compatible client. Visit
http://help.outlook.com for a full description of clients supported as well as
information on setting it up.
Mobile Devices: Mobile devices, such as the four major mobile phone operating
systems, can be used to connect with Cowboy Mail. A separate document called
OSU E-Mail Mobile Device Configuration Settings is available in the IT Resource
Center to assist with set up.
E-mail Forwarding: E-mail forwarding is available with Cowboy Mail
(Live@edu). Your messages can be forwarded to another e-mail account you
already use. Visit http://help.outlook.com/en-us/140/ee285995.aspx?sl=1 for
documentation and a video on how to forward your Cowboy Mail e-mail.
Broadcast Mailing Services: IT maintains the university’s centralized
broadcast mailing system (Listserv). Listserv Service provides a method for the
same e-mail message to be distributed to a select group. The use of broadcast email to communicate with Oklahoma State University students, faculty, and staff
will be limited to official notices of university-wide interest or impact. These
include, but are not limited to, messages from the Office of the President, Provost
and other members of the OSU-Stillwater Cabinet. Broadcast e-mail may also be
used to communicate with the campus community in times of crisis, campus-wide
emergencies and other situations dealing with public safety. Announcements that
do not meet the preceding criteria, but are of interest to the campus community,
may be distributed through a variety of other methods, including OSU Headlines,
the university calendar, departmental newsletters and campus mailings and
advertising. Nothing in this policy shall preclude OSU faculty, students, and staff
from developing, using, and maintaining their own e-mail lists for legitimate
communication needs. Mass mailings in the form of junk mail for non-university
business reasons are prohibited.
Data Storage: Cowboy Mail (Live@edu) provides students with 10 GB of
mailbox storage with a 20 MB file attachment limit.
IT provides many data storage services. Options include online file storage services—either
individual or group drives—and SharePoint’s MySite, a centralized online location to store
documents and links.
Individual Online File Storage Services
IT maintains the university’s centralized individual (H: Drive) and group (G: Drive) online
file storage. Online file storage ensures an easily accessible method for file storage and
sharing that is not confined to a specific computer. Students and employees have 500
MB of network storage space on a home (H:) drive for personal use. Students can
access their H: drive from any IT lab, as well as from computers in the library. Employee
and student home drives are accessible off campus using MySite,
SkyDrives – Cowboy Mail: With Cowboy Mail, Stillwater/Tulsa students will
have 25 GB of disk storage available on their SkyDrive.
Group Online File Storage Services
Employees also have access to a group (G:) drive, an I: drive and a J: drive used by
their work groups. Group drives are used to share information within a certain
department. Group Drives are not created automatically when a person activates his or
her O-Key Account. To gain access to Group Drives, a new user should contact the IT
Helpdesk. An I: drive is used to share information with other departments or subdepartments, while a J: drive is used to share information with all departments on
campus and is intended for temporary storage only because the files on this drive are
periodically deleted. For assistance, please contact the IT Helpdesk at (405) 744-HELP
or Helpdesk@okstate.edu.
MySite is a personal site that allows users to have a central location to store documents,
content, links and contacts that can be accessed from anywhere. MySite has both a
public view and a private view, and you can determine the permissions on various
pieces of information within your site to select whether just a few people or everyone in
your organization can view each item.
You can use MySite to keep track of links, keep track of colleagues, set up a document
workflow, share documents and save to SharePoint sites, create Meeting Workspace
sites and publish Web sites as sub sites.
MySite is similar to having a personal Microsoft Windows SharePoint 3.0 site—you can
create document libraries and picture libraries, calendar, surveys, tasks and other
SharePoint lists that can be shared with other people or only views by you. For
questions about MySite, contact the IT Helpdesk at (405) 744-HELP or
Data Restoration
IT backs up all supported services on a nightly basis with the exception. These files are
kept for finite timeframe based on federal and state regulations and OSU policy. If a file
is accidentally deleted, IT will work with you to get a copy of the file restored. At this
time, IT is unable to perform restores on student e-mail services.
IT provides several Identity and Access Management Services, including the university’s
centralized authentication system: Orange Key (O-Key). Other services include ID cards,
service accounts, emergency alerts and authentication services.
IT maintains the university’s Identity Management System (O-Key). One of O-Key’s core
functions is to provide a single secure user ID and password that can be used to access
university services. After completing your student enrollment or filling out your
employment paperwork, you will be eligible for an Orange Key (O-Key) account (http://OKey.okstate.edu). By activating your account, you can set up your e-mail address,
create an e-mail account to the OSU provided Exchange/Outlook services and set up
your emergency and directory contact information. There is useful information on your
O-Key Profile. Take a few minutes to review it or visit our O-Key Resource Center
(https://it.sharepoint.okstate.edu/TechnologySupport/ResourceCenters/default.aspx) for
a complete walk-through.
ID Card Creation
ID Card Services provides ID Cards for students, faculty and staff that include a photo
and the individual’s CWID number. ID Services is located at 113 Math Sciences and is
open Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. ID cards can be used for many services (see
CS Gold). For assistance, please contact ID Services at (405) 744-8434 or
ID Card Services
IT provides the university with a centralized ID Card service (CS Gold). CS Gold is a
system that enables a variety of services that can be accessed via the campus ID card.
These include but are no limited to Bursar account charges, ATMs, secure door access,
campus bus system, Colvin Recreation Center, Buckbadge and meal plans.
The ability to activate an individual’s profile within the OSU A&M Identity Management
Systems (O-Key, Gold Key, Lion Key, etc.) is based solely on that individual maintaining
an active association in either the Student Information System (SIS) or the Human
Resources System (HRS). These source systems supply identification and association
information to the Identity Management System and assign specific roles to the
individual based on the type of association. These roles provision access to appropriate
systems and services. Currently, the activation process requires the last two characters
of the individual’s surname, last five digits of their social security number, and their date
of birth. The activation wizard will lead them through setting up information such as their
username, e-mail address, password, e-mail destination, and various versions of contact
information. Beginning in late summer 2010, activation will require the use of an SIS or
HRS Personal Identification Number (PIN), according to FERPA regulations.
Service Accounts
IT maintains the university’s centralized service allocation system via service accounts.
Service accounts can be used for many different purposes and are set up from your OKey Profile. You will want to select the appropriate type of service account for your
purpose. The different types of accounts are listed below with a brief description of each:
Mail Enabled: A mail enabled service account is in Active Directory and has an
Exchange mailbox. This type of account could be used for a departmental e-mail
or to receive e-mails that originate on a Webpage.
Application: An application service account is in Active Directory. It does NOT
have an Exchange mailbox. It is used when you need an application to have
access to something else, like LDAP. Please allow a couple of additional days for
processing on this type of account because Service Account personnel must
submit the account to Service Administration for approval prior to creating the
Kiosk: A kiosk service account is in Active Directory. Use this type when you
manage public workstations and would like to have them under one service
Reserved: A reserved service account is used to reserve a certain user ID.
Resource: A resource service account is in Active Directory and has an
Exchange mailbox. Examples: calendar, room, vehicle.
Guest: A guest service account is in Active Directory and is given an Exchange
mailbox. It is a re-usable mailbox for people who come to campus for a short
period of time. This service account has wireless access and can be used in
conjunction with lab or wireless access during a meeting or conference.
Wireless Mac: An account that enables devices with limited or no browsers to
connect to the OSU wireless network. This account should only be used for
devices that are unable to authenticate to the standard wireless network.
Exceptions must be submitted to the CIO Office.
After you decide what type of account you need, please have the ITC or support
person in your area submit a service account request.
Administrative Access
IT provides individuals who have been designated by Executive Management to receive
higher levels of access to several IT services, such as O-Key Admin, Active Directory,
and Online Classroom. These individuals, known as Information Technology
Coordinators (ITCs), have the ability to designate Information Technology Specialists
(ITS). This delegation provides a partnership between IT and the college/campus for
service delivery.
Service Allocation
Access to IT services is based solely on the association an individual maintains with
OSU via the Student Information System (SIS) or Human Resources System (HRS).
Specific services are provisioned based on the role(s) an individual has been assigned
in the Identity Management System (O-Key, GoldKey, LionKey, etc). A comprehensive
list of roles is outlined in the O-Key Help documentation.
Emergency Alerts Settings
IT has worked in conjunction with the Emergency Operating Center to develop a
mechanism for alerting the campus of weather issues and campus threats. As part of the
O-Key activation and each password reset, contact information is requested in order to
alert an individual in the event of an emergency.
E-mail Settings
Due to business operations, some individuals may need to delegate e-mail access. IT
can assist with these shared calendars, Send on Behalf or other e-mail settings provided
in the e-mail system.
Global Groups
Groups are available to assist with management of resources. This helps when a person
leaves or enters a new home department and needs access to services. Global Groups
can be used to permission files or set up e-mail distribution lists. They can be set up and
managed in O-Key Admin.
Authentication Services—LDAP and Active Directory
IT maintains the university’s two centralized directory services (Open LDAP and Active
Directory). One of the core functions of OpenLDAP is to support the E-Mail Spam
Filtering system. In addition to this functionality, OpenLDAP provides the ability to lookup
e-mail addresses, names, departments and other user information to authenticate
applications. The core functions for Active Directory are wireless authentication,
workstation management, group management and group policy management.
IT provides several Communication Services. These include announcements regarding
scheduled downtimes for services or other IT news, emergency notifications and the online
IT Announcement Services
IT provides the university’s centralized location for announcements concerning IT
services on all OSU campuses. Items, including news, scheduled downtimes, virus
alerts, outages and service interruptions, are posted in a timely manner and are
frequently updated. Please visit www.it.okstate.edu to view the IT Announcements.
Emergency Communications Services
IT provides the university’s centralized emergency Communication service. Individuals
must provide a phone number and text message destination for emergency broadcasts.
This system will be utilized during events that pose an eminent danger to the lives and
safety of the OSU community. Please login to O-Key.okstate.edu to update your
emergency contact information. For assistance, please contact the IT Helpdesk at (405)
744-HELP or Helpdesk@okstate.edu.
Broadcast Mailing Services
IT maintains the university’s centralized broadcast mailing system (Listserv). Listserv
Service provides a method for the same e-mail message to be distributed to a select
group. The use of broadcast e-mail to communicate with Oklahoma State University
students, faculty, and staff will be limited to official notices of university-wide interest or
impact. These include, but are not limited to, messages from the Office of the President,
Provost and other members of the OSU-Stillwater Cabinet. Broadcast e-mail may also
be used to communicate with the campus community in times of crisis, campus-wide
emergencies and other situations dealing with public safety. Announcements that do not
meet the preceding criteria, but are of interest to the campus community, may be
distributed through a variety of other methods, including OSU Headlines, the university
calendar, departmental newsletters and campus mailings and advertising. Nothing in this
policy shall preclude OSU faculty, students, and staff from developing, using, and
maintaining their own e-mail lists for legitimate communication needs. Mass mailings in
the form of junk mail for non-university business reasons are prohibited.
Online Directory
IT maintains the university’s centralized Phone Directory service (the OSU Online
Directory). Information on the OSU Online Directory (www.directory.okstate.edu) is
business information only and is provided to the public for that purpose. The university
does recognize, however, some situations that an employee may have reason for the
information to be removed from the directory and made unavailable to the public. These
employees should provide the Chief Human Resource Officer in 106 Whitehurst a
written request with reasons why this business information should not be available. The
Chief Human Resource Officer will review the request and make a determination
whether to allow the information to be removed.
IT provides a wide array of Security Services that protect users’ computers and information.
They include anti-virus software, TS Gateway and OSU VPN to connect to OSU resources
securely and analysis and assessment services.
Anti-Virus Protection Services
The IT Department provides the university with access to and in support of three different AntiVirus Protection software solutions.
Microsoft Forefront Client Security (FCS) is an Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware software
application. It is designed for Microsoft Windows based operating systems. This software
solution should be used on all university owned Windows based desktop and laptops
computers that are joined to and never removed from the OSU network/domain. It can
be configured in a fully managed or semi-managed environment. You can acquire the
FCS application through your departments IT Coordinator.
Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) is an Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware software
application designed for Microsoft Windows based operating systems. This software
solution should be used on all university owned Windows based desktop and laptops
computers that are never joined to or are intermittently removed from the OSU
network/domain. As well, IT highly recommends MSE for all privately owned Windows
based desktop and laptops computers. MSE can be downloaded from the following
URL: (http://www.microsoft.com/security_essentials).
McAfee Virex 7.7 Antivirus for Macintosh OS 10 is an Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware
software application which provides a method for identifying, neutralizing or eliminating
malicious software on Macintosh based computers. It is available through the IT
Software Distribution site at http://it.okstate.edu/sdc.
TS Gateway
IT provides the university with a secure, encrypted connection between remote users on
the Internet and their on-campus computers. TS Gateway is a Web-based solution that
allows authorized remote users to connect to their OSU network joined computer from
any Internet-connected Windows based device, using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)
over HTTPS to establish connection.
The IT Department provides the university with secure, encrypted VPN (Virtual Private
Network) connections between off campus users and OSU’s internal network resources
on which their productivity applications run. OSU uses the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client
which provides authorized remote users with access to OSU’s network. The VPN Client
adapts its tunneling protocol to the most efficient method based on network constraints.
It works with Linux, Macintosh, and Windows operating systems.
Data Recovery Services
IT provides the university with a centralized data recovery service. The IT Information
Security Office provides data recovery services for faculty and staff of Oklahoma State
University when extenuating circumstances exist. Utilizing different forensic software
and techniques, the IT Information Security Office may be able to recover files from an
assortment of media and file systems.
Forensic Analysis Services
IT provides the university with a centralized data recovery service. The IT Information
Security Office may provide forensic analysis services for OSU departments when
extenuating circumstances exist. The University maintains an agreement with vendors
for the use of professional computer forensics software. Forensic analysis services may
aid in the completion of a pending investigation for OSU departments. At the request of
the Department Head, IT will perform an in depth analysis of an employee’s computer.
Research/Risk Assessment Services
IT provides the university with a centralized research and risk assessment service. The
IT Information Security Office conducts research relating to protecting University IT
assets. Research provides a fundamental way to discover risk and to prevent risk to
University IT assets. Risk Management involves three steps. First is identifying risk,
second is assessing the risk, and lastly taking preventive measures to reduce the risk.
The following document was developed by the Nation Institute of Standards and
Technology to assist organizations in exercising risk management. The document was
developed in 2002 to provide governmental entities with guidance on understanding,
identifying, and mitigating risks to an organization.
Vulnerability Assessment Services
IT provides the university’s centralized Vulnerability Assessment service. The IT
Information Security Office uses both automated and manual tools to aid in the process
of identifying vulnerabilities in OSU systems. Presently, this service is available to any
faculty or staff member who desires to identify vulnerable areas in his or her computing
IT provides the university with several Hosted Services. They include Enterprise Backup
Services in case there is a disaster on campus and a server farm to host virtual servers.
OSU Website Content Management
Information Technology has worked with OSU Marketing to establish two content
management solutions for OSU branded websites. The current offerings are Joomla and
Razor. IT will host these websites on its secure Linux web cluster.
Enterprise Backup Services
IT maintains the university’s centralized Enterprise Backup System (Commvault).
CommVault enables the university to recover critical data in the event of a disaster.
Virtual Server Farm
IT maintains a VMWare server farm to host virtual servers. This service allows for a less
expensive method for servers than purchasing a new physical server. A virtual server
can be managed like a physical one with less overhead and expense. The servers are
clustered for high availability and reliability.
Database Services
Information Technology has three enterprise level database solutions: MS SQL 2008;
mySQL; and Oracle. These services are highly redundant and secure. They are backed
up on a nightly basis with offsite backups. IT will work with you to develop the best
solution for your business need.
Application Hosting
Information Technology has many avenues to host your business solution. We will work
with you to host on our current infrastructure, manage your physical servers or develop a
virtual environment to host your applications.
IT maintains several application services, including door access and meal plans with ID Card
services and time and Attendance tracking services for employees.
IT maintains the infrastructure for the enterprise Student Information System, Human
Resource System, Financial Resources System, SEVIS, Commonline and the Loan
Management System for all the OSU campuses and the A&M institutions. IT provides
software development support, Web services support, and production support for these
Information Technology provides services to host documents which were formally
printed and distributed. Many of these documents are initiated from the university’s
administrative systems. A secure authorization model is set up for your documents.
Document Imaging
Document Imaging is a process through which a document is recorded or scanned
electronically, indexed, and stored as a digital image of its original form. Once digitized,
it can be routed, archived, and/or retrieved using an installed application or a basic web
browser. This service may be implemented as a replacement for traditional manual filing
techniques. Through the document storage and retrieval process, documents are
captured by scanning, then indexed and archived for retrieval at a later date. This
reduces file space, eliminates errors and misfiling, and improves productivity. Document
work-flow management is also a component with the system. In conjunction with
document storage and retrieval, documents are automatically routed throughout the
department to the electronic in-baskets of the appropriate individuals. This automatic
routing process follows the path a document normally takes until it has completed its
working cycle. At the end of the working cycle, the document is either discarded or
archived electronically.
ID Card Services—Door Access/Meal Plans
IT provides the university with a centralized ID Card service (CS Gold). CS Gold is a
system that enables a variety of services that can be accessed via the campus ID card.
These include but are not limited to Bursar account charges, ATMs, secure door access,
campus bus system, Colvin Recreation Center, Buckbadge and meal plans.
Time and Attendance Tracking Services
IT maintains the university’s centralized Time and Attendance tracking system
(TimePro). TimePro provides a method for employees to enter time (clock in/out) and
have that information directly input into HRS once the supervisor has approved the pay
IT provides several Support Services. These services range from technical support with the IT
Helpdesk and desk-side support to computer training, to software distribution and computer
training classes for students and employees.
General Technical Support Services
IT provides the university’s centralized technical support services (IT Helpdesk). The IT
Helpdesk provides a wide variety of services to all students, faculty and staff at OSU,
including, but not limited to, Windows XP, Windows 2000 and also Macintosh.
Desk-Side Support Services
IT provides centralized Desk-Side Support Services. The core of these services involves
direct customer support at the customer’s computer. is provided when and if it is
determined by the IT Helpdesk that onsite support is needed. The Desk-Side Support
group complements services provided by the Helpdesk, which can include but are not
limited to facilitating machine purchases through vendors and physical hardware
Computer Recommendations
Students, faculty, and staff should check with an individual academic department to
learn about specific computing recommendations for the degree program in which they
are enrolled. When buying a new computer, IT recommends systems using Windows XP
or Apple OS X as good choices. The minimum recommendations set by the OSU IT
Department are as follows:
For Notebooks:
1.8GHz, 2MB Cache CPU
256MB Video Card
120GB SATA Hard Drive
8X CD/DVD Burner
Premium Lithium Ion Battery (example: 85 WHr 9-cell)
Wireless Network Card b/g (54Mbps)
Genuine Windows Seven Home
No Productivity software pre-installed
1 Year In-Home Service Parts + Labor Warranty
For Desktops:
3GHz, 2MB Cache CPU
256MB Video Card
19 inch LCD Monitor
160GB Serial ATA Hard Drive
16x CD/DVD Burner
Optical USB Mouse
Genuine Windows Seven Home
No Productivity software pre-installed
1 Year In-Home Service, Parts + Labor Warranty
Software Distribution Services
IT maintains the university’s centralized software distribution environment (Software
Distribution Center (SDC)). IT has entered into various software licensing agreements
that provide students, faculty and staff access to the latest versions of selected software
titles. The list of software titles is available at http://app.it.okstate.edu/sdc/login.php.
Computer Training Services
IT provides the university’s centralized location for Computer Training services. The IT
training center offers training opportunities through instructor-led classes, CD Rom,
video checkout and online tutorials. Available courses include but are not limited to:
Microsoft Excel, Desire 2 Learn, PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Outlook,
Publisher and Security Awareness. For information on training opportunities, visit the
Human Resources Web site, http://www.okstate.edu/osu_per/, or e-mail questions to
ID Card Production Services
ID Card Services provides ID Cards for students, faculty and staff that include a photo
and the individual’s CWID number. ID Services is located at 113 Math Sciences and is
open Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. ID cards can be used for many services (see
CS Gold)..
IT maintains several Web Services for faculty, staff and students. These include SharePoint, an
Online Collaboration System, and Web Development Environments.
Online Collaboration Services (SharePoint)
IT maintains the university’s centralized Online Collaboration System (SharePoint).
SharePoint enables groups or individuals to create and configure Web sites that meet
their specific group collaboration needs. SharePoint has document libraries, calendaring,
lists and tasks available as well as the capability of building workflows. SharePoint
allows the use of your O-Key credentials and can integrate into Microsoft Outlook and
the rest of the Microsoft Office Suite.
Web Development Environment Services
IT maintains the university’s centralized Web Development Environments. The Web
Development Environment consists of two distinct parts of a Microsoft Web
Development Environment (ASP/.Net) and a Linux Development Environment (PHP).
The ASP/.Net service is load balanced for failover and redundancy to provide a robust
Web environment.
UAS/O-Key Integration
Universal Authentication Service (UAS) is a Web service that performs authentication
against Active Directory or OpenLdap. The Web service can be utilized by an application
where a UAS Service Account has been established through Software Services.
IT provides Research Computing Services in the form of the High Performance Computing Center, which
aids in research and educational advancement.
High Performance Computing
The goal of the High Performance Computing Center is to facilitate research, aid in
educational advancement and provide high performance computing to individuals and
multidisciplinary units across campus. Visit http://hpc.it.okstate.edu/ for available
resources and instructions on obtaining access.