Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas J. O’Connor, A. King, Z. Tonkin, J. Morrongiello and C. Todd 2008 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 176 + Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Series No. 176 Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas Justin O’Connor, Alison King, Zeb Tonkin, John Morrongiello and Charles Todd Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research 123 Brown Street, Heidelberg, Victoria 3084 June 2008 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Department of Sustainability and Environment Heidelberg, Victoria Report produced by: Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Department of Sustainability and Environment PO Box 137 Heidelberg, Victoria 3084 Phone (03) 9450 8600 Website: © State of Victoria, Department of Sustainability and Environment 2008 This publication is copyright. Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced, copied, transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical or graphic) without the prior written permission of the State of Victoria, Department of Sustainability and Environment. All requests and enquires should be directed to the Customer Service Centre, 136 186 or email Citation: O’Connor, Justin, King, Alison, Tonkin, Zeb, Morrongiello, John and Todd, Charles. (2008). Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 176. Department of Sustainability and Environment, Heidelberg, Victoria ISSN 1835-3827 (print) ISSN 1835-3835 (online) ISBN 978-1-74208-693-4 (print) ISBN 978-1-74208-694-1 (online) Disclaimer: This publication may be of assistance to you but the State of Victoria and its employees do not guarantee that the publication is without flaw of any kind or is wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence which may arise from you relying on any information in this publication. Front cover photo: (clockwise from top left), Murray cod collected below Torrumbarry Irrigation Channel outlet; Murray Valley Main Channel; tertiary channel in Murray Valley Irrigation Area; boat electrofishing Loddon River syphon oin Torrumbarry Irrigation Area; Culvert on road crossing at Boothroyds Road in Murray Valley Irrigation Area. Photos: Justin O’Connor. Authorised by: Victorian Government, Melbourne 2 Contents List of tables and figures ...................................................................................................................v Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................................... vii Summary and recommendations ......................................................................................................1 1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................3 2 2.1 Methods ....................................................................................................................................6 Study Area.................................................................................................................................6 2.2 2.1.1 Murray Valley Irrigation Area — system description ................................................ 6 2.1.2 Torrumbarry Irrigation Area — system description ...................................................9 Fish sampling ..........................................................................................................................10 2.2.1 Electrofishing...........................................................................................................10 2.2.2 Pumpouts .................................................................................................................12 2.2.3 Murray cod ageing ...................................................................................................14 2.3 Egg and larva sampling ...........................................................................................................14 2.4 Modelling the impact of larval loss on a Murray cod population ............................................. 17 2.4.1 Scenarios..................................................................................................................17 2.4.2 Model output............................................................................................................17 2.5 Water quality. ..........................................................................................................................19 3 3.1 Results ....................................................................................................................................20 Water quality — Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas......................................... 20 3.2 Adult fish surveys — Murray Valley Irrigation Area 2006......................................................20 3.3 3.2.1 General ....................................................................................................................20 3.2.2 Recaptures ...............................................................................................................20 3.2.3 Length range ............................................................................................................20 3.2.4 Fish distribution .......................................................................................................20 3.2.4 Murray cod ageing ...................................................................................................21 3.2.5 2006 Murray Valley pumpouts ................................................................................21 3.2.6 Young-of-year Murray cod. .....................................................................................25 3.2.7 2004–05 vs 2005–06 Murray Valley Irrigation Area comparison ...........................25 Adult Fish Surveys — Torrumbarry Irrigation Area 2006 .......................................................27 3.3.1 General fish sampling ..............................................................................................27 3.3.2 Recaptures ...............................................................................................................28 3.3.3 Fish distribution .......................................................................................................28 3.3.4 Length range ............................................................................................................28 3 3.4 Egg and larval sampling ......................................................................................................... 31 3.4.1 Water Quality .......................................................................................................... 31 3.4.2 Drift samples ........................................................................................................... 32 3.4.3 Comparison of Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas ........................... 33 3.5 Impact of larval loss on a Murray cod population ................................................................... 36 4 4.1 Discussion .............................................................................................................................. 40 Adult fish surveys .........................................................................................................................40 4.2 Early life stages in the channels .............................................................................................. 43 4.3 Impacts of larval loss on a Murray cod population ................................................................. 44 5 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 46 6 Recommendations ................................................................................................................ 47 References........................................................................................................................................ 48 Appendix 1......................................................................................................................................... 1 Water quality from Murray Valley Irrigation Area ............................................................................. 1 Appendix 2......................................................................................................................................... 2 Water quality from Torrumbarry Irrigation Area ................................................................................ 2 4 List of tables and figures List of tables Table 1. Type and number of structures present in the Torrumbarry and Murray Valley Irrigation Areas that could act as refuges for fish after drawdown ............................................................9 Table 2. Location of drift net sampling sites ..................................................................................... 15 Table 3. Total raw abundance data of native and introduced fish species found during surveys of the Murray Valley Irrigation Area in 2006. .............................................................................21 Table 4. Comparison of raw abundance between Murray Valley electrofishing and pumpout sampling methodologies ..........................................................................................................25 Table 5. Total raw abundance data of native and introduced fish species found during surveys of the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area in 2006. ................................................................................27 Table 6. Density of drifting eggs and larvae captured in both irrigation channel and the Murray River for both Torrumbarry and Murray Valley sites. Catches are expressed as mean catch per 1000 m3 .................................................................................................................................. 33 List of figures Figure 1. Goulburn–Murray Water Irrigation Network .......................................................................6 Figure 2. Percentage flow diversion down (a) Murray Valley Channel and (b) combined Murray Valley and Mulwala Channels between 2004 and December 2007...........................................7 Figure 3. Sampling sites located in the Murray Valley Irrigation Area ................................................ 8 Figure 4. Percentage flow diversion down Torrumbarry (National) Channel between 2004 and December 2007. ......................................................................................................................10 Figure 5. Sampling sites located in the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area ................................................. 11 Figure 6. Pumpout at Grinters Road (Site 15), where 27 young-of-year Murray cod were collected from below this structure .........................................................................................................13 Figure 7. Pumpout at Boothroyds Road (Site 22), Murray Valley Irrigation Area..............................14 Figure 8. Standard passive drift net used in the larval study .............................................................. 15 Figure 9. Drift net set from an overpass on the Murray Valley irrigation channel .............................. 16 Figure 10. An example of some trajectories produced from a stochastic population model for Murray cod. Pale blue circles indicate the minimum population size from each trajectory. ..18 Figure 11. Examples of different risk curves (cumulative distribution of minimum population sizes) under different scenarios identifying the concepts of added risk .................................... 18 Figure 12. Percentage species composition of CPUE of fish in the 2006 Murray Valley Irrigation Area fish survey ......................................................................................................................22 Figure 13. Length range of Murray cod (n = 105) and golden perch (n=7) collected from the Murray Valley Irrigation Area in 2006. ...................................................................................22 Figure 14. Length range of unspecked hardyhead collected from the Murray Valley Irrigation Area in 2006 (n = 100) .....................................................................................................................23 Figure 15. CPUE of all, native and introduced fish with distance from source waters downstream the Murray Valley Channel system .........................................................................................24 Figure 16. Timing and magnitude of diversions into the Murray Valley Irrigation Area during the 2004–05 and 2005–06 irrigation seasons ................................................................................26 5 Figure 17. Percentage species composition of CPUE of fish in the Murray Valley Irrigation Area between 2005 and 2006. ......................................................................................................... 26 Figure 18. Percentage species composition of CPUE of fish in the 2006 Torrumbarry fish survey.28 Figure 19. CPUE of all native and introduced fish with distance from source waters downstream of the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area ............................................................................................. 29 Figure 20. Lengths of Murray cod (n = 21) and golden perch (n = 6) collected from the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area in 2006. ..................................................................................... 30 Figure 21. Comparison of percentage species composition of CPUE of fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation areas in 2006. .............................................................................. 30 Figure 22. Water temperatures of channel and river habitats in Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas during larval sampling in 2006. .................................................................... 31 Figure 23. Species percentage composition of raw numbers of eggs and larvae found drifting in both irrigation channel and the Murray River at Torrumbarry and Murray Valley sites. (Note that only two instead of three drift nets were set at the Torrumbarry river site.) ...................... 32 Figure 24. Densities of total eggs captured for each sample trip at both Torrumbarry and Murray Valley for both irrigation channel (blue bars) and Murray River (pink bars) habitats in 2006. Densities are shown as means with 1 SE ................................................................................ 34 Figure 25. Densities of total larvae captured for each sample trip at both Torrumbarry and Murray Valley for both irrigation channel (blue bars) and Murray River (pink bars) habitats in 2006. Densities are shown as means with 1 SE ................................................................................ 35 Figure 26. Densities of Murray cod larvae captured for each sample trip at both Torrumbarry and Murray Valley for both irrigation channel (blue bars) and Murray River (pink bars) habitats in 2006. Densities are shown as means with 1 SE .................................................................. 35 Figure 27. Risk curves of the total adult female population for the ‘no fishing’ scenario. In this and subsequent figures, the black line represents no loss of larvae; the red line represents 50% loss, and the blue line represents 80% loss ............................................................................. 36 Figure 28. Risk curves of the adult female population aged 5–9 years old for the ‘no fishing’ scenario. ................................................................................................................................. 37 Figure 29. Risk curves of the adult female population aged 10 plus years for the ‘no fishing’ scenario. ................................................................................................................................. 37 Figure 30. Risk curves of the total adult female population for the ‘no fishing’ scenario. ................... 38 Figure 31. Risk curves of the adult female population aged 5–9 years for the ‘no fishing’ scenario.38 Figure 32. Risk curves of the adult female population aged 10 plus years for the ‘no fishing’ scenario. ................................................................................................................................. 39 Figure 33. Average population trajectory for the total adult female population under the ‘fishing’ scenario with an 80% loss of larvae. The red lines are the maximum and minimum over all trajectories, the blue lines are ± 1 standard deviation and the black is the average overall trajectories .............................................................................................................................. 45 6 Acknowledgements We would like to thank Goulburn–Murray Water staff for their help in collating information about the systems, anecdotal reports on fish in the channels and their help with field site selection, in particular Craig Sullivan, Pat Feehan, Kevin Preist, Ross Stanton, Tony Beamish, Terry Holt, Allan Williams and Steve Hall. Bruce McBeath, John Mahoney, Andrew Pickworth, Wayne Koster, Damien O’Mahoney and Peter Fairbrother from ARI helped with field work. Joanne Kearns undertook larval sorting and identification. We would also like to thank Tarmo Raadik and Mike Smith for helpful comments on the draft report. 7 viii Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas Summary and recommendations A massive amount of water is diverted each year from the natural riverine environment to artificial irrigation channels, which can exceed flows into the natural riverine environment. At times, the direction of many native fish movements is driven by flow volume. As a result, it appears that a substantial number of fish are being lost to the irrigation channel environment, from which they are unlikely to escape. Of particular concern are the Torrumbarry and Murray Valley Irrigation Areas in the Goulburn–Murray Irrigation Network. To build on information gathered in a study in 2005, and to undertake an assessment of adult entrapment in both of these irrigation systems, the first comprehensive survey of adult fish in the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area was initiated. The survey also included a repeat of the adult fish surveys in the Murray Valley Irrigation Area in 2005 and a comprehensive assessment of early life stage entrainment (including eggs and larvae) into both irrigation areas. Electrofishing surveys were conducted at 30 sites in the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area and 29 sites in the Murray Valley Irrigation Area between May and June 2006. Fortnightly sampling for drifting eggs and larvae was conducted in both Torrumbarry and Murray Valley Irrigation Areas in November and December 2006. This study highlighted the broad diversity and high abundance of native and introduced fish present in the channel systems. More than 10 000 native fish (ten species) and almost 4000 introduced fish (five species) were collected from the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigations Areas during electrofishing surveys undertaken in this study. The native fish included six threatened species: Murray cod, Murray–Darling rainbowfish, unspecked hardyhead, golden perch and silver perch. This study also highlighted the dynamic nature of species diversity and abundance in the channels which has been shown to vary between years in the Murray Valley Irrigation Area. For example, there were significantly more Murray cod and unspecked hardyhead in the Murray Valley Irrigation Area in 2006 than in 2005. The survey results indicate that Murray cod are probably entering the channels system early in their life history and golden perch enter later in their life history, and also that few Murray cod are surviving beyond the juvenile phase once they enter the channel systems. Larval fish populations were dominated by flat-headed gudgeon, although larvae and eggs from native species of conservation significance were also detected drifting in both channel systems. These include Murray cod, silver perch and golden perch. The survey results indicate that drifting eggs and larvae appear to be sourced from the river environment and not from within the channel system. The results also indicate that there is a significant loss of eggs and larvae from the riverine systems into the channels systems, and consequently there is a clear need to reduce this loss while minimising the impact on irrigation water supply. Existing diversion rates, typically around 20– 30% of total passing flow, could equate to a significant loss of larvae to the channels system. Population modelling indicates that, in conjunction with other impacts such as fishing, a loss of over 50% of Murray cod larvae to the channel systems would have a significant impact on the riverine population. This study, in conjunction with the results of the 2005 study, suggests that an abundant and diverse range of native fish are consistently being removed from the riverine environment into the channel systems. Among these are large numbers of many smaller species such as Australian smelt, gudgeons and unspecked hardyhead. However, numerous larger species such as Murray cod appear to be entering the channel systems as juvenile fish, and golden perch appears to be entering the channel systems as adults. This study indicates that native fish are being lost into channel systems in numbers large enough to suggest the need to take action to reduce their removal from the riverine environment. Potential solutions for reducing the loss of fish into irrigation systems Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research 1 Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas usually involve diverting fish away from channel inlets using physical or behavioural barriers. We suggest that management and structural options for reducing the number of fish entrained into irrigation systems needs to be urgently assessed if we are to improve the status of native fish in the Murray River. Recommendations Investigate the feasibility of screening irrigation channel inlets to reduce or, if possible, prevent the entrainment of native fish into channels in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas. Assess the potential impact of diversion on native fish in all existing irrigation areas in Victoria, and establish a prioritised list with potential management options. Ensure that any new water diversions thoroughly consider the risks to the riverine fish community. Ensure that future management strategies for the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area incorporate environmental values. In particular, consideration should be given to providing fish passage and habitat improvements in the first section of the National Channel and then into Gunbower Creek, as this would aid in rehabilitating the native fish community in the Creek and in the wetlands of Gunbower Forest. Determine the feasibility of reducing water extractions at night during the peak spawning months of November and December. Conduct annual surveys of fish in both Torrumbarry and Murray Valley Irrigation Areas after the drawdown at a few key sites, to determine whether there is any substantial inter-annual variation in catches across different diversion regimes employed in different years. (For example, during the 2006–07 season drought conditions resulted in reduced diversions into the irrigation areas.) Significant fish refuge sites identified during the winter drawdown period should be targeted for active fish removal, and the fish should then be returned to a suitable nearby river. This should be conducted systematically by trained workers so that accurate data is obtained on the specific locations directly after the drawdown, to determine exact numbers of fish trapped. Conduct further monitoring of the densities of drifting eggs and larvae, particularly given that higher numbers of entrainment may occur during flood years. Determine whether the adult golden perch entering the irrigation system are in spawning condition and how they are attracted and entrained into the diversion channels. Investigate the installation of fishways or other systems that could return fish to main river systems, such as catch-and-transport operations that could be undertaken at the beginning of the drawdown period. Train water management and operational staff on appropriate fish handling and release techniques for returning fish to source waters. 2 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas 1 Introduction The development of the Australian irrigation industry began over a century ago when unpredictable and seasonally high flows were first harnessed to secure water for farming. In the ensuing years, prompted principally by war and drought, the industry slowly developed into the massive enterprise that it is today, encompassing the most productive agricultural land in Australia (Hallows and Thompson 1995). The irrigation industry has also played a major role in the development of rural Australia into the prosperous communities that exist today. However, along with the undoubted economic and social benefits associated with the development of the irrigation industry came a cost which was largely at the expense of the natural environment. The development of the industry brought about massive alterations in the way water is moved around the countryside, with vast networks of irrigation channels, weirs, pumps and other types of infrastructure diverting large volumes of water from natural water courses onto dry farming land, all of which altered the natural riverine environment. One of the major impacts of the irrigation industry has been the alteration to streamflow. Streamflow is strongly correlated with many physiochemical components of rivers and is critical to the ecological functioning of all rivers. The ecological impacts of altering the natural flow regime are now beginning to be understood (Poff et al. 1997; Lytle and Poff 2004). Evidence that streamflow plays an important function in the life cycle of many Australian fish species is becoming increasingly apparent (Humphreys et al. 1999). Streamflow, and the seasonal fluctuations in streamflow, are continually being associated with, among other things, good water quality, fish spawning and fish dispersal. Changes in streamflow timing and magnitude is believed to have had an enormous impact on the success of fish spawning and dispersal. However, while the impact of flow alteration on fish is being increasingly investigated there has been comparatively little work on the impact of irrigation infrastructure on fish. Given that a large proportion of any passing flow is often diverted down irrigation channel systems and, given that the direction of fish movement is often dictated by flow, the potential for the diversion of fish with this flow is enormous. King and O’Connor (2007) indicated that this could be a problem and suggested it warranted further study. The potential for fish entrainment in irrigation channels is further exacerbated by the natural drifting and migratory strategies of many native fish species in the Murray–Darling system. Adult golden perch (Macquaria ambigua) are known to undertake long-distance downstream movements that have been associated with spawning (O’Connor et al. 2005), while the Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii), which is a nationally threatened species, is known to undertake long distance downstream migrations after first moving upstream to spawn (Koehn 2006). Furthermore, the eggs and larvae of golden perch, silver perch, Murray cod and trout cod are all known to drift passively downstream (Humphreys and King 2004). Because more flow is often diverted into irrigation channels than downstream into the natural riverine environment, it is possible that a large proportion of fish populations migrating downstream may be diverted into the channels system. Previous studies have identified the presence of native fish species in irrigation channels (King and O’Connor 2007). Gilligan and Schiller (2003) combined larval density with water extraction records and suggested that millions of drifting eggs and larvae per year may be removed from natural systems by all types of water extraction. Koehn and Harrington (2005) reported the capture of drifting Murray cod larvae in the Murray Valley Irrigation Channel, and suggested that there is an urgent need to quantify the number of larvae that are lost in such systems. In a literature review undertaken to investigate fish in irrigation supply offtakes, Baumgartner (2005) indicated that enough scientific evidence existed to suggest that the effects on fish communities are likely to be substantial. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research 3 Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas The fate of fish in the channels system is largely unknown, although it is thought that they die fairly soon after entering the system as a result of moving through the various regulating structures. Movement downstream through such structures can result in embolism, abrasion, eye damage and haemorrhaging (Bell and DeLacy 1972). Then, assuming fish can survive all of these potential hazards, they will then be subjected to the system drawdown at the end of the irrigation season (when no water is diverted into the irrigation system) and the associated potential to be stranded on dry ground or caught by birds (or anglers) in shallow pools. Other impacts include creating barriers to fish movement, enhancing the dispersal of exotic species, and diverting eggs and larvae through direct pumping and thereby reducing the number of successful recruits in the natural environment. The mortality rates of eggs and larvae drifting into irrigation channels is also likely to be high because of the large number of structures and the high water velocities. For example, Marttin and De Graaf (2002) investigated the effect of a sluice gate on mortality of drifting fish larvae in an irrigation system in Bangladesh and suggested that 25% of all hatchings passing the main gates of the first regulator died solely because of this passage. There have been very few studies investigating the diversity and abundance of fish in irrigation channels anywhere in the world. However, in the United States and Canada fish entrapment in irrigation channels has been recognised as a problem since early last century (Prince 1922), and there have been numerous studies on the diversion of fish away from channels (Clay 1995; Hadderingh and Bakker 1998; Odeh and Orvis 1998). Yet despite screening diversions being one of the most common fish management practises in North America, there is a general lack of understanding of their effectiveness (Moyle and Israel 2005). In one of the few studies investigating the abundance and diversity of fish species in irrigation channels, conducted in Sudan, 27 species were found in the channels, closely resembling the community in the nearby source waters (Coates 1984). Coates (1984) also reported that species diversity within irrigation systems declined with distance downstream into the irrigation system. In another study, in the Gezira irrigation system in Sudan, only 19 of the 34 species present in the source waters (a deficit of 44%) were found in the channel system (Redding and Midlen 1990). The difference between the natural system and the channel system was attributed to a lower diversity of instream and riparian habitat in the channels. In Australia there has been recent interest in the diversion of fish away from the natural riverine environment into irrigation channels. With native fish populations in many Victorian rivers under stress, and rivers in the Murray–Darling Basin now severely degraded, there is recognition of an urgent need to undertake research and instigate management measures to sustain native fish populations into the future (MDBC 2003). Yet despite the massive amounts of water diverted from our river systems into irrigation areas, there are no fish protection measures in place (Blackley 2004). However, a workshop held by the Murray–Darling Basin Commission on downstream movements of fish recognised the need to quantify the extent and significance of fish entrapment in irrigation systems and to allow effective management solutions to be devised where appropriate (Lintermans and Phillips 2004). In one of the first studies of its kind in Australia, King and O’Connor (2007) collated anecdotal information and conducted a pilot survey on the occurrence of fish in the Goulburn–Murray irrigation network. They highlighted that the loss of native fish from our severely degraded riverine environment into irrigation channels is likely to be a substantial problem, particularly for species such as golden perch and Murray cod that are known to migrate downstream during their life cycles. However, further information is required to quantify the stages in their life history at which fish are entering the channels systems, the significance of the losses into the irrigation systems relative to natural populations, and the impacts on native fish. 4 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas Once fish have entered irrigation systems in Victoria they are effectively lost from the main river population, although their eventual fate is unknown. The consistent loss of a high number of individuals is likely to strongly influence the long-term viability of riverine populations. Although there are many extensive irrigation networks throughout Victoria, the project reported here focused on the Goulburn–Murray Irrigation network in northern Victoria, and in particular the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas, as these are two of the most important and largest irrigation systems in Victoria and their source waters are part of the Murray–Darling river system. The aim of this project was to provide further information about the losses of fish into the Torrumbarry and Murray Valley Irrigation Areas, by: repeating the 2005 fish surveys of the Murray Valley Irrigation Area to gain valuable temporal data on the fish species in this system, undertaking the first comprehensive fish survey of the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area to establish the abundance and species diversity of adult and juvenile fish entrained within this system, and investigating the entrainment of eggs and larvae into both Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas and compare the densities with those in the nearby main river channel. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research 5 Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas 2 Methods 2.1 Study Area The Goulburn–Murray Irrigation network covers 68 000 km2 between the Great Divide and the Murray River, extending westward to the Loddon River and Swan Hill (Figure 1). The network manager, Goulburn–Murray Water (GMW), maintains over 7000 km of channels and on average delivers 2.1 million megalitres of water per year to over 24 750 serviced properties. The GMW network controls 70% of Victoria’s stored water and is split into six management areas: Shepparton, Goulburn, Rochester–Campaspe, Pyramid–Boort, Murray Valley and Torrumbarry. Following preliminary surveys of the Murray Valley Irrigation Area in 2005, follow-up surveys of this system and a preliminary survey of the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area were undertaken in 2006. These systems were chosen for investigations because of the size of their channel networks and associated volume of diverted water, the location of their source waters, and anecdotal evidence of fish presence. 2.1.1 Murray Valley Irrigation Area — system description Water impounded by the Murray Valley Weir forms Lake Mulwala (capacity 117 000 ML) on the Murray River at Murray Valley. Water is supplied to Lake Mulwala via the Murray River from Hume and Dartmouth reservoirs. Murray Valley Weir elevates the height of the Murray River, and allows water to be diverted by gravity into two main irrigation channels. The Mulwala channel (capacity 10 000 ML/day) is managed by Murray Irrigation Limited and diverts water to the Berriquin, Denimein, Deniboota and Wakool Irrigation Districts in southern New South Wales, which have a total serviceable area of 700 000 hectares. The Murray Valley Channel, (capacity 3100 ML/day) services the Murray Valley (Murray Valley) Irrigation Area (128 000 hectares), extending from Murray Valley to Barmah and south to the Broken and Nine Mile Creek systems in Victoria (Figure 1). Yarrawonga Weir River Torrumbarry Weir Source waters of irrigation areas investigated in this study 0 5 10 Scale Figure 1. Goulburn–Murray Water Irrigation Network. 6 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research N Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas The percentage of total flow diverted down the Murray Valley Channel varies between and among years (Figure 2a), however it is generally between 10 and 20%. In addition to the Murray Valley Channel, water is also diverted down the Mulwala Channel and when total diversions from Lake Mulwala are considered together then the percentage diversion increases substantially (Figure 2b) and is generally around 30–40 % but can be often much higher than this. During the non-irrigation period the water drains completely from most of the channels in this system, except for deeper areas surrounding structures such as bridges, culverts and weirs, which may act as refuge areas for fish during this period. There are many such structures in the Murray Valley Irrigation Area, including more than 1422 culverts and 163 bridges (Table 1). In the previous study in the Murray Valley Irrigation Area, 35 sites were sampled between May and June during the 2005 drawdown; see King and O’Connor (2005) for further details. In 2006, 29 of these sites (Figure 3) were resampled over two weeks in May and June, enabling comparisons to be made between the two years. The GMW irrigation network comprises a labyrinth of channels regulated and traversed by a series of structures such as weirs, bridges, culverts and syphons. Although depth is more or less uniform in the channels, scour pools often form downstream of regulating structures and can be much deeper than the channels themselves. 04/05 04/05 05/06 a) 80 06/07 07/08 60 % Diversion 40 20 0 100 04/05 b) 05/06 80 06/07 07/08 60 40 20 0 Month Figure 2. Percentage flow diversion down (a) Murray Valley Channel and (b) combined Murray Valley and Mulwala Channels between 2004 and December 2007. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research 7 Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas Figure 3. Sampling sites located in the Murray Valley Irrigation Area. After the drawdown the channels contain little or no water, but large deep pools can remain around structures, and fish that remain in the system are likely to congregate in these deeper refuge areas. Because of this, sampling sites were generally located around structures where scour holes had 8 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas formed. Most sites consisted of muddy, still water with a maximum depth of approximately 2 metres. A single site in the Murray Valley Irrigation Area was sampled twice in 2006 (Site 2). This site, below a weir on the Murray Valley Main Channel, was sampled on 16 May immediately following the drawdown, and again on 7 June when water levels had dropped substantially. The follow-up sampling was undertaken to investigate the fate of a large number of young-of-year Murray cod (0+ year old fish) that had been collected on the first sampling occasion. Table 1. Type and number of structures present in the Torrumbarry and Murray Valley Irrigation Areas that could act as refuges for fish after drawdown. Irrigation Area Structure Type Bridge Torrumbarry 541 Culvert 163 1417 Farm irrigation crossing Murray Valley 1422 39 10 Offtake (regulator) 137 244 Regulator 591 542 Regulator combine (regulator and culvert) 318 388 Subway (pipe under channel) 312 223 68 49 2 9 Syphon Weir 2.1.2 Torrumbarry Irrigation Area — system description Torrumbarry Weir, on the Murray River downstream of Echuca, has a capacity of 35 000 ML and diverts water to the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area via the National Channel. The Torrumbarry Irrigation Area delivers around 500 000 ML of water each year to about 120 000 hectares of irrigated land around Cohuna, Kerang, Swan Hill and other areas. The National Channel system has a total capacity of 3600 ML/day that is diverted into three main systems after exiting Torrumbarry Weir. A further 800 ML is taken by private diversions downstream of Torrumbarry Weir. The percentage of total flow diverted down the Torrumbarry (National) Channel varies within and between years, but it is generally between 25 and 30% (Figure 4). Much of the National Channel immediately downstream of Torrumbarry Weir offtake includes old watercourses such as backwaters and lagoons (including Gunbower Creek), which hold water during the non-irrigation season and might therefore be fish refuge areas. The Torrumbarry Irrigation Area also has many natural waterbodies such as wetlands and lakes with significant environmental and cultural values, unlike the Murray Valley Irrigation Area which is fed entirely by artificial channels. The Torrumbarry system, like other systems, also has many potential refuge areas around structures such as culverts (Table 1). The Torrumbarry system can also be used to deliver water into the Murray River downstream of Swan Hill, so that unlike the Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research 9 Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas Murray Valley Irrigation Area it can return water to the Murray River, along with any fish that survive the many structures and benign habitat conditions along the way. Until this study, no targeted fish surveys had been conducted in the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area. To allow comparisons, a similar number of sites to that sampled at Murray Valley Irrigation Area were also sampled in the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area using the same techniques. Thirty sites were selected in early May 2006 and included some of the deeper natural waterbodies in the system that were thought to be refuge areas for fish (Figure 5). Sampling was conducted over three weeks between May and June 2006. 04/05 % Diversion 05/06 80 06/07 07/08 60 40 20 0 Figure 4. Percentage flow diversion down Torrumbarry (National) Channel between 2004 and December 2007. 2.2 Fish sampling 2.2.1 Electrofishing All sites were sampled by electrofishing, in which fish are stunned by a controlled electric current. Larger and deeper sites were sampled using a boat-mounted electrofishing unit (Smith-Root model 2.5 GPP) and smaller channels (secondary and tertiary) were collected using a bankmounted electrofishing unit (Smith-Root model 7.5 GPP). Operating voltages, frequencies and electrical currents varied between sites, depending upon water electrical conductivity and water temperature, but were generally 1000 volts, 120 hertz and 0.5–3.0 amps. 10 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas N Figure 5. Sampling sites located in the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research 11 Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas At each site the area to be sampled (usually located around a structure such as a bridge, culvert or weir as this is where sufficient depth of water remained after the drawdown for fish to congregate) was sampled using a single electrofishing pass. When bank-mounted electrofishing was used, two nets (90 mm mesh) were set at the upstream and downstream end of the structure (i.e. culverts) prior to fishing, acting as block nets. Fishing was then conducted from the downstream end in an upstream direction. When the operator reached the upstream culvert the anode was extended into the culvert to stun or scatter any fish in the middle of the culvert. Similarly, when sampling the larger and deeper sites with the electrofishing boat, 90 mm mesh nets were set at each end of the section (and also in the middle of the longer sections) to capture fish that may have been scattered by the boat electrofisher. After capture all fish were identified, counted, measured, examined for external tags and released back into their capture location. If a large number of a species were collected, a subsample of 20 fish of that species was processed. Counts were also made of fish observed and positively identified but not captured. The length to caudal fork (LCF) or the total length (TL) was measured to the nearest millimetre. Because GMW staff thought that most of the refuge areas around structures would hold water over the drawdown period, native fish over 300 mm in length collected from these habitats were dart-tagged between the second and third dorsal spines and released back into their capture location. Tagging of native fish had previously been undertaken in similar surveys completed in the Murray Valley Irrigation Area in 2005 and was intended to provided useful information on the movement and fate of these fish if recaptured at a later date. Electrofishing data analysis Sampling effort was standardised to CPUE (Catch Per Unit Effort) and was calculated as fish collected per minute of electrofishing time, including fish collected by both electrofishing and netting. Fish abundance data collected using boat-mounted electrofishing was separated from data collected using bank-mounted electrofishing, as it was not possible to standardise the data collected using these two quite different sampling methods. All standardised data was log(x + 1) transformed. 2.2.2 Pumpouts In addition to the targeted electrofishing surveys, fish data was also collected from three pumpouts undertaken in the Murray Valley Irrigation Area using a 75 mm diameter pump. Three sites in the Murray Valley Irrigation Area that had previously been sampled using our standard protocol in both 2005 and 2006 were pumped out so that water in the scour pools was removed. A 75 mm diameter pump powered by a diesel motor was used to remove most of the water (Figure 6), and sand-bagging was used at some sites to stop water draining back into the area that was being pumped out (Figure 7). The pump inlet had a filter attached to reduce the potential for removing small fish. When no more water could be removed using the pump, larger fish were collected by dip-netting, and a backpack electrofishing unit was used to stun smaller fish that were difficult to net in the dirty water. Since all larger fish (> 100 mm TL) were certainly emoved using this technique, a reasonably accurate estimate of larger fish diversity and abundance coulkd be obtained from the refuge area. However, some smaller fish such as carp gudgeons (Hypseleotris spp.) and Australian smelt (Retropinna semoni) would not have been completely removed. After being examined and measured, native fish were kept in aerated plastic containers, and were not released back into the refuge area until the pumpout was completed and water had been pumped back into the area. 12 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas Figure 6. Pumpout at Grinters Road (Site 15), where 27 young-of-year Murray cod were collected from below this structure. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research 13 Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas 2.2.3 Murray cod ageing Eight small Murray cod were collected from the Murray Valley Irrigation Area and aged using otoliths. Sagittal otoliths were removed with the aid of a stereo microscope and mounted in thermoplastic cement. Transverse sections of the otoliths were then made by polishing to the level of the primordium using 6 m lapping film and 0.5 m aluminium oxide slurry. Sections were viewed firstly using a stereo microscope (10–100magnification) to identify any annual increments. If there were no annual increments, otolith microstructure was examined under a compound microscope (100–1000magnification) to identify daily increments. A photograph of each otolith was taken under reflected light (stereo) and transmitted light (compound) for image analysis using ImagePro Express (version, Media Cybernetics). Figure 7. Pumpout at Boothroyds Road (Site 22), Murray Valley Irrigation Area. 2.3 Egg and larva sampling Fortnightly sampling for drifting eggs and larvae was conducted in both Torrumbarry and Murray Valley Irrigation Areas in 2006. Sampling was targeted at key species known to have drifting early life stages, including Murray cod, trout cod (Maccullochelal macquariensis), silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus) and golden perch. The sampling was timed to coincide with the known peak spawning months of November and December. Sampling for drifting fish eggs and larvae was undertaken using standard passive drift nets (Figure 8) at a pair of sites in each system — one in the channel and the other in the river system upstream of the channel offtake (Table 2). This allowed the number of eggs and larvae being diverted down 14 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas the channel system to be measured and compared to the number of eggs and larvae in the natural riverine environment. Because the larval drift nets require reasonable flow to function correctly, they were usually placed some distance upstream of the channel offtakes where the water velocity had not decreased as a result of the impoundment downstream. Larvae were sampled at night on four separate occasions, commencing on 30 October and then at fortnightly intervals until 13 December. Larval nets were 1.5 m long, 500 m mesh passive drift nets with a 0.5 m diameter mouth opening tapering to a removable collection jar. A General Oceanics flow meter was fixed in the mouth of each drift net to determine the volume of water filtered, thus enabling raw catch data to be standardised among all nets to the number of eggs per 1000 m3 of water filtered. At all sites other than the riverine site at Torrumbarry, three nets were deployed across the channel: left-hand bank (LHB), middle (MID) and right-hand bank (RHB). Figure 8. Standard passive drift net used in the larval study. Table 2. Location of drift net sampling sites. Irrigation System Site Latitude & Longitude 36°01.400 S 145°58.670 E Distance from channel offtake Murray Valley Channel Channel at Reillys Rd Murray River upstream of Lake Mulwala Murray River at Brimin Rd 36°01.274 S 146°15.729 E 14.5 km upstream Torrumbarry Irrigation Area National Channel 35°59.570 S 144°30.270 E 850 m downstream Murray River upstream of Torrumbarry Weir Murray River at Farley Bend 36°02.147 S 144°36.976 E 19 km upstream Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research 3.15 km downstream 15 Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas Because of desnagging and large numbers of water craft in the area, only the LHB and RHB nets were deployed at the Torrumbarry riverine site. All nets were attached to a structure such as a bridge or snag (Figure 9), set on dusk and retrieved as early as possible the following morning, generally before 11 am. Channel and riverine sites associated with the same irrigation system were sampled on the same night. Because of the similar appearance of eggs of species such as golden perch and silver perch, samples were sorted and any eggs were removed alive and returned to the laboratory to hatch and identify. The rest of the sample was preserved in 95% ethanol in the field and taken to the laboratory for further processing. In the laboratory, fish larvae were removed from the samples under a dissecting microscope and identified using keys (Serafini and Humphries 2004) and by comparison to the ARI larval fish reference collection. Data for eggs and larval catches were adjusted to a standard volume of water filtered (number of eggs or larvae per 1000 m3), and the data was then pooled across net position (LHB, MID and RHB) and averaged. Differences between channel and riverine sites, and between regions, were analysed using Mann– Whiney tests of log(x + 1) transformed total raw and standardised numbers of eggs and larvae of all species to identify pair-wise differences. Figure 9. Drift net set from an overpass on the Murray Valley irrigation channel. 16 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas 2.4 Modelling the impact of larval loss on a Murray cod population The impact of larval Murray cod loss into the irrigation channels was determined using a matrix population model. The model structure used to capture the life cycle of Murray cod has four stages and eleven ages: eggs; larvae; juveniles (0, 1, 2, 3, 4 year olds); and adults (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10+ year olds). Fish older than ten years are not identified by age, but are aggregated into the final age class. Sexual maturity in the model occurs at five years of age, in accordance with Rowland (1998a), and egg production increases with age (Rowland 1998b; Todd et al. 2004, 2005). Variation in the survival and reproduction of individuals was modelled by demographic stochasticity (Akçakaya 1991). Demographic stochasticity was incorporated using a binomial distribution to model the number of individuals surviving between consecutive time steps, and a Poisson distribution to model recruitment to one-year-olds. Environmental stochasticity was incorporated by randomly varying the survival and fecundity rates each year. Survival rates were drawn from normal distributions transformed to the unit interval (Todd and Ng 2001) with specified means and standard deviations. Age-specific fecundities were drawn from log-normal distributions with specified means and standard deviations. Todd and Ng (2001) provide a methodology for specifying correlations among survival rates. Although no information exists to quantify these correlations it is reasonable, given the aquatic habitat of fish, to assume that the correlations are likely to be positive and close to unity. Survival rates were assumed to be perfectly correlated to each other and independent of fecundity rates, fecundity rates were assumed to be perfectly correlated with each other (Todd et al 2004, 2005), and a pre-breeding census construction was used (Burgman et al. 1993; Caswell 2001). The impact of disruption to the life cycle of Murray cod can be readily examined using the model description above. It is also important to recognise that all Murray cod populations are exploited as recreational fisheries and that the population structure determines the potential size of the larval stage or ‘population’. Anything that affects population structure, such as fishing, will also affect the larval ‘population’. 2.4.1 Scenarios A Murray cod population was modelled with a maximum number of female adults of 2000. Two fishing scenarios were considered: no fishing fishing rates as measured below Murray Valley (depending on size class, up to 35% of fish are removed annually (Todd, unpublished data held at ARI)) For each scenario, three different levels of larval loss from a Murray cod population were considered: no larval loss 50% larval loss 80% larval loss. 2.4.2 Model output Running the model 1000 times produces 1000 different trajectories. Collecting the minimum population size from each trajectory is a typical method used to express risk (Todd et al., 2004, 2005) (Figure 10). A cumulative distribution of minimum population sizes, produced by normalising the frequency of minimum population sizes, is known as the risk curve (Figure 11). Risk curves can be easily analysed to rank different management actions as well as examining management actions for their efficacy (Figure 11; added risk and reduced risk). Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research 17 Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas Probability of population below TPS (risk of quasl extinction) Figure 10. An example of some trajectories produced from a stochastic population model for Murray cod. Pale blue circles indicate the minimum population size from each trajectory. 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Threshold population size Figure 11. Examples of different risk curves (cumulative distribution of minimum population sizes) under different scenarios identifying the concepts of added risk. 18 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas 2.5 Water quality Water temperature (°C), electrical conductivity (µS/cm), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), turbidity (NTU) and pH were measured in situ using a TPS FL90 water quality meter at most sites during each sampling event, in both adult and larval surveys. These parameters were measured to ensure that water quality was within tolerable ranges for fish. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research 19 Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas 3 Results 3.1 Water quality — Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas Water quality was generally within the normal range expected in north-eastern Victoria except at one site, at Boothroyds Road in the Murray Valley Irrigation Area, where water electrical conductivity was 1890 µS/cm. Turbidity at this site was low (5.9 NTU) and the water was flowing — conditions that were unlike any of the other sites in the Murray Valley Irrigation Area on the survey week of 7 June (i.e. usually dirty and still water). The ranges of other water quality parameters overall were: dissolved oxygen 49.5–180% electrical conductivity 45–201 µS/cm (excluding Boothroyds Rd site) pH 7.18–9.11 turbidity 4.3–415 NTU. For more detailed water quality information for the Murray Valley Irrigation Area, see Appendix 1. Water quality in the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area during 2006 was also generally within the range expected in north-eastern Victoria, including dissolved oxygen (range 115– 169%), electrical conductivity (59.5–2366 µS/cm), pH (7.4–8.38) and turbidity (17.2–399 NTU). For more detailed water quality information for the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area, see Appendix 2. 3.2 Adult fish surveys — Murray Valley Irrigation Area 2006 3.2.1 General A total of 5694 native and introduced fish were collected from the 29 sites surveyed in the Murray Valley Irrigation Area. Of these, 4149 were native fish representing nine species and 1546 introduced fish representing five species (Table 3). CPUE indicated that the most abundant native fish species, and the most abundant fish species overall, was the unspecked hardyhead Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum fulvus. The least abundant fish species included six species that each contributed less than 1% of the total abundance of fish (Figure 12). Threatened native fish species collected included Murray cod, unspecked hardyhead, golden perch and silver perch Bidyanus bidyanus. 3.2.2 Recaptures One Murray cod that was captured had been collected and tagged in the previous year. The fish was collected on both occasions at Boothroyds Road, which suggests that it was resident in that location. This fish had grown in length from 344 mm to 484 mm, and in weight from 0.5 kg to 1.6 kg, since it was tagged. 3.2.3 Length range The length range of two of the larger native species present in the Murray Valley Irrigation Area, Murray cod and golden perch, indicated that the Murray cod were mainly juveniles but the golden perch were all adults (Figure 13). In contrast, the length range of the unspecked hardyhead appeared to be more evenly spread with the most common length class between 20–30 mm (Figure 14). There was insufficient length data of other threatened species to make further comparisons. 3.2.4 Fish distribution CPUE data indicated that the abundance of native fish appeared to decline with increasing distance downstream of a site from its source waters at Lake Mulwala (Figure 15). However, regression analysis indicated this relationship was not significant (p > 0.05). And although there was a peak in numbers around 20 kilometres downstream, it appears that this was a result of a large number of unspecked hardyhead being collected. 20 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas Table 3. Total raw abundance data of native and introduced fish species found during surveys of the Murray Valley Irrigation Area in 2006. Scientific name Common name Cons. status1 Natl Gadopsis marmoratus river blackfish Maccullochella peelii peelii Murray cod Retropinna semoni n Mean length (mm) (range) Vict. median 11 121 (74–193) 119 129 138 (76–668) 127 Australian smelt 1426 45 (25–57) 46 Hypseleotris spp. carp gudgeons 186 35 (21–70) 32 Philypnodon grandiceps flat-headed gudgeon 59 47 (30–74) 44 Macquaria ambigua golden perch V 15 444 (400–525) 430 Craterocephalus unspecked hardyhead DD 2322 27 (18–48) 24 Bidyanus bidyanus silver perch CE 1 Gambusia holbrookii* gambusia 179 27 (18–48) 26 Cyprinus carpio* carp 467 413 (145–600) 483 Perca fluviatilis* redfin perch 49 254 (136–332) 284 Misgurnus anguillicaudatus* oriental weatherloach Carasius auratus* goldfish V E stercusmuscarum fulvus Total 1 849 394 n/a 106 (55–165) 114 5694 Conservation status: National — under Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999; Victorian — under Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 and DSE (2005). CE = critically endangered, DD = data deficient, E = endangered, V= vulnerable. * introduced species 3.2.4 Murray cod ageing The sample of eight small Murray cod (97–172 mm total length) from the Murray Valley Irrigation Area aged using otoliths, were found to be 0+ year old fish, indicating they were all recruited from the most recent spawning season in spring 2005. 3.2.5 2006 Murray Valley pumpouts A total of 2359 fish encompassing six native and four introduced species were collected from the three pumpout sites (Table 4). The most abundant native fish species and the most abundant fish species overall was Australian smelt, while the least abundant fish species were the introduced gambusia and redfin. The difference in fish diversity between pumpout samples and electrofishing surveys varied between sites and species (Table 4). At Lorenzos Road all species collected during the electrofishing were also collected during the pumpout. At Grinters Road, all species collected during the electrofishing surveys were also collected during the pumpout, except that a small number of gambusias were collected only during the pumpout. Furthermore, at Grinters Road there was also a decrease in carp and goldfish abundances between the electrofishing surveys and the pumpout. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research 21 Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas Percentage species composition 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Figure 12. Percentage species composition of CPUE of fish in the 2006 Murray Valley Irrigation Area fish survey. 100 Percentage of Individuals 90 Murray cod golden perch 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 650-699 600-649 550-599 500-549 450-499 400-449 350-399 300-349 250-299 200-249 150-199 100-149 0-49 50-99 0 Length range (mm) Figure 13. Length range of Murray cod (n = 105) and golden perch (n=7) collected from the Murray Valley Irrigation Area in 2006. 22 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas 80 Percentage of Individuals 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 60-70 50-60 40-50 30-40 20-30 10-20 0 Length range (mm) Figure 14. Length range of unspecked hardyhead collected from the Murray Valley Irrigation Area in 2006 (n = 100). The greatest discrepancies between the diversity of fish collected in the electrofishing surveys and the pumpout was at the Boothroyds Road site, where redfin, flat-headed gudgeon and silver perch were all collected during electrofishing but not during the pumpout. However, given the small numbers of these species collected during the electrofishing surveys, their absence in the pumpouts was not surprising. Additionally, at the Boothroyd Road site, electrofishing failed to collect any golden perch, but 10 were collected in the pumpout. The length of Murray cod collected from the Grinters Road pumpout (mean 121 mm, median 124 mm, range 79–183 mm) was similar to the overall electrofishing data, but Murray cod from the Boothroyds Road pumpout (mean 548 mm, median 503 mm, range 436–750 mm) were longer than those captured by electrofishing. Like those at the electrofishing sites, the lengths of golden perch collected in the pumpouts indicated they were large adult fish (mean 465 mm, median 442 mm, range 403–566 mm). Insufficient length data were available on other threatened species to allow a comparison. When the raw abundance electrofishing data was compared with the raw abundance pumpout data, electrofishing collected between about 1% and 10% of what was actually present in the sites (as assessed from pumpouts). However, there were a few discrepancies to this rule. For example, at Lorenzos Road electrofishing collected 43 gambusia but the pumpout collected only 10, and at Grinters Road 62 carp and 30 goldfish were collected by electrofishing but only one of each species was collected during the pumpout. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research 23 Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas 160 All fish 120 80 40 0 160 Abundance Introduced fish 120 80 40 0 160 Native fish 120 80 40 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Distance downstream from source (km) Figure 15. CPUE of all, native and introduced fish with distance from source waters downstream of the Murray Valley Channel system. 24 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas Table 4. Comparison of raw abundance between Murray Valley electrofishing and pumpout sampling methodologies. Species Murray cod Boothroyds Rd Grinters Rd E’fishing E’fishing Pumpout Lorenzos Rd Pumpout E’fishing Pumpout 3 5 8 27 0 0 31 69 29 358 65 560 Silver perch 1 0 0 0 0 0 Carp gudgeons 6 56 6 347 34 96 Flat-headed gudgeon 1 0 3 40 0 0 Golden perch 0 10 0 0 3 10 Unspecked hardyhead 0 0 3 68 0 0 Gambusia* 0 0 0 4 43 10 16 190 62 1 79 308 2 0 0 4 18 50 71 30 1 74 110 110 401 141 846 302 1112 Australian smelt Carp* Redfin perch* Goldfish* Total * introduced species 3.2.6 Young-of-year Murray cod Site 2 on the Murray Valley Irrigation Area was sampled using bank-mounted electrofishing on 16 May 2006, immediately after the drawdown had begun, and a total of 39 juvenile Murray cod were collected (mean length = 147 mm; range 91–182 mm). This site was resampled again on 7 June when the water level had decreased substantially, and no juvenile Murray cod were collected. 3.2.7 2004–05 vs 2005–06 Murray Valley Irrigation Area comparison The timing and magnitude of diversions into the Murray Valley Irrigation Area varied between the 2004–05 and 2005–06 irrigation seasons (Figure 16). For many months in both seasons the timing and magnitude of releases were similar, but compared to the 2005–06 season smaller volumes of water were diverted in 2004–05, particularly between December and February. A comparison of CPUE data from this survey with an identical survey of the Murray Valley Irrigation Area undertaken in May and June 2005 (King and O’Connor 2006) indicates that there were some changes in the fish community (Figure 17). In 2006 unspecked hardyhead comprised 41% of the total catch, but none were captured in 2005. In contrast there were large reductions in the percentage of Australian smelt sampled in 2006 (25%) compared to 2005 (45%), and in the percentage of carp gudgeon, which decreased from 23% of the total catch in 2005 to 3% of the total catch in 2006. Oriental weatherloach were collected from a single site in 2005, and were also collected only from the same site in 2006. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research 25 Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas 2004-05 2005-06 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 May April March February January December November October 0 September 500 August Diversion (ML/day) 3500 Month Figure 16. Timing and magnitude of diversions into the Murray Valley Irrigation Area during the 2004–05 and 2005–06 irrigation seasons. Percentage species composition 60 50 2005 2006 40 30 20 10 0 Figure 17. Percentage species composition of CPUE of fish in the Murray Valley Irrigation Area between 2005 and 2006. 26 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas There were approximately 16 native fish/site and 11 introduced fish/site sampled in both years of this study, indicating that there was no substantial change in the total CPUE between years. However, an analysis of the CPUE abundance of individual species collected by boat-mounted electrofishing indicated that there were significantly more Murray cod, Australian smelt and unspecked hardyhead collected in 2006 than in 2005 (paired t test, p < 0.05). The data from bankmounted electrofishing also indicated that there were significantly more Australian smelt collected in 2006 (paired t test, p < 0.05). 3.3 Adult Fish Surveys — Torrumbarry Irrigation Area 2006 3.3.1 General fish sampling A total of 8418 native and introduced fish were collected in the 2006 study from 30 sampling sites. This included 6011 native fish from nine species and 2401 introduced fish from three species (Table 5). CPUE data indicated that the fish community was dominated by the native Australian smelt and the introduced goldfish (Figure 18). The least abundant fish species collected include the four native species silver perch, Murray cod, river blackfish and bony bream each of which made up less than 1% of total fish abundance (Figure 18). Threatened native fish species collected included Murray cod, Murray-Darling rainbowfish Melanotaenia fluviatilis, unspecked hardyhead, golden perch and silver perch. Table 5. Total raw abundance data of native and introduced fish species found during surveys of the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area in 2006. Scientific name Common name Cons. status1 Natl n Mean length (mm) (range) Vict. Melanotaenia fluviatilis Murray-Darling rainbowfish Maccullochella peelii peelii Murray cod Retropinna semoni Australian smelt Hypseleotris spp. carp gudgeon Philypnodon grandiceps flat headed gudgeon Macquaria ambigua golden perch V Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum fulvus unspecked hardyhead DD 483 Bidyanus bidyanus silver perch CE 1 Nematalosa erebi bony bream Cyprinus carpio* DD V E median 518 121 (74–193) 45 23 255 (100–540) 148 4747 48 (37–68) 45 86 35 (31–39) 33 142 48 (31–82) 47 382 (68–590) 371 33 (25–51) 31 6 218 11 161 (68–205) 190 carp 300 394 (61–612) 432 Perca fluviatilis* redfin perch 173 322 (217–405) 348 Carasius auratus* goldfish 1928 177 (66–252) 187 Total 8418 Conservation status: National — under Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999; Victorian — under Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 and DSE (2005). CE = critically endangered, DD = data deficient, E = endangered, V= vulnerable. * introduced species Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research 27 Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas Percentage species composition 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Figure 18. Percentage species composition of CPUE of fish in the 2006 Torrumbarry fish survey. 3.3.2 Recaptures Only one previously tagged Murray cod was collected, from below a weir just downstream of the Kangaroo Lake outlet. It had a length of 437 mm and a weight of 392 g. The fish had been released by Fisheries Victoria 16 months earlier into Kangaroo Lake and weighed 218 g when released. 3.3.3 Fish distribution The CPUE abundance of native fish varied with distance from the Murray River source waters (Figure 19). For example, a CPUE of over 120 native fish were collected at one site 120 km from the Murray River source waters. This is likely to be due to the numerous lakes in the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area, which would act as source waters for fish for the channels system. 3.3.4 Length range As in the Murray Valley Irrigation Area, the Murray cod collected from the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area were generally small juvenile fish while golden perch were generally large adult fish (Figure 20). Although the Murray cod from Torrumbarry Irrigation Area were generally small, they were significantly larger than those collected from the Murray Valley IA (paired t test, p < 0.05). 2006 Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Area comparisons Diversity Eight species of native fish were collected from 29 sites in the Murray Valley Irrigation Area in 2006, while nine species of native fish were collected from 30 sites in the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area. However, there were considerable differences in the species composition and abundance between the two areas (Figure 21). 28 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas 160 Total fish 120 80 40 0 160 Abundance Introduced fish 120 80 40 0 160 Native fish 120 80 40 0 140 130 120 110 90 100 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Distance downstream from source (km) Figure 19. CPUE of all native and introduced fish with distance from source waters downstream of the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area. River blackfish Gadopsis marmoratus, a native species, was collected from the Murray Valley Irrigation Area but not from the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area, and Murray–Darling rainbowfish and bony bream Nematalosa erebi were collected from the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area but not from the Murray Valley Irrigation Area. Five species of introduced fish were collected from the Murray Valley Irrigation Area in 2006, but only three of these were collected from Torrumbarry Irrigation Area (Figure 21). The ‘missing’ species were gambusia and oriental weatherloach. Abundance CPUE data indicated that, in general, slightly more native and introduced fish were collected from Torrumbarry Irrigation Area compared to the Murray Valley Irrigation Area in 2006. There were also some significant differences in the abundance of individual species collected with the boatmounted electrofisher, including significantly more Murray cod and unspecked hardyhead from the Murray Valley Irrigation Area (ANOVA, p < 0.05) and carp from the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area (ANOVA, p < 0.05). Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research 29 Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas Percentage of individuals 100 90 Murray cod golden perch 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 600-649 550-599 500-549 450-499 400-449 350-399 300-349 250-299 200-249 150-199 100-149 50-99 0-49 Length (mm) Figure 20. Lengths of Murray cod (n = 21) and golden perch (n = 6) collected from the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area in 2006. Percentage species composition 60 50 Yarrawonga Irrigation Area Torrumbarry Irrigation Area 40 30 20 10 0 Figure 21. Comparison of percentage species composition of CPUE of fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation areas in 2006. 30 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas Significantly more gambusia were collected from the Murray Valley Irrigation Area using bankmounted electrofishing (ANOVA, p < 0.05) but, in contrast to the boat electrofishing data, this data indicated that there were more carp in the Murray Valley Irrigation Area (ANOVA, p < 0.05). The abundance data collected using the bank-mounted electrofisher also indicated that there were significantly more redfin collected from the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area, and significantly more Hypseleotris species collected from the Murray Valley Irrigation Area. 3.4 Egg and larval sampling 3.4.1 Water Quality Water temperatures measured during the larval surveys were similar in the Torrumbarry and Murray Valley Irrigation Areas, as well as in corresponding river and channel habitats in each of these systems (Figure 22). Figure 22. Water temperatures of channel and river habitats in Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas during larval sampling in 2006. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research 31 Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas 3.4.2 Drift samples A total of 1323 larvae and 116 eggs from 11 species (including seven native species) were captured in the larval study, of which 1197 larvae and 72 eggs from nine species (seven native) were captured drifting in the channel systems. Raw abundances of eggs and larvae collected in irrigation channels were dominated by flat-headed gudgeons, which represented 27% and 91% of the total larvae collected from the Torrumbarry and Murray Valley Irrigation Areas respectively (Figure 23). The river samples from the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area were dominated by golden perch (39%) and Murray cod (26%), while carp made up only 3% of the sample. In the Murray Valley Irrigation Area the river sample was predominantly Murray cod (20%) and silver perch (16%), with less than 1% of an unidentified Galaxias species collected. Larvae and eggs of threatened native species (EPBC 1999, DSE 2005) were also detected drifting in both channel systems. These include Murray cod, which was detected in both channel systems, and silver perch, which was found only in the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area. In the Murray Valley Irrigation Area, other threatened Victorian species including silver perch, golden perch, and river blackfish, were also collected. Torrumbary Unidentified 12% Goldfish 1% Channel Yarrawonga Carp <1% Australian smelt 1% Flat-headed gudgeon 27% Golden perch 1% Australian smelt 3% Carp gudgeons 2% River Blackfish <1% Unidentified 3% Murray cod <1% Carp 29% Murray cod 12% Silver perch 18% Carp 3% Silver perch 20% River Australian smelt 6% Flat-headed gudgeon 6% Murray cod 26% Golden perch 39% Flat-headed gudgeon 91% Unidentified 14% Redfin 6% Australian smelt 13% Carp gudgeons 4% River Blackfish 1% Flat-headed gudgeon 9% Carp 16% Galaxid spp. 1% Murray cod 20% Silver perch 16% Figure 23. Species percentage composition of raw numbers of eggs and larvae found drifting in both irrigation channel and the Murray River at Torrumbarry and Murray Valley sites. (Note that only two instead of three drift nets were set at the Torrumbarry river site.) 32 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas 3.4.3 Comparison of Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas The species diversities of drifting fish fauna in the Torrumbarry and Murray Valley Irrigation Areas were generally similar, but the abundances of particular species differed considerably (Figure 23). For example, river blackfish and goldfish larvae were collected in the Murray Valley Irrigation Area but not in the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area. Conversely, carp gudgeon and redfin perch were not collected in the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area but were collected in the Murray Valley Irrigation Area. There were also some large differences in species abundance between the two irrigation areas, particularly in the abundance of flat-headed gudgeon, golden perch and carp. A comparison between the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas found no significant difference in the densities of eggs collected (Mann–Whitney, P > 0.05; Table 6), but there were significantly higher numbers of larvae collected from the Murray Valley Irrigation Area than the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area (Mann–Whitney, P < 0.05). This was due to the large number of drifting flat-headed gudgeons in the Murray Valley Irrigation Area, as the exclusion of their numbers from the analysis resulted in a non-significant difference between the systems (Mann– Whitney, P > 0.05). Table 6. Density of drifting eggs and larvae captured in both irrigation channel and the Murray River for both Torrumbarry and Murray Valley sites. Catches are expressed as mean catch per 1000 m3. Common name Torrumbarry Native CHANNEL RIVER CHANNEL RIVER eggs — 1.89 47.87 23.18 larvae 4.02 — 40.11 1.56 Carp gudgeon larvae — — 23.28 0.41 River blackfish larvae — — 4.89 0.06 Flat-headed gudgeon larvae 32.47 27.46 1334.83 6.03 Murray cod larvae 30.40 9.35 4.20 1.58 Golden perch eggs — 99.67 22.63 — larvae — 78.10 2.77 — eggs 8.71 22.43 — 16.89 larvae — 31.39 — — larvae — — — 0.11 eggs 27.69 0.95 1.70 — larvae — — — 1.47 Goldfish larvae 1.00 — — — Redfin perch larvae — — — 0.58 Unidentified larvae 8.24 — 52.07 1.33 Total eggs 36.40 124.94 75.08 40.07 larvae 76.12 146.30 1462.15 995.56 Australian smelt Silver perch Unidentified Galaxias sp. Murray Valley Introduced Carp Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research 33 Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas No significant differences in the densities of drifting eggs (Mann–Whitney, P > 0.05; Figure 24) and larvae (Mann-Whitney, both P > 0.05; Figure 25) were found between channel and corresponding river habitats in the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area (Table 6). In the Murray Valley Irrigation Area there was no significant difference in the density of drifting eggs (Mann–Whitney, P > 0.05), but there was a significantly higher density of drifting larvae in the channel than the corresponding river site (Mann–Whitney, both P < 0.05). This was caused largely by the significantly higher densities of flat-headed gudgeon in the channel (Mann–Whitney, P < 0.001). There was no significant difference in the density of drifting Murray cod larvae between channel and river habitats for either the Murray Valley or Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas (Mann–Whitney, P > 0.05; Figure 26). Torrumbarry 700 600 500 Density (eggs 1000m-3) 400 300 200 100 0 Yarrawonga 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 30–Oct 13-Nov 27-Nov 12-Dec Figure 24. Densities of total eggs captured for each sample trip at both Torrumbarry and Murray Valley for both irrigation channel (blue bars) and Murray River (pink bars) habitats in 2006. Densities are shown as means with 1 SE. 34 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas Torrumbarry 700 600 500 400 Density (larvae 1000m-3) 300 200 100 0 Yarrawonga 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 30–Oct 13-Nov 27-Nov 12-Dec Figure 25. Densities of total larvae captured for each sample trip at both Torrumbarry and Murray Valley for both irrigation channel (blue bars) and Murray River (pink bars) habitats in 2006. Densities are shown as means with 1 SE. Torrumbarry 200 150 Density (larvae 1000m-3) 100 50 0 Yarrawonga 20 15 10 5 0 30–Oct 13-Nov 27-Nov 12-Dec Figure 26. Densities of Murray cod larvae captured for each sample trip at both Torrumbarry and Murray Valley for both irrigation channel (blue bars) and Murray River (pink bars) habitats in 2006. Densities are shown as means with 1 SE. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research 35 Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas 3.5 Impact of larval loss on a Murray cod population Under the ‘no fishing’ scenario, a 50% loss of larvae has a minor impact on the modelled Murray cod population, and although an 80% loss of larvae has a greater impact it is also considered to be minor (Figures 29–31). However, under the ‘fishing’ scenario a 50% loss of larvae has a moderate impact on the modelled Murray cod population while an 80% loss has a large impact on the modelled Murray cod population (Figures 32–34). Under the ‘fishing’ scenario the model indicates that at a larval loss rate over 50% a significant impact occurs on the Murray cod population. 1.0 Pr(x<TPS) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 500 1000 1500 Threshold population size Figure 27. Risk curves of the total adult female population for the ‘no fishing’ scenario. In this and subsequent figures, the black line represents no loss of larvae; the red line represents 50% loss, and the blue line represents 80% loss. 36 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas 1.0 Pr(x<TPS) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 500 1000 1500 Threshold population size Figure 28. Risk curves of the adult female population aged 5–9 years old for the ‘no fishing’ scenario. 1.0 Pr(x<TPS) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 500 1000 1500 Threshold population size Figure 29. Risk curves of the adult female population aged 10 plus years for the ‘no fishing’ scenario. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research 37 Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas 1.0 Pr(x<TPS) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Threshold population size Figure 30. Risk curves of the total adult female population for the ‘no fishing’ scenario. 1.0 Pr(x<TPS) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Threshold population size Figure 31. Risk curves of the adult female population aged 5–9 years for the ‘no fishing’ scenario. 38 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas 1.0 Pr(x<TPS) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Threshold population size Figure 32. Risk curves of the adult female population aged 10 plus years for the ‘no fishing’ scenario. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research 39 Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas 4 Discussion This study has demonstrated that a high diversity and a large abundance of both native and introduced fish are present in both the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry channel systems. Different fish species were found to be entrained into the channels systems at various life stages. For example, golden perch were mainly present as large adults, while Murray cod were present predominantly as juveniles. A number of native species, particularly Murray cod, golden perch and silver perch, were found to be entering the irrigation channels via the movement of drifting eggs and larvae from the source riverine environment. This study has also highlighted the dynamic nature of the fish community present in the channels, with the community shown to vary between years in the Murray Valley Irrigation Area, and to differ between the two irrigation areas. 4.1 Adult fish surveys Nine native and five introduced species were collected from the Murray Valley Irrigation Area in the 2006 electrofishing surveys, which is slightly lower than the total species diversity that would be expected to occur in the region (Koehn 2006). The few species not recorded in the Murray Valley Irrigation Area were species more commonly associated with higher altitudes, such as two native species (two-spined blackfish Gadopsis bispinosus and mountain galaxias Galaxias olidus) and two introduced species (brown trout Salmo trutta and rainbow trout Oncorrhynchus mykiss) Other species that were not recorded in the channel system, such as Murray hardyhead Craterocephalus fluviatilis, flat-headed galaxias Galaxias rostratus and southern pygmy perch Nannoperca australis are known to occur in low abundance in the Murray River, so it is not surprising that these species were not collected in the channels system. The most significant species that was not collected in the Murray Valley system was the endangered trout cod Maccullochella macquariensis. However, while its abundances are high in the Murray River below Lake Mulwala, where it has been stocked for a number of years, it has not yet established itself in large numbers upstream of the weir where the source waters for the irrigation channels are located. Thus the absence of these species from the channels system is probably a result of low abundances in the source waters, and not a result of particular physical attributes of the diversion area (such as the location of gates) or the mechanisms used to divert water into it. As work is under way to reinstate upstream fish passage at the Yarrawonga Weir and also rehabilitate trout cod populations in upstream reaches of the Murray and its tributaries, the incidence of entrainment of trout cod into the Murray Valley Irrigation Area is likely to increase. This study found nine native and three introduced species in the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area. Intensive research on fish passage at Torrumbarry weir by Mallen-Cooper (1996) recorded seven native and four introduced species, of which only five native and three introduced species were recorded in the current survey. Freshwater catfish Tandanus tandanus, short-headed lamprey Mordacia mordax and the introduced brown trout were recorded in small numbers by MallenCooper (1996), and were not recorded in the channel system in this study. Hypseleotris spp., flatheaded gudgeon, unspecked hardyhead and Murray–Darling rainbowfish were collected in the current survey but not by Mallen-Cooper (1996), who did not target smaller fish. The comparison of the fish communities in each irrigation area and in their source waters suggests that the absence in the channels of any expected species is most likely to be due to their low abundance in the source waters, and not a reflection of any particular attributes of the system’s management or infrastructure which might be deterring the entrainment of particular species. Indeed, the results from this study suggest that all life stages and species present within the source waters of any irrigation area with large, open diversion channels are at a high risk of being entrained and lost from the riverine population. 40 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas Although water for both irrigation areas investigated in this study is sourced from the Murray River, the fish community differed markedly between the two irrigation areas. Murray Valley Irrigation Area was dominated by unspecked hardyhead, Australian smelt and goldfish, whereas the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area was dominated by Australian smelt and goldfish. The introduced oriental weatherloach and gambusia were only recorded in the Murray Valley Irrigation Area, and the native Murray–Darling rainbowfish and bony bream were recorded only in the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area. Murray cod and unspecked hardyhead were also captured in greater numbers in the Murray Valley Irrigation than in the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area. Anecdotal reports also suggest that there are major differences between the fish communities in various Victorian irrigation areas, particularly where the fish communities in the source waters are markedly different (King and O’Connor 2007). Differences in the timing of irrigation releases, infrastructure or management practices, in-channel refuge habitats, and fish communities in the source waters would all contribute to differences in species composition and abundance between irrigation areas. This suggests that the impact of any new diversions or diversions in other systems may be difficult to predict without a thorough examination of the fish community present in the source waters and (if possible) in the channels. Accordingly, an assessment of the significance of other irrigation areas and any new diversions needs to be made on a case-by-case basis, and therefore unique management strategies may be required for each system. For example, the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area is unique relative to other irrigation areas, as it was constructed using a number of natural waterways and contains many large lakes, and the first section of the system is also used to transfer environmental water into the Gunbower State Forest, an iconic site on the Murray River. Given the mixed usage of this system, future management strategies for the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area should incorporate environmental values for this system. In particular, consideration should be given to providing fish passage and habitat improvements in the first section of the National Channel and then into Gunbower Creek, as this would aid in rehabilitating the native fish community in the creek and in the wetlands of Gunbower Forest. This study also highlighted that the diversity and abundance of fish present in Irrigation Areas, can differ between years. Resampling the same sites in the Murray Valley Irrigation Area one year later found a greater number of Murray cod, Australian smelt and unspecked hardyhead, while the abundance of gambusia was lower. Although surveys of the riverine fish community were not undertaken as part of this project, changes in the composition of the riverine fish community between the two years may have contributed to the differences recorded in the fish entrained in the channel system. However, fish communities in riverine habitats are generally fairly stable, and other factors such as the timing, duration and amount of water diverted into the Irrigation Area is likely to have contributed to a greater extent. Indeed, comparisons of diversions into the Murray Valley Irrigation Area in the two years indicate that there were some differences in the volume and timing of diversions that may account for some of the differences in the fish communities. Natural movements and spawning times of different species may have coincided with particular irrigation releases, resulting in greater or fewer individuals being diverted between years, which may have caused these differences in fish entrainment between years. If this is occurring then it may be possible to alter the diversion regime into the irrigation areas to minimise the impact on fish migrating or drifting downstream and reduce the number of fish ultimately lost into irrigation areas. However, at this stage we are unable to determine whether any predictable pattern does exist between irrigation regimes and the resulting fish community entrained into the irrigation areas, and therefore further annual surveys of fish remaining after the drawdown in the channels system are required to allow comparisons of different diversion regimes employed in different years. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research 41 Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas In both irrigation areas Murray cod were commonly collected as juveniles, but a greater proportion of larger juvenile–subadult Murray cod were collected in the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area. This may be caused in part by the regular stocking regime of mostly on-grown fish that occurs in the many lakes used for recreational fishing that are part of the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area (Fisheries Victoria 2004; 2005; 2006). Only one previously tagged Murray cod, which had been released into Kangaroo Lake 16 months earlier, was captured during our study. A large proportion of the Murray cod collected from the Murray Valley Irrigation Area were young-of-year fish in both the 2005 and 2006 surveys. At one site close to the Murray Valley channel inlet, 39 young-of-year Murray cod were collected almost immediately after the drawdown, but they were completely absent just a few weeks later when the site was resurveyed. This area had drained considerably since the first sampling event, and large numbers of birds were observed feeding in the remaining pool following the drawdown (authors’ observations). Furthermore, in both sampling years very few fish 1+ years old were collected, suggesting that the majority of Murray cod enter the Murray Valley Irrigation Area as larvae or juveniles, and that some survive at least until drawdown in the channels in May. However, the majority of individuals then do not survive the drawdown period. Some larger Murray cod were also collected in the channels, and one tagged individual was recaptured at exactly the same location as the previous year, indicating that some individuals can survive the benign habitat of the channels system for at least 12 months. Whatever the ultimate fate of each individual entering the Murray Valley Irrigation Area, the low likelihood of fish escaping back into the natural environment means that a large number of Murray cod are being permanently lost from the already stressed riverine populations each year. Unlike Murray cod, most of the golden perch collected in the adult fish surveys in both systems were large adults, and juvenile and subadults were not found. This was also the case in the 2005 survey in the Murray Valley Irrigation Area (King and O’Connor 2005). Previous studies have observed adult golden perch undertaking long-distance downstream movements that are thought to be associated with spawning (O’Connor et al. 2005). Hence it is possible that the fish collected from the channels entered as downstream migrating adults that were then diverted and entrained into the channel systems. Thr entrainment of migrating fish in spawning condition into artificial channel habitats would not only permanently remove these individuals from the natural environment, but also permanently remove any of their potential progeny and therefore would reduce the amount of natural recruitment occurring in the river. Further research should be conducted to determine whether the adult golden perch entering the irrigation system are in spawning condition and how they are attracted and entrained into the diversion channels. A comparison of the electrofishing and pumpout data from the three sites where both methods were used indicated that electrofishing gave a reasonably good representation of the diversity of species that were present. Where there were discrepancies, the fish species concerned occurred in small abundances. In contrast, electrofishing collected between 1% and 10% of the total number of fish removed during the pumpouts, with mostly smaller species such as carp gudgeon and Australian smelt being underestimated. Electrofishing was also relatively inefficient at collecting larger individuals at sites with deep, long culverts, as fish were able to avoid the electrical field. This demonstrates that although electrofishing is a much more suitable technique for sampling a large number and diverse range of waterbodies in the channel system, pumpouts result in a much more accurate estimate of the total number of fish at a site. Importantly, this suggests that the number of fish occurring at the sites sampled in the channel system using electrofishing techniques is being massively underestimated. Considering also that only 1% of potential refuges in both irrigation areas were sampled, and that large numbers of fish are likely to die when they enter and move through the various regulating structures and therefore not surviving long enough to be recorded in our surveys, the numbers of fish being permanently removed annually from the 42 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas Murray River via these two channels systems alone is likely to be very high, and the impact of their loss on the natural riverine populations is likely to be severe. 4.2 Early life stages in the channels Sampling was specifically targeted at determining whether the drifting early life stages were also being entrained into the irrigation areas, and whether the densities were similar to those in the nearby main river channel. Flat-headed gudgeon larvae were the most commonly collected species in the egg and larval surveys. This species is a common, highly abundant, native species in the region and is known to have a larval and/or drifting phase (Humphreys and King 2004). Eggs and larvae from native species of conservation significance were also detected drifting in both channel systems, including the nationally vulnerable Murray cod (EPBC 1999) and silver perch, golden perch and river blackfish which are recognised as threatened in Victoria (Department of Sustainability and Environment 2005). The diversity of species drifting as eggs or larvae was similar in both irrigation areas, but the diversity and abundance of species in the corresponding upstream main channel environment were remarkably different. For example, flat-headed gudgeon larvae dominated the catch in the Murray Valley channel but not at the upstream river site, and golden perch eggs and larvae were abundant in the river at Torrumbarry but were not collected in the channel. Golden perch eggs and larvae were found drifting into the Murray Valley Irrigation Area, but only adults of this species were collected using electrofishing. The absence of young-of-year and juvenile golden perch and silver perch in the electrofishing surveys of the channels may be due in part to the difficulties in sampling the early stages of both these species using this method (King et al. unpublished data held at ARI). Alternatively, the lack of juvenile fish recorded from either irrigation area may suggest that eggs and larvae entering the channels system do not survive for long periods, perhaps because of damage as a result of drifting downstream over and under structures such as weirs and syphons, bird or fish predation, or the unavailability of specific food requirements. Baumgartner et al. (2006) reported mortalities of up to 95% in golden perch larvae passing through undershot weir structures, which are found throughout the irrigation system. In the Murray Valley Irrigation Area there was no significant difference in densities of drifting eggs between the river and channel habitats, but there were significantly higher densities of larvae drifting in the channel compared with the corresponding river site. This was caused largely by the high density of flat-headed gudgeons in the channel, although the exclusion of their numbers from the analysis still resulted in a significant difference between the two habitats. Although the reasons for this are unclear, it may indicate that considerably more spawning activity of various species is occurring in Lake Mulwala or in the Ovens River than upstream in the Murray River. Increased spawning activity in Lake Mulwala would contribute more drifting larvae to the channels system and may explain the discrepancy between the two sites. There was no significant difference in the density of drifting Murray cod larvae between channel and river habitats for either the Murray Valley or Torrumbarry Irrigation areas. Furthermore, the densities of Murray cod larvae recorded entering the irrigation areas are within the normal range recorded drifting in the Barmah–Millewa region of the Murray River (King et al. 2005a, b; King et al. 2007). This suggests that a substantial proportion of the Murray cod drifting past these intakes are inadvertently drifting into the channel systems. Because the adult electrofishing surveys in the channels recorded large numbers of young-of-year Murray cod in May after the drawdown, Murray cod appear to be entering the irrigation areas mainly at the drifting larval stage or as very early juveniles. This consistent loss of potential recruits to the main riverine population is difficult to quantify, but it is likely to be having a sustained and significant impact on the riverine Murray cod population (see sections 3.5 and 4.3). For example, using the average density of drifting Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research 43 Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas Murray cod larvae in the Murray Valley Channel and assuming they are drifting only at night, and assuming a channel discharge of approximately 2000 ML/day, this would suggest that over 4000 individuals are entering the channel system each day. Since most Murray cod collected during the drawdown were juveniles, it appears that few of the Murray cod entering the system are surviving and maturing into adults. The results of this study indicate that, in addition to adult fish, there is a significant loss of eggs and larvae into the two irrigation areas, and that this is likely to be having a major impact on recruitment in the riverine environment. Consequently there is a need to reduce this loss of eggs, larvae and juveniles from the riverine system while minimising the impact on irrigation water supply. The timing of irrigation releases into channels is probably the simplest way to help reduce these losses. For example, in both the Torrumbarry and Murray Valley Irrigation Areas the highest densities of Murray cod recorded in the study occurred during November. Additionally, this species is known to exhibit a distinct diel drifting pattern, with the highest densities drifting at night (Humphries 2005; King et al. 2007). Densities of drifting silver perch eggs have also been reported to peak at night from 2100–0100 hours (Tonkin et al. 2007). Therefore, reducing water extractions at night during peak spawning months of November and December might reduce the loss of eggs and larvae fromthe riverine system. Such reductions in the volumes of water extracted during key spawning times, as well as limiting extraction to daylight hours, has been suggested by Boubée and Haro (2004) and Gilligan and Schiller (2003). The viability of this as a suitable management option is unknown but should be discussed and investigated. The application of other techniques to reduce losses of the early life stages of fish is still limited. A variety of fish screens are used in the United States and New Zealand, but although they are generally effective for larger fish they are less efficient for smaller ones, particularly larvae (Boubée and Haro 2004). Other exclusion techniques such as barrier nets, lights, sound, electric fields, louvres, spills and bypass flows can be effective for larger fish but are relatively ineffective for eggs or smaller fish. An integrated management technique that uses these methods to minimise adult and juvenile losses, in conjunction with controlled releases to minimise water extraction during peak egg and larval abundances, would be ideal. However, a thorough knowledge of the migration timing, migration pathways and diurnal cycles of the species in question is mandatory before the implementation of any management techniques (Boubée and Haro 2004). 4.3 Impacts of larval loss on a Murray cod population The results of the model indicate that population persistence is likely to be affected only if the loss of larvae to irrigation channels needs is over 80%, when considered in isolation from other impacts. However, if the impacts of fishing are included in the model then the likelihood of population persistence is affected at levels of 50% larval loss. Fishing alters the population structure by reducing the number of large fish in the system (either directly by angling or indirectly by restricting the number of fish that reach this size). The fishing rates used in the modelling were derived from an eight-year mark–recapture study undertaken below Murray Valley weir and are the best estimates of fishing rates available (Todd, unpubl. Data held at ARI). Given the high level of recreational fishing that occurs throughout the mid-Murray River, it is reasonable to expect fishing rates to be similar throughout this region. Consequently, Murray cod populations are likely to be more sensitive to larval loss where fishing occurs. For example, a loss of 80% of larvae combined with the impacts of fishing causes the modelled Murray cod population to remain in decline over the 50-year period modelled (Figure 33). Additional impacts such as barriers to fish movement and altered flow regimes would make these declines even sharper, as populations will be more sensitive to lower levels of larval loss. In other words, with each additional impact the population persistence becomes highly sensitive to the loss of larvae. Importantly, this modelled 44 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas scenario is likely to be an underestimate because the model did not take into account the loss of any other life stages as the rates of loss are much harder to predict. Diversions into both Torrumbarry and Murray Valley (including the NSW Mulwala Channel) irrigation area vary both between and among years. Typically, however, diversion rates are around 20–30% of total passing flow, but include periods where diversions may exceed 50% and occasionally approach 100%. However, the percentage of flow diverted does not necessarily reflect the proportion of eggs and larvae being diverted, which will be affected by such factors as the position of drifting eggs and larvae in the water column, mechanisms of diversion (e.g. overshot or undershot gates) and the morphology and hydrology of the river at the point of diversion. Consequently, the present flow diversion rates may result in a significant loss of larvae to the channels system, given that the Murray cod population model suggested that the likelihood of population persistence is affected at levels of 50% larval loss. While this model has been specifically designed for Murray cod, the impacts on other fish species as a result of diversion can also be ascertained from these results. For example, the impacts on trout cod, which are not as fecund as Murray cod, could be expected to be greater than those on Murray cod. On the other hand, the impacts on golden perch and silver perch, which are more fecund than Murray cod, could be expected to be less. However, since the egg and larval stages are known to drift, and there is some evidence to suggest that (at least for golden perch) adults may be entering the irrigation systems on downstream spawning migration, populations of these two species may be more vulnerable to diversions than Murray cod. Population Size 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Years Figure 33. Average population trajectory for the total adult female population under the ‘fishing’ scenario with an 80% loss of larvae. The red lines are the maximum and minimum over all trajectories, the blue lines are ± 1 standard deviation and the black is the average overall trajectories. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research 45 Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas 5 Conclusion The massive Australian irrigation industry has, over many decades, brought enormous benefits to the country, however, these benefits have not come without cost to the natural riverine environment. The development of the irrigation industry has relied upon altering the natural flow of rivers, and this has had a great impact on many of the crucial components of the life history of fish, including spawning and migration cues (Bunn and Arthington 2002). Furthermore, dams and weirs block crucial upstream migrations associated with spawning and dispersal. However, it has not been until more recently that the impact of fish entrainment into irrigation channels has been questioned by managers and scientists (Lintermans and Phillips 2004; Baumgartner 2005; King and O’Connor 2006). This study, in conjunction with the results of a similar study undertaken in 2005 (King and O’Connor 2007), suggests that an abundant and diverse range of native fish at various stages in their life history are consistently being removed from the riverine environment into both the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas. Among these are many species of conservation significance, including Murray cod, golden perch, silver perch, Murray–Darling rainbowfish and unspecked hardyhead. Some species (in particular Murray cod, trout cod, golden perch and silver perch, which have a drifting early life history stage) were shown to be vulnerable to entrainment into the irrigation channels at all stages of their life cycle. The results of resampling sites surveyed in the previous year in the Murray Valley Irrigation Area suggest that the majority of fish that are trapped in the channels system do not survive past the first winter drawdown period. While it is difficult to quantify the exact number of fish being permanently removed annually from the Murray River via these two channels systems, it is likely to be very high and the impact of their loss on the natural riverine populations is likely to be severe. Population modelling for Murray cod suggests that the persistence of the population would be severely impacted where recreational fishing occurs and larval losses to the irrigation system exceed 50%. Additionally, given the significance of the fish fauna and the scale of the remediation strategies already underway to restore native fish in the Murray River, any loss of native fish, particularly nationally threatened species such as Murray cod, is a cause for considerable concern. This study and the findings from another study conducted in NSW irrigation areas (Baumgartner et al. 2007), indicates that the removal of native fish into channel systems is occurring in abundances large enough to warrant investigating and implementing strategies to reduce their removal from the riverine environment. Potential solutions for reducing loss of fish into the channel systems usually involve diverting fish away from channel inflows using physical barriers (e.g. screens) or behavioural barriers (e.g. aeration screens), or both (Bell and DeLacy 1972; Ruggles 1980). We suggest that management and structural options for reducing the number of fish entrained into irrigation systems needs to be urgently assessed if we are to improve the status of native fish in the Murray River. 46 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas 6 Recommendations Investigate the feasibility of screening irrigation channel inlets to reduce or, if possible, prevent the entrainment of native fish into channels in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas. Assess the potential impact of diversion on native fish in all existing irrigation areas in Victoria, and establish a prioritised list of Irrigation Areas with potential management options. Ensure that any new water diversions thoroughly consider the risks to the riverine fish community. Ensure that future management strategies for the Torrumbarry Irrigation Area incorporate environmental values. In particular, consideration should be given to providing fish passage and habitat improvements in the first section of the National Channel and then into Gunbower Creek, as this would aid in rehabilitating the native fish community in the Creek and in the wetlands of Gunbower Forest. Determine the feasibility of reducing water extractions at night during the peak spawning months of November and December. Conduct annual surveys of fish in both Torrumbarry and Murray Valley Irrigation Areas after the drawdown at a few key sites, to determine whether there is any substantial inter-annual variation in catches across different diversion regimes employed in different years. (For example, during the 2006–07 season drought conditions resulted in reduced diversions into the irrigation areas.) Significant fish refuge sites identified during the winter drawdown period should be targeted for active fish removal, and the fish should then be returned to a suitable nearby river. This should be conducted systematically by trained workers so that accurate data is obtained on the specific locations directly after the drawdown, to determine exact numbers of fish trapped. Conduct further monitoring of the densities of drifting eggs and larvae, particularly given that higher numbers of entrainment may occur during flood years. Determine whether the adult golden perch entering the irrigation system are in spawning condition and how they are attracted and entrained into the diversion channels. Investigate the installation of fishways or other systems that could return fish to main river systems, such as catch-and-transport operations that could be undertaken at the beginning of the drawdown period. Train water management and operational staff on appropriate fish handling and release techniques for returning fish to source waters. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research 47 Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas References Akçakaya H.R. 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(ºC) 3 7.67 53 17 nd 14.3 4 8.15 53 7 nd 16.2 6 7.36 53.6 250 nd 12.7 7 8.04 53 63 nd 12 8 8.08 53 18 nd 15.7 11 9 52 4.3 nd 14.2 12 7.73 119 130 150 nd 13 8.18 201 19.2 100 9 14 7.76 50 115 123.7 7.1 15 7.19 118.1 415 118.1 6.5 16 8 126.3 74 55.9 8.4 17 8.22 55 42 180 6.3 18 8.42 49.8 194 123 6.8 19 7.36 45.1 334 90.6 9.3 1890 5.9 152 13.4 20 21 7.81 63.5 178.5 115.4 8.7 22 7.98 57.8 127 105.7 8.9 23 7.28 53.5 88 120.1 8.7 24 7.39 50 81 110.9 9.2 25 7.47 70.9 399 112.8 8.7 26 9.11 55 70 nd 10 27 7.31 55.8 75 149 12.3 28 7.18 54.2 56 113.6 10.8 29 7.27 120 70 49.5 6 *Note that water quality is not available for some sites nd — no data available Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas Appendix 2 Water quality from Torrumbarry Irrigation Area Site No. pH Electrical cond. (µS/cm) Turbidity (NTU) Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) Temp. (ºC) 1 8.12 81.8 20.8 121 6.8 2 7.63 173 50 160 8.1 8 8.13 59.5 66 160 8.9 9 7.51 257.1 33.9 140.9 10.5 13 7.64 2366 17.2 149 11 14 7.89 477 34 169 8.3 15 7.99 87 81 149 10.8 16 8.04 82.7 107 nd 10.5 17 7.65 290 63.3 nd 8.7 18 8.34 113 65 127 12.4 19 8.1 196.4 57 156 7.8 20 8.13 192 72.5 nd 5.8 21 7.78 84 295 144 8.1 22 8.1 322 114 119 7.5 23 8.38 204 88 126 2.7 24 8.14 108 97 130 12.6 25 8.22 115.8 91 161 8.9 26 7.88 377 51 165 6 28 7.85 104 399 130 9.2 29 7.87 137 165 122 7.8 30 7.65 89 196 115 9.7 *Note that water quality is not available for some sites nd — no data available 2 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Fish in the Murray Valley and Torrumbarry Irrigation Areas Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research 3