Math 162L Calculus I Syllabus UNM-V Campus and Los Lunas High Concurrent nrollment Fall 2007 Instructors: UNM-Valencia: Clifton Murray Los Lunas High School: Steve Hollingsworth Mr. Murray’s office & hours: Arts & Sciences 126A: Mon 11a-noon & 6-7p; W 11a-noon & 3-5p. TuTh 11-11 ½ a, 2-2 ½ p. 925-8727 Prerequisites: UNM-V Students: C or better in Trigonometry (Math 123) and in Precalculus (Math 150). L.L.H.S. A.P. Calc Students: Appropriate score on ACT or UNM-V Math Placement test. Useful Materials: Text: Mr. Murray will use Thomas’ Calculus, 11th ed. by Weir, Hass, & Giordano. Mr. Hollingsworth will use materials of his own choosing. Calculator: It is expected that the student be able to use a graphing scientific calculator, such as the TI-83 thru 89, HP49g50g, or other equivalent, in basic ways—arithmetic, scientific notation, trig/inv trig functions, exponents, logs, and graphing. ( Mr. Murray permits calculators to be used on tests as well as homework.) However, all solutions requiring calculations must show those calculations, clearly and in detail, on paper--merely writing down a result from a calculator (other than arithmetic), without giving the reasoning &/or mathematics behind it, will result in reduced or zero credit. Course Learning Objectives: By the end of the course, the student should know how to solve problems involving the following: Limits; the Derivative; the derivative considered as a rate of change; finding local extrema of functions, and optimization problems; the mean value theorem; anti-derivatives (Integrals); solving differential equations by integration; estimation with differentials; estimation with finite sums; definite integrals; finding the area between two curves Academic Dishonesty is defined in the 2006-2008 UNM-Valencia catalog, and includes copying work from other students. Any student found doing this on tests is subject to disciplinary action, ranging from “a reduced or failing grade for the work in question and/or the course to dismissal from the University Children in Class: Sorry, but children are not permitted in class. Disabilities: Should you have a documented disability requiring special accommodations, please bring me the appropriate documentation from Equal Access Services, so we can accommodate your needs. Makeup Work: Tests: There are no makeup tests, except in genuine emergencies—in such cases, expect a maximum score of 80%. (Early tests, however, might be arranged without penalty.) Homework: 1 day late: -50%. 2 days late: Zero credit. Grading: Max possible points Homework 100 4 tests 400 Drop lowest one of tests or homework: -100 Final exam (not dropped, comprehensive) 150 550 max poss course total 532 < x < 550 512 < x < 532 495 < x < 512 477 < x < 495 457 < x < 477 440 < x < 457 422 < x < 440 402 < x < 422 385 < x < 402 330 < x < 385 0 < x < 330 A+ (unless a test is missed, or homework score is less than 50%.) A (unless a test is missed, or homework score is less than 50%.) AB+ B BC+ C CD F